Pastor Ralph Posted August 7, 2014 Report Posted August 7, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? Quote
Delivered Posted November 8, 2014 Report Posted November 8, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father, or, is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? I admit I am not sure what the question is, so accordingly here is my answer. The Son of God set the perfect example on how important obedience is to the Father, the Bible speaks also of its importance as it is the voice of God, it teaches us obedience is “faith in action”, our love for the Father is seen in our obedience to keeping his commandments, it is our reasonable service for He sent His Son who was obedient even unto the cross; they go hand in hand as (verse 19) becomes even more alive in my heart, for the Son was capable, humanly that is of disobeying the Father, and as I read (Mt.26:39) it becomes more clear the meaning of Jesus obedience to the Father, the reason the Son learned obedience and came completely submissive to the Father’s will through the power of the Holy Spirit, as we just read in (John3:34) the Son speaks for God the Father and God has put no limit to the Spirit’s relation to the Son. God gave the Holy Spirit in all fullness to Him, and to no one else in that sense, a sharp distinction between the Messiah and all human teachers, for they have the Spirit in a limited degree. Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? I am not sure what is meant by hearing the voice of God, for my church does teach right from the Bible, and that is the “Voice of God” it is Spirit breathed. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? We would see less division and more love. Quote
JanMary Posted November 9, 2014 Report Posted November 9, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? I was deceived as a new baby Christian by a bright and beautiful angel who appeared to me in our kitchen in the middle of the night (I thought someone forgot to turn out the light and went to do so) .He told me a number of things and not knowing anything much about scripture, I thought he was Jesus! It was only when the things he told me turned out to be lies that I realized the only way to be sure of "voices" was to compare what is said with Scripture...I got into a wonderful Bible Study immediately. "My sheep know My voice" true of me now. I have continued to be in His Word for 40 years. We are to listen to the Father through His Word, as well as whenever He speaks! We can discern that it is He speaking because we know His Word (From that night of deception I learned the difference: When it is the Lord speaking, it is to our spirit. When Satan spoke to me it was to my soul about flesh-y desires.) The Lord most often speaks to me when I am reading the Bible but He has spoken when I've been combing my hair, washing dishes, driving the car, awakened me from sleep, in the shower...just about everywhere. Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? I think it's due to fear of folks being led astray (as Satan lied to me), or perhaps churches do not trust the Holy Spirit to be faithful to the sheep in such matters. (I was only deceived for a week or two...and it was a valuable training time for me, which the Holy Spirit allowed and Who quickly showed me that it was not Jesus speaking and that I needed to know God's Word. He then led me to a wonderful Bible Study. I'm grateful for having been through that experience...because I know His voice and I'm quick to obey. Quite a few years ago I was alone in a parking lot in a beautiful country park late in the year reading my Bible and soaking in the fall colors and beauty all around me. There was one way in and out of the parking lot....with just enough space for two cars to pass. My car was facing away from the entrance / exit and I was oblivious to any danger when I heard in my spirit "GO NOW". I knew God's voice...and immediately started the car and drove toward the exit. As I did so I passed a car coming in with a man at the wheel. When our eyes met the hair on the back of my neck stood on end...his eyes were sheer evil. Shaking, I realized if I had hesitated even for a minute he could have blocked my exit and if he had a weapon there was no one around to help me. I thought "This is one reason the Lord wanted me to know His may have saved my life by not having to take time to figure out who was speaking! What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? I like that word...dynamically! if the Church will learn to hear and obey we could have a dynamic body of believers rather than a largely impotent, passive religious group who stay inside the church and hope the pastor will evangelize, and who for the most part have been deceived into believing that miracles and the power of the Holy Spirit were retired when Jesus arose into Heaven. We would be praying about everything, including the elections and governing of our Country. I was stunned to read in a Christian magazine that less than 50% of Christians in America are registered to vote and half of those registered admit that they don't vote. I'm praying for revival and empowering of the Church to complete His work in every country in these last days....I believe that's God's will. Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted November 9, 2014 Report Posted November 9, 2014 (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, YES. Without hearing Gosh the Father, how can we hear God. Why do we pray if there is no answer? How do we build a relationship without 2 way communication? or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? The Bible is the Written Word of God. Often God Speaks to us through His Word. God reveal to us Who He is through His Word, else we will react to any voice we hear. Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? Any proper church do. It is a false church that don't. Teaching and doing are different things. Too often we have the knowledge but don't react to it. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? We would change to love. We would achieve so muchmore in the Kingdom of God. We will become effective Quote
