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Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

  • 2 months later...

Why do you think Jesus went against social norms to communicate with the woman?  

Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


If God went by social norms I don't think He would have sent  His Son because what He preached (I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me) went against social norms.  Jesus (God ) isn't dictated to by our 'social norms'.  He sees lost sheep and reaches out to them.


We hesitate because we are sort of indoctrinated by social norms or what is "acceptable behavior" since we are young.  It goes against the grain to go against social norms even to share the "good news".  Also some tend to feel inadequate.  If God appoints you He will help you. He takes our bumbling efforts and makes men and women of God out of them.  He doesn't need a polished speaker just someone who loves Him enough to go where He sends and to be willingly to suffer what ever consequences may comes.


We obey God period and leave the consequences to Him.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?

1.  I think Jesus went against the norms because Jesus did not look at the woman race, social position or sins.  The gospel is for everyone.

Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

2.  We are more concerned about what others might think.

How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?     

3.  Share the gospel at any time in any place, God will do the rest.     


Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture? 


This woman was a lowly outcast, a home wrecker. Why she had not been stoned is an interesting question, perhaps her current man "loved" her? jesus always selects the lowest or the low to perform miracles and transform people. 


We are [iam] almost always in a hurry to do God's work for Him, and get in the way; this may be perceived by some as "the need to go against the norms"  Yet is sharing God's word with a possible convert, do we respect that person and try to have a real relationship with them, or do we push too fast --- as I usually do. Our job is to move people closer to a "God of their understanding" not to convert them is a few words or days to  "come to Jesus." Still there are some God plans to convert very quickly, even by our own standards. if we are lose enough to God we can be used by Him in any situations and it will be peaceable by anyone's observation, just as Jesus has done with her. He knows all and therefore knows what to do when an dwith what tone in His voice etc. He was and still is working through us, to the extend we let Him do it. We recall "Myself, I am nothing, The Father doth the work."


Hi everyone.


(John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


Because he knew he had to speak to her. Jesus did not care about social norms. In fact, he had harsh things to say to the Jewish authorities who were making the most of the social norms and manipulating them for their own gain (Matt 23:13).


Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?


Various reasons: Sometimes its hard to know what to do for the best when I see a social injustice. Sometimes it takes a sacrafice of time or money and for that reason I probably do not do what I need to do. These days it isn't a social norm to be christian in the society in which I live. Christianity is often disparaged, when it is politically incorrect to do so to any other group in society.


How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


Jesus didn't care about balancing a need to live peaceably in his culture with obeying God. He obeyed God first and foremost to the point where he ultimately lost his life (Matt 26:24, Mark 11:18).


Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


While living on earth as a human being Jesus divested Himself of some of His Godly attributes. We see here that He was tired, for example. He did however know everything that was going to happen to Him while on earth. John:18.4 tells us that.

Jesus already knew that He was going to impart some of the most important truths of the Christian faith to this woman!! . . . And that His beloved disciple John would eventually write it down for us!

As far as I know this is the first time Jesus openly tells anyone He is the Messiah.

That He revealed Himself firstly to a Samaritan woman who was the town bike is, I believe, an example Jesus Himself has set here that we as Christians have to take the Gospel to those society shuns and not just preach it from the pulpit on Sundays.

He didn't go straight into the town of Sychar and preach to the populance from the town hall; He started from the outside and let His words to possibly the lowest woman in town work their way in.

Notice later in the text that the towns folk did invite Jesus to stay a couple of days, and He did speak with them about the Kingdom, and that many became believers in those two days.




Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?


Typically we don't want to be seen slumming it. People are always concerned with what others think of them, whether they'll admit it or not. In the past I had a little bit to do with the Christian Bikers in the 1990s, and before that the Christian Surfers in the 1970s. I'm old. In both ministries I was a musician, and still am, and only operated on the periphery as a member of various Christian bands that played at some para-church events supporting these ministries. The Christian Boardriders are now defunct as far as I know. The God Squad, the motorcycle club dedicated to reaching some of the hardest men on earth, is still going strong. In Australia there are now laws in some states including my home state that make simply being a member of a motorcycle club a crime and if you're an office bearer, like president, vice-president, or sergeant-at-arms, you could face 25 years in jail . . . I'm not making this up! The God Squad members face the same penalties if they're seen associating with outlaw bikers and are arrested. These men are still involved in this ministry despite the very real danger of going to jail for hanging out with bikers.

