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Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?


The impact of the Samaritan woman's testimony...and the amazing life change she experienced in encountering Jesus the Messiah.


How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?


I think the fact that she was a discredited, shunned woman is what made the huge impact....everyone knew her and knew her situation, so much so that she avoided the gossip and sneers by avoiding people....and now she boldly proclaimed the gospel and unashamedly went about publicly proclaiming "Come and see a Man who told me everything I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" There is no proof like that of a drastically changed life!


What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?


I do share it, whenever I have the opportunity. A Pastor once suggested we write our testimony out, and pare it down to 3 min. including salvation scriptures, so that if given the opening, it can be shared in a grocery store line, or in an elevator, etc. This was very helpful...and if interested in more detail the listener can always ask questions for more information. We then shared it a time or two so that it came naturally....and received feedback if we were on the right track or needed to make changes.


Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?


Everyday life focuses on the day to day and the hum drum details...it requires opening our "spiritual eyes" in order to see and recognize the Lord's opportunities before us, and the Holy Spirit's work through us to accomplish eternal results.


(John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?!


Jesus spoke to her, and influenced her life. John 4: 4 says "He had to pass through Samaria" (he could have gone another way). The Messiah had spoken to her! ..."I who speak to you am he" (John 4:26). It was initially because of the womans testimony that the people came out of the city to see Jesus.


How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?


The Holy Spirit used Jesus testimony. Jesus related to her, he put his all into this woman. He was interested and tender towards her, he listened to her. He influenced her just as he influenced Nichodemus and Nathanael before her.


What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?


The Holy Spirit can use my testimony also (Ephesians 1:5,9)


Why it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?


Jesus has commanded that we go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). Recognising that there is always a spiritual harvest Is part of being a christian and it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it often.


What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?

1.  The witnessing from the Samaritan woman brought a great crowd.  As the crowd approached Jesus, whether was because they were curious or they believed, Jesus saw an opportunity to teach immediately.


How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?

2.  Very likely.  God uses the least that we may expect.  This woman was known because of her lifestyle, but the testimony she gave showed a different person.  Others saw this change and want it to. 


What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?    

3.  God might take my testimony and change a person to have great faith.  People all around us need and are ready to hear God's word.  We need to not be discouraged when we try to witness to someone and they do not respond.  God is an on time God and one day someone will hear you.     


What caused the harvest to ripen so quickly in Sycar?  How likely is it that the testimony of one discredited woman could make an impact?  What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?  Why is it necessary to open our eyes to see the potential spiritual harvest?


It was a normal day in Sycar.  The townspeople were going about business as usual and suddenly this not so popular woman ran breathless into the town calling to the people who she didn't normally speak to and who normally didn't speak to her "Come see this man who told me everything I ever did.  Could he be the Christ?"  She was excited and happy and they were caught unawares before natural skepticism could creep in and  they were receptive.  

When people see great change they want to see how it was accomplished.  It is the change in her that they saw and reacted to.

I  believe God can bless any of our testimonies.  We forget we are dealing with God here.  It is only about us in that we are the vehicle God uses to do His work.  The yield is His.  To Him be the glory.  To those who receive it is the beginning of their new life in Christ and what a testimony those people in Sycar had to share and to rejoice in.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26 


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?


I think the time was right and perhaps at that time people everywhere were looking forward to the Messiah's coming. Notice the woman said to the townsfolk: "Could He be the Messiah?" That's not a question one would normally ask, I'd expect.




How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?


Not likely at all . . without the involvement of the Holy Spirit who definitely went ahead of her and prepared the hearts of the townsfolk.





What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?


I've shared my testimony many times over the years with minimal impact. Maybe I didn't do it right?




Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?


God often needs to give us a wake up call to see people in need all around us. We're involved in our own thing, or even in Christian service, and are sometimes blind to the needs of even our friends and family.


Q2. (John 4:35) 

What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? 

How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? 

What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? 

Why is it necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest?

The woman had found Jesus! Jesus had told her that He is the Christ (4:26). So, in her excitement she went back to town and invited all the townspeople to come and see for themselves. The testimony of the woman must have been effective because the people of the village left their homes and their work to find Jesus. In the same way, with the help of the Holy Spirit, our witness can also be effective. We just have to obey our Lord and trust Him to bring others to Jesus. We only need to ‘open our eyes’ to see the great need in our world today – the potential spiritual harvest. Trusting Him to lay on our hearts the burden for the lost souls all around us. 



Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?

The harvest in Sychar ripened so rapidly because of the women at the well, who so excited as to cause the whole town to come and see Jesus.

The people were so hungry for spiritual guidance that they were flocking to see Jesus, even though the women was probably detested in the town. Yet these people were ripe for or in anticipation for the messiah.

