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Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? 


it is hard for me to imagine how she felt, though on Sept 2, 2007, in the morning while reading John 20:10 the Holy Spirit came upon me, still it is not the same, since I cried for maybe 20 minutes not realizing why.In here case she had to feel something deeply, something almost frightening that He would know this about her. It had to change her way of thinking in that moment, and she admitted He was a prophet.  


Just as God has made a way for me to have a new job, inspite of my fears; now I need to recognize he will lead me simply help other people on my new job, as I remain humble and let Him do the work. It si only by deeper faith that we allow God to run our lives. May it be this way for all of us doing this study, this is my prayer of the moment.


Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men?


The woman realized Jesus' knowledge was supernatural, since He had not met her nor did He know anything about her. He gently revealed her sin, without condemnation or shame...just simple facts. This opened a dialogue with her which was not intimidating in any way...but was life giving. Jesus was limited as we are to finite knowledge until the Holy Spirit gave Him supernatural knowledge (word of knowledge, or word of wisdom, etc) as we are also able to receive on behalf of others.


What effect did it have on her faith?


She said "Sir, I understand that You are a prophet." She moved from curiosity and thirst for water to the spiritual.


How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?


I've received Words of Wisdom and Words of Knowledge through other believers which have been life changing! I've been given Words for others who've said their lives have been changed also. To hear from someone's lips, words that only the Holy Spirit could know is so powerful, faith building, and love affirming. The first time I experienced this was years ago. I was deeply depressed. I had symptoms similar to what my brother had when he was stricken with polio. I wanted to die. My husband was depressed through our many losses and trials and kept saying "It's too late for us!"  The next morning at church I went forward for prayer but said nothing...had no idea what to ask for. The woman did not know me or anything about me. She started to pray. Stopped and prayed in tongues for a moment. Looked at me and said. "You've been believing lies! You are not going to get sick! Your life is not going to be cut short! It's not too late for you!" As I cried, she prayed about those areas. The heaviness lifted. I quit worrying about getting sick. The lying symptoms left and never came back. I stopped wanting to die. I shared what she said with my husband and his heaviness lifted. To hear those words from her lips told me how much God loves me...and how He knows my every thought, since I had told no one about my fears. He cares about every detail of our lives.


The one giving the Word is blessed....to have the privilege of speaking on His behalf is very humbling and beautiful...and to see the impact on the receiver is overwhelmingly beautiful! We serve such a precious God!


The effect of Jesus’s knowledge was to demonstrate to her that he was special, ‘a prophet’ in her words.  This clearly made her take him more seriously than previously.  I think the conversation up to that point shows her scoffing at him in disbelief at his power to produce such miraculous water.


I can only tell you of the gift that I have seen, the gift of speech.  When somebody truly speaks to one with words inspired by the Holy Spirit, the listener will be very much moved and it will have a real effect on their spiritual lives.

Q4. (John 4:16-19) 

What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? 

What effect did it have on her faith? 

How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? 

Initially, the woman tried to hide the facts about her sinful living. But when she realized Jesus knew all about her sinful life, her attitude changed, and she understood that Jesus was no ordinary person. However, she did not yet realize He was God, but rather took Him to be a prophet. To be saved she had to acknowledge herself as a sinner, and at the same time, come to Jesus in true repentance, confessing her sin. We see Jesus here being compassionate, not wanting to shame the woman, but rather wanting to free the woman from the bondage of sin.  Like all of us, she had to know that she was dead in her sins, and could not save herself, and most of all, needed a Saviour. Experiencing the Holy Spirit at work can have a profound effect on people, often bringing them to faith or even deepening their faith. 



(John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?


It was like it was a progressive enlightenment that the woman received from Jesus. As she gained more information from him she began to realise that he was not like any other man. In my opinion, when Jesus told her that he knew about her men/husbands- that seemed to clinch the deal for her. Perhaps she realised that there was no way that Jesus could have known about that, other than he was truely the Messiah who knew everything.


What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

  • She acknowledged that he was a prophet and tried to change the subject.  Her faith was increased.  Sometimes God will put someone in your life that will prophesize to you to help you change your life and increase your faith.

Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men?

She perceived he was a prophet, a man who speaks for God.


Q. What effect did it have on her faith?

When a true prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, the things spoken will come to pass, will be true, I see her faith had

been ignited as she seeks for truth from this man she perceives to be a prophet, and she asks for clarification to the “contention” that was held between the Jews and the Samaritan’s as she said  (v20) Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.


