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Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus' words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?


We are all indeed desperate, in this fallen world, whether we recognize it  "in the moment" or not. We are desperately thirsty and lost enjoying the world, our new car, a sunday football game replacing church... the lost is far too long, almost infinite in the ways we arrogantly live and make God little or just for get Him.


This verse reminds me that it is my fault that I am so thirsty, and I thank God to use His word to help me recognize my moments of "little faith" just as Peter fell into the water, so we/I fall too many times into fear and get "wet" and hurt ourselves spiritually.


How can we not see, how can I not see, the foolishness to trust in anything except God the Father and His son Jesus. Jesus said, "remain in me..... and your joy will be complete."  


Thank you God today I pray, for igniting me to be thirsty for you Jesus.


Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience?


As for me, I was like a dehydrated sponge looking for water when the Gospel was presented to me and I received it gladly the moment I heard what Jesus has done for me, a sinner. As I've shared over the years, I've found that most people are thirsty. Some more than others, and those receive the Lord...hopefully the not so thirsty will be brought to a place where they will hunger and thirst after Him and His righteousness.


Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point?


Not at first...she seemed more puzzled about why a Jew would first: Speak to her, a woman, and second: a despised Samaritan and third: would ask her for a favor! And probably wondering what in the world a Jewish Rabbi would be doing in Samaria in the first place!


What caused her deep thirst to surface?


Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah, by telling her things about herself that only God could know. He extended Grace and mercy to her...and acceptance...something she had none of in her life as a social outcast. She couldn't even come to draw water in the cool of the day as the other women did...she came alone when no one else would venture out in the heat of the afternoon. There was no condemnation or shame toward her from Jesus, only love.


What does this teach us about our own witness?


The way Jesus approached her is beautiful...he drew her to Himself, little by little, at her leading through her questions and statements. From this I learn to LISTEN  for cues from the one I'm sharing with...and not try to slam dunk the Gospel "water" down like offering a drink from a fire hose...be gentle, patient, kind and accepting.....what a Savior...what Wisdom...what Loving Kindness!


. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?


It was like it was a progressive enlightenment that the woman received from Jesus. Yes the woman was spiritually thirsty as she kept asking questions. To begin with she did not understand, but Jesus kept bringing her back to what he wanted to tell her. The woman could see that Jesus was concerned for her welbeing. He wasn't interested in sex like other men were who approached her. Thats what caused her thirst to surface. He established a raport with her.

People can see the insincerity in christian people forming a relationship, with the agenda to convert them. In my opinion, telling people the gospel just with words is in some ways, an oxymoron (James 2:16,17).


Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience?

  • My experience has been that we are spiritually thirsty, although we may not realize it.  Whenever we seek happiness, love, peace etc., we are spiritually thirsty because Jesus is the only way to quench that thirst.

Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?        

  • I think that the woman was not spiritually thirsty at first, but was physically thirsty.  It indicates that when the woman said "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water."  This teaches us that sometimes our own witnessing may not show results immediately.  We must be patient, answer any questions that they may ask and try to get them to understand the Word that you are giving them. 

Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience?


All people are indeed spiritually thirsty. It's incredibly frustrating to hear a spiritually thirsty person emphatically deny their obvious thirst. My best friend at high school was a prime example. He criticized me for needing God, said I had an incomplete nature while he had a complete nature with no holes to fill. Yet he was miserable a lot of the time and couldn't find peace in his heart. He was too proud to admit his need for the peace of God in his life. It seemed too easy for him. He wanted something harder to do than to accept Christ.


My best friend from my decade long involvement in powerlifting was a very intelligent man with a double degree from university. He couldn't accept that God woud forgive anyone any sin if they turned to Him earnestly and honestly and repented, and accepted Christ as their Savior. He said: What about Adolf Hitler? I told him that even if Hitler repented and confessed his sins and accepted Jesus he would be forgiven. I also pointed out that Saint Paul had overseen the martydom of quite a few Christians before his own conversion.

