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Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?


We will rejoice together with the Lord for every soul who joins us in Heaven!


Sowers and reapers usually get paid when the crop was harvested.  According to this analogy, what will the Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes.

Everyone will rejoice together when they see the large crop of lost souls  harvested for our precious Lord and Savior who gave us the privilege of serving Him.  We praise you Lord because You are worthy of praise!


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

Q3. (John 4:36-38) 

Sowers and reapers usually got "paid" when the crop was harvested. 

According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?

Jesus describes the work of harvesting. Those who sow the seed of God’s Word in the minds of God’s people, and those who reap the rewards of all the hard work done. Therefore, for example, we see that some believers are called on to preach the gospel for many years without seeing very much fruit for their labour, while others step in at the end of those years, and see many souls turn to the Lord. Very few souls are ever saved through the ministry of a single person. Most people have heard the gospel many times before they ever accept the Saviour. Therefore, the one who finally leads a person to Christ should be aware that it was a combined effort. The rewards of this hard labour are great. Just like the harvest time in the ancient world was a time of joy; so there is great joy at the time of salvation. We read in Luke 15:7, ‘ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.’ Both sower and reaper rejoice together at harvest time, realising that it is a blessing to have been used by God, resulting in the gift of eternal life to all who receive the message of God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ. 



Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?          

  • Christian workers will receive a reward of seeing new believers come into Christ's Kingdom.  This is whether you sowed a seed (testify) or pick the harvest (lead people to Christ).  Both will be rewarded the same.

Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?

The analogy of Christian workers being paid at the final harvest when Christ returns is that He will test our works by fire, if they burn up as hay and stubble our reward will be small or none, but if they survive our reward will be great.


Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got "paid" when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?


Each has their role, their path, their destiny, and their responsibility as we/they evolve to become better ambassadors of Christ. As the song goes, "your Grace is enough for me,"


There is one God, there is one universal energy that is Him. This is the oneness that we become blessed with as we surrender more and more, as He leads us through events, int eternity. Each Christian worker receives salvation. When He comes again it will be the greatest moment in human history. Just to bow before His presence would be a great reward


(John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes? 


Not only will Christian workers get to spend eternity with Christ, each will also be rewarded according to his own labor. Whether your ministry is primarily to sow (share your faith, testify, preach), to water (discipleship), or to reap (lead people to Christ), all are important -- and when the harvest comes in, everyone will "get paid." However, we must also be careful of the quality of our work - Each of us is responsible for the quality of our work. We can't be lazy or sloppy! That dishonors the "Lord of the harvest" who calls us (Matthew 9:38). 


Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?

At the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes the Christian worker will receive a just reward according to his labor.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got "paid" when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?


In addition to eternal life, Christians will get crowns for their service here on earth.


The wages Jesus offers are the joy of working for Him and seeing the harvest of believers.These wages come to sower as well reapers. Both gets joy in seeing new believers come into Christs Kingdom.


The ones who faithfully use the gifts given to them will receive a "well done" from our Lord. This will give utmost joy. Even now, one can take great pleasure in doing God's will.   


When Christ comes we will be able to celebrate with all the other Christians to the come of the end of the age. We will be able to see our friends and family and never have to worry about wars or evil. Jesus will be the king of the world.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (John 4:36-38)

Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested.

According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?


Christian workers will received eternal life.


Verse 36. He that reapeth. He that gathers the harvest, or he who so preaches that souls are converted to Christ.


Receiveth wages. The labourer in the harvest receives his hire. Jesus says it shall be thus with those who labour in the ministry-he will not suffer them to go unrewarded. See Daniel 12:3, Matthew 19:28.


Gathereth fruit unto life eternal. Converts souls, who shall inherit eternal life. The harvest is not temporary, like gathering grain, but shall result in eternal life.


That both he that soweth,


(*) "gathereth" Romans 6:22

(*) "both he that soweth" 1 Corinthians 3:5-9


Verse 37. That saying. That proverb. This proverb is found in some of the Greek writers (Grotius). Similar proverbs were in use among the Jews. See Isaiah 65:21, 22, Leviticus 26:16, Micah 6:15.


One soweth, another, succeeding him, may be crowned with eminent success. The seed, long buried, may spring up in an abundant harvest.


(*) "one soweth" Micah 6:15


Verse 38. I sent you. In the commission given you to preach the gospel. You have not labored or toiled in preparing the way for the great harvest which is now to be gathered in.