I'm wirting this to illustrate that It's sometimes not easy to take the Gospel to where those who need it live.




How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


That's a good question. We are told, I can't remember where, that we are to uphold the laws of the country where we live, except where those laws contravene the laws of God. But it's more important for us as Christians to please God rather than man. I realize I didn't properly answer the question. It's really a case of taking things as they come, day by day. Place God first and live as peaceably as we can after that's been established.






Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


One of the things I love about this story, is that not only did Jesus go against social norms to communicate with her, but he went against the norm and traveled to Samaria just to meet and redeem her! (V4) "It was NECESSARY for Him to to through Samaria...which was the long and out of the way route to get to Galilee. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to her, and when He told her "everything she ever did" she became an evangelist to her people in one hot afternoon after meeting her Savior and Lord! He pleased His Father in all that He did, rather than pleasing the Jewish religious rulers. 


Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?


The belief that we have to "fit in", or we'll be thought of as weird. The truth is we're "odd for God" if we truly love and serve Him. (I love that! A former Joyful heart Bible Study woman called herself Odd for God.... a great way to describe true disciples and followers of Jesus!) Out of fear, and insecurity, we may dysfunctionally focus on Form (appearance or the outline of life) rather than Substance (What fills in the outline: Real life, love, authenticity, Bibllical values), until we grow in Christ. Jesus always focused on Substance: authenticity, to please His Father, and the focus of His mission...to redeem mankind through the death He came to die. He was never focused on public opinion.


How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


If by peaceably you mean staying under the radar, and not "offending" anyone with the the Gospel, then I would say it's not likely that we'll live peaceably. Rom 13 calls us to obey the laws of the land....and so we are to obey those laws...but NOT the politically correct anti-Christ folks who would like to shut Christians up for good! (and who are in a fight to the death to win their battle against God, and sadly, have done an excellent job of muzzling the mouths of fearful and timid Christians.) We are called to be bold and fearless!


Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


The divisive roots between the Samaritans and the Jews go back to the death of King Solomon, when the Southern Kingdom worshipped in Jerusalem but the Northern did not, when Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel they deported many of its people and replaced them with pagans, they intermarried with the remaining Jews who produced the “Samaritans”, they, the Samaritans, denied Jerusalem as the religious center causing strife and hatred to grow between the Jews and the Samaritans, this should be a lesson to us all, we must be careful that we do not allow a “SUPERIOR” attitude to take hold of us as it will fester and be divisive, anti-Semitism seems to be taking root again, even in some churches - Jesus came to unite so that man would live peaceably with each other, as we see Him reaching out to the “Samaritan” woman.



Q. Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

I do not hesitate to share the good news, however, I will not continue to “SHARE” with those who want to argue and are divisive, I prefer to walk away.


Q. How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

We must be wise as serpents and not be naïve to what our “culture” of today represents, I believe the church has lost it balance as they have been quiet and peaceable to the dangers and hatred that has been growing in America, and in the world against the things of God;


To live peaceably if possible, does not mean God’s people are to be quiet while our “culture” tramples on the things of God, while our “culture” tramples on the very foundation our nation was established on – The church’s “peaceful” – “turn the other cheek”  to the abomination of abortion, have allowed our “culture” to call murder, the rights of the woman, preceding that of God’s holy law, to cherish “life”, the peaceful means of the church has allowed our “culture” to command our school children not to speak of God, the unbalanced wheel of “peace” has allowed our school systems to put fear into our children, that even by having a picture of a gun is some kind of evil, instead of teaching them respect for, and the purpose of, is that of individual protection and protection for our “Nation”, while at the same time, the enemy is teaching their children that of war, calling their nation, a nation of peace, while teaching their children to kill us.


There is no balance until we put God first, a voice fighting against our “culture”, fighting to keep God’s laws in the lives of our children, fighting to put back God’s commandments so they may take root in their hearts, the very commandments our court system was established on, the balance of our “culture” is off, it has replaced kindness with that of “bullying”, do we not see hatred festering as the word “RACIST” is used when we speak of the things of God and replacing it with “Political Correctness”.


