Pastor Ralph Posted August 7, 2014 Report Posted August 7, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? When we hear the Word and accept Christ as our Lord and Master. This is confirmed in that we receive the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ. From Gen1 the Holy Spirit is associated with Life. What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? Life How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"?I don't know. I read a true story of a Muslim lady who believed there had to be more than what she was taught and how she kept on seeking until she found a Bible and knew iy was what she was looking for. She believed and even baptized herself to show her commitment. She read the Word and believed. How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? We are all told about Christ Who is Love. We all have to continuously proclaim the Word of God. We can't have this beautiful secret and keep it for ourselves. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? We have to live it and speak it. We have to be the example and the teacher Quote
Clarence Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Eternal life begins from the time of belief, the decision to be a believer in Christ (John 3:16, John 5:24, 1 John 5:11,12). The default position is death (seperation from Christ), because the default position is that there is no eternal life. There are two forms of revelation according to the theologians. General (natural) and Specific. The general is all of God's creation (Romans 1:18-32), and specific is the revelation of the Word of God and His dealings with people throughout history ( The site states that the ultimate purpose of God's revelation is to bring people to Himself. The word of God is generally heard through believers who influence others through interaction in the community in which they live, by the way believers in Christ live and by what they say. This is our job and it is not easy (Matt 28:19,20). Quote
hanks Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ - life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"? How do your friends and neighbours normally hear Jesus' word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Eternal life begins the moment we were born again. Our default position without Christ is death. We were dead in our trespasses and sins, but the moment we put our trust in Jesus we pass out of a state of spiritual death into one of spiritual life. Eternal life is inseparable from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In other words to have life, one must have the Son of God. “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life (1 John 5:12)”. It cannot be earned by good works or religion or the church – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8)” In Romans 1:20 we read that we are all without excuse, since God clearly says that He has revealed Himself in nature: “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” And in Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has revealed Himself in the hearts of people: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” It is more a matter of people totally rejecting any knowledge of God - for we know our Heavenly Father will make Himself known to everyone who truly desires to know Him. There are plenty of opportunities for my friends and neighbours to hear the Word. It can be through the radio, TV, printed media and then from me as well. Quote
JanMary Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? Thank the Lord, it begins the moment we say "Yes!" to Jesus and receive His free gift of salvation! What is our default position without Christ – life or death? Apart from Jesus, we will die the second death and be separated from Him for eternity. How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? I've heard of people on rare occasions (In Iraq) having Jesus appear to them, and they are saved, where He then directed them to a church for discipling after their encounter. But the normal way is for them to hear the Word through a testimony of Jesus' work in another's life, or to hear the Word preached at church or on television or radio. (I first heard the gospel on the radio on the way to a church and was born again before arriving!) How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? They hear as we share about what Jesus is doing now or has done in our life. I don't force the issue but am always mindful for openings to share. Many in our family are bound in a cult, and who are aware of the trials we've encountered and still face, I share how He is carrying, strengthening and providing for us in the hard places. I've shared miracles we've been privileged to receive. I continue to pray for their hearts to be softened and the scales to be removed from their eyes. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? In the sermon Sunday our pastor mentioned a statistic which shocked me. 90% of Christians say they have never invited anyone to church. (fear of rejection was the reason most stated). Another statistic was that 95% of Christians no longer share their faith after they've been saved for 2 to 3 years. Our role is to remain faithful to share when the Holy Spirit opens the way. A former pastor encouraged us to ask Him for opportunities in the morning before our day starts, which helps me to be mindful to watch for and expect openings. I believe there is more impact coming from a known and trusted friend or neighbor where the life lived before them backs up the testimony shared in words. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 10, 2014 Report Posted November 10, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? When we hear the word (the Gospel of Christ) and believe in our hearts that God the Father sent Jesus to die on our behalf, our eternal life begins. What is our default position without Christ – life or death? Death. No one comes to the Father but through Jesus. How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? The Bible is clear on the fact that once someone hears about Jesus and doesn't accept Him for who He is . . the Son of God who came into the world to save us from sin . . they are condemned. So what about the millions of people who've never heard of Jesus, people in other cultures or primitive people who have never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel? The Bible says they will be judged on how they've lived their lives. Even people who have never known about God still know right from wrong. They know it's wrong to kill, steal, covet, etc. God will judge them on a case by case basis. How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? In a lot of cases they don't get to hear Jesus' word. In my case I really need to lift my game in order for my friends and neighbors to be aware that Jesus is alive and working in me. Quote