But my friend insisted that he would argue his way into Heaven on the basis of his own righteous life. He was a gifted speaker and captain of the university debating team. But he had something gnawing at his guts that wouldn't be satiated. A few years later his wife kicked him out when she learned he was molesting their three-year-old daughter. He'd become a full-on incestuous paedophile! Belonged to a paedophile ring, had a huge kiddieporn collection and everything. He was seeking gratification and trying to fill the hole in his life with the worst alternative there is!

I unceasingly witnessed to that man for years. His own wife became a Christian through contact with me, yet he wouldn't have any of it. I never told anyone about his incest. His wife asked me not to. But he couldn't take that chance.

After their marriage broke up he turned a lot of his efforts to destroying my reputation and good name until I had no witness left in the sport because everyone believed him when he said that I'd recruited his wife to a cult and that we'd made up the whole thing so he couldn't have access to their daughter when he wouldn't convert and join the cult. Cult? It was the local Baptist Church!


Those are just two glaring examples of the spiritually thirsty. One was miserable for the lack of peace in his life and the other sought peace in terrible sins of the flesh.



Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point?


Of course she does. She's unhappy with her life as it is and even from what is written in John's account we can pick up on that. The way she speaks slightly billigerantly to Jesus is our first clue. She'd argue at the drop of a hat. One sure sign of a hungry and thirsty spirit.




What caused her deep thirst to surface?


She'd been engaged in conversation with someone (Jesus) who was offering her a better way, an alternative, to quench her thirst. Jesus was speaking metaphorically and she was responding in the literal way, but we can see she really wants to know more.




What does this teach us about our own witness?


Any conversation can lead to an opportunity to share the things of God. We have to be open and available to God's Spirit to use an opportunity to share the good news about Jesus. We also have to be able to sense when someone is searching and spiritually thirsty.




I passed from an unreasoning faith as a child, to a rebellious adolescence and early twenties when I actually left the Church for a time, reasoning that God did not need me to attend.  Then I suffered a lot in my personal life and returned to the Church.  It was the most wonderful experience to return and realise how hungry I was.  I think, like me, this woman did not realise that she was spiritually thirsty, but Jesus knew.  If people judged her on her unsavoury behaviour, she, I am sure, judged herself even more harshly and was in sore need of God’s help and spiritual growth.  This teaches us not to judge, but to allow people to come to us freely.

Q2. (John 4:9-15) 

Jesus' words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. 

What has been your experience? 

Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? 

What caused her deep thirst to surface? 

What does this teach us about our own witness?

My experience has been that some people are totally disinterested in anything to do with God or the Bible. Millions and millions are religious, but their religion excludes the Bible, God or Jesus in any reel deep sense. Their minds are darkened and there is no ability or motivation to understand God. Unaided, the unbeliever does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. They are foolishness to him, and no way can they possibly understand them because they can only be spiritually understood (1 Cor 2:14). Only God can open our hearts and our minds to receive Him. It is only then that we are able to comprehend in a new way, and all of a sudden see things in a new light, things we never understood before. So it was with the woman who initially was not spiritually thirsty but our Lord Jesus persevered with her. As we read later, this woman is brought face to face with the realization that Jesus is the Messiah. This teaches us that without the help of the Holy Spirit we cannot under our own strength bring unbelievers to Him. 



Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?

To imply that peole are spiritully hungry is a condition in which they arre searching for the purpose of life itself. Most believe ther is no after life at all. For eat and drink for tomorrow we die.

My experience from youth has been at times there was always someone or something watching me. An angel or my own self consciioness i do not know. As time passed this feeling also passed. Later in life if there was a true God I asked Him to show and tell me the truth about Himself. I can with out a doubt say God has indeed showed himself to be true and faithful. I can no longer live a life with out him or his help!

