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Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

  • 2 months later...

Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? 

What place do miracles have in evangelism today - both in your country and abroad? 

Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? 

Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? 

Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? 

What kind of "discipling" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

The overall purpose of miracles is to bring glory to God. It provides evidence that God is truly at work in His creation, and is often done to show compassion to those in need. When they do occur we should be ever thankful to God that the Holy Spirit is working these miracles. However, I do feel that there are today false (counterfeit) miracles performed by those who are out to make money for themselves, and in so doing raise false hopes and do more damage than good. Much harm can be done if we exaggerate or distort the true facts of a miracle, or falsely claim it to have occurred. In the same way that our faith is weak, if it is only dependant on signs and wonders; is it with churches who exist only to promote miracles. One has to be careful if there is not an ulterior motive present. In my country these churches seem to thrive and grow much faster. Their teachings are not based on sound doctrines of the Word, and these miracles tend to exalt the ‘pastor’ rather than glorify our Heavenly Father. 



Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the mission fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today -- both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of "discipline" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?


The miracles the Messiah was called to do were for a sign that He is the Messiah of Israel, it is sad that many believed and saw the miracles he did, however, many did not go beyond the miracles, many did not believe, or come to understand the “Who” that did them, they did not understand He was “The” sign, a star in the east that the Three Wise men followed.


We must be careful that we do not follow after miracles alone; we must be careful for there are spirits in the world today as there were in the days of Pharaoh, who also performed acts of the supernatural. 


Salvation itself is a miracle, it is powerful enough to change a person, to change me, the Bible given is a miracle from God, and as we look around us, do we not see miracles everywhere, therefore, I hope we are a people who do not have to search after “miracles” in order to believe, I pray we are a people who will put aside the milk and get into the meat of the word, a people that seek after God's will to be seen in their lives, a walking miracle of God’s saving a grace, a people who desire is to walk in his “righteousness” for that I believe - is the real miracle for mankind.


I do believe miracles and healing are for us today, I believe God is the same today as He was yesterday, I believe God is a God who can do whatever he desires to do, I believe in the three in one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?


I must say I am skeptical about so called 'miracles' that happen in churches and in their services with the hype that goes with it. I think the whole of life and all of creation is a miracle and I have seen miracles in peoples lives when they come to know the Lord. Miracles do have a place in evangelism as miracles are from God and he choses when they happen.


In my opinion, churches that over emphasise mirracles and churches that deemphasise miracles are equally errant. I suspect there are various reasons why these extremes happen. I am not sure which churches grow faster, those that tend towards emphasising miracles and those that dont. So there are different types of growth, growth in numbers and growth in maturity in Christ.


Regarding discipling, for those who come to Christ on the basis of miracles,  I would emphasise that ones faith in Christ does not depend on miracles or signs. Christianity is about our service to Christ, not about what we can get out of it (Ephesians 4:17-24).


Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day?


Yes, many times. In Nigeria a friend reports that people are being raised from the dead, and healed miraculously. In another Country there are eyes appearing in formerly empty eye sockets. Witchcraft is rampant there so the Holy Spirit does amazing signs and wonders to empower the Gospel message and to demonstrate the power of God who is above all powers and principalities as it says in scripture He will do. Other nations are now sending missionaries to a mostly godless America, with the Gospel, accompanied by signs and wonders.


What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad?


Because it's scriptural, I believe they are important....The power of God underscoring the Word of God!


Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church?


I believe it's due mainly to fear and ignorance...poor teaching. I heard a pastor say he "doesn't want the Holy Spirit to manifest His presence in the church because it "can get messy". By that I think he means that he will not be in control of the service which he prefers. A former pastor said the same thing, but that he "doesn't want to embarrass anyone". (The Holy Spirit embarrasses no one!)


A local church in our area has a sign out front.."At our gatherings expect Killer music, interesting talks, no weird stuff"...and by that they mean the Holy Spirit will not show up there in any way at any time, and by pretending it's not "church", they hope to attract unbelievers. (We visited once to see what they are about. The church was darkened like a night club making it impossible to read the Bible, sparsely attended, unfriendly and cold....I believe seekers are seeking the God of power and might Who can transform lives. Yet they proclaimed that they want to evangelize our valley)


Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? 


