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Q3. (Revelation 21:9-27) John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (21:9-10; 21:2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

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My pastor was saying once in church how excited he was when he got married. His wife was finallly going to be his. In thinking of this question this is what comes to my mind that Jesus has prepared a paradise for His bride and He is excited to receive her unto Himself and we shall forever be with Him in perfect harmony and joy.

God Bless



Lovingly, wanting only the best perfect place for us to dwell. Some believers will have suffered greatly and when He comes for us to give us rest.

He has always sacrificially loved us and now has given us that perfect place that we will dwell with Him in abundance for ever



Jesus our savior is pure love

and comes to church to adore the Father

The church that Jesus loves is pure and

at the beginning the Father gave Jesus

12 and He returned 11.

In heaven Jesus invites everyone to come

to him -"He that is thirsty come to me"

He is joyful and glad to bring his heard to

the Father we are His sheep and we hear

his voice.

-"You turned my wailing into dancing;

you removed my sackcloth and clothed

me with joy, that my heart may sing to

you and not be silent. O LORD my

GOD, I will give you thanks forever"

Psalm 30:11-12.

Thank you my brothers and sisters

be with God always.

Q3. (Revelation 22:9-27) John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (22:9-10; 21:21:2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church

Rev. 21: 9-21- He looks at his Church as a beautiful and precious stone, His Bride holy and without blemish and highly valued. The Church is perfected, being free from any abomination or anyone or thing that defiles it. There is no enemy to protect against or exclude, but only those who have been saved and are written in the book will be there.

It is the temple of our Lord God and the Lamb. They have claimed their temple; there will be no need for anything else. God will be enough. And those who are saved will walk with them.


He sees his church as holy and pure. Clean and forgiven of all our sins. Ready to be joined with our groom. Ready to worship him the way he deserves to be worshiped.


It tells me that Jesus is coming for a bride that is pure and white without spot or blemish. He has already got written down the names of those that will be part of the bride and they are the church. The reward of the saints is at hand they will receive according to what they have done in their work here on this earth for Jesus. He sees one worthy of the fruit of the tree of life and one that will be with him forever more. The church will be perfect no sin nothing to stand between her and the groom. He loves her enough to adorn her with precious jewels and make her the love of his life. There is nothing unclean in the church she is holy and righteous. :D

:huh: Christ sees the Church as spotless, washed clean by His blood. She is perfect in every way just as when created by God.

Jesus sees His Church as being without blemish or winkle or spot.

He sees it as being pure and holy, without sin.


Jesus will look upon the church with love and admiration.

As a husband looks at his bride, without spot or wrinkle.

She has endured to the end without renouncing Christ. She will receive the blessing that has been promise by God. She will spend eternity with Him. Christ looks upon the church with love because she has been loyal, giving him the honor, praise and glory.


It will be more glorious then any of us can imagine.

  • 3 weeks later...

" Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spirutual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, according as he has choosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love" (Eph 1:3,4)

".......redeemed us with the precious blood of Christ"

Eph 5:25,27 " Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it .... that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having a spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish"

Lord Jesus Christ looks upon his church, his bride, for which he laid down his own life, as pure and wholly acceptable, to have everlasting communion.


Pure and bright without blemishes.


Jesus sees us as living parts of a living body which we call church and He calls His Bride, alias the Heavenly Jerusalem. Every living part is vital to Him. Every part He has made very beautiful and complete, holy and suitable for His habitation, or for marriage and co-habitation with Him. It comes from Heaven, so every part has been cleansed in the River of Life and glorified (as He had to be glorified and cleansed when He left earth to return to the Father's presence). This holy city is His delight, His Life's work, His joy and fufilment.


The Holy Cities gates are never shut.Jesus looks at His church to be open to all,"but" you have to believe that Jesus is your Savior.Becoming a Believer you are already included in being a part of the Church"the Bride".The invitation "Come" ought to apply to unbelievers,"The Invitation"..The church is for all,the doors are open for whoever is thirsty.

The overcomer is promised the reward of entering through the gates of the Holy City.Entering through the gates,with Thanksgiving and Praise.Glory Be To God!

Jesus I believe looks at his Church with great love,a love that can not be coppared to anything else.Jesus loved us so much he gave his life,so we as believers can enter the Holy City.Amen

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Revelation 21:9-27)

John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (21:9-10; 21:21-2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

John's vision of the Holy City is one of splendor and beauty. It is also full of richness and purity. The Holy City is shown as solid and unchanging in the image given. The temple is everywhere like God is and it is His glory that shines eternally and the temple is not a building or in someone but all are "one" and the temple is like God everywhere. John's vision portrays a "oneness". We will become one.

That is the way Jesus looks at his Church as one where He is the head and walks among them. The Church is perfect as the spouse is, himself, where the Church is likened to the bride. Jesus sees the Church as the Holy City, full of splendor, beauty, richness, purity, solid, unchanging-faithful, glorious, shining and (all churches) one with Him.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Revelation 22:9-27) John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (22:9-10; 21:21:2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

He looks at us as His children, clean and pure and forgiven. :rolleyes:

  • 4 months later...

We will all be fellow servants to Jesus. All to worship him.

  • 1 month later...


Q3. (Revelation 22:9-27)  John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (22:9-10; 21:21:2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

He Loves Us :D

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 22:9-27) John's vision of the Holy City is obviously strongly symbolic. But the Holy City pictures "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (22:9-10; 21:21:2). What does John's vision of the Holy City tell us about the way that Jesus looks at his Church?

The Holy City, under the new covenant, the new "Jerusalem" is no longer a physical place, but since Jesus gift encompasses all the earth. Thew Holy City is the church, and he is there

  • 3 months later...

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