The woman at the well has now become spiritually thirsty, knowing she has meat someone who knows her passed.

Her deep thirst to florish comes to the fact Jesus offers her living water from which no one will thirst and she wants learn of this living water.

We today who lean of Christ and believe in him want him to live in us spiritully so we can be his servants and tell others of him just as the woman at the well.    


Jesus words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty.  what has been your experience?  Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point?   What caused her deep thirst to surface?  What does this teach us about our own witness?


I was thirsty for something but wasn't sure what.  It was deeper than a drink of water.  As God led me along little steps at a time I thirsted for more and more until I came to know the Living Savior, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, that he was more than I was taught in church, that He was real, that He loved me and that He wanted to satisfy my thirst which can only be satisfied by knowing Him, believing in Him, spending time with him.


Yes she is spiritually thirsty however she herself doesn't seem to recognize that it is spiritual.


Her deep thirst was caused by the presence of the Living God talking to her, gently prodding her along the same as He did me.  He leads and we follow because He is unlike anything on this fallen earth.  He is gentle with some and confident and He seems to know us. He is not condemning (getting our hackles up) us so we can just listen and learn as He gently explains truths to us that we do not hear on this earth.


Be patient, listen, explain in love.


God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26


(John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness? 


I believe that we are all spiritually thirsty. It is a question of whether we know it or not and whether we want to do something about it. Sometimes, we need God to give us a prod before we can sit up and acknowledge that deep in our spirit we are yearning to know more of God. It is exactly what happened to the Samaritan woman. Jesus had to ask her questions to awaken her spiritual hunger. Similarly, when we witness, we need to ask pertinent questions that would gently point the person towards God and the things of God.


Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?

Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty because we were created to worship and serve God. When a person is not in a  relationship with God where he is continuously worshipping and serving God there will be a vacuum that will be void of a sense of accomplishment.   The fact that the woman is living a life style where she seeks to find happiness in doing acts that are immoral and not in a relationship with her heaveanly father attest to the fact that she is indeed spiritually thirsty at this point. Being in Jesus' presence brought to surface her deep thirst even more. This teaches us that when we meet people to witness the gospel, do so with the knowledge that they too have a thirst that God wants to quench.


At this point in the narrative Jesus is gently engaging the women with questions and statements about thirst and he certainly implies that there is a solution for an unquenchable thirst that she has. She initially misses the point, but Jesus drives the point that there is a gift and person that can satisfy the thirst. This reminds me of St. Augustine's statement: "Thou hast created us for Thyself, and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee."

My experience is similar in that when I do street ministry, many when asked how they are doing, will say "fine" or "good". When asked if they have any prayer requests they often say "no, I'm good." Interestingly, Jesus does not try to establish that the woman has a thirst. He simply states that he has the living water for the unquenchable thirst - namely the gift of himself. She then indicates that she has a physical thirst and very concrete felt- need for something that will give relief for her situation of the lonely noontime trips to fetch water. Jesus continues to gently probe and engage to make the point that he is talking about something more than just physical thirst. And in our own encounters with people whom we wish to introduce to Jesus, we can pray that the Holy Spirit will soften their heart and convict them of their deep need.


People are thirsty for God's word they are trying to find happiness in worldly things. They put it all before Jesus. We will never be content until Jesus is first in our lives. If someone went to a popular ball game and the announcer said no game today we will talk about Jesus the stadium would be about empty. I am not saying I"m against ballgame just proving that more will go to a worldly event than go to church and worship the Lord


I have done this and had no happiness. We need to put the world behind us and the cross before us.I think we will be judge of what we didn't do.


Yes the woman seem spiritually thirsty and the more Jesus talk with her the more she realized how immoral she was living. This proves to me when we study the Bible pray and tell others about Jesus the Holy Spirit inside us will convict us to follow Jesus


If we are to witness to others we need to tell them about our spiritually thirst and and took the living water





Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus' words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?


