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Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (John 3:16)    Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,”


Verse 17 For God sent the Son into the world not to condem the world, but that the world, might be saved through Him.


Why is John 3:16 so famous?


This verse is probably famous because it is the Gospel in a nutshell."It is the heart of the christian message" (https://sermons.logos.com/submissions/120605--The-Gospel-in-a-nutshell).



What does it teach us about salvation?


The verse teaches us that salvation is for the people of the world (cosmos). Salvation is universally available for those who believe, in faith.

  1. Aiōnios, from the noun aiōn, "an extended period of time, age." Aiōnios means here, "pertaining to a period of unending duration, without end."[132]
  2. Aiōnios, from the noun aiōn, "an extended period of time, age." Aiōnios means here, "pertaining to a period of unending duration, without end."[132]

Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/transcendent)



What does it teach us about God?


John 3:16 teaches us about the attributes of God: His justice, His love, His grace- just to name a few. Its interesting to read in the notes that a more accurate translation of the verse is that God "gave" his Son rather than "sent" His Son.


What does this verse teach us about our destiny?


It teaches us that our destiny is eternal-everlasting. It also teaches us that our destiny has already begun, it is here and now because we have already entered the Kingdom of God. We have been "born anew/again" or from above" (John 3:3-5, 1 Peter 1:23).


Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous?


It's famous because in one succinct sentence the Gospel is presented, and it's easy to memorize!  Most Christians know this verse by heart. (And many unsaved football fans who see it on banners at the games!)


What does it teach us about God?


It teaches that God Is love...that He's a good God who came to save rather than to destroy. It teaches that He's a God Who desires intimate relationship with His children, and that He is always reaching to us and revealing Himself so that we can come to our beloved and loving Father without fear.


What does it teach us about salvation?


It teaches that Salvation is only available through belief in His only begotten Son. His Son was His provision...our part is to choose to accept His offered gift.


Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?


As believers in Jesus, He's our home now and He's our future home in Heaven forever!




"For God loved the world so much that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (3:16).

The world! It is me. Just for your grace I can be saved. 


It's enough for me...

Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since "entering eternal life" is a synonym for "entering the Kingdom of God," what does this verse teach us about our destiny?



The verse is so famous because it spells out the Gospel, the Good News about God's love that leads to the sacrificial giving of His only begotten Son for my salvation and that of mankind.



Salvation is meant for every one [irrespective of race or tribe] but it is obtained by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


The verse teaches us that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life, that is- to enter the Kingdom of God.

Q4. (John 3:16) 

Why is this verse so famous? 

What does it teach us about God? 

What does it teach us about salvation? 

Since "entering eternal life" is a synonym for "entering the Kingdom of God," what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

It sums up the gospel in this one verse. 

It teaches us about God’s unfathomable love. An infinite love that He would be willing to give up His one and only Son for sinners. 

It teaches us that His saving grace is available to all who acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. 

Our destiny is life not death. An everlasting, eternal life with God. 



Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

John 3:16; is so famous because it tells us that God so loves the people of the world that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to save us from our sins and to have eternal life with Him, not eternal separation from Him in a lake of fire.

This verse teaches us that God has such a love us, agape love in Greek, that he was willing to up His Son for us even unto death, so he could reconcile us back to Himself, if we only believe in His Son.

There was only one salvation for man to get back to God and that sacrifice was made available to us by the sacrifice of His Son.

By entering into the Kingdom of God, we are promised by God that those who believe in His Son and the sacrifice He provided, that our eternal destiny will be with Him forever in Heaven.     


Why is this verse so famous?

1.  This verse sets a pattern for true love.


What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation?

2.  This verses teaches us that God loved us so that he gave his only Son.  It teaches us that salvation is free.  All you have to do is believe in Him you will not perish but have everlasting life.


Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?          

3.  This verse teaches us that we will have everlasting life if we just believe in Jesus Christ.


This verse is so famous because it encapsulates the whole of the Gospel story in one sentence as well as the purpose of Christ’s mission to us.  It teaches us that God is extremely patient and loving in spite of our sins.  It teaches us that God really wants to save us to the extent that he was willing to cause great suffering and death to his beloved Son.  He really, really wants us to go to Heaven.  Our destiny, assuming we are found worthy, is to inherit everlasting life.


Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous?

I believe this verse is famous because it is the only hope the “World” has.


Q. What does it teach us about God?

It teaches us how much God loves his creation, the world, love so strong that he gave his only begotten Son for the Jews and for the Gentiles, for whosoever will believe, and will place their trust in Israel’s Messiah; God’s love is offering a choice for the world, that of “perishing” or that of eternal “life”. Choose today whom you will serve.