blezed Posted November 9, 2014 Report Posted November 9, 2014 Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? 1. Yes, we are intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father. Jesus "said anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing." Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? 2. Sadly to say, some churches today are more concerned about pleasing the membership than pleasing God. If our generation learn to dynamically hear God there would be more love, caring and peace in the world. We would not be having wars, crimes and hatred towards someone that does not look like us. Lord, I lone for peace amongst my brothers and sisters. Quote
Jen Posted November 9, 2014 Report Posted November 9, 2014 I listened to a sermon on this very topic this morning. Yes we should emulate Jesus and spend time alone with God everyday. It is also important to read the Word everyday. One cannot substitute for the other in my view. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? I came up in a reformed, non-charismatic Baptist church. No emphasis was placed on the more flamboyant gifts of the Spirit. To me the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Even in that somewhat limiting view, we'd still hear preachers tell about hearing the voice of God. If God has something to say, He'll say it. More often than not we can find what God is saying if we are really immersed in the Word of God, the Bible. If it's something that is important for us to hear, God will use other means, including an "impression" in our hearts from the indwellinlg Holy Spirit communicating directly with our spirit, and even a direct word or phrase that we "hear" like a trumpet blast in our mind. I had a neon sign type of word from God a few years ago that flashed brightly in my mind's eye. Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? Unfortunately Satan is far more likely to speak to us directly than God is. To try and circumvent that, many churches actually forbid the use of the Spiritual gifts of tongues and prophecy. Even the ones that don't actually forbid tongues and prophecy will take someone aside and counsel them if they do utter a "word from God" in church. We have the Bible as God's Word and we rightly should read it and study it. We also have what I wrote in the above answer as another way in which God can and does speak to us. If we start listening to voices, we're in for trouble. The father of all liars will lie to us and pretend that he is God. That's what the devil does. It's his standard modus operandum. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? I imagine it'd be like it was in the first century church. Quote
hanks Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? I feel that God speaks to us through His Word, and I find that the more I study and meditate on the Word, the closer is my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I think of John 10:27 where Jesus says: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." The Lord Jesus knows His sheep; each one by name! Only those who are true sheep will hear His voice, which they recognize when He speaks to them through the Bible. They hear it when the Word is preached or studied, and because they believe in Him, they hear His voice day by day and obey His Word. Also, I feel that listening is an important spiritual skill, for listening to God is the first step in obeying Him. We must realize that God does not always reveal Himself only in powerful miraculous ways. Often He is found gently whispering in the quietness of a humbled heart. To listen we often have to step back from the busyness of our everyday life and listen carefully and quietly for His guidance. Our world is in a mess today because we act independently and not in accordance with His will. We are so self-centred and greedy and want everything our own way, but it is only when we start listening and obeying His Word that this world will ever come right. However, we have to be careful to choose what we listen to, because today there is so much unwanted noise that has to be screened out first. Quote