I am spiritually thirsty and need to be refilled over and over.


Though spiritually thirsty, she did not realise it initially.


It was after Jesus has explained and caused her to realise her need for the gift of eternal life did she see her spiritual thirst.

  • 2 weeks later...

I know that sometimes I have been spiritually thirsty because of what I have done. The woman does seem spiritually thirsty because of her life style. This teaches us that we are witnessing to another person we need to be sure that we are witnessing Jesus Christ and not our own power.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (John 4:9-15)

Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience?

I those who are being called are all spiritually thirsty, like the Samaritan woman. I am being being guilty everyday of the wrong things that I've done and one day I've found my self asking the Lord to give me a chance to serve him.


Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point?

The woman not knowingly is spiritually thirsty at this point.


What caused her deep thirst to surface?

When she heard of the living water and she will never thirst again. She must has been tired in drawing water and carrying them.


What does this teach us about our own witness?

That God is our source of life and everything that are goodness.

  • 1 month later...

1 What did Jesus mean by “living water”? In the Old Testament, many verses speak of thirsting after God as one thirsts for water (Psalms 42:1; Isaiah 55:1; Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 13:1). God is called the fountain of life (Psalms 36:9) and the fountain of living water (Jeremiah 17:13). In saying he would bring living water that could forever quench a person’s thirst for God, Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah. Only the Messiah could give this gift that satisfies the soul’s desire.

2 The women did not feel spiritually thirsty because she did not realise it first.

3 Many spiritual functions parallel physical functions. As our bodies hunger and thirst, so do our souls. But our souls need spiritual food and water. The woman confused the two kinds of water, perhaps because no one had ever talked with her about her spiritual hunger and thirst before. We would not think of depriving our bodies of food and water when they hunger or thirst. Why then should we deprive our souls? The living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible, can satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls.

  • 2 months later...

There is a great spiritual thirst in the world today. People have become soft and complacient. They worship without feeling. They blindly follow others. They do not want to face reality. Their souls are empty. The woman is spiritually thirsty. she feels in her heart the words that Jesus is speaking. She becomes alive again. she feels that need to have more inside of herself. We need to get this spark that this woman experienced when she talked to Jesus. We need to learn to talk to Him again. We need to learn to feel the love that is able to flood through our whole soul.

  • 1 month later...

On the outside she does not appear to be spiritually thirsty. But, Jesus used curiosity to "entice" the woman. Jesus offered her a very valuable gift for free. 

Each evangelistic encounter works best if individualized to that person, being able to begin with something that you both have in common can go a long way. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus' words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty.  What has been your experience?  Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point?  What caused her deep thirst to surface?  What does this teach us about our own witness?


1) At one point in my life, I really totally unsatisfied with my life.  All I ever wanted was to live a more personally fulfilling life.  The problem at that point in time was that I found myself looking for happiness everywhere except for Jesus.  I had a loving wife and children, a nice home and a very good job but something was missing and the more I looked for it the more it eluded me.  I was trying to meet do it on my own and that just wasn’t working too well. I was looking for the easy way and it wasn’t until years later that through Jesus Christ I finally found the happiness and contentment that I’d been looking for.  My personal search was in vain and I’d spent a great deal of time rejecting God and not looking to Him to meet my needs but through the gospel of Christ Jesus I’ve finally found a happy, successful life and I think Him every single day for blessing me with His love.  2) Yes, I believe she was; she’d been married five times and was living in sin with a man who wasn't her husband. That Jesus knew of her sins and gave her an opportunity to have those sins forgiven made an impression on her.  She believe Him when He told her that He was the Messiah and she repented and then went back to tell her friends and family, how Jesus knew about her sins and his offer of the live-giving water and eternal life.  3) Her deep thirst arose when she found out that Jesus already knew about everything she’d ever done.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think all people are spiritually thirsty but they don't always know that. Jesus says "If you knew the gift of God...you would have asked and He would have given you living water." There is an emptiness in all of us that we attempt to fill with wordly things, and we often don't know what is missing or where to quench this thirst..The woman asks "Where can you get this living water?" Jesus knows how we attempt to quench this spiritual thirst with wordly things that will never satisfy, and yet He alone can quench that thirst. He says "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again."