Q..What does it teach us about salvation?

The world will one day face the condemnation of God, and in the end will have its sinfulness condemned, I believe Nicodemus came to believe and understand what Jesus was teaching him about salvation, Jesus did not speak to Nicodemus in riddles as he did those who did not have ears to hear, he spoke to him as “Master to Master” for Nicodemus held the title “Master”.


Because he was a ruler, a Pharisee who studied God’s laws that we see Jesus speaking “boldly”- face to face with Nicodemus, quoting scripture, recalling when “Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the ‘Son of man’ be lifted up”- Scripture when spoken is powerful, I can only imagine what must have been going on in the heart of Nicodemus as Jesus took claim to the “Son of man” (Daniel 7:13-14) - "I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.  And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed


I would not be surprised if this was the moment when Nicodemus “spiritually” understood the reason why the Messiah must “FIRST” come as God’s Lamb to be lifted, as when Nicodemus heard Jesus speak these words, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)


This was a mystery to the Jewish rulers, as they were looking for the Messiah to come and sit on the throne of David, but it wasn’t “His” time, the rest of the story is yet to come, and I say, “Come Lord Jesus come”




John 3: 16 is so famous because it summarizes the gospel message so succinctly. It declares God's love for us, the degree of this love - that he gave is one and only Son-, the reason for the gift of his Son - that we might not perish but be part of the Kingdom of God..

It teaches us about God's great love -that he loves the whole world.

It teaches that we can be saved from perishing (hell) by simply believing in the one and only Son ( receiving, looking to him for salvation from the poison of the serpent (like looking on the brazen serpent that Moses erected (Numbers 22). 

It declares that our looking to or receiving this gift by faith enables us to receive eternal life. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!


(John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny? 


This verse is often quoted by Christians and non-Christians alike. This verse teaches us about the extent of God's love that He was willing to sacrifice His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross and save mankind. This verse teaches us that our salvation was bought at a very high price, a price that only God and our Saviour was willing and could afford to pay. Our destiny is to enter the Kingdom of God, where we will have eternal life, praising God forever.




I think it is poetic and simpleness of the verse that just rings home with so many people.  Every person has been created by God and He loves every single person... He doesn't want any of his children to perish.  He desires for us to be with Him always.  Salvation is a free gift, paid in full by Jesus if only we accept it.  


Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

John 3:16 is so famous because it tells the world in few words of God’s love for the world and what He has done to restore man to his rightful place with Him in heaven.  It is “the” verse used when telling the unsaved, unbeliever that God loves them.  It teaches us that God has made a way for mankind to be reconciled to Him and enter into an eternal life.  It teaches that salvation if for the entire world, all mankind.  It teaches that for the believer, “entering eternal life” or “entering the Kingdom of God”  is an unending life; a life that has no ending.  John 3:16 gives man hope of living forever with a loving God.


John 3:16  Why is this verse so famous?  what does it teach us about God?  What does it teach us about salvation?  Since entering eternal life is a synonym for entering the kingdom of God what does this verse teach us about our destiny?


This verse is so simple and yet so profound.  It teaches us that God loves us, plain clear and simple.  We don't earn His love. Father I don't want to have to earn Your love.  I would never know if I had done enough or if someone else out earned me so I would just keep trying to earn Your love.  You love me because you made me.  It teaches us that salvation is for me and everyone who wants You.  I want You Lord.  I want you in my life every second.  I want to be more like you and to know you better and better and better.  You made me to live with You forever.  You know me!  That little strange person who lives out in the outskirts of that small obscure town where I am not even anything important there.  But I am important to You!  I am one of the whosoevers.  Thank you that I am one of the whosoevers.  I don't want to compete with my brothers and sisters.  I want each one to have and use their gifts that you gave so I can rejoice in their joy so I can be happy in their successes like You are.  Thank you that You gave me and everyone who wants You the greatest gift, eternal life with your beloved Son who died for my  sins on the cross so that I will live with Him (Oh Jesus you are so wonderful) forever.  When I came to know you I started eternal life with you and I will one day move from here to be with You where You are. And I will live with You forever and ever.

Thank you God for loving and giving for us.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

  • 2 weeks later...

It is famous because God gave his only Son for our sins. God's love is not self-centered it reaches out and draws others in. In this verse God sets the pattern of what true love is.


It teaches me that me that God paid dearly with the life of his Son the highest price He could pay. Jesus accepted our punishment and paid the price for our sins and then offered us the new life he bought for us. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME.