My testimony for the Lord would be used to testify for Christ, to get the people to realize their sin and the need for a savior.

It is just necessary for us to look around and see how the people in our area are ripe for the harvest and needy for someone to come and bring the gospel to them.  


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?

It was the will of God. That is why Jesus HAD to pass through the area. The Holy Spirit was present with this miracle.

How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?

People could see her reaction and probably a change in her life as will. We had a lady who became a Christian. When her sister saw her, her sister said her new beauty product is doing wonders (after a week). People can see life in you when you met Christ.

What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? As much as the Holy Spirit is capable of- EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!!!!

Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest? We must ne available for His work all the time and.recognize peoples needs wherever we go


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest?


Who was the greatest Christian Evangelist of all time? --> Jesus, our hero. The magic of His transforming her life at the well is amazing and to be studied deeply, as we are here today. 


Peter was very much led by the Spirit. He forgot who he was. He healed, he was crucified. He was effective because he remained in Christ. And these are famous stories which we might aspire to... but my testimony and yours can help someone take a baby step closer to God and Christ Jesus, in their mind... if we are honest and let God help tell our salvation story n a few sentences. It has to be authentic, from the heart and from our eyes to the other person's eye. No fear in the truth. Not a moment to lose. Who will we bless next with the smile of peace we get from HIM?


(John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest? 


The cause of the harvest to ripen so rapidly was probably due to the testimony of the Samaritan woman. The townspeople were spiritually hungry but did not know where to go to search for the truth. However, when the Samaritan woman went to call them, they could see that she was different, after her encounter with Jesus. We need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes in order to see the harvest because we cannot see it (the harvest) when we see in the natural which are often clouded by our experiences and biases.


The extraordinary testimony of the Samaritan Woman was the cause.  I suspect it would make a very big impact in a small place where everyone knows each other and are likely to be related.  It is less likely in a big city. 


The Holy Spirit gives our words inspiration.  Without that, anything we say can fall flat or make little impact.


I think Jesus was talking literally here of the swarms of people heading their way.  The disciples were so focussed on their concern for Jesus and trying to puzzle out what he meant that they didn’t see them coming.


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?

The harvest ripen so rapidly in Sychar because the Son of Man was about the business of God.  The testimony of one, or of many, is vitally important so that the message of the gospel in the lives of people can be heard and encourage and uplift others; in come cases like the woman at the well, bring some to Jesus.  It is necessary the we keep our eyes open so that we seize every opportunity to share the gospel with those who are ready to hear.


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?

The harvest ripen so rapidly in Sychar because the Son of Man was about the business of God.  The testimony of one, or of many, is vitally important so that the message of the gospel in the lives of people can be heard and encourage and uplift others; in come cases like the woman at the well, bring some to Jesus.  It is necessary the we keep our eyes open so that we seize every opportunity to share the gospel with those who are ready to hear.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? Why is it necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest?


The testimony/witness of the Samaritan woman drew the villagers to Christ.


The power of the Holy produced the power to declare the message by the Samaritan woman and to make the message effective.


God will empower us and our testimony to be effective.


So that we will not miss the ripe time to reach out to the need thirsty soul.


The woman at the well. As she was telling others about this man at the well they saw a change in her so deep they believe this sinful woman. Goes to show me if you lead a spiritual life people will want you to tell them about the Lord.  


Sharing my testimony would probably make Jesus proud of me. I was raised in a family without hearing about Jesus and his love for us. Never heard love mention in my home. I started living for the Lord late in life and understanding the Bible was hard for me. I love the Lord and live for him daily and read the Bible and go to worship every Sunday driving about 80 miles one way. I know there are closer churches to me but this is where the Lord has put me.


We need to look for people that are hurting and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ and the fields are ripe if they don't come to us we need to go to them.  We need to open our eyes and look for this.


The woman at the well. As she was telling others about this man at the well they saw a change in her so deep they believe this sinful woman. Goes to show me if you lead a spiritual life people will want you to tell them about the Lord.  


Sharing my testimony would probably make Jesus proud of me. I was raised in a family without hearing about Jesus and his love for us. Never heard love mention in my home. I started living for the Lord late in life and understanding the Bible was hard for me. I love the Lord and live for him daily and read the Bible and go to worship every Sunday driving about 80 miles one way. I know there are closer churches to me but this is where the Lord has put me.


We need to look for people that are hurting and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ and the fields are ripe if they don't come to us we need to go to them.  We need to open our eyes and look for this.


The immediate cause for the rapid  ripening of the fruit for the harvest is the Samaritan woman's testimony. Her neighbors no doubt saw a change and excitement in her. Perhaps they saw a boldness. The Holy Spirit was at work here both in the woman and in her neighbors. Her testimony was so simple: " Come and see the man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah" ?