I don't think the woman knew she was spiritually thirsty although she was, and she had been attempting to satisfy this thirst in wordly ways (for her it was with men.) I don't think her deep thirst just surfaced. I think Jesus drew it out. First He was accepting and non-judgmental. He knew what type of woman she was and He saw beyond her attempts to satisfy her spiritual thirst in worldly ways. He didn't come after her beating her to death with the Good News, but drew her in with love. We need to do the same with our witness. We need to see beyond the sin in others lives (we all have our own issues) and realize that much sin is our attempt to satisfy a spiritual thirst with a wordly pleasure. We need to bring others to a place where they recognize they have a spiritual thirst and then lead them to Jesus, who is the only Way to quench that thirst. We need to help create a hunger and thirst for the true Bread of Life and spring of living water. We need to build relationships and really love as Jesus did rather than beating and continuing to beat someone with the Good News.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?


I think it was St Augustine who said "our souls will find no rest until we find our rest in thee".  It's like we all run around with a hole in our hearts.   We need an operation to fix it and the only cure is Jesus.

Life has no ultimate meaning or purpose without drinking on the living water that Jesus gives.  
For me I was a party boy student booze parties at night and in the bars during the day.  Flunking all my exams ...  Didn't know my mother or father and looking for meaning and purpose for my life...  And then I met Jesus at a Billy Graham crusade in Wellington.  

I was walking 6 feet above the ground for months after that.  I carried a pocket Bible around in my back pocket and all my old buddies were so challenged by that.  It's like Jesus filled that hole in my heart.  And he has ever since and that was sixty years ago now.  Praise the Lord for Billy Graham and all other evangelists proclaiming our wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ.  

I think the woman was rather defensive when Christ started talking to her.  It was after he mentioned her five husbands that her mask was thrown aside and her true thirsty needs were revealed.   

We need to be bolder in the way we witness.  Like Paul, 'not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to salvation for all who believe'.  Proclamation involves a presentation of the message of salvation with an opportunity given for people to respond.  
Right now is our only chance to witness for Christ.... In heaven it will be too late.
Blessings on you all.    

  • 4 months later...

Without Jesus all we know is the pursuit of worldly things. But these things of earth are always temporary, always shifting, always lacking in enduring satisfaction when it's all said and done. And if it's true that we're all born with a “God-shaped hole” in us, we're always seeking a way to fill that space. But nothing fits it perfectly and permanently except God, so all the things and man-made religions we chase after in the natural realm always eventually dry up and leave us parched and empty again.


The woman at this well didn't seem spiritually thirsty as she first met Jesus. Her life, with its string of sinful choices and unholy circumstances, was most certainly empty and dry, but she had no understanding of her true need or the only lasting solution. Her deep thirst surfaced when Jesus brought her face-to-face with the reality of truth. Even as He exposed what He saw in her life, Jesus told her of a previously unknown gift that God desired for her, a spiritual living water she could receive that would refresh the empty dryness in her soul and satisfy the thirst for eternal life. She could have God's abiding life-giving presence within!


Knowing that every person without Christ is spiritually thirsty (whether they realize it or not) should make us more sensitive to the moments we have in encounters with people. Lord, help us be ready with loving compassion, the right questions, and Your Word of truth with its promise of the living waters of eternal life.

  • 2 years later...

Yes, I have been spiritually thirsty. I have to go to the well (Bible) daily. The woman does seem like she is spiritually thirsty but doesn’t realize it. Jesus is the one that made her deep thirst to surface. If we witness then a person that person that we are witnessing to might figure out that they too needs to go to the well.

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