Old Jerry Posted June 19, 2018 Report Posted June 19, 2018 We learn that the royal official’s faith was one that believed in Jesus. When he said that his son was healed the official believed him and left. He had faith that Jesus could heal his servant’s son because he had heard about the miracles that Jesus had performed. Quote
Godswriter Posted February 1, 2019 Report Posted February 1, 2019 Q2. (John 4:43-50) What do we learn about the royal official’s faith from his actions? Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? What does this say about his faith? When he departs for home and “takes Jesus at his word,” what does this tell us about his faith? I believe we learn that the royal official had a faith that drove him to go to Cana and see the Lord Jesus in the flesh. He knew and heard about the miracles that Jesus could do with a word. He was hoping for the same thing for his child. He traveled that far out of great faith that drove him to save his son's life. He was also very humble when he did this as well. When he took Jesus at His word and departs for home it speaks of a faith that can not be taken away from him. He believes Jesus is the healer of sicknesses. Quote
newwine50 Posted September 10, 2019 Report Posted September 10, 2019 (John 4:43-50) What do we learn about the royal official's faith from his actions? He had faith to travel for four days, leaving his son who was near death at home. He had to have quite a bit faith that Jesus was the answer for his son. ? Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? Thjat is where Jesus was. What does this say about his faith? He not only had to travel there. He also had travel back. If Jesus wasn't there or didn't heal his son, he would have lost four days to get other help for his son. He may have tried everythnig else and Jesus was the last hope. IWhen he departs for home and "takes Jesus at his word," what does this tell us about his faith? I don't think he had much choice but to take Jesus at His Word. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted August 17, 2021 Report Posted August 17, 2021 The father's heart was full of sorrow and concern for his child. He had faith enough to believe on Christ's power to save his son. His faith was based on the miracles that occurred in Jerusalem and in Cana. The father believed in Christ's power to heal his son 25 miles away in Capernaum. Christ strengthened the faith of the father by shifting his faith from the testimonies of others to Jesus Christ himself. He believed wholeheartedly in Christ Jesus; he did not nourish doubt in his heart. He fully rested in Christ's words and complete trust in Christ himself as the Divine Physician. Quote
Daniel R Posted December 27, 2021 Report Posted December 27, 2021 1. What do we learn about the royal official's faith from his actions? We learn that the royal official initially had "miracle-faith," but as the man persistently begged Jesus to come with him and heal his son, we see that his faith changed to real, genuine faith, which is shown when he "takes Jesus at His Word" and walks back to Capernaum, having complete faith in Jesus' Words. 2. Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? He traveled 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana to meet and beg Jesus to come and heal his son who was near the point of death. 3. What does this say about his faith? The royal official's actions say that he had faith in Jesus to perform miracles but also that his faith was only focused and interested in miracles, wonders, and works, not Jesus! 4. When he departs for home and "takes Jesus at His Word," what does this tell us about his faith? When the man goes home, "taking Jesus at His word," it shows us that his faith changed into real, genuine faith. He had seen no wonders, miracles, or works done, but he solely believed Jesus and had faith that his son was now healed and made well; he had faith in Jesus' Words! THANK YOU JESUSSSSSSS!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUSSSSSS!!!!!!! Quote
Irmela Posted April 30, 2022 Report Posted April 30, 2022 2. (John 4:43-50) What do we learn about the royal official's faith from his actions? He believed that Jesus could heal his son. Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? He heard that Jesus had come back to Galilee and that He was in Cana. To have Jesus come to his son, he went toJesus to place his plea before Him and beg Him to come and heal his son. He believed that Jesus could perform that miracle. What does this say about his faith? His faith was as yet in the fact that Jesus could perform miracles. As one aptly answered, his faith at this point was in the miracle, he hoped would take place. When he departs for home and "takes Jesus at his word," what does this tell us about his faith? When Jesus spoke the word that the child was healed and the royal official turned around to go home, no longer was the faith in the miracle but in the miracle worker, Jesus Christ. The official's faith had become established in believing the Word spoken, not just "seeing is believing". He in fact believed without seeing. - faith indeed - Quote
Krissi Posted Friday at 02:26 PM Report Posted Friday at 02:26 PM When parents are filled with fear and desperation, particularly concerning a child(!), it's amazing the lengths to which they will go to protect or heal that child. I see this man as a father, not an "official." His kid was dying. Jesus was thought to have "magical powers" so, in desperation, he drove/walked about 20 miles, found Jesus, and begged him to come to his house and heal his son. He begged! This haughty guy begged the disheveled, dusty and tired Jesus. He begged for a favor. I wonder how many people came to Jesus because they were desperate and had no other options. This father certainly could afford the best medicine money could buy, and yet ... his kid was dying. Jesus was his only hope. I'm not sure this story says much about his faith, at least at the beginning. The fact that he came to Jesus isn't a faith statement but a desperate ploy. But, as he encountered Jesus, his mind shifted. Jesus took authority. He was the dominant partner in this conversation. When the man begged Jesus to come to his home, Jesus told him to "go." Jesus ordered/told him to leave! Think about this. The man submitted to Jesus' command because he could see in Jesus' demeanor and eyes that Jesus was not trying to dominate or belittle but rather understood the father and had compassion for him. That's the moment the man knew that Jesus had the power to heal. When Jesus told him to "go," he left thinking that Jesus had authority over illness too. Jesus told him his son would live. That's all he needed to hear. The encounter and the words of Jesus were enough. This man was convinced of Jesus' ability to heal because of this encounter. I'm not sure, yet, if this rises to faith. I'm not sure the man really understood what Jesus was about and who He was. But He did understand authority and knew Jesus possessed authority. The man took Jesus at his word. He believed Jesus when Jesus said that the boy would be healed. Is this faith? Is this the sort of belief that comes from encountering God? So often I wish we had the endings of stories in the bible. What happened to the man and his son after this event? What did the man tell his son? Were they both lifelong believers ... was their household saved as well? Did the man evangelize and praise God on the way home? I wonder what that twenty mile return was like for the man. Was he expectant or worried? Did he doubt or was his confidence in Jesus' healing complete? Quote
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