Pastor Ralph Posted August 7, 2014 Report Posted August 7, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Quote
JanMary Posted October 25, 2014 Report Posted October 25, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? The miracles I've both seen and experienced demonstrate the love and power and Presence of God here on earth, which have deepened my love and gratitude toward Him, enhancing the sense of oneness with Him and a desire to know Him more! Our son's thumb was cut off in a bicycle accident and was reattached by a hand plastic surgeon, but after a week it died and turned black. The Dr. was going to remove it before gangrene set in, but I asked for a few more days to have him anointed with oil and more prayer. After 2 days when Dr. unwrapped it again his mouth fell open and he was speechless for a minute then exclaimed in wonder "It's a miracle...we doctors don't get to see miracles like this!" He was Jewish, and the miracle opened his heart to receive our testimony and the gift of a Bible. Sometimes, "Seeing is believing". Many years ago when my injured back was healed miraculously through a word of knowledge over the television by Demos Shakarian, the miracle opened those around me to seek Him, the Healer, and caused my faith to soar, as well as my broken and wounded heart to begin healing on the inside, and my doubts to vanish about whether or not He is real and involved in our lives. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Only seeing miracles with no desire to know the Miracle-Maker amounts to not much more than Jesus' miracles were to some. A believer who relies on the miraculous will have no foundation for true faith. Miracles are not a replacement for the day to day walking with Jesus and living out our faith through trials and testings' and hardship, in the absence of miracles...that is true faith. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? He said unless you people see signs and miracles you will never believe (have faith) at all. That reminds me of those who wanted to make Jesus King, after he fed the multitudes...not for salvation and the joy of knowing and walking with Him, but for the provision of free food. He says in Psalms to Seek my face.....not just my hand. Quote
Delivered Posted October 25, 2014 Report Posted October 25, 2014 As I wrote down my answer I found tears swelling up in my eyes as I think of the faith the woman that was recently hung to death for her faith she placed in the “Messiah of Israel” and she brought to a Muslim family something they needed and left them by saying, “May God bless you”. Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Faith that is stimulated by a miracle alone, will not grow “spiritual” faith, however, when faith is placed in the Person responsible for the miracle, it is like sprinkling water on faith the size of a mustard seed producing what God intends, the building of trusting “FAITH” in the person, not the miracle. Q. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe? How disappointing it must have been for the Messiah to see so little faith amongst the people, the Messiah is in their mist and yet they still hunger to see signs and wonders, I have to wonder, why was it so hard for them to understand, the Messiah wants their “faith” to be placed in Him? This lesson applies for us today, if our faith is placed on miracles alone, how easy it is to lose that faith if the miracle does not occur, I have seen people take their eyes off the Messiah when the reason the miracle did, or didn’t come to be, was because of “THEIR” faith, they took their eyes off of the Messiah and his will in their lives, and placed it on their faith, this is not trusting faith in the Messiah that produces growth, and I can almost hear him say, “Except you see signs and wonder, you will not believe”; Why is it so hard for us to understand, for faith to grow, it must be placed in Him. “TRUSTING” kind of faith is what causes the smallest of seed to grow, we look through a glass darkly is why we must understand, God’s ways are not our ways, the greatest faith of man is when we except the answers that come our way, excepting God’s will to be done in our lives, I think of the testing faith of Job, he stood strong under such grueling trials, and yet in faith he said, “Even if you slay me, yet will I trust You” Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted October 26, 2014 Report Posted October 26, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Miracles shows that the actions are not from man. It is not possible for man to do miracles unless God works through the man. The miracles Jesus did proved that He was from God. The miracles we do today proves that written are acting not on our ow.n but that God, in the Holy Spirit is acting trough us. Peoples who see miracles Believe because they see God in action. They experience God and therefore believe. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Because it is a give me, wow me believe. It is a one dimensional believe. The relationship God wants is missing. It can easily become a faith that dies if it is not fed with more miracles to Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? stop the memory from fading. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48?because Jesus could not do miracles there because they had no faith. Math 13:58 If we don't believe God cannot interact with us. Quote
Clarence Posted October 26, 2014 Report Posted October 26, 2014 (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Jesus commended the centurion for his faith, when he asked Jesus to heal his servant (Matt 8:10). The notes point out ( that the purpose of miraculous signs was to reveal Jesus' glory and inspire faith "...that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God" (John 20:30-31). His disciples believed in him (John 2:11). Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? On the other hand, Jesus first response to the official, who requested him to heal his dying son. Jesus said to him "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe." (4:48). Faith built on miraculous signs alone is shallow because he denounced communities who saw his miracles but did not repent or believe in him (Matt 11:20). In addition, his enemies sought to kill him, even though they had also witnessed his miracles (Mark 3:6; Matthew 12:14). Matt 13:58 also says, "he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith", in reference to his ministry in Galilee, Jesus home provence. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted October 26, 2014 Report Posted October 26, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? It's a lot easier to believe in the power of God when you see it actively and wonderfully at work in someone's life and circumstances. If you never see God's power at work it's really hard to keep on believing. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? If you live from high to high, like some spiritual drug addict, you'll never develop a deep abiding faith. If you don't get your "touch from the Lord" on Sunday night, or see miracles happen in front of you every week, your faith will be superficial. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Because they were fickle. They only believed in Jesus as a miracle worker and not as their Saviour. Quote