This is such a good lesson for me. It shows me that a simple testimony, with the Holy Spirit's help, can be very effective.

But we have to open our eyes. Yes, all we have to do is look.  When we look and see that the fields are ripe now we will become motivated to reap the harvest. Then we can take great pleasure in reaping the harvest even when in many cases other have done the sowing. 


I think the reason that the harvest ripened so rapidly in Sychar is because the encounter of the woman at the well. She went and told the people of the city what Jesus had done. It isn’t likely that the testimony of a discredited woman could have such a big impact except that God can do anything for those who believe.

God could do marvelous things with my testimony when I share it and sometimes I get to see it. We need to see how sick this nation and world is so our eyes need to be opened.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?

Their spiritual state of readiness to receive Christ.


How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?

This discredited woman was changed and thats the miracle that gave the huge impact. When someone was saved, it is a miracle that only Jesus can do.


What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?

God thru his mercy and grace by the Holy Spirit will lead me to glorify him by telling the soty of Jesus to ohters special to the lost souls or the ripen harvest.


Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest?

Many times and most of the times we are blinded because of focusing on ourself. That is why when the Holy Spirit sometimes its like he is poking us and suddenly we will see and realized its not about us anymore but its about Jesus. That our commission is to labour for the ripen harvest. This is now our reason to live, this is now our life to labour for the Master.

  • 4 weeks later...

Sometimes Christians excuse themselves from witnessing by saying that their family or friends aren’t ready to believe. Jesus, however, makes it clear that around us a continual harvest waits to be reaped. Don’t let Jesus find you making excuses. Look around. You will find people ready to hear God’s Word.


What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar was, the Samaritan woman shared about her encounter with Jesus with the people.

It is very unlikely the testimony of a discredited woman could make such a huge impact. This could only be done through the working of the Holy Spirit.

What God might do with my testimony if I were to share it is, hopefully draw people to their need for a Savior.

It is necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest because it is our responsibility to share the good news of the gospel with those others.

  • 2 months later...

The kindness that Jesus showed the woman at the well, changed her for life. The forgiveness of her sins, the grace that Jesus gave to her caused her whole being to glow and caused an excitement in her soul. When there is such a dramatic change to a person, people will take notice immediately. They want to share in this revelation.


My testimony might help to give hope to others. They might be able to learn that things take time but God will always be there to help solve the problem.


We need to be able to see people for who they are. We need to be able to look into their eyes and into their souls. We have to stop looking past people. We need to see the single individual from the large crowds.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?  How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?  What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?  Why is it necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest?

1) When Jesus says "harvest", He’s talking about a spiritual harvest of believers, not a physical harvest of crops.  In this setting, He’s talking about “bringing people from unbelief to faith and from sin and destruction to eternal life.”  Having heard Jesus they put their faith Him based upon His words.  2)   It wasn’t the Samaritan woman who had an impact on the Samaritan people, it was the Lord working through her and in that context is not just likely that she’d have an impact on them, it’s extremely likely… 3) I try to share my testimony as much as possible but up to this point I don’t think it’s made much of a difference.  My prayer however, is that the Lord will use my testimony to influence others to open their hearts and minds to Him.  4) The “spiritual harvest” is around us every day, we just need to look for it.  The person who’s in physical pain or who has a terminal illness has a very great need to have God in his/her life.  The downtrodden and homeless amongst us, unbelievers and believers undergoing spiritual warfare are other fields in need of harvesting.  The possibilities are limitless and as Christians it’s up to us to look for them and spread the good news that Jesus Christ is here among us.


Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar?  How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact?  What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it?  Why is it necessary to "open our eyes" to see the potential spiritual harvest?

1) When Jesus says "harvest", He’s talking about a spiritual harvest of believers, not a physical harvest of crops.  In this setting, He’s talking about “bringing people from unbelief to faith and from sin and destruction to eternal life.”  Having heard Jesus they put their faith Him based upon His words.  2)   It wasn’t the Samaritan woman who had an impact on the Samaritan people, it was the Lord working through her and in that context is not just likely that she’d have an impact on them, it’s extremely likely… 3) I try to share my testimony as much as possible but up to this point I don’t think it’s made much of a difference.  My prayer however, is that the Lord will use my testimony to influence others to open their hearts and minds to Him.  4) The “spiritual harvest” is around us every day, we just need to look for it.  The person who’s in physical pain or who has a terminal illness has a very great need to have God in his/her life.  The downtrodden and homeless amongst us, unbelievers and believers undergoing spiritual warfare are other fields in need of harvesting.  The possibilities are limitless and as Christians it’s up to us to look for them and spread the good news that Jesus Christ is here among us.

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