Many churches believe the whole canon of scripture...not "deleting" miracles and the work of the Holy Spirit. Those with leaders who are filled with the Holy Spirit and offer Him the leadership role understand that miracles are great encouragement and validation of the Lord's presence and power. (If miracles do not occur that is up to the Holy Spirit. Miracles are not a necessity to faith, but are a blessing when they do come.)


Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster?


I haven't seen statistics, but I would imagine the ones where the Holy Spirit is invited to the services, since He is the one who saves, heals and delivers, is our Comforter, Counselor, Teacher, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, and Standby. (amp. John 16:26)


What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?


 Solid teaching and training in the basics of Christianity, and continued  Bible Study as one grows in grace. Emphasis on intimate relationship with our Lord, and the importance of following His leading each day in walking out our faith as His representatives and ambassadors. We are encouraged to share with others as letters written not on stone but on hearts of human flesh filled with His compassion and to allow Him to transform our lives into His character. (Gal.5:22-23) Also teaching that miracles have an important place but are not to be chased after and seen as the foundation of faith.


Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?



I've been to some churches where they preach the Gospel and also call people forward to receive a "touch from The Lord". There were people keeling over right left and center, but whether any actual healing happened I don't know. I went forward for healing at one of them and for whatever reason I didn't fall backwards. They took me aside and tried to figure out why I didn't go down. Unconfessed sin? A lack of faith? No one could work it out. I certainly didn't know. I did point out to the guy that Jesus healed people regardless of if they'd confessed their sins recently or not.


There is the (in)famous passage in Corinthians that states that only three gifts will remain, faith hope and love. Some denominations use that to back up their claim that miracles were only for the early Church to help it get established.


Some denominations downplay miracles. There are some charismatic Catholic churches around and some authorities I used to know used the fact that the Catholic church isn't really a Christian church to dismiss the whole charismatic movement. Their reasoning? If the charismatic gifts are being given to a non-Christian, non-Bible-based church that worships Mary, diefies saints, and practices other non-biblical things, then the gifts can't be from God. I don't necessarily totally go along with that.


Some denominations emphasize miracles and base their whole services around that. These tend to grow faster than the "reformed" denominations, but also have a ridiculously high participant turnover. One pentecostal church in my city had a 90% membership turnover in just two years. They also seem to be the ones that have the most adulterous pastors for some reason.


I think anyone who's become a Christian after witnessing a miracle in church needs to be told plainly that sometimes God doesn't grant every prayer we pray. Sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes we are just given grace to bear whatever problem we take to the Lord in prayer. The Christian life shouldn't be like a junkie's trip from high to high. When you come down, just go to a meeting and get another "touch from the Lord" to boost you back up again. People can become addicted to the spiritual high.


Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

In the mission fields today, mostly in other countries other than the US, miracles seem to play a big part in bringing believers to Christ.

In our country and abroad miracles help the Evangelist bring new converts to Christ. By preaching the word of God and having miracles accompany the preacher help confirm the God's word in truth and spirit.

Denominations today that believe miracles only happened in the early Church history to bring in converts to Christianity believe that hearing the word of God is enough for people to become believers. Their belief could possibly be a hindrance for the Holy Spirit to do His work in unbelievers. Then there are denominations that believe in the full gifts of the Holy Spirit and ssay it is necessary to bring in new converts.

The denominations that believe in the full gifts of the Holy Spirit are by far the fastest growing Churches, hearing the word of God and witnessing the miracles help reinforce God's word and success of the Church.

Those becoming believers by only witnessing miracles will have to be discipled with greater care because they may not have heard the word of God are only part of it and need the care to help them live the life God wants them to lead. It will be the Churches responsibility to bring them into the full belief and understanding of the bible and the beliefs of the church.            


As I am living in a ‘mission’ country, South Sudan, I come across ‘crusades’ where evangelising pastors promise miracles.  In the run-up, you see big posters all over town confidently promising healings as though miracles can be done to order.  The whole tone is very arrogant.  There is little or no emphasis on healing through faith in anyone except the pastor.  It is pure showmanship, not true Christianity.  The ‘converts’ are still as pagan as previously, with a veneer of Christianity on top.  Their belief in local spirits and devils remains.  Traditionally people here have always gone to witchdoctors for healing, now they go to the church for the same service and if it doesn’t work, back to the witchdoctor.  Jesus prophesied that false pastors would come and cast out devils in his name.  I think I have seen some of them.