hanks Posted October 27, 2014 Report Posted October 27, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? We see a contrast here in the way the people of Sychar and the Galileans believed. The Samaritans, having heard Jesus, believed His Words, and eagerly welcomed Him into their homes. Yet they had not been given any signs. They had faith in Jesus and had come to know that this was indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. The Galileans needed miracles before they believed, which is characteristic of us today. We want proof before we believe. We want to see signs and wonders first. But this faith based on miracles is not as mature a faith, as that which is based on His Word alone. Jesus rebukes the Galileans because He was disappointed in their attitude towards Him. They had only followed Him in order to see signs and wonders. Then only did they partially believe in Him - this was not a reliable faith, it having no depth about it. They were not listening and trusting His Word. Quote
blezed Posted October 27, 2014 Report Posted October 27, 2014 Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? 1. Miracles help build the faith of those who believe in Him. It was an opportunity for Jesus to build a crowd to hear the word. Also, because of the love that Jesus had for his people, He enjoyed healing them. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? 2. Eventually people would stop believing. It could be looked at as just another fad of the day. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? 3. They were more interested in the miracles than in who he was. Quote
vl1157 Posted October 27, 2014 Report Posted October 27, 2014 Miracles from Him help us know in the beginning of our walk with Him that He exists and that He is real. They also help when He heals others and brings them to faith in Him, and they restore our life here in His mercy. I realized at some point that knowing Him was more than just knowing what His presence is like. The Israelites who followed Moses had a pillar of cloud by day, fire by night, and plenty of other visible miracles, yet did not have much faith in Him and murmured and complained. I think human nature is still the same today and in any culture, and so we cannot subsist on a diet consisting of only His obvious miraculous work. We need suffering and blind faith and testing too, by merit of our need for His discipline and refining work. Quote
Jen Posted October 28, 2014 Report Posted October 28, 2014 Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does jesus rebuke the Galilean in 4:48? To a new believer or potential believer in Christ miracles can open hearts and minds to "see" themselves that God is who He says He is. It produces a sense of awe and wonder. It is a beautiful manifestation of the love and power of God. We are not meant to constantly see or even want miracles. We are meant to have a deep abiding faith in the God of glory That is worked in us by the Holy Spirit slowly over time as we see God's hand in our lives silently working faith in us, trust when we don't see and willingness to believe and follow Him when there is no apparent answer or when the times are dark and fearful indeed. I am not sure that He was rebuking that Galilean or just miracles seekers in general. The Galilean persisted and Jesus answered his prayer. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted October 30, 2014 Report Posted October 30, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Jesus knew that the Galileans knew Him by the miracles He had performed. When the royal official wanted Jesus to heal his son, Jesus rebuked the Galileans for wanting to see miracles or they would not believe in Him. Jesus eventually healed the son of the royal official. I' not sure miracles help build a faith unless they know it has come from God. Faith based on miracles alone usually is not enough for a faith to believe in God. If I pray for healing and it happens as I had prayed for I know it was God's will, it would build my faith in Him knowing He heard and answered my supplication. Believing in God and seeing a miracle would increase my faith, if being an unbeliever and seeing a miracle may not convince me of God's existence. Jesus had rebuked the Galileans because He knew all they wanted to see was miracles and this does not seem to bring them closer to believing in Him. Perhaps they were just appalled at what He was doing. Quote
royk Posted November 1, 2014 Report Posted November 1, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? We are miracles, our human bodies are made of many natural healing, growing systems. The eye, ear, nose, lungs,it all works together. We take it for granted. We are walking miracles. I pray for better memory and presence with the mirale GOd gave me, first a body, now a life with Christ. May I surrender all to HIM> Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted November 1, 2014 Report Posted November 1, 2014 I think although miracles had a big effect on the Galileans, they would be less likely to work today on such a level. They might draw people, but it can be for all the wrong reasons and become a show. This is why they will not build a mature faith. However the miracles of Jesus were ones which demonstrated compassion, forgiveness of sins and love rather than just ‘wonders’. In that way they can be built on with corresponding teachings. Jesus rebuked the Galileans because they were just seeking wonders. Quote