Faith was ignited by “TRUTH”, and for this Samaritan woman, she was open to and was seeking that which is true, she was taking steps towards and yet not understanding that he is more than a prophet - He is the “Chief Cornerstone”.


Q. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

We must test the spirits to see if they are speaking for God. They killed the prophets who spoke “truth” that of doomsday, while they praised the prophets that brought “good tidings” untruth, if the prophet speaks in the LORD's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the LORD did not give that message, and need not be feared.




Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? 


She knew He was not an ordinary preacher, He knew everything.... impossible, yet it only took "7" speakings to her to turn her into an evangelist for Christ in her home town. Only with God, only with Jesus.


Oh we of little faith, we could never do this in "7" of course not because we believe we can't; we are not Peter we are Thomas. In John 15, Jesus said "remain in me..."  simple to say, needs lots of practice all the time to "let go and let God"


At least we know what to do, cause He told us how to do it in John 15!


Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men?


It stopped her in her tracks! Up until now they were just having a normal conversation. Now, however, Jesus has just given her the word of knowledge concerning her sex life and she's stunned.




What effect did it have on her faith?


She immediately recognized Jesus as a prophet. I won't write too much here. It's all coming in tomorrow's lesson.




How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?


Sometimes a gifted healer can sniff out the root cause of someone's illness. That happened to me a few years ago. I went it for healing for my busted up shoulders and came out having been exorcised! . . . and free of pain, praise God!!


What was the effect of Jesus special knowledge of the woman's history with men?  What effect did it have on her faith?  How can such gifts of the spirit work today to bring people to faith  or deepen their faith?


The woman perceived that this was supernatural and that Jesus was a prophet.  The effect it had on her faith was that she wanted to know more.  She wanted to know of Him where to worship.


It is the Holy Spirit that works in the hearts and minds of all who would know Christ to open them to receive the light and to grow.


But imagine going to the well as you do everyday at a time when you hope not to see anyone and there is someone there who talks to you like no one else ever has.  And He just knows about you not condemning like everyone else.  And you don't realize you are talking to God Himself just sitting there tired like you are.  Imagine as  the conversation started unlike any other.  No shunning.  He is talking to me, why is He talking to me, no one else talks to me and you are drawn in, reeled in by the Master of reaching people and bringing them into His kingdom.


God bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

The effect of the knowledge that Jesus had of the woman at the well was quit impressive for her. How could a Jew know so much about her life, unless he was a prophet.

It caused the woman to realize that surely this was the messiah that they had been waiting for. Thus she went and spread the news to her fellow people. It is no doubt it created a faith in her that she had never had before.

Today with the help of the spirit in us it can help bring non believers to Christ. The spirit searches the heart and allows the person to realize their sinful ways and need for a savior. The spirit can help us utter kind and helpful words to turn them to Christ.  


(John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? 


Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men would undoubtedly have surprised her. Especially since Jesus was not from her town and more so when Jews do not mingle with Samaritans. The only logical conclusion to the woman was that Jesus was a prophet. Hence her remark - 'Sir,' the woman said, 'I can see that you are a prophet.' (John 4:19) Having just told her about living water, which may be could have piqued her spiritual interest, Jesus' revelation to her would undoubtedly have stirred her faith and her desire to learn more. I believe such revelations from God still happens today and that God does bring a timely word to people, through friends, colleagues or even strangers, to build up or deepen their faith in Him. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!  


Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

The effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men is that she believed that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, because, as she said, only the Messiah could reveal to her the things that He did. She believed that Jesus was the expected Messiah and she ran to tell others.  The gifts of the Spirit is still at work today to bring people to faith and deepening their faith when they themselves and others see the change that the Spirit of God brings to a person's life.

  • 2 weeks later...

  She knew in talking that Jesus knew her past. She called him a prophet.In talking to Jesus she knew he was a different man than the ones she had in her life. She become uncomfortable with the conversation and tried to avoid it by talking around it.  Gently Jesus brought her back and she realized that this was the long awaited Messiah . When we talk Jesus to others they get uncomfortable and try to talk about other things but we are to gently bring Jesus back to the conversation. 


It had a glorious effect on her she believed and went to tell others, That is exactly what we are to do.


When others see the change the Holy Spirit has on us they want what we have. This is the time to share Jesus with them. We are to tell  through Jesus Christ as our Savuior we will have increased faith by accepting Him and read His word and pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit to come into us.


Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? 


It help her believe that Jesus was not just an ordinary human being and thus his message needed to be taken seriously and obeyed.



We need to pray for God to open the minds of those we preach to.



The woman recognized Jesus as a prophet or at least had a gift of knowledge. She was impressed. But this was not a saving faith at this point. Jesus still had to bring her along further. It's interesting how she immediately change the subject away from her failures with men/husbands.

Special gifts and occasionally signs and wonders can impress prospective converts, ie gets their attention. But it is not enough. Jesus himself at another place and time did not entrust himself in "believers" who were at this stage.

Yet Jesus used the signs and wonders and we can too.

  • 2 weeks later...

It surprised the woman that Jesus knew that she had five husbands to the degree that she thought that He was a prophet. Such gifts today would also bring the person to faith. To have their life brought into the light would surprise anybody and hopefully bring them into believing in Jesus Christ.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men?

The woman learned that Jesus knows she is a sinner and knows everything about her.


What effect did it have on her faith?

Her faith becomes more deeper.


How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

By the mercy and grace of the Spirit, it gives prophetic word to a person or will have special knowledge of a person's condition to increase their faith so God might work in them.

  • 1 month later...

1 The woman did not immediately understand what Jesus was talking about. It takes time to accept something that changes the very foundations of your life. Jesus allowed the woman time to ask questions and put pieces together for herself. Sharing the Good News will not always have immediate results. When you ask people to let Jesus change their lives, give them time to weigh the matter.

2 When this woman discovered that Jesus knew all about her private life, she quickly changed the subject. Often people become uncomfortable when the conversation is too close to home, and they try to talk about something else. As we witness, we should gently guide the conversation back to Christ. His presence exposes sin and makes people squirm, but only Christ can forgive sins and give new life. The women's faith grew more as he realilised this men brought good news to her.

The holy spirit working in us and the Spirit of the Lord working today to bring people close to Christ and our faith o deepen 


The effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men was, she told Him she perceived He was a Prophet.

The effect it had on her faith was, she was curious, but still had questions.

Such gifts of the Spirit can work today to bring people to faith by drawing them to Christ. Gifts of the Spirit can help people deepen their faith by helping them have a closer walk with the Lord.

  • 2 months later...

Jesus possibly took this woman by complete surprise when He was able to tell her that she spoke the truth to Him. This woman acknowledged that Jesus was a holy type of person. She gave Him the title of prophet. She really believed in His knowledge and ability to know her. It opened her heart and eyes even more. The gifts of the Spirit can help us to be open to people. It can teach us to be accepting of people's past and not to be judgmental just honest. It will show people a love and an acceptance that they never had before. It will possibly fill them with a longing to feel more and to become more. We can open up the world for them. We can help them accept the love of God, the forgiveness of their past, and the grace to help them move forward.

  • 1 month later...

That Jesus was a prophet-someone special-not ordinary.

It gave her faith in Jesus where up to then she was being somewhat sarcastic.

The Holy Spirit turns the light bulb on. The Holy Spirit provides insight/understanding of God's Word, and also events in our lives.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (John 4:16-19)  What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men?  What effect did it have on her faith?  How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?


1) The knowledge that Jesus had about her history with men was astonishing as He had exposed every indecent thing that she had ever done.  She believed he was the Messiah and went into the city and told everyone what had happened and as a result they too believed.  2) Studying and understanding the Word of God brings us closer to Him.  Jesus not only associated with sinners, He sought them out teaching us to be more understanding and less critical of others. As Jesus demonstrated love and acceptance we too have to do the same things in order to teach others to understand God’s love for them and that He’s always there to forgive their past misdeeds.

  • 6 months later...

When Jesus identified specifics of this woman's history with men, she was confronted with the truth of her life and humbled by the divine insight of this man she assumed to be a prophet. She recognized that she was intimately known in a way that was only possible for God. This opened her heart and gave her faith to believe the reality that the promised Messiah truly had come, and He had come to speak with her right there at the well in the middle of her ordinary day.


I do believe the Holy Spirit can still give prophetic spiritual insight to a believer about another person for the purpose of increasing or deepening their faith and growing in Christ. I think the test of validity would be who gets the glory for the “word of knowledge”, the person speaking the word or the Person who gave the word to be spoken. This type of word would be to communicate God's already established truth, not to reveal some supposed new word of prophecy.

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