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the scripture said that they came to Jesus to hear him and that they asked him to stay with them , so he stayed two more days. The people were hungry and thirsty for the gospel, for the word of salvation that Jesus was offering. They wanted to learn more of Him.  That is what God desires of all of us. To want to learn more of how to be saved and how to please God.  He instructed his disciples not to preach in Samaritan villages because it was HIs assignment from God to bring the gospel to the Gentiles.  Also the custom of the day would not have allow the disciples to be heard there and Jesus knew that they were not prepared and ready for such an assignment yet.  They themselves had a lot to learn on how to deliver the gospel in order to be accepted and believed.  Jesus is following a pattern that comes from his father.  He does not have to follow the customs of man.  He is there to break these man made customs and deliver the truth of God for the salvation of all man kind.  Remember that up until the birth of Christ, only the Jews had the right to salvation .They were the ones who received the law from God in order that they might show and be an example to the rest of the world on how to have faith, believe and do the will of God in order to receive Salvation and enter into heaven.  Jesus came to fulfill this law now so that not only the Jews but every man, Gentiles too, the whole world, can have eternal life with God the father in heaven.  The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us how to do this.  This is Jesus's mission.  This is his reason for coming in the flesh.





  • 2 years later...

 Christ knew that the Samaritans were ripe for the harvest.  Ready for the picking.  Imagine how they felt when they heard the woman's testimony and witnessed the deportment of Jesus Christ and the disciples.   They acted with empathy and respect unlike the Pharisees.  There are groups of peoples who are receptive to the Gospel.   All these years they have been searching.   It is good that Christ and the Apostles stayed for two days, this way the Samaritan woman could happily get adjusted to a new way of life and the Samaritans could be properly instructed in the truth.   What a special time it was for them to have Jesus Christ, a devout Jew, to minister to them.  Samaritans did not seek signs; they sought Christ the Saviour of the world.  The faith of the Samaritans is the condemnation of the unbelief of the Jews.

 Christ is the Saviour of the whole world.   Cleansing the Gentile court, was a stark calling that God's temple would be a house of prayer for all peoples.  Christ Jesus the Servant of Israel is the One prophesied by Isaiah.  The Samaritans acknowledged Christ as Redeemer not just as a mere prophet.  The Samaritans were deeply impressed by His presence and demeanor; for they couldn't but perceive His Messiahship.   This was in anticipation of Christ's statement, "I will draw all men to myself".

  • 4 months later...

1. Why do you think Jesus stayed two days in Samaria, when elsewhere He instructed His disciples not to preach in Samaritan villages?

I believe Jesus stayed in Samaria for two days in this case because one, He wanted to show His disciples the importance of ministering to non-Jews, and two, He saw the importance of "harvesting" all of these Samaritans and then sowing seeds in the Samaritans that Philip would later visit and "harvest."

2. What does it mean that Jesus is the Saviour of the whole world?

It means exactly what you would think it means. Jesus died for the salvation of every single person. He is the Saviour not only for Jews, Americans, or Canadians, but He is the Savior, the salvation, for all people, no matter the many differences!!!

3. What are its implications for our lives?

We MUST spread the Good News to all people, no matter the gender or ethnicity! Jesus is the Saviour of the WHOLE WORLD, and because of that, we need to make Jesus known to the WHOLE WORLD! We need to tell and preach about Jesus to ALL people!!!

4. For your church's mission?

My church, as well as THE church, needs to focus on not only telling and preaching about Jesus to a specific group of people, completely disregarding another, but rather on telling and preaching about Jesus to ALL people! Poor AND rich, 3rd world AND 1st world, male AND female, far AND near, etc. We need to focus on ministering to ALL people about Jesus, no matter the differences!!!



  • 4 months later...

John 4:39-42). Why do you think Jesus stayed two days in Samaria, when elsewhere he instructed his disciples not to preach in Samaritan villages? What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world? What are its implications for our lives? For your church's mission?

Many of the people believed because of the woman's testimony. Others who had doubted, believed when they heard Jesus. 

Jesus saw they were receptive and the work was not complete so He stayed a further two days. 

Jesus is not only the Saviour of the Jewish nation. He came so that we all would believe and receive Him. 

The Gospel is for everyone who will receive it. Those who reject it is because it is their choice. 

  • 9 months later...

Jesus stayed in Samaria because it was the Father's will for him to stay. He always stated that he does nothing of himself, but only what his Father tells him to do. "(Not my will, but your will O God, be done)". It was his mission to preach salvation to them..the disciples were only to the Jews because the were of the Jewish fate and would understand that they were the chosen people. They were to help bring back the Jewish people to their chosen God. They would not have understood that Jesus was called to preach Salvation to non Jewish and the whole world also. This is still all new and fresh to them. They did understand that their was a lost tribe of the people who needed to returned to the God of their fathers so they were told only to preach to them. That was their mission until further instructions from God. John 3:16-17 explains the rest of this question!!!

  • 2 years later...

I neither expect mathematical-like consistency in the Bible nor do I expect Jesus' words to not be contradicted in later/different contexts. He is God using the limited language of humans to convey ideas that they probably couldn't grasp even if they understood the words.

Bottom line: the conflict here is between universalism and particularism, or between the gospel for all nations v the chosen people. Jesus saw both of these ideas as "right" in turn and, on occasion, went from one to the other. The trend, however, was toward universalism.

I'm inclined to think that universalism is the goal, that is, the gospel was meant to be for all people in all cultures at all times. I do not think the particularized blessing God once gave to the Jews persisted after Christ. I know this is probably anathema to many, but it seems clear to me that the promises made to the Jews were fulfilled in Christ therefore have no reason to persist. Jews, like all unbelievers, need to hear and believe the gospel message that was originally spoken to them and then to all humanity.

It makes sense that Jesus stayed in Samaria ... and anywhere else. He was bringing the gospel message to anyone who would receive it. His prior instructions to the disciples make sense because the time to enlarge the range of the gospel message had not yet come: first to the Jews ... then to the gentiles. 

So, Yes(!!) Jesus is the savior of the entire world. His message needs to be spoken loudly and clearly in ways the world can understand. That's our greatest of all commissions, to spread the Word -- not to heal bodies, dig wells, run for office or pursue peace. Our commission is to make disciples. Period.

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