haar Posted November 11, 2014 Report Posted November 11, 2014 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? We can listen to God as He speaks to us through the Holy spirit in us as well as hear him through His written Word. Some Churches believe that God spoke to the prophets but now he speaks through the His written word and do not teach about listening to God. If we would listent o God and obey him, the world would a better place to live and our lives would attract no believers to Christ Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Report Posted November 13, 2014 On 8/7/2014 at 7:39 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? Our belief in Christ and His work He did on earth, we too are to emulate Him in the work and teaching of the gospel and listening to God by the Holy Spirit to do what He instructs us to do. We should have read the bible to back up our teachings for our fellow man and be well versed in that word. Most churches today preach more about our relationship with our fellow man than teaching the truth of God's word. Also most believe that listening for God's inner voice in our hearts was only necessary for the early church. If our generation of today learned to listen to God speaking to us by the Holy Spirit, we would no doubt have a national revival. people in the apostolic age were more than eager to hear God's word preached to them. Today we like to have our ears tickled by jokes and told what we want to hear instead of the true gospel in pure essence. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted November 15, 2014 Report Posted November 15, 2014 Yes we are intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father. Reading the Bible is no substitute. It is possible to read without faith, as with any other book. I don’t know why more churches don’t teach more about listening. Some individual priests do. I had the wonderful experience of a priest who said he would like to teach Christian Meditation to anyone who was interested. Christian Meditation is just that – sitting silently, emptying ourselves, making ourselves aware of God’s presence with us and being attentive to God. It revolutionised my prayer life. It led eventually to hearing God’s voice telling me to go to the third world as a volunteer. If everyone had that opportunity to learn to listen, it would be a very different world. Quote
SoiKosum Posted November 16, 2014 Report Posted November 16, 2014 (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? I think we need to do both - know the word of God and spend time listening to the Father. Knowing the word of God is head knowledge. Anyone can master the Bible and regurgitate chapter and verse. However, we also need heart knowledge. We need to have a relationship with God. We need to have both head knowledge and heart knowledge. For obvious reasons, churches will find teaching the Word easier. However, there is also a desperate need to teach about hearing the voice of God. The issue that I see is that some may take "hearing from God" to the extreme and use this (hearing from God) to judge, condemn and even manipulate other people or situations. There is also the possibility that those who do not hear from God may be made to feel embarrassed or inferior by those who "consistently" hear from God after every prayer session. After a while, these people may just say something for the sake of not being left out or may even stop attending prayer meetings. I believe the spiritual atmosphere in our spheres of influence will be dramatically altered if we were to hear from God and obey His word. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 On 8/7/2014 at 7:39 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? Knowing the Bible is not a modern-day substitute for istening to the Father. Reading of the Bible is only one of the many ways in which God the Father speaks to us.Churches teach that we should listen for the voice of God but goes no further than a mere teaching. We must believe in Jesus just as the disciples did so that we too can begin to learn to listen to God and obey His voice. If we would learn to do this our world would begin to see more miracles and more people coming to faith in God. Quote
Nhema Posted November 24, 2014 Report Posted November 24, 2014 '....because those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God' - Rom 8:14. It sums it all up. 'In the beginning was the Word...' everything that God had to say to us was in the person of Jesus-who he was, what he did and what he taught. Jesus is our perfect demonstration of our 'sonship' relationship - communication, obedience and submission to our Father, in love and for His glory. As much as the bible is the word of God, knowing the bible on its own is of no value - because all scripture is spiritually discerned- 1 Cor 2:14. The bible can never be a substitute for the indwelling word, it becomes of benefit only as an instrument of the Holy Spirit. I dont know if there is anyone who can 'teach' another about hearing God, but rather we can only advise people to walk by the Spirit - because the Holy Spirit dwells in each believer. It is an individual choice to die to self and be alive to God -'not my will but Thy Will', then one will seek to hear Him always. If we would hear and obey, then we become His instruments to manifest His will and work, so that, His Will, will be done one earth as it is in heaven - that truly would be the Kingdom of God fully come to earth! Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 Knowing the Bible should not be a modern-day substitute for not listening to the Father. We should be emulating Jesus. The churches are not interested in teaching more about hearing the voice of God they seem to want to teach that they are the ultimate authority. I think that if this generation would learn to dynamically hear God and obey what he is saying to us that we would be able to turn everything around and we would have a wonderful place to live. Quote