Jesus crossed over the “culture” line by reaching out to the “Samaritan” woman simply by asking her for a drink of water, he in his wisdom wanted to take this "opportunity" to offer this woman that which is pure, peaceable, and gentle, that of “living water”, he opened the door to her, it is now up to the woman to respond for the door of communication is there for her to walk through..


The important part in balancing between that of God and peace in our culture is - God must come “FIRST”!


Let us not forget another time when the Messiah crossed over the “culture” line and he over turned tables in the temple, he was  placing “GOD FIRST”, peace second, for without God “FIRST” in our lives, there will be no true “PEACE”.


Jesus is above social norms as He is the Creator of us all, whatever our social position.  This type of behaviour did cause him problems with the scribes and Pharisees. 


Similarly, the norms of western society are not to give offence by talking about either religion or politics to those you don’t know well.  It is very hard to go against our norms and be a true ‘soldier of Christ’.  I never did manage to achieve the balance when I was still in my own country (UK).  I managed to alienate a lot of people including my own family.  I am now in a very different situation, where the taboo of not discussing religion does not exist.  There are still problems, but they are different ones.

Q1. (John 4:7-9) 

Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? 

Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? 

How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

Jesus crossed all barriers to share the Good News. Teaching us that it is to be made known to every person, irrespective of race, gender, social standing or sins. Like Jesus, I know we must also always be prepared to share this Good News at any time and in any place. Living in a divided country, like I do, it is not always practically possible. The very high crime rate is also a deterrent. However, the situation is improving and cross cultural interaction is increasing, and with it opportunities to spread the Gospel – for us to reach out to our brothers and sisters. 


  On 8/7/2014 at 7:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

The Jews hated the Samaritans  because they considered them half breeds and unclean. Jesus vivisted the woman at the well to offer her living water, She did not understand what he was talking about. While he told her of how many husbands she had, she immediately considered him a prophet or the promised messiah. Jesus had come only to the house of the Jews, but occasionally show compassion to non Jews.

Sometimes we go against social norms prerhaps because we harbor inner predisness.

To balance our life to get along with other curlters Christ has taught us to love others as we love ourselves. He showed compaion to all and we are to live a life worthy of His glory.     




I guess the social norms are very bad to the churches.

I don't mind going against social norms. On the other hand, When We are in other places We should respect some social norms.

God gave us wisely to preach of the Gospel.


(John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture? 


Jesus came to earth to save sinners. Jesus will not and cannot be constrained by social norms. Jesus had a divine appointment with the Samaritan woman and social norms will not prevent Him from speaking to the woman. On the other hand, Man is acutely aware of social norms. Often we are constrained by social norms in bringing God's word to the world. We are afraid of upsetting the social balance and the repercussions that follow. Hence, we make excuses and we make compromises. It is also for this reason that many pastors preach messages that are easy on the ears and are readily accepted by the congregation. Those pastors who preach the word of God are often seen as aggressive and insensitive. Striking a balance is not easy. May God give us the strength, the favour and the wisdom. Amen.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/7/2014 at 7:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

I think Jesus' went against the social norms to communicate with the woman to show her that God's love for her is above the prejudice of man and to show the disciples that forgiveness and salvation is for everyone.  We sometimes hesitate to go against the social norms to share the good news because we are concerned with what others may have to say rather that what God wants of us.  We need to balance our need to obey God and the need to live peacably in our culture by promoting the gospel and keepoing it in the forefront of the unbelievers and believers.


Jesus not infrequently went against social norms such as hand washing rules or his befriending or associations with unsavory people.  He was teaching that the Kingdom of God was more inclusive than what was generally accepted. He was reacting against the heavy rule-laddened, works righteous culture of the Pharisees. He was being obedient to his Father.

We to are enjoined to follow Jesus even when its uncomfortable as we sometimes have to come against social norms. But its not always easy.  We want to be accepted by our friends and associates. We don't want to "make waves". And we rightly don't want to offend unnecessarily lest we diminish any chance of bringing our associates into the Kingdom.  How to strike the balance??  We have to obey God rather than man, of course. But how? I think we have to pray often for wisdom and for the courage to do what's right. We have to seek the council of fellow Christians. We have to continually examine our motives as we decide what to do and what not to do.