It teaches that God's life embodied in Christ given to all believers is a guarantee that they will live forever. When we don't know Christ we make choices as though this is the only life we'll have. 

This life is the introduction to eternity with God the Father God the Son and the HOLY GHOST. 


It tells me that we have to give our lives to Christ(being born again) to enter into his Kingdom. I ask anyone who reads this if you have not been born again to find a good bible based church and renew your life.

If we don't do this our home will be forever in hell.





  • 2 weeks later...

I think that this verse is so famous because shows us how much God really does love us. God did everything to let us come into the Kingdom of Heaven. All we have to do is have faith in Him. This verse also teaches us that if we love God that He will provide a way for our salvation. Our destiny is the Kingdom of God because He loved us to provide a way to enter the Kingdom.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (John 3:16)

Why is this verse so famous?

Because it shows the love of God to all that will believed in Christ.


What does it teach us about God?

That God is a loving God who doesn't want us to perish but have everlasting life.


What does it teach us about salvation?

That there is two destination for us, the hell. and the heaven. And we have body and spirit. We have two deaths, the death of our physical body, we are to be bury 6 feet under the ground. Our spirit will leave our body and where will it go? It will go to hell or heaven.

Faith in Jesus Christ is to have everlasting life.



Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

That God will allow us to enter his Kingdom by having faith in Jesus and that is our destination.

  • 2 weeks later...

John 3:16 is so famous because it contains the gospel message in words most people can understand.

It teaches us that God loved us enough He was willing to redeem us from our sins rather than have us perish in hell.

What it teaches us about salvation is, it is available to all who are willing to repent of their sins and to accept Christ.

What this verse teaches us about our destiny is, all those who accept God's gift of eternal life, will be in heaven with the Lord when they die.

  • 3 months later...

This verse gives us a wrap up of what the New Testament is all about. We know that God is love. We know that He sent His Son to save us. Salvation is for all men not just the Jewish nation. And for those that believe will live with God in Heaven forever. All it takes is faith.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since "entering eternal life" is a synonym for "entering the Kingdom of God," what does this verse teach us about our destiny?


1)  Why is it famous?  John 3:16 clearly summarizes God's relationship with His people while providing direction for our salvation.  2) What does it teach about God? It clearly shows that “the world” (all of us) is worthy of His love.  3)  What does it teach about salvation? John’s reference to His love and our ultimate salvation are directly tied to our faith in Christ Jesus.  4)  What does it teach about our destiny?  It teaches us that our destiny is directly tied to our faith in Christ Jesus.  Jesus answered that question for us himself when he said in John 14:6-7:  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.”  Our “destiny” (and our salvation) are tied to truly knowing Christ Jesus.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

This verse tells us that God; the greatest giver in all creation,

so loved; the greatest love ever known.

The world;  the greatest number of people receiving the gift.

that HE gave, the greatest giver, 

his only son;  the greatest gift ever known to man. 

We should have everlasting life;  the greatest life and most precious gift that we could ever receive.

The Messiah came and delivered this message to a lost creation  ... opening the door of heaven for the first time in history by being himself the gift that made it all possible....  Hallelujah what a Saviour. 

  • 4 months later...

I think John 3:16 is so famous because it declares the gospel of salvation, its Source, the motivation for giving it, and the consequence for rejecting it all in one simple sentence.


It teaches us that God has a vast and profound love for all humanity (the world) and all humanity is in need of salvation. He demonstrated that love sacrificially in generously giving His own Son to save us.  He is merciful to provide any salvation, and is just in determining the means.  He is righteous in judging sin and rewarding faith.


It teaches us that there is only one way to receive salvation, and that way is secured for every individual who believes in the Son.  No human work can accomplish salvation.


Those who do not believe in the Son will perish, meaning they will be excluded from the promise of eternal life, with implied destruction.  In essence, we each determine our own ultimate destiny by what we believe about the Son of God.


This promise of eternal life for believers means inclusion in the Kingdom of God, which is an enduring and everlasting destiny.  This assured hope is only gained through faith in the Son.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since "entering eternal life" is a synonym for "entering the Kingdom of God," what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

This verse explains better than any other God's love and plan for us. God created man as His crowning achievement but man rebelled. Because of our sin we were separated from God. God loves us so much He became flesh for us, suffered for us, and died for us. This verse shows the depth of God's love for us. Salvation depends on man accepting Jesus, believing Jesus is our savior, having faith. Having faith in Jesus allows man to enter the Kingdom of God, allows man to experience the grace God has given us thanks to the sacrifice Jesus made. The gift man can have is because of the love God has for us. All summed up in this one verse!

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