grace2free Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? We must emulate Jesus by having a close and constant communication and listening and obidience to the Father. Well, very likely, now a days, It is the Bible now who is telling us about the Father, about the Son and about the Holy Spirit. It tells us on how Jesus listen and obey the will and purpose of God. Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? These churches are relying on thereselves only rather than on the voice of the Living of God. There are many churches that we need to pray for enlightment. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? Our generation will find eternal life, the life in the Person of Christ, relying only to God. (5:39-14) Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted February 5, 2015 Report Posted February 5, 2015 Because of his unity with God, Jesus lived as God wanted him to live. Because of our identification with Jesus, we must honor him and live as he wants us to live. The word Son shows Jesus' unique understanding of His relationship with the Father and reflects the titles "Son of Man" and "Son of God. When we walk by the spirit will be able to hear or listen to God. Read the word study the word do what it says. When we hear and obey God we become His instruments and do His work according to his will. Pass on from generation to generation. Quote
JoanG Posted May 4, 2015 Report Posted May 4, 2015 I do not believe that knowing the bible is a substitute for listening to the Father as Jesus did. The bible is nothing more than a guide book. It is not a real experience to hearing the voice of god. I feel that churches do not talk about God's voice because the leaders never learned how to hear God speaking to us. I think that possibly leaders are afraid of this concept because many people would say a message came from God but actually it is nothing more than a person's ego talking. We also have so many issues with mental health that hear the voice of God is to be considered crazy. Meds are handed out like candy for things like this. I truly believe that if we really learned to hear God and follow his every instruction, we would change the whole world. We would end war, hunger and hatred. We would learn to live in harmony with all of the creations. This would include animals, birds and fishes and all natural elements. There would not be any waste. Everything would be used fore the real purposes that it was created. I really feel there would be one central religion. All Christians and all denominations and all religions would come together as one. There would be a unity of all men, women and children. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted June 22, 2015 Report Posted June 22, 2015 Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Yes, we should always be listening to the Father and following his guidance. Our preachers and church elders are only men and, as such, are fallible. Just like the Father was in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is at work in us and we need to listen intently. The Bible isn’t a “substitute” but rather a “supplement” to listening. Paul said in his letter to the Romans, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” The Bible is the “word of God” and He will never contradict anything that’s found in scripture. Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? I think, in a lot of preachers tend to focus on love, peace and harmony while leaving out or downplaying the consequences of our sin. Going to hell has become less and less central in sermons these days and we need to be reminded that there are consequences for our actions AND what those consequences are. The Lord tells us what they are but I believe that there are those in the church who completely miss the mark when it comes to the blessing of fellowship with our Lord. The reason they are is simply because they speak but don’t listen; subsequently, they’ve lost the ability to recognize His voice when they hear it. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? If we would all learn to hear God and obey Him, we would all have a future filled with hope rather than dismay. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” [Jeremiah 29:11-13] Quote
pickledilly Posted December 8, 2015 Report Posted December 8, 2015 Diligently studying and knowing the Bible is not the same as listening to the Father. Yes, we have His Word recorded in the Scriptures that “speak” to us, but without the wisdom and discernment of the Spirit we cannot rightly interpret and live out that Word. Head knowledge isn't the same thing as relational heart knowledge. As we develop that relationship, God uses the Word planted in us through our studies to guide us in the specifics of our daily living. This can be a tangible phenomenon. I have a friend who is so in tune with God's voice that she often pauses in conversations with others because the Spirit is clearly speaking something, usually pertinent to that situation. Of course, nothing we hear from God will ever contradict the truth of His written Word, so knowing the Scriptures is vital to hearing God's voice. Churches don't teach more about listening for God because pastors don't usually know. I don't want to become cynical about it, but pastorates so often end up becoming positions of personal power and leadership that aren't as submitted to God's voice as even the pastors might desire. We must learn to step away from the