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I think that Jesus went against social norms to communicate with the woman because he had a divine appointment. I think that we hesitate to go against social norms because we don’t want to be an outsider. We want to be accepted by everybody. That is quite a balancing act to obey God and to live peaceably in our culture. But all I can say that is that we need to obey God and hope for the best for our culture.

  • 7 months later...

1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

I believe He did it out of the love of He had in His heart as the Son of God for sinners. He wanted to share with her the message of the Gospel and shed light on her sins to bring her to Him. 

I believe we hesitate out of fear of rejection to do it. 

That is a good question one that should be posed to those who are afraid to share the Gospel to their neighbors. To balance it requires a sound mind and a heart full of love for the sinner and this world in my honest opinion. But also a discerning mind to know when to do what God wants you to do these things. 

  • 6 months later...

 Jesus did not come to do the will 0f man.  He came to fulfill the will of God.  it is God's will that man have a way to be forgiven of sin and Jesus is the way.  Jesus fulfills the old testament of the savior who will save man from sin.  The Messiah.  Jesus's talk with the woman at the well was another stepping stone in fulfilling the prophecy that all men, not just the Jews would have the right to eternal life.  Until the birth of Christ that right was only to the Jews for they were chosen by God to prepare the way and show the world how to please God and how to do His will.  Jesus came so that now the whole world can know God and be heir's to the inheritance of eternal life.  Jesus is preparing the way for this great gift to all men.  There really is no balance between doing the will of God and being In the culture of the world.  We are followers of Christ, therefor. we are to do the will of God.  The bible is the way and the only way to do it.  God's way is written in the bible, the bible is the word of God.  There is no substitute. We are in the world but not of the world.  We are to do the will of God, the way God has chosen for us to do it.  He is the maker, the master, the potter, the creator and it is His way , or no way.  It is in the Book!! The bible.  That is why we are studying, to show ourselves approved. the world was concern that Jesus would take their power and position and wealth.. They thought only of material, earthly treasures and things.  Jesus came for the spiritual things of God.  They did not understand.  The fact that He performed miracles that they could not understand, and could not explain, was a sign from God, so that they Would Believe!!!  and they refused to believe what their eyes saw.!   Jesus was never concern with doing what man wanted.  He was concerned with doing the will of God, His father.  Everything He said and did He received from God.  he said as much, that" he only does the will of Him who sent me".  It was never about His will or what He wanted.  We need to do the same.  Jesus set the example for us to follow and show us the way to achieve it.  Walk in the light.  Jesus is the light of the world.


Jesus does not answer to man but he answers to God His father.  He does only what his father tells him to do.  He did not come to do the will of man.  Jesus has started his mission of bringing salvation to the world, to all men , Jews, Genitals, women,, the whole world.  He is spreading the gospel where it has not been received before. Once he sets the pattern his disciples will have the means to do the same, regardless of social customs.  Once we accept Christ, he will strengthen us to do what is necessary to reach those who are lost. We need to trust in his word and do his will.  We are not to live to the world but to God.  God is the answer and his will is to be obeyed.  This is our mission, just as it was for Jesus and his disciples.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? He was totally obedient to His Father and did only what He saw His Father do.  Jesus wasn't influenced by the social norm but by His Father.  

Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? We worry more about what people think about us than what God thinks about us.  We fear people more than God.

How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?  We need to be at peace with all people as much as possible, but when God tells us to do something we must obey Him even if it offends people.  If we are told we are wrong for obeying God we need to not let that stop us from being obedient, but we must also respond in love to those who accuse us. 

On 8/7/2014 at 2:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

 (1) The social norms are instituted by man, and not by God!  In Jesus time they were prejudiced against the Samaritans,  God isn't prejudiced against anything except sin and evil.  God didn't come to judge but to save us!

(2) We don't want to be ridiculed by our peers.  We want to "fit in" with the world and not be shunned.  We want to be like everyone else, (the world).  But the Bible tells us to "Come out from among them and be separate.  (II Cor 6:17And to, be Holy as He is Holy.  (I Pet 1:16)

(3) When we're in the world we want to be like the world and "fit in".  But when we're in church and around other Christians we want to look like them!  We're lying to ourselves, our friends and to God!


  • 1 month later...

Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

The strictest of Jews would never enter through the territory of Samaria so that they wouldn’t become inadvertently unclean by having the Samaritan soil clinging onto their sandals. But Jesus went against the norms, for it is said that He had to go through Samaria. Since He did everything under the direction from the Father, He knew that He had a divine appointment with the Samaritan woman that day and went through Samaria and met the woman. He initiated the conversation which was unheard of. Even when the disciples came back with the food, they were shocked to see Him talking with a Samaritan woman. Even though Jesus was primarily sent to the lost sheep among the Jews, salvation was extended to the Gentiles also because of His ministry.

We hesitate because we are concerned about what others think about us. We do not want to do anything against social norms because we fear ostracization from the society. We want to flow with the social current and not against it. We need to learn from Jesus and allow our actions to be guided by the Holy Spirit. It is better to fear God than man.

  • 1 year later...

Christ knew that He had a holy mission to fulfill.   The Jewish establishment wasn't preaching to the Gentiles.  In fact the Gentile court was a marketplace; the Temple of God wasn't a house of prayer for all peoples.

Very sad that most well established churches will not go beyond their four walls to do Apostolic ministry.  Their church programs are not based on the Acts of the Apostles.   In my years of outdoor evangelism,  New York City churches will not be found out in public areas preaching, testifying and not be training parishioners how to witness or preach.  1 Peter 2:9 is not reality for many; this dichotomy between LAITY (LAZY) and clergy is way out of proportion.

This hesitation is based on inaccurate Bible teaching and cultural backgrounds.  The Amish are a prime example.   In southeast PA,  I have yet to see conservative Amish out on the streets during the City of Ephrata yearly street festival --preaching, witnessing and handing out Gospel literature.   Evangelical Amish do believe in Evangelical outreach.  In ultra conservative Amish groups,  witnessing and preaching outdoors is verbotten--pridefull ---indeed one is deemed !  In many typical USA cities and suburbs, the same line of thinking characterizes church life.   Of course, football snd baseball and Las Vegas trips are all permitted

Meekness!   Being polite to our neighbors. Praying for our neighbors too.   In Egypt, the Coptic believers are kind to their Muslim neighbors; an attitude of love no revenge.  I understand this deportment has made a wonderful impact in Egypt.    Through real friendships, Coptic Christians have communicated the Gospel.   

  • 3 months later...

1.  Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? 

I think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the Samaritan woman because in those actions, He showed us the importance to love no matter what. He also showed us in His actions that social norms mean nothing and that we are all fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

2. Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the Good News?

I think we hesitate to go against social norms to share the Good News because we are too afraid of what others might think. We think that if we get judged and everybody thinks we're weird, we won't have an easy time but that we also won't be able to share the Good News with any of those people; if God called us to it though, He'll get us through it!!!

3. How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

Ultimately, what we need to do is follow a simple motto of, "If God called you to do it, God will also get you through it!" We should be ready and willing to share the Gospel at any given moment but we also need to stay away from going against social norms just to seem righteous. "If God called you to it, DO IT!!!



  • 4 months later...

(John 4:7-9)

Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?

Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

Not only did Jesus know her need, He came for those who were in need. The fact that she came to the well in the heat of the day, already made her stand out as different from other women. Jesus also knew that she wouldn't keep the news to herself but would call others, viz., she was a vessel that was prepared and willing to be used to tell others the GOOD NEWS. 

Possibly fear of rejection. 

We need to be willing vessels and also need to have an ear to hear when Christ says, GO. 

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