Jesus has no social norms He came for one and all. The gospel is for all nations we put the socialism into it. No matter what race, social position or past sins He came for all. 


We hesitate because we don't want to offend anyone or how they believe if different from our own ways.  We should be like Jesus tell all about the love he gave us when He went to the cross for each one.


There are many out there that don't want to hear about Jesus we have to keep trying that is what Jesus compelled us to do in reality we will lose friends and stir up contention. So be it we are doing what Jesus wants us to do.


Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


Jesus wanted to teach the disciples and all that he came to break the social norms barriers that would hinder the message of salvation to all.


We do hesitate to go against the social norms to share the good news because we don't want to be accused for breaking the rules.


We need God's wisdom to do so; therefore we should pray and ask him to help us.


I think that it was a divine appointment and that was one of the way that He used to get the word out that he was the Messiah. We hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news because we are concerned that the person will think that we are different and we don’t like that.

There are way for us to balance our need to obey God and to live peaceably in our culture and that is a casual conversion that can be turned around and we can start talking about the gospel.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (John 4:7-9)

Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?

The Lord's way is not our way. There is no social norm for God to talk to the Samaritan woman. Jesus loves sinners and that time she will be saved.


Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

We many times fear the opposition and ridicules of other belief.


How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

We respect other belief while we remain in our own belief and obey God by loving our neighbors.

  • 1 month later...

This woman (1) was a Samaritan, a member of the hated mixed race, (2) was known to be living in sin, and (3) was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would talk to a woman under such circumstances. But Jesus did. The Good News is for every person, no matter what his or her race, social position, or past sins. We must be prepared to share this Good News at any time and in any place. Jesus crossed all barriers to share the Good News, and we who follow him must do no less.


I think Jesus went against social norms to communicate with the woman because He had compassion for her.

We often hesitate to go against social norms to share the gospel because, often we don't know how we should interact with those outside of our cultural, ethnic, or economic group.

We can balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture by respecting a person culture while at the same time realizing that they, too, need a Savior.

  • 2 months later...

Jesus was there to break down the unjust social barriers of His time. He did not agree with the concept of segragation that was widely practiced during that time. He saw the goodness and worth of all people. We are a people that are afraid to rock the boat at times. We want to feel safe and secure in our own world. We are afraid to step outside the safety to really see other people. We only want to have to associate with people like ourselves. We at times feel that we are better than others. This is so true today with the wide spread hatred of gays and lesbians. We forget about the humanness of the homeless. We close our eyes to those around us. However, we need to move past our security blanket and face the real world. We need to see people as our equals. We need to accept and love their differences. We need to be willing to break down the barriers adn to lovingly accept all people just as Jesus did.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (John 4:7-9)  Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?  Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?  How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


1) Jesus approached this on two very distinct fronts, first of all she was a Samaritan, and verse 9 says clearly that “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans” the second issue was that she was a woman and as a general rule, Jewish men did not speak to women in public (to include their mothers).  By opening dialog with a Samaritan, Jesus was demonstrating clearly that the kingdom of Heaven was open to everyone who believed and was more interested in sharing the good news by bringing the truth to the Samaritans than he was about following the societal rules of the time. 2) We live in a very permissive culture and the vast majority of us want to fit in by doing what everyone else is doing.  When we have to make tough moral choices we’re often torn between doing what we know is right and doing what is culturally acceptable.  In order to be able to go against those ‘social norms’ that we face every day we have to have a strong relationship with God.  3) We balance our need to obey God with worldly wants and needs by living our lives for Christ.  We need to dedicate ourselves to fellowship with other Christians, prayer, the reading of God’s word and meditation.  Those are the things that will strengthen our moral compass and supply the spiritual strength to do the right thing.  Living our lives for the Lord will prevent anything from coming into our lives that contradicts our faith and love of Christ Jesus.


  • 3 months later...

Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


Jesus didn't allow differences between people to stop his mission of love. We often allow these differences to divide us because of our prejudices and pre-judgments and biases. But Jesus didn't do that. He was the Word incarnate, and the Word said to love your neighbor as yourself. There is no division between people in that statement. I sure could learn a few things from His example of pure non-judgmental love.



Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?


For me, it's mostly fear mixed with preconditioning about not making waves.  I'm too worried about what others think about me. Will they think I"m a weirdo or a religious nut? Will they judge me as being 'different' from the crowd? These fears are all focused on me and not God. It shows my inability to trust God and take appropriate risks. But real faith entails taking risks sometimes. Perhaps a good place to start is to start small. I must learn to gently turn conversations over to spiritual matters when I'm prompted. I must learn to take some action in spite of fear. So many times I miss opportunities and let them pass. I blow it all the time and I know it! I'm starting to practice memorizing some questions to have readily available in my arsenal. Simple questions like:


Do you believe in God?
How do you describe God?
What does God expect of us?
How are we meeting those expectations?
Do you believe in heaven?
Does everyone go to heaven?
Do you believe you will go to heaven?
Why or Why not?

Would you like to know about what the Bible says about these questions? (Boom - there's the chance to share the gospel and perhaps even your own testimony - since YOUR story IS the gospel story for you!)


Memorizing questions like these can go a long way to overcoming our fear of starting gospel conversations. The key (I believe) is listening - really listening with the intent to understand. We certainly don't want to ram the gospel down their throat - that never works. In fact, we may not even get to the gospel when asking these questions - but at least some seeds might be planted.



How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?


We all know God is calling us to share the gospel more. I"m sure I"m not the only one who feels like I'm missing opportunities. Fear can be such a paralyzing force. But I think spending time with God, praying consistently, reading and studying the Word more, and asking God for BOLDNESS is the key. The more we become like the master, the more He will begin to seep out of us. Also, memorizing practical questions like the ones I listed above can really help. And if we just start small and take a few risks, God will honor us. He is faithful - He will always honor our smallest and most bumbling efforts. Also, when we start practicing moving conversations over to spiritual matters, we certainly don't have to be idiots about it. We don't have to be judgmental or authoritative or pushy or be correcting others all the time if their beliefs happen to be different than our own. We can be gentle and just simply listen more. We shouldn't feel like we have to 'force' a conversion right there - that never works! We are mostly just seed-planters. In fact, most of our conversations will not lead to a born-again experience! But if we start doing this more often, we will become more effective and God will honor it.  And what a joy it is to be the vessel for someone's salvation! 

  • 2 months later...

Jesus stepped out of His norm when He left heaven in the inferior body of a human man to come and live among unregenerate sinners and die to redeem them, so this was really nothing new for Him. He knew the need of the Samaritan woman, obviously knowing that a woman who came to draw water in the heat of the day was an outcast. He had come to save the whole world, including people outside of the social norms. And Jesus didn't categorize people as worthy and unworthy. He had a “gift from God” to offer her, the message of eternal life, so He stepped over the imaginary line that would normally have separated them on many levels. He wasn't concerned with social norms, He was concerned with people.


We hesitate to act so boldly because of fear, prejudices, cold or lukewarm hearts, and pride. When we don't see with God's eyes or feel with His heart, we miss the deepest needs of others. We miss the Spirit's prompting because of self-absorbed busy-ness in our hurried lives, with eyes glued to electronic screens everywhere we go in our day. We try to insulate ourselves from unacceptable people or to protect ourselves from controversial choices, and we hide in our comfort zones. Not everyone is called by God to go looking for such hurting and blinded people, but we need to be open and willing when He brings them across our path. He simply asks us to tell them of the better way to live and the living hope for the future. They need the message of love and redemption just like we did. And really, anyone who authentically lives the Christian life is already outside the social norms!


We're called to the radical life of Christ, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're called to have an “in-your-face” attitude or approach. We live in such a PC era, where every comment must be censored in order not to offend. All the arguing and name-calling is divisive and destructive. Our primary mission is speaking the truth in love, and obeying the Royal Law of Love for God and others. When we get that right, we can release ourselves to follow the Spirit's lead and be ready to tell the good news to anyone we encounter. God might call some to step up on a public soap-box, but I think He calls all of us to just be watching for the person standing next to us in line at the grocery store.

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