I do believe in miracles and have experienced some myself.  However those I have experienced were quiet, totally spontaneous and had a very strong spiritual impact.  I think the reason some denominations deemphasize miracles is to avoid the showmen. 


I haven’t come across a denomination that doesn’t believe in miracles outside the early church.  However I have met many people who question the abundant record of miracles in early church and medieval history.  They put the miracles down to ignorance of natural phenomena or pious fraud.  There are certainly likely to be cases of fraud, as there are in the more easily proved case of relics.  It is of course true that science had not yet probed nature in the way it has in more recent times.  We have lost sense of the miraculous by failing to see God’s hand at work in natural phenomena, which was so keenly felt earlier in our history.  Nature itself is a miracle of God’s creation and scientists are most unlikely ever to get to the bottom of it.


I suspect (but am only guessing) that those churches that emphasize miracles grow faster, but it will be a very immature faith.  Those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles need to learn the importance of Christ’s teachings and of trying to follow the pattern of His life as the route to salvation of their souls.


Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

Yes, there are great numbers of people who come to faith after seeing a miracle.  In evangelism today, miracles bring the unbeliever to believe.  Some denominations deemphasize the miracles of today and says that it was only for the early church because they lack the faith that brings miracles.  Others emphasizes miracles because they have faith to believe and God honors their faith by manifestation of miracles.  The denominations that demonstrates Jesus' teachings of asking the Father anything in His name, it will be done;  these denominations will grow faster.  When people come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles they must be taught the other principles of doctrine for daily living.


Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles? 


I strongly believe that there is a place for miracles in evangelism today. The event of miracles are two-fold:

- to instil faith in non-believers

- to build up the faith in non-believers to cause them to give their lives to Jesus 


I am not sure why some denominations emphasize or deemphasize miracles. Perhaps those denominations that emphasize miracles believe that miracles can be used to bring non-believers to Christ. On the other hand, those that deemphasize miracles could be afraid that the congregation will be overly focused on miracles and "miss" Jesus.


For believers who come to Christ solely on the basis of miracles will need to be discipled differently. They need to counselled that Jesus is more than the miracles that He performed and is still performing today. Our job is to place our hope, faith and trust in Jesus and His word, regardless of whether we witness a miracle or not. Just like the royal official, when we act on this faith, the miracles will happen. Hallelujah!



Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles? 


We simply don't know what God will do unless we surrender as much as possible. In this case on a mission trip anything can happen. It is always the work of the Holy Spirit, not us. For evangelizing 1 person while reading the bible together, or 100 people comming to a meeting on a mission trip, it is not us, it is the SPirit that does the work.


As Jesus said, "oh you of little faith" 


That is the kind of evangelist I used to be, expecting I could have an impact on when the person would come to Christ. Now i DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT...for I am nothing, the Father doth the work


Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? What place do miracles have in evangelism today -- both in your country and abroad? Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? What kind of "discipling" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?


I have heard testimonies where a preacher publicly prayed for rain at a village where their crops were drying for lack of rain and the rain came pouring down before evening and this drew many converts to the Lord.


Thus miracles have the potential to draw souls to the Lord even today- in this generation


Those who de-emphasise miracles need to dig through the scripture to see that Jesus promised us authority to do all that he did while here on earth and even more through the Holy Spirit He sent after He rose and ascended to heaven.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think miracles happen every day but it is through Jesus Christ. I have prayed for a lot of things and it will happen. I give all credit to thr Lord. 


I appreciate many of the comments above. I personally, having recently transitioned from a more conservative church that downplays the signs and wonders to a church that is more neo-Pentecostal, see both the dangers of an over- reliance on signs and wonders and the value of accepting that God can and does use them for the advancement of His kingdom.


I think that miracles play the same role today as they did during Jesus time. The miracle helps the unbeliever to see Jesus better and want to study him. Maybe the reason that some denominations are trying to deemphasize miracles is to be able to draw attention to themselves rather than to Jesus. Maybe the reason that some denominations emphasize miracles is to draw more people into their church. Those that are drawn to a church because of the miracles they saw or that they were part of will need to disciple to see the real reason for the miracle.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day?

To know that you are a sinner and heading to lake of fire, to believed in Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and to be accepted by the Beloved, to know your salvation, and to be a son of God, These is the miracle, and yes a lot are being harvest in the mission field now a days.


What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad?

To a place where there are poor, sick, hungry, and weary.


Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church?

I would say, let us pray that in His perfect time they will be enlightened and learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ's miracles.


Why do some denominations emphasize miracles?

Because those miracles makes initial faith that leads to deeper desire in knowing Jesus Christ.


Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster?

The miracle emphasizing church grow more faster.



What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

That to believe in Christ, to listen to his Word, that Christ is the miracle itself, our life, strenght, doctor, teacher, counselor, shepherd, and God.


  • 4 weeks later...

The attack on the World Trade Centre in 1993 "brought many to Christ together and many are now served. Many have given themselves to Christ. They survived the attack on when the planes hit the twin towers on that fateful day in 2001 9/11 God saved their life.

In the evangelistic ministry many miraculous healing occur. All over the world, holding crusades where millions of people encounter the life changing and life saving love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. People are touched by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit and many receive a divine healing.

Why do some denominations emphasize miracles because it is the only way some come to Christ and be born again.  God has chosen in the book of Acts that his method of advertisement is the miraculous

The presence of signs and wonders are proof to them being true prophets of God and discipling will be easy when miracles are performed. False prophets all so mislead many and as they use signs and wonders as well.


Exodus 7 v 11- 12 Then Pharaoh called in his own wise men and sorcerers, and these Egyptian magicians did the same thing with their magic. 12 They threw down their staffs, which also became serpents! But then Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs..

  • 2 months later...

I really have no personal experiences with miracles on  a level of church-wide or world-wide basis. I believe that most people refuse to believe in miracles. They insist that miracles are impossible and they continue to look for rational answers for everything that happens.


If someone comes to Jesus and God because of a miracle, I feel that God has softened that person's heart. I believe that we need to lovingly guide that person to the basics of our faith. We need to help them to grow in Christ.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the mission’s fields in our day?  What place do miracles have in evangelism today -- both in your country and abroad?  Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church?  Why do some denominations emphasize miracles?  Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster?  What kind of "discipling" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?



  1. No, in my humble opinion, these followers of so-called modern day healers are not true believers in God, they are simply (misplaced) believers in the man who perpetrates false miracles upon them.  If we bother to read it, Scripture clearly tells us that miracles had a singular purpose in God’s plan and have not been extended to any of these modern day charlatans.  There is absolutely no ‘credible’ evidence to back up their claims, just the unsubstantiated testimony of so called witnesses. 
  1. None whatsoeverA miracle is defined as: “an event which the forces of nature—including the natural powers of man—cannot of themselves produce, and which must, therefore, be referred to a supernatural agency.” (Fisher 1900, 9).  Jesus’ miracles validated the fact that He is truly the Son of God and none of them were ever  done for personal gain nor were they done out of any particular personal self-interest.  Unlike the evangelistic charlatans of today, Christ’s disciples who performed miracles in the first century did so in front of “credible” witnesses and they were only done to validate Christianity and the ministry of Jesus Christ. The early disciples had no money to speak of so they certainly did not do those things to increase their own personal wealth unlike the TV “faith-healers” we see today.  “Heal this person! Hallelujah!  Oh by the way, send your check to…” (fill in the blank)  “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed.” (Mark 16:20).
  1.  The false claims of modern day miracle workers shouldn’t be deemphasized, they should be seen for exactly what they are!  These things are simply lies perpetrated upon us by Satan; he it seems really wants us to believe that these people have extraordinary powers!  The hard truth in that is simply that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  No matter how pure you believe your intentions are, if you're buying in to these so-call "evangelistic healers" you are simply buying into Satan’s lies.  If you're putting your faith into a man who claims to be able to perform miracles in our day will most certainly put yourself on that perilous road.   

The miracles performed by Jesus and his first-century disciples were done to establish the credibility of Christ Jesus and the credibility of his disciples after him.  Today, we have the Gospels to validate His credibility and the validity of His message.  That message of course is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world!  If anyone needs proof beyond the written Word of God, then they are not true Christians and their claims of faith are totally misguided and false! 

