Daniel R Posted December 12, 2021 Report Posted December 12, 2021 1. What does it mean that "God is spirit"? God is THE Creator! He wasn't made or created by anyone or anything, but instead, HE is the Creator, the Giver of Life, who has full dominion and authority over all of His creation (which is everything)!!! On top of that, God isn't made up of matter, He is invisible to the naked eye, therefore, Him being spirit means that He is 100% omnipresent!!! 2. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? To worship in spirit and in truth means to worship God not in physical means, but in spiritual means through the Holy Spirit, and with true sincerity and genuineness. Worshipping in spirit and truth doesn't mean simply saying the words or doing the actions, but worshipping through the Holy Spirit and having our heart and focus set only on God!!! 3. Have you ever "gone through the motions" of worship without worshipping? I have gone through the motions of worshipping many, many times. Lots of those times were when i was younger and found no interest in having a relationship with God and worshipping Him, but even now, if i don't feel like worshipping Him (which sadly i do) or if i'm very exhausted, i may worship Him without truly worshipping Him... 4. How can you worship in a way more pleasing to God? i can worship God in a way that is much, much, more pleasing to Him by spending less time doing those things i think i HAVE to do, like HAVING to read this many chapters in the Bible and listening to this person and doing this and that, and instead, just focusing on God and worshipping Him!!! THANK YOU FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!! Quote
Irmela Posted April 23, 2022 Report Posted April 23, 2022 Q6. (John 4:23-24) What does it mean that "God is spirit"? That is one of His attributes. He is not visible to the human eyes. But He is omnipresent. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? Being real. Worshiping with your all. Have you ever "gone through the motions" of worship without worshipping? Yes it does happen. But if you mean 'business' with God, it does not last. Once you focus on Him, your surroundings move into oblivion and you become aware of Him, His greatness, awesomeness and love. How can you worship in a way more pleasing to God? Be real. He knows what's going on inside of you anyway. You cannot hide anything from Him. Quote
Krissi Posted March 1 Report Posted March 1 God is Spirit means He is not just physical, but invisible/untouchable/omnipresent ... like wind. He is both 'out there" and inside of me. Both. I have a difficult time conceptualizing Spirit. To me, it's a bit like being in warm water, having the water press on me from all sides, seeing only the water from within it, even swallowing some of it. The Spirit is that water. Worshipping in Spirit and in truth means having a reasonably correct understanding of who God is. The problem is that our understanding of God becomes more nuanced and accurate as we go through the Christian life. What I thought of God 25 years ago is not how I think of Him today. So my "truth" was warped then, or more warped, and surely is still warped today. We never know the truth of God but have into it only very tiny glimpses that are additive but never complete. Thus, worshipping in truth must mean that the Truth that is revealed to us, at that moment, is sufficient. We can do no better. Worshipping in Spirit perhaps is the precondition to worshipping in truth. Without the Spirit, truth is impossible. But, again, there are some people who do not believe who have some understanding of what Spirit is. Secular/unbelieving theologians can wax elegantly about the meaning of Spirit and actually have some understanding. The understanding they have, however, never penetrates to their hearts. They think ... not feel/intuit. They understand without really knowing. It's a bit like learning to love someone slowly. Of course I've gone through the motions. When I'm distracted by noise or people's exuberant praise, I cannot focus on God. One of my personal gripes is people who make little comments during a sermon. "So true ... that's good ..." There's nothing wrong with what they do, but why they feel entitled to interrupt other people's thinking with their loud commentary is something I do not understand ... or share. I am weak on worship. I pray. I think. I write. I talk to God often. But really worshipping ... loving Him in praise -- that's something I don't do enough of. I've been recently convicted about this. Quote
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