SoiKosum Posted November 2, 2014 Report Posted November 2, 2014 (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Miracles help build faith by reinforcing our faith with events in the natural. We read God's word and we declare we have faith. Then when we witness miracles, it reinforces what we have read and causes us to say with even more conviction - Yes, I have seen and I now truly believe. However, building our faith through seeing miracles is not a sustainable kind of faith. If we have to rely on seeing miracles to build up our faith, then it means that our foundation in Christ is weak. It is precisely for this reason that Jesus rebukes the Galileans in John 4:48. Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) We should be chasing after Jesus Himself and not his miracles. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 2, 2014 Report Posted November 2, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Miracles help to build a mature faith by strengthen one's belief in the supremacy of our Sovereign Omnipotent God. Faith is believing when there is nothing to see. Our Faith matures when we believe simply because God has spoken. We believe and then the manifestation comes. Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48 because it was a teachable moment, both for the Galileans and thse who were following Him. Quote
haar Posted November 11, 2014 Report Posted November 11, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Miracles pop up the faith of those who experience it or see them. Seeing the miracles should lead people to have faith in the source of miracles - Jesus Christ or else the objective of attracting people to the source of miracles will be defeated. He rebuke the Galileans because their interest stops at the miracles alone instead of the Master of the miracles who has more in store for them- eternal life. Quote
quilter Posted November 21, 2014 Report Posted November 21, 2014 It builds faith by seeing that when all is hopeless there is away to turn that around believing on the miracle maker. If we have to see miracles to believe on Jesus Christ then we are weak faith. We need to be like the solider Jesus said your son is heal and he left knowing that he would live that is true faith. When I pray I know my prayer will be answered not on my timing but God's timing. All it takes is to believe on our Holy Jesus Christ. He rebuke because they could not believe without signs and miracles. Quote
PeteD Posted November 27, 2014 Report Posted November 27, 2014 Miracles can get one's attention but one must believe not just in the miracle but in Jesus and that He is the Messiah. Jesus rebukes the Galileans because they apparently needed signs and wonders in order to believe. Jesus is saying that this belief relies on miracles is too shallow and will not sustain. He wants one to go deeper. Faith is knowing and trusting not just in an event but in the person of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is involved in this deeper faith. Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 1, 2014 Report Posted December 1, 2014 Seeing a miracle would make a person believe in the person performing the miracle. They know that he can do it and have faith that it is going to be done. This doesn’t build faith because they only believe in the man and not in God who is actually performing the miracle. Jesus rebuked the Galileans because they only believed in the man and not in God. Quote
grace2free Posted December 29, 2014 Report Posted December 29, 2014 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Miracles is the Lord Jesus credentials. The two words, "signs" and "wonders," indicate the two aspects of miracles. To the thoughtful they were signs or attestations that the one who performed them acted under the authority and approval of God. When you started to listen to Jesus' words and obey it, that is the true miracle that only him can perform. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? They don't listen and obey the words of Jesus. Seeing the miracles to all others they were mere wonders, which startled by their strangeness. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Because of their lack of faith on him. Jesus wanted men to believe in him because of his self-evidencing character and words Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted January 19, 2015 Report Posted January 19, 2015 1 Miracles builds faith and when Jesus performed the miracles the people of Galilee started to believe he was the messaih. 2 When you believe that Jesus is Lord you you will have faith. ( Jesus asked, “Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?”) They could only have faith when thy see miraculous performed. 3 Jesus rebuked the Galileans because their faith was hiched on miracles and wonders. Quote
linda bass Posted January 27, 2015 Report Posted January 27, 2015 Miracles help build faith by helping one to recognize Jesus for who He is, the eternal Son of God. Seeing only miracles doesn't build a mature faith because faith based on miracles alone is weak and inefficient. Jesus rebukes the Galileans in 4:48 because they were more interested in seeing Jesus perform miracles than having a relationship with Him. Quote
JoanG Posted April 17, 2015 Report Posted April 17, 2015 By witnessing miracles, people have a way to grasp the greatness and uniqueness of the ability of a person. They can cause the person to see that there is a greatness beyond the every day. There is something more powerful out there than us. But a mature faith is more than just believing in miracles, it is believing in the unseen power behind the miracle. It is believing in the person that has the ability to do the miracles. It is the undying ability to know that there is a lot more to come. There is an ultimate truth that is greater than all we can see or hear with our human senses. The Galileans feel that all the power was in the miracles alone. They refuse to see past the magic of the moment. Quote
John6:68-69 Posted June 4, 2015 Report Posted June 4, 2015 True faith is believing with your whole heart & mind & is a deep and sustaining faith. Where faith based on seeing miracles only can be superficial and doesn't necessarily last. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Jesus used miracles as divine testimony to support his claim that he was the true God and as absolute proof to skeptics of the power of God. The miracles were to build and strengthen the faith of those who believed in him. First they heard the word and the miracles simply reinforced the word. Whenever Jesus performed a miracle, it was always done to reinforce His teaching. 2) Miracles without the word have no real power. Those who witness them without knowing the teachings of Christ Jesus do not know the power of God. First must come our faith in Him; miracles simply reinforce faith. 3) Because they expected to see Jesus perform miracles before they would believe. He expects us to believe and have faith in Him not in the miracle. Quote
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