  1. It really doesn’t matter which one grows faster.  The important thing to consider in all of this is which one actually grows stronger in the Lord.  Those who put their faith in a man, or those who put their faith where it belongs, IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! 
  1. The most important point to make is that it has been clearly established in Scripture that those early miracles were used to corroborate the testimony of Christ, and those he sent out into the world to spread the good news after He was gone.  Recording those events in the New Testament was intended permanently corroborate that testimony so, just like speaking in tongues, miracles are no longer required.  Today we have the written word of God so constantly having to prove and re-prove the validity of His ministry is not required.  The bottom line is, if you need more than His testimony which was given through the Holy Spirit to the gospel writers then you are not a mature Christian and your faith is weak.
  1. "I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"  I made that good confession years ago and I still believe and live by it today!  I need nothing more than my faith and the Word of God to sustain me.  If you need to see a miracle to believe then you really need to reevaluate your faith.
  • 3 years later...

I have read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the mission field especially in Africa and China. I think that miracles have in evangelism today as in Jesus day to bring people to Jesus. It gets their attention. I think that the people being disciplined because of a miracle and all others all need the same dicipling.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the mission’s fields in our day?  What place do miracles have in evangelism today -- both in your country and abroad?  Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church?  Why do some denominations emphasize miracles?  Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster?  What kind of "discipling" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

Yes in the Pentecostal Apostolic Churches fields. Miracles are non existence almost here but existent elsewhere. Because they feel that they are non existent and are no longer necessary for the church today. They believe that they are something that belongs with the disciples only and no one else.  I believe that others do because they take the Scriptures for the whole but sometimes out of context. The one based on miracles however their faith is weak at times. They need discipling where they are in word continually and taught by a pastor weekly about the Lord. 

  • 5 months later...

We are addressing things of man in these questions, not things of God. Man made denominational churches, it is not scripture. There is one church and Jesus is the head.  We should be discussing how to maintain the church of God the way God designed it in His word.  The bible is the only word of God and our path to salvation is written in it, therefore, we should be concern with living and doing things God's way, the way he has designed for us, not the way WE THINK it should be....  There is only one God, one church and Jesus Christ has been made the head of all things of the church.  As many churches as we seem to claim to have, we say we all believe in one God. .so all of "our" churches should be worshipping the same way, which is the way it is described in the word of God.  But let us not forget.. we do not have a church.... we do not have a heaven or hell...... we have chosen to believe in God therefore we must believe in His word.  Romans 10:4-13.   This is our father's world. He created it and us to worship Him.....It is His will that we are to follow, not our will.....When we confess ours sins and repent, and are baptized in to Christ, God adds us to HIS CHURCH........THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST........ THERE ARE NO DENOMINATIONS...... ONE CHURCH..... ON GOD..... ONE WAY..... HIS WAY!!

Why aren't we discussing this????  What does the Bible say concerning these matters???


God does not perform these kind of miracle anymore because we now live by faith.  The reason for these miracles was to show people the power of God so that they would believe.  This is a time when God was establishing His word among all men and not just the chosen Jews.  Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of the old scriptures of the Messiah who would make salvation possible for everyone, the world and not just the chosen, the Jews. Miracles happen now in our person lives, but not on the scale as they were in the bible.  I do not have the scripture and I know that I need it , where Jesus tells us through  His word that we now live by faith  in Him and our believe in Him is what is required for salvation.  Now that we have the word, the bible, these kind of miracles are no longer needed.  God knew that man needed to see signs and wonders in order to believe.  It was Jesus's mission to prepare a way of salvation for all man kind through their belief in Him.  He came to do the will of God, His father and received instructions through prayer on how to achieve this. Jesus performed these miracles during His teachings and His chosen disciples recorded them as they witnessed them.  This would be the written word that would passed on after Jesus died on the cross and ascended back to heaven to sit a the right hand of His father to intercede for us.  Revelations speaks of many false prophets who  will lead many to believe in the antichrist.  Let us be strong in our faith and help others to see the truth as our Lord and Savior has required us to do.  We are to continue in the faith and the mission He left for us .  To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to salvation to the ends of the world.

  • 2 years later...

Not in recent memory.   Very sad, the voice of healing is muffled on mass media.  I mean real sound balanced preaching on Divine healing.    Here in NYC, I wonder if the various churches that believed in healing gave up the ghost !  When I am preaching outdoors in NYC, I do preach about Divine healing and pray for the incurable even for those not actually in front of me.   Many are locked up in their apartments and cannot hear about the healing power of Christ.   I believe that God is doing miracles of healing throughout the USA as I seek the Lord

A great preacher. TL OSBORN preached in Pakistan years ago.   Many were healed at his services,  many became Christains after they saw the sick being healed.   I will never forget Kathryn Kuhlman healing services.    Very quiet services, no hype.  In Egypt, people set free from demonic possessions during services.  Truly, the local Muslims hear the Gospel.

