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The healing of the boy caused the royal official’s household to believe. But not only that but the way that he was healed and the time that it was done. The royal official had faith before he went to see Jesus but it was only in the miracles that he did. He was able to nurture beyond mere “miracles faith” because Jesus did it at a distance and the boy was healed.

  • 7 months later...

Q3. (John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official’s household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe? How mature was this faith initially? How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere “miracles faith”?

I believe the factors that caused the faith of that household to happen were hearing about Jesus' healing power and how it healed many conditions. Also the fact that the boy was healed immediately after he believed. Also the fact that he chose to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and not just a miracle worker.  The faith was weak and needed something to prove that God was real and cared about the people of the world and their hurts. Through Jesus' actions and words God proved that to him and then some. By seeing what God could do through Jesus and believing in Him it was brought to maturity. 

  • 7 months later...

Q3. (John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official's household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe?

They were told that the boy was healed at the same time that Jesus said that he would be. 

How mature was this faith initially?

I believe that our faith has to continue to grow through meditating on God's Word.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.   (Rom. 10:17)

How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere "miracles faith"?

I believe he meditated on the words Jesus spoke all the way home. 

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Here we have the climax of restored life.   This family was hard pressed.  They firmly believed  when the child was healed

The nobleman and his family weren't schooled in the Torah and the Prophets; faith was in his heart.    He heard of the Jerusalem miracles and Cana miracle; he was desperate for a miracle for his son.  Christ knew that his faith needed to be developed.   He wanted to get the nobleman's focus off signs and wonders; to trust and obey for there is no other way but to trust in the words of Christ.  The nobleman, a Gentile, is to partake in the rich dowry of God's bride.  Christ was catechizing this man, his faith needed to be anchored in Christ Jesus.   A faith that cannot believe without a miracle is deficient.

Perhaps the history of Abraham came to the nobleman's mind.    The importance of faith in the midst of the dark nite of the soul.    Our God wants us to love Him for He is.   True spirituality is not based on the spectacular.    We need a solid faith that will last through the vicissitudes of life, the hum drum of existence.   Christ the Eternal Word beckons Jew and Gentile to believe that Christ is Zoe, eternal life.

Edited by Jonathan Edwards
I wanted to add today additional thoughts that came to my mind
  • 4 months later...

1. What are the factors that caused the royal official's household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe?

The first factor that caused the royal official's whole household to believe would probably be the healing of the son. I'm sure that all the people in the house knew what horrible condition the son was in and them seeing him healed "like that" would have sparked some curiosity in them and roused all sorts of different emotions and thoughts within them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The second and major factor that would have caused this household to believe, i believe, would be the boy's dad; the royal official. I believe that the dad told the whole household of his encounter with Jesus, and that testimony alone, proved by the healing of the boy, was more than enough to bring the whole household to faith in Jesus Christ! However, i also believe that the dad's status played a role in the household's coming to faith. The dad was a royal official, he had a pretty high status, so if he FIRMLY believed in Someone and had true, genuine faith in Him, it would have also been more than enough to convince his whole household, who were all most likely of "lower" status, to genuinely believe and put their true faith in Jesus Christ as well.

2. How mature was this faith initially?

Initially, the faith was very "immature." The whole faith was based on seeing miracles, meaning that their was no secure foundation for it. However, the faith was strong enough to make the royal official travel 20 miles to see Jesus and to ask Him to heal his son. Initially, the faith was there, but it was very weak and immature.

3. How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere "miracles faith"?

I believe that the royal official was able to nourish his faith beyond "miracle-faith" because God graciously gave him with true, genuine faith, but also because the royal official TOOK a step in true faith, believing Jesus' words. "Miracle-faith" doesn't take risky steps in faith, but true, genuine faith does!!!



  • 4 months later...

(John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official's household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe?

The boy was healed at the same time that the official was with Jesus, and Jesus said that he was healed. This was far greater than just the fact that the son got better. It was the fact that it was at that time. 

How mature was this faith initially?

The official believed that the miracle could be performed if and when Jesus laid His hands on the sick. He would not have looked for the Master if he did not have faith that this would get done. 

How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere "miracles faith"?

When Jesus spoke the Word that the child was healed. The official believed Him and returned home. Not even having reached home, he was met by his servants who said the child was healed. This boosted faith in Jesus more than ever as it was the same time Jesus spoke the Word, that the child was healed. The faith was now in Jesus not just in the miracles. 

  • 2 years later...

I've noticed, particularly when traveling to non-Western countries, that strongly patriarchal families seem to move in lock-step. What the patriarch commands is what happens. Period. My hunch is that Abraham, for example, when he decided to leave his hometown to strike out to who-knows-where didn't have to convince his family, debate friends and neighbors, cajole his wife, bicker with the bank to release funds ... etc. He just pronounced it as a done deed.

That's how I see family conversions in the bible. I see them as pronounced. At that time, it probably never occurred to them to protest or even ask the official, in this story, to reconsider. If they doubted, they were probably very careful not to let others know. In the Jacob story, Rachel hid the family gods in her saddle rather than give up her pagan faith; note that she hid them and didn't openly debate the change in religion.

I would think that any original faith change would be superficial, at first. Yes, the miracle occurred and miracles are always arresting, but does the accompanying heart/mind-change last? As time passes, wouldn't the memory of the event become clouded with doubt, or the antics of competing gods seem more true than before? Their faith was skin-deep, but even this is a start! All faith of those converted starts as a mustard seed and a tiny one at that!

I have no idea if the official was able to nurture the faith of his household. The scripture is silent as to this. But, he had a window of opportunity as well as the social power in the family to extend his own new faith in Jesus. He could, and did, evangelize. 

Think of how difficult it would be to grow in faith at that time. No books. No fellowship. No consistent first-hand knowledge. Perhaps he had passing news of Jesus' latest words and acts, but this information would be filtered through the grapevine and not reliable. Only the Holy Spirit could have matured his faith. 

Perhaps the sort of faith that comes from a miracle slowly dissipates unless fed by the Spirit Himself. Even the early church, after the death and resurrection of Christ, was quite prone to heresy and bad-thinking. Today, we are the recipients of thousands of years of church history and theological corrections. The man in the story, however, was a trailblazer, not a person in a more settled time of faith. He had only this one experience to go on ... AND, most importantly, that inner voice of the Spirit. I do not believe God would leave new converts alone to struggle blindly. They must have been led.

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