RuthRW Posted July 7, 2017 Report Posted July 7, 2017 When I started to not only read the gospels but after every sentence or two to meditate, giving the Holy Spirit time to show me Jesus, how He spoke, how He touched how He reacted, hearing His voice and then sharing and communicating with Him I found the Lord in a much deeper way . I see the profound words of the gospels as a framework and if I give the Holy Spirit time He will lead me deeper and deeper into the life of Christ. Getting up in the morning is much easier knowing what feast awaits me :-). I am finding this study and forum such a blessing and am learning much. Inviting new believers for a coffee or going for a walk with them is a valuable opportunity for discipleship. I feel encouraged. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 28, 2018 Report Posted May 28, 2018 The thing that was important of Jesus spending time with disciples was they got to know him and they were able to learn about what Jesus was trying to teach us. His strategy was to spent time with the disciples. Jesus uses us to make disciples today. I don’t spend much time with the disciple. I manage to only spend about an hour a week with them. Quote
Godswriter Posted January 14, 2019 Report Posted January 14, 2019 Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? What is his strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? It is very important because this way He teaches them life lessons about how to be disciples who would then make disciples of the world. They were also caught in many life lessons that He taught through the Parables He spoke to them. His strategy was taking time away from the crowds to spend alone with them. Relationship building if you will. Through us as believers when we choose to obey Him. Church, Bible study, and prayer. Extremely important. Quote
Rosesam Posted June 16, 2019 Report Posted June 16, 2019 Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? What is his strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, “hanging out” with people God puts on your heart to disciple? It was hands on training for the disciples. They saw what He did, they heard what He said, they handled Him, saw His glory, and in the process they came to realize that He was truly the Messiah that they had sought for. After He died, resurrected and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, no amount of persecution or troubles could deter them from the ministry that Jesus had entrusted to them. All this was because of the time that Jesus spent with His disciples. They caught the things from Jesus. If they were only taught like in a classroom setting, rather than imparting into their lives, they wouldn’t have stood strong in the times of their greatest adversities. All His disciples, except John, suffered martyrdom, yet they went ahead willingly and joyfully because they were fully convinced of the cause for which they were called into. He wanted them to observe Him and have interaction with Him and all times. He gave them on the job training. That’s why we read in the epistle of John, what we have seen, heard and handled is what we entrust to you (paraphrased). Even though they didn’t understand or grasp al things at the time, they were able to understand and recollect many things when the Holy Spirit came upon them. So His strategy was to allow them to build a relationship with Him by spending time with them. The most effective way a person is brought to the Lord is one on one sharing. When we introduce someone to the Lord, and then they grow in a relationship with Him they become a disciple and a follower of Him. In our day, when we spend our quiet time with Him in prayer and reading of His word, worshiping Him etc. we grow in relationship with Him. The world is full of hurting people, needing the love of the Lord in their lives. We are the instruments that God uses to show forth His love to them. So it’s very important to spend time with people God puts in our path. Quote
Paula Price Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 It was important for Jesus to spend time with his disciples to preach to them and teach them the gospel, the word of God. This was his mission in coming to earth. God send him to be the way of redemption for man to be restored back to God. Jesus knew that He would not be with them always and that they needed to be prepared to carry on the gospel. The disciples were chosen for this purpose. In order for them to be able to save others , they themselves needed to know how to be saved. Jesus came to do the will of God, to show man how to live a life free from sin in order to be reunited with Him, who created man for the purpose of worshipping and serving Him. Jesus did not follow a pattern. He only spoke and did what His father said and told Him to do. he always said that He came to do the will of His father who sent Him. There is only one way of salvation and it has to be God's way. The only way to know God's way is to follow him and spend time with Him and do what he tells you to do and say. Obedience to His word, His will, His way. That is what Jesus taught the disciples. Quote
theoldveteran Posted September 3, 2019 Report Posted September 3, 2019 On 8/7/2014 at 2:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? What is his strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, “hanging out” with people God puts on your heart to disciple? (1) To get to know Him intimately, to live alongside Him, to watch Him engage people, and to see how He prays for them. To see how He touches them, prays for them, and heals them. To learn how He acts in all situations. To assist Him, and allow him to rebuke and correct me (2) To properly disciple someone, requires spending time with them. Set aside time to do that. (3)My time with the disciplier is my Bible Study time which I set aside on an almost daily basis. (4) It's more important than I allow it to be! Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 28, 2021 Report Posted July 28, 2021 Greek word is koinonia, community, association. Itbis the intimate bond of fellowship amongst Christians. Christ knew that such fellowship was important to form His band of Apostles. By spending time with each other in worship and social time and active ministry; they would be effectively schooled in the ministry. The ancient Egyptian church knew the value of establishing compounds for Christians to gather to be formed in Christain living--catacesis. Many early desert fathers were solitary indeed. Centers of prayer and fellowship were started by St Anthony the Great and St Pachomius. Strategy consisted of living, learning and doing ministry together. They became real friends and were knit together. This would be so important in times of persecution. Our Lord will use cell groups or prayer meetings as well as the more formal church services to form us as disciples. Time with the Discipler is every day. Often I would think my days in the seminary are not over. God is still forming me, I still have clay feet, I need daily Bible study, prayer and quiet time. Yes, we need to spend time disciplining others. I know the joys of years ago-home prayer meetings, meal fellowship and precious friendships formed as a result. By our example, we form others in Christ Jesus. I was blessed this way in college. Through community we are built up from glory to glory. Quote
Daniel R Posted November 23, 2021 Report Posted November 23, 2021 1. What is the importance of Jesus spending time with His disciples? Jesus spending time with His disciples is so important because it was in that "together and quiet time" that the disciples could really learn, create a more intimate relationship with Jesus, and become discipled by Him! They saw what Jesus did and they gradually became more and more like Him as a result!!! 2. What is His strategy? Jesus' strategy is to build a relationship with His disciples so that they could become more like Him. Through all the journeys and trials, their relationships with Jesus grew, meaning, they became more like Him too, and we can too!!! 3. How does Jesus make disciples today? Typically, nowadays, Jesus makes disciples by either teaching them in "personal time" with Him, or by the use of other believers/disciples. 4. Where is our time with the Discipler? Our time with Jesus, the Discipler, is in our alone time with Him and/or in a group's "together-alone" time with Him in which we learn, receive rebuke, receive love, worship Him, thank Him, get redirected by, and get discipled by Him!!! 5. How important is your time as a discipler "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? It is absolutely crucial to be a discipler to others! If Jesus did it, it must have been important so, we must do it too!!! Sadly, lots of believers, including me, don't do it as much as is needed, so that is something we, including me, could all work on!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! Quote
Irmela Posted April 20, 2022 Report Posted April 20, 2022 Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with His disciples? What is His strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? Jesus spent as much time with His disciples as was feasibly possible. In this way they learnt how He handled different situations. They were there to observe, learn and serve. Eventually He was able to send them out also. They too could be used as He was. Today He has given us His Word. We can learn by studying the Word. Spending time in prayer and waiting on Him for guidance. He has sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter. We are not left to struggle or try alone. He encouragez us to call on Him. The more time we spend with Him the more we become like Him. Quote
Krissi Posted February 19 Report Posted February 19 Why did Jesus baptize? -- It is impossible to get to know someone without time spent together. Friendships are built, not pronounced. Knowledge comes in fits and starts, not suddenly. It takes time, often a lifetime, to know someone well including Christ. We are to be like Christ. We cannot be like Him unless we know Him well. That's the Christian's life goal. Quote
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