Some denominations have changed sad to say.   They wanted to become corporate.   Very sad how they forgot their roots.   Even some "pentecostal" churches have become like a  regular denominational church.   No altar calls. no testimony time and presence of fancy gadgets allover the sanctuary...With people dressed up for  the niteclubs.   Cannot forget the church light shows and loud music. Not just the absence of preaching on Divine healing...absence of preaching verse by verse of Cardinal Bible doctrines.

Those churches that treasure their legacies and adhere strictly to the Bible and anointing of the Holy Spirit, continue preaching about Divine healing.   They are balanced theologically.   Those healed are properly catechized in Christain doctrine.  

Pentecostal churches no doubt!   All through Latin America,  many such churches have been established.   In India, Pentecostal churches have been spotted.  But here in STATEN ISLAND NY, no new churches despite population growth.   

Yes !  Catechizing the new believers.   Very important.   We had home groups back in the early 1980s.   Home groups were like schools of instruction for the new inquirers.  One to one spiritual direction is so important during healing revivals.


  • 4 months later...

1. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our days?

Our days, i haven't read much, but older days, i have read, watched, and heard lots of stories about great spiritual harvests. i've read/watched/heard the stories of some famous missionaries and martyrs such as Jim Elliott, Amy Carmichael, Katie David, and many others, and about the "impossible" (nothing is impossible with God!!!!!!!) transformations to coming to [faith in] Jesus Christ that those people had.

2. What place do miracles have in evangelism today -- both in your country and abroad?

Miracles are very important in "modern-day" evangelism because no matter where the people are, in the same country or on a completely different continent, if they don't know God/Jesus miracles will help them "take it all in" easier and believe in, put their faith in, and put their trust in Jesus easier as well. Yes, this can cause "miracle-faith" to occur but lots of times, miracles are the things that really impact and change a person and cause them to seriously consider putting their faith in Jesus Christ, and then to actually put their faith in Jesus Christ (God can use things other than miracles to bring people to faith in Jesus though, but i believe that miracles are the most common "bringers to faith in Jesus Christ.")

3. Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church?

i believe that some denominations deemphasize miracles because they fear that there will be "too much" of or there will even just be the Holy Spirit involved which will make things not how they would want them to be; not what they prefer and/or are comfortable with! In reality though, if the Holy Spirit is involved, things will always change for the TRULY better, both for believers and for non-believers as well!

4. Why do some denominations emphasize miracles?

Some denominations emphasize miracles because they understand that miracles are the works of the Holy Spirit, and if the Holy Spirit is acting in one way by doing miracles, then It is also active and working in other places, people, and things  and strengthening the individual/s, and so, emphasizing miracles, in a way, shows the Holy Spirit's presence and active work in an individual's/individuals'. But other denominations, i assume, (not entirely sure, i assume there are situations like this), emphasize miracles because they believe that the whole point of Christianity is having miracles done to you and they believe that's the most important thing when it comes to Christianity, when in reality the most important thing in Christianity, the main focus, is God/Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

5. Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster?

Typically, those denominations which emphasize miracles and the Holy Spirit tend to grow faster in true converts because the Holy Spirit is present and enters people, convicts them, changes them, and brings them to faith in Jesus Christ, but those denominations which deemphasize miracles and the Holy Spirit tend to grow faster in popularity among non-believers because they're typically "cooler" and "funner" than true churches. But, because those churches don't have the Holy Spirit in them, none or few people actually change, repent, and come to [faith in] Jesus Christ/God!!!

6. What kind of "discipling" is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles?

Those who come to faith in Christ primarily because of miracles need to be discipled and taught that there won't always be miracles in life, and if their whole faith is founded and based on miracles, once the miracles leave, the faith, trust, and reliance on God will leave as well, putting a person in the same state they were in, maybe even worse, before they came to Christ! They also need to be taught and discipled about putting their faith in Jesus Christ solely and in His Word, Power, and Authority as well; and they need be taught and discpled to creating a more intimate relationship with God, so that when the miracles leave and the trials and tribulations come, they will be able to stand firm and keep their faith, trust, reliance in God, and maybe even increase in faith, trust, and reliance in God as well!!!!!!!








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