Other men labored.


(1.) The prophets, who long labored to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.


(2.) The teachers among the Jews, who have read and explained the law and taught the people.


(3.) John the Baptist, who came to prepare the way. And,


(4.) The Saviour himself, who by his personal ministry taught the people, and prepared them for the success which was to attend the preaching of the apostles. Especially did Jesus lay the foundation for the rapid and extensive spread of the gospel. He saw comparatively little fruit of his ministry. He confined his labours to Judea, and even there he was occupied in sowing seed which chiefly sprang up after his death. From this we may learn,


1st. That the man who is crowned with eminent success has no cause of boasting over others, any more than the man who reaps a field of grain should boast over the man who sowed it. The labour of both is equally necessary, and the labour of both would be useless if GOD did not give the increase. Comp. 1 Corinthians 3:6.


2nd. We should not be discouraged if we do not meet with immediate success. The man that sows is not disheartened because he does not see the harvest immediately spring up. We are to sow our seed in the morning, and in the evening we are not to withhold our hand, for we know not whether shall prosper, this or that; and we are to go forth bearing precious seed, though weeping, knowing that we shall come again rejoicing, bearing our sheaves with us, Ecclesiastes 11:4, Psalms 126:6


3rd. Every part of the work of the ministry and of teaching men is needful, and we should rejoice that we are permitted to bear any part, however humble, in bringing sinners to the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:21-24.


  • 4 weeks later...

The wages Jesus offers are the joy of working for him and seeing the harvest of believers. These wages come to planter and harvester alike because both find joy in seeing new believers come into Christ’s Kingdom. The phrase “others had already done the work” (4:38) may refer to the Old Testament prophets and to John the Baptist, who paved the way for the Good News.


What Christian workers will receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ returns is, rewards for faithful service and being able to spend eternity with Jesus.

  • 2 months later...

I believe that if we follow the path that God puts us on. And we do  the work that God created us for. We will be graced with eternal life in heaven. We will be sitting with him at the right hand of the Father along with our brothers and sisters.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I think Jesus created the agricultural system for sowing and reaping in order to use them as a word picture to teach us spiritual principles. Here, in speaking of when the crop is fully gathered in, Jesus was teaching that everyone involved in the Kingdom work of planting, watering, and harvesting all participate in the rejoicing of “getting paid” once the final harvest is completed.


Our lesson from this analogy for Christians, who are called to labor in the fields of people that God has planted with the seed of faith, includes the promise of reward. At the end of the age when the final harvest takes place at Christ's return to earth, believers who have been faithful to the work of witnessing, discipleship, and reaping are promised “payment”. Not only will we be united with Christ as His Bride and receive the fullness of the eternal life and inheritance God has promised, we will also receive crowns of reward.

  1. 1Corinthians 9:24-25 tells us of an Imperishable Crown, with a position and honor in heaven that will never decay or fade away.

  2. 1Thessalonians 2:19 tells us of a Crown of Rejoicing, as we dwell in the presence of the full joy of the Lord with no more sadness or sorrow or pain or death.

  3. 2Timothy 4:8 tells us of the Crown of Righteousness, which rewards our utter and humble dependance on Christ for our holy standing and acceptance before God.

  4. 1Peter 5:4 tells us of the Crown of Glory, as the full character and likeness of Christ is revealed in us.

  5. Revelation 2:10 tells us of the Crown of Life, which is the realization of the gift of eternal life for all who have loved God and accepted Jesus as the Son of God with faith and obedience.

What an awesome God we serve!

  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes?

The reward will be the crowns the Bible talks about in detail. Also we will reap a harvest of souls as well. 

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

We are rewarded partially in this life when we are ministering for the Lord.  The full harvest is in the future.   In eternity, all that labored for the Lord will be rewarded.  We will who turned many to righteousness will shine as stars forever (Daniel 12:3).  We have 5 crowns in store for us: crowns of life, glory, righteousness, incorruptible and rejoicing.   Now we are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses!   We are graced to reap the harvest with those that initially sowed the seed : Lord Jesus Christ and John the Bsptist.

  • 4 months later...

1. Sowers and reapers usually got "paid" when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Jesus Christ comes?

We will receive the greatest reward of all which is spending eternity in Heaven with other fellow believers and most importantly, ETERNITY WITH GOD HIMSELF!!!!!!!



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