Old Jerry Posted June 6, 2018 Report Posted June 6, 2018 It gave her the understanding that Jesus was the Messiah. It turned her around and she acknowledged him as the Messiah. These gifts of the Spirit can work today to bring people to faith if we just go out and witness to them. Quote
Godswriter Posted January 18, 2019 Report Posted January 18, 2019 Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? It caused her to realize that someone to knew all about her past and what she did without who she was personally. It was also extremely revealing for her since she was living with a man who was not her husband at the time. This caused her to become honest with Him and tell him the truth of the situation. She assumed He was a prophet instead of the Messiah. Eventually however she realized that He was the Messiah. This can cause people to realize that they are sinning and are in need of God and repent of their sins. Quote
newwine50 Posted September 3, 2019 Report Posted September 3, 2019 Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? She realized that he was a prophet. What effect did it have on her faith? It made her believe that Jesus was from God and made her wonder if He was the Messiah. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? They can help people know that God knows who they are and cares for them. They can cause them to believe that Jesus is the Christ and lead others to Him. Quote
theoldveteran Posted September 11, 2019 Report Posted September 11, 2019 On 8/7/2014 at 2:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? (1) I believe that it served to convict her of her sin, and to prove who Jesus was-----The Coming Messiah. (2) It planted the seed that grew into her faith, and prompted her to run to the village to tell others of His coming! (3) It can have the same effect as I outlined in the previous answer. It prompted her to run to the village and tell others of His coming and to call them to come to Jesus. Quote
Rosesam Posted November 20, 2019 Report Posted November 20, 2019 Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? By raising the question of her husband, Jesus is gently prodding her to confess her evil deeds. Even then, He commends her for the one honest thing she said, i.e. she doesn’t have a husband. This woman would have been a pariah in her own hometown as other people would have shunned her. She would have received respect only from strangers who knew nothing about her disgraceful living. But this stranger knew everything about her, yet He didn’t condemn her. He treated her with respect and even offered her a special gift. She must have been surprised and taken aback by both His insight and His willingness to accept her. Because of His insight she was able to perceive that He is a prophet. Since Samaritans believed only in the books written by Moses (Pentateuch/Torah), they were willing to acknowledge only the Prophet, Moses said would be coming one day. They also knew that this Prophet would be the coming Messiah. Based on her understanding and experience, we see her immediately making the connection that He is the prophet and the Messiah. Instead of reacting in a negative way like becoming defensive or explaining her reasons or getting embarrassed or angry or any other negative course of action she responded to Him in a way which clearly revealed that her faith is built up and that she has put her trust in Him. His ways are profoundly simple and simply profound. His gifts can bring people to faith, deepen their faith, encourage and edify them, give direction in their lives, provide breakthrough etc. He is the source of all things and when our dependence is on Him, He will take us to an expected end that we have in Him. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted April 29, 2020 Report Posted April 29, 2020 1. Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? The effect was that she was shockingly awakened out of her casual regard of Jesus as just another Jew, to declaring: …You are a prophet. 2. What effect did it have on her faith? Jesus’ special knowledge of her history gave her discernment thus sowing within her, faith the size of a mustard seed. 3. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? Jesus promised that when he goes he will send the Holy Spirit who will empower us to do what He had been doing, and even greater things because He was going to the Father. Armed with this word of empowerment, we can by faith, use our healing, prophesying, and miracle working gifts to deepen people’s faith. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted August 9, 2021 Report Posted August 9, 2021 The effect is that the woman recognizes Christ as a prophet.. Christ is 'and now is' the future fulfillment of the Jewish, Samaritan and Hellenistic religions. The Samaritan religion has externals and that it is not a true worship of the one true God. CHRIST transcends the Samaritan and Hellenistic religions. Christ is the eternal Son of God, Son of Mary and Messiah. MT Gerizim is not the one place of worship. She witnessed to her neighbors. The Samaritans came to believe that Christ is Saviour of the whole world. This community had a personal experience and Communion with Christ. The Pentecostal gift of knowledge can be so useful in ministry. Especially in difficult Pastoral situations. People are different and enmeshed in a myriad of problems. College and seminary courses are all well and good but at times are useless in difficult counseling situations. I know for a fact that that different approaches are necessary to reach people. Evangelism in an area highly populated by strict Hindus may be needed to be adjusted by USA evangelists. Same thing if one is in Cairo or in Tehran. A great USA preacher T.L Osborne had healing meetings in Pakistan. Many Muslims were converted to Christ when they witnessed miraculous healings. Quote
Daniel R Posted December 6, 2021 Report Posted December 6, 2021 1. What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? Jesus' knowledge of the woman's history with men caused the woman to finally realize that she was talking to somebody greater than just a typical weary traveler. She realized that Jesus had great power because He "couldn't" have known, yet somehow He did. She became curious and she began to realize just who Jesus was!!! 2. What effect did it have on her faith? Jesus' knowledge caused the woman's faith to surface and she began to become curious of who Jesus really was and more thirsty for this "Living Water" that He gave!!! 3. How can such gifts of the Holy Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? Nowadays, such gifts from the Holy Spirit bring many people to faith or to a deeper faith by showing the love and the power of God. Once you experience both of these things, you realize just how mighty, loving, powerful, and great God is and in return, that causes you (or whoever) to submit yourself (themselves) to and believe and trust in God more and more; your faith in Him increases more and more!!! THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!! Quote
Irmela Posted April 22, 2022 Report Posted April 22, 2022 (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? What effect did it have on her faith? How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? She recognized Him to be more than just an ordinary man. She wondered if He was a prophet. (In the past it was they who were the ones who revealed hidden things). She trusted Him completely. One can say her faith in Him was complete that soon she acknowledged Him as the Messiah. It can lift a heavy spirit and make one's faith grow greater, as one realizes it was God who sent that person because of His great love for us. Quote
Krissi Posted February 27 Report Posted February 27 I'm not surprised that God can see into our hearts and knows our history. Jesus knows about us all. Intimately. He knows what we're thinking, not just what we're doing. Omniscient... Of course He knew about the woman's history as well as that of every other person He encountered during His brief ministry. What surprises me is NOT that He had this knowledge, but that most of the time He keeps quiet, sharing what He knows with no one. It's His silence in the face of total knowledge that's shocking, not the knowledge itself. She didn't know Him so she immediately assumed He was some sort of future/fortune-teller, a seer or prophet. How was Jesus "wired"? I don't know. Did the Holy Spirit hover outside of Him until His baptism, even though He was God? That's what's implied here. And then afterward, when His baptism was complete and the dove came down to Him, The Spirit still was at work in Him? What's concerning is the splitting of Jesus/God and the Holy Spirit. They are one. Jesus IS the Holy Spirit. It's not like the Holy Spirit wasn't a part of Him. -- Regarding our own inner constitutions, I see the Spirit as within me, but to a limited degree. Sometimes those limits are placed on Him by me ... sometimes by other forces including God limiting Himself for reasons only He knows. Obviously, the Spiritual gifts are not all mine. So, yes, the Spirit is in me to bring me closer to the Spirit, which is a tautology, I know, but that seems to be how it works. God circulates in me. In doing so, He deepens my faith. I firmly believe, now, that only the Spirit brings us to saving faith. I cannot explain why some are saved and others are damned. I cannot explain why it takes so long for the Spirit to come into some people and not others. All I am confident of is this -- that through the pulling agency of the Spirit, we come to know God as savior, that what is within us causes us to acknowledge the aspects of God outside of us. Quote
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