incessant voices of the world in order to give God time to speak directly to us, because He rarely forces us to listen. This is something I really need to do better, myself. Our generation of believers would radically change the world if we learned to dynamically hear the voice of God and then yield in obedience to doing the works of God in the same way Jesus did. We would no longer sit in our comfortable pews once a week in a state of inertia, thinking ourselves to be pleasing to God. The world around us would see holiness, truth, unity, and love in action as we do whatever the Father shows us to do. We'd make such a bigger difference for the Kingdom of God. And we'd each enjoy a richer fuller relationship with our Father. We would be authentic disciples who are becoming more and more like our Rabbi. Oh, to truly be like Jesus! Quote
RuthRW Posted July 13, 2017 Report Posted July 13, 2017 If we read the bible and maybe a commentary and then rush away we are robbed of much. But if we take our bible reading as a gateway into the presence of Jesus and communicate with Him, wait on Him and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us, it deepens our relationship with the Lord and we hear His voice more and more. I think often problems with obedience and maybe more importantly giving the Holy Spirit TIME keeps many brothers and sisters from growing into a more intimate relationship with the Lord. The reason that hearing the voice of God is so rarely preached maybe stems from the fact that many preachers and ministers struggle in that area themselves. How important it is to faithfully pray for our leaders and preachers. Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 2, 2018 Report Posted July 2, 2018 I don’t think that knowing the bible is a substitute to emulating Jesus and listening to the Father. But is one of the ways of knowing and listening to the Father and the other way is to fellowship with fellow Christians and going to church. I don’t know why the churches don’t teach more about hearing the voice of God. If our generation would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying then everything would definitely change for the better. Quote
Godswriter Posted February 10, 2019 Report Posted February 10, 2019 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? I believe we should be imitating it. The more we imitate the Lord the more we become like Him. I believe knowing Scripture is not enough. It is not even a close substitute for it. We must be willing to do what He did daily in order to have a relationship with Him. I believe they think it's not necessary to teach about this because they feel that people can learn this on their own. I feel that no one can learn it on their own without the Lord's leading. I believe if we would learn to hear Him and obey what He is saying to us would mean that this world would no longer kill infants, would no longer accept homosexuality as the norm, and no longer accept transgenders and transexuality and realize that all of this is wrong and against the Bible. Quote
Paula Price Posted August 5, 2019 Report Posted August 5, 2019 The scriptures are the word of God. They teach us the will of God and what He expects of us once we have chosen to be His disciples. Everything we know of Jesus is in the scriptures.. There is no substitute for the word of God. Jesus commanded His disciples to go and preach the gospel to every nation baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible is where we learn of God. Once we learn of Him and are obedient to His will He sends the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our daily walk with Him. This is a relationship, personal and real for those of us who have accepted Jesus as our personal savior. God speaks to the heart of man, to those who are walking holy and righteous before Him. The true Church of God teaches us hear the voice of God. If you don't hear it is because you are not listening and you are not yet delivered from sin, for scriptures says that God does not hear sinners. But for His Church, He walks and talks with us through the communion of the Holy Spirit. We must obey the Bible, the scriptures Just as Jesus did when He walk among man here on earth. He prayed daily and communed with the father for instructions on what the father's will was for him each day. Jesus was our example.. He came from heaven to show us the way...We are to be Christ like...God communes with those who are walking holy and righteous in His word. There Is only one Church, One God, one faith and one baptism. We are all suppose to be on one accord in the word and only worshipping and living our lives as it is written in God's word. It is His way, not our way!!!! Man does not have a church, nor heaven nor hell.... It all belongs to God.!!! Quote
newwine50 Posted September 21, 2019 Report Posted September 21, 2019 Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? We are supposed to do what Jesus did. Knowing the bible is not enough. Even the demons know the scriptures but they don't obey God. Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? They probably didn't learn that they were supposed to. Leaders told me that I shouldn't say that God speaks. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? We would see much greater results than we are now seeing. We would see this generation healed and restored. Quote
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