haar Posted November 11, 2014 Report Posted November 11, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Eternal life begins NOW on hearing Jesus and believing the Father who sent Him Without Christ means death. It is difficult for people to come to eternal life without hearing as that is a prerequisite. Through street evangelism by groups and individuals. We all have a responsibility to preach the word of god as the Great Commission given by Christ Jesus. Quote
Delivered Posted November 11, 2014 Report Posted November 11, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? This promise of “eternal life” is for anyone who hears the word of the Lord and believes by acting on that faith, at the very moment that faith is extended is when “eternal life” begins, the soul is renewed with “truth” of whom the Son is, thereby honor and praise unto the Son is given because they have crossed over from death unto life. We have a greater understanding of what “eternal life” means for the believer as we read (1John 5:1-4) teaches, those who believe Jesus is the Messiah are those who have been born of God, and everyone who loves him have also received of him that of “love”, because “love” is written on their heart is the reason honor and praise is given unto the Son by keeping God’s commandments, for they are not grievous to the soul. Those who believe have eternal life already, here and now, are those who keep on trusting in the person and power of the Son of God. (1John 5:13) These things have I written to you, that ye may know that ye have life eternal, you who believe in the name of the Son of God. Q. What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? Death is the wages of sin. Q. How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"? Abraham was a man who made idols of wood and stone until one day as he looked up in the heavens searching for truth, believing there must be a God that is above all gods of wood and stone that created and brought all of this into being, it was through the drawing of the Holy Spirit that Abraham’s searching was fulfilled and he believed in God. However, for those who have ears to hear the word and yet do not want to understand and refuse the drawing of the Holy Spirit, death is at their door. Q. How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? There are no excuses today for anyone not to hear the words of God, the trouble is, many want to “hear” words that tickle their ears, many don’t want to “hear” about obedience, or that of God’s laws, we appear to be a self-centered generation that want to be only blessed, therefore, the “truth” of God’s words for them have become empty, making it more difficult to talk about the things of God to our friends and neighbors, and sad to say, to our families. Q.What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? My role is making sure my talk is my walk; my role is living a life that testifies of the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. Quote
blezed Posted November 12, 2014 Report Posted November 12, 2014 According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? 1. When you except Jesus Christ as your Savior. What is our default position without Christ – life or death? 2. Death. You cannot come to the Father unless you come thru Jesus. How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? 3. You must accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you never hear the word you will not know to do that and you cannot come to eternal life. There are many ways people can hear the word. TV evangelism, my witnessing, church etc. I used to witness to those that I felt comfortable with. Now my spiritual walk with Christ has matured enough where I will witness to my neighbors, family and friends outside my comfort zone. Quote
Jen Posted November 13, 2014 Report Posted November 13, 2014 According to John 5:24 when does eternal life begin? What is the default position without Christ - life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never" hear my word"? How do your neighbors normally hear Jesus word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear His Word? The moment we first believe and receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Death Word of mouth Living for Jesus! God Bless Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 15, 2014 Report Posted November 15, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? According to John 5:21-24 eternal life begins the moment we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the one who sent Him the the eternal Father. we will have passed over from dead unto eternal life. Our default position as human beings with out Christ is eternal death into the life of eternal fire. God has placed a conscience in man that tells or testifies to him or her what is right or wrong in life. To these Christ will judge according to their actions on earth even they had not heard the gospel Christ preached. To those who have ignored their conscience and hardened their hearts, theirs will be eternal damnation. Our friends and families normally hear about Jesus from our testimony about Christ to them or from radio and tv preaching. Their are those that go out and evangelize their neighbor hoods and other nations. Our duty to Christ and our brothers and sisters in Christ is to witness to them the good news of the gospel and lead them to Christ. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted November 15, 2014 Report Posted November 15, 2014 Eternal life starts when we start to make God the Father and the Son central to our lives. Without Christ we live in a total material world which will end in death. It could be called a living death. I have difficulties with the question of what happens to those who never have the opportunity to hear the Word of our Lord. It is not their fault if nobody tells them. It is our fault. Ezekiel was told that we would be held responsible. However the Bible is very clear that those people have no hope. This is tragic. I saw a slogan from a religious order which read ‘You may be the only Gospel some people will ever read’. That is how our friends and neighbours who are outside the fold will initially hear Jesus’ word. Our role is to live a life in imitation of Christ, so they can see the Gospel and become followers of Christ. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Eternal life beins when a person believes in Jesus, that He is the Son of God; and that God sent Him to this world to die for our sins. Without Christ we are doomed to a Christless hell. People can come to eternal life if those of us who have eternal life would go forth and preach or testify of the love of God to them. Friends and neighbors too can hear jesus' words through our teaching and the demonstration of the life that we live. As a Christian I must share the good new of the gospel to win the lost to Jesus Christ. Quote
SoiKosum Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? According to John 5:24, eternal life begins when we believe Jesus' words and believes in God who sent Jesus - we have crossed over from death to life. The default position without Christ is death. The great commission, in Matthew 28:19 - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...", this includes our family, friends and neighbours. Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 16, 2014 Report Posted December 16, 2014 I don’t know how people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”. I am going to have to leave that up to God. But our neighbors and friends hear the word of Jesus by us or by attending church or by radio. In our country the word is everywhere. Now whether they want to believe it, it is always up to them. Quote
grace2free Posted January 17, 2015 Report Posted January 17, 2015 Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? The moment you've heared his word and believed in Jesus Christ your eternal life already begun. " I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (5:24) What is our default position without Christ – life or death? Our default position without Christ is death. "the law of sin of death." (Romans 8:2) How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? Let us pray for people to be choose by the Lord to hear his word and that they may have eternal life. even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it" (5:21) How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? We should always pray to the Lord to be a channel of blessings to other by telling them about Jesus Christ. Set up a Bible study and devotion time. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? If I would see that they are hearing God's word, I would pray more to the Lord to use me and let Jesus Christ be seen in me. To be a good model and steward. Quote
linda bass Posted January 27, 2015 Report Posted January 27, 2015 According to John 5:24, eternal life begins the moment we accept God's word, believing that Jesus was sent to die for our sins, then repenting and accepting Him as Savior. Our default position without Christ is death. Those without Christ die in their sins and face eternal torment in the Lake of Fire. How can people com to eternal life if they have "never heard my word?" They need someone to share the gospel with them. My friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word through local churches in their areas. My role in seeing them hear His word might be to invited them to a church event or give them a gospel tract. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted February 5, 2015 Report Posted February 5, 2015 The Father raises the dead and Jesus can raise the dead is equivalent to a statement of equality with YHWH (cf. v. 26). linked to a physical manifestation of life in the new age. The Son gives life to whom He wishes. To whom does the Son choose to give life when you die. We want to pray for who are not saved to be reborn and when they die they meant have eternal life. My role is to walk with God , be examplerly to those who dont know Christ be born again and start to follow Jesus Quote
JoanG Posted May 4, 2015 Report Posted May 4, 2015 Eternal life begins the moment that we believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God and gave up his life for our sins and we accepted the grace of God into our hearts and souls. Without Christ in our lives, we would be looking forward to eternal death. Our names would not have been written into the book of life. I believe that we have the responsibility to make sure that the word of the Lord is heard by everyone. With the advances of technology, we have many ways to spread the word of God. We can use social media to the best of our ability. We can post the word of God to a lot of people around the world at one time. I can set an example of God in the way that I live and associate with everyone that I meet. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted June 22, 2015 Report Posted June 22, 2015 According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? When he we hear His word and believe in Him (and after we’re immersed in baptism). “There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ… [1 Peter 3:21] What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? Death. How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"? THEY CAN’T! In John 14:6 Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? Unfortunately, some never do hear His word unless they hear it from me and even then many of them have ears that don’t, or won’t hear and have hardened their hearts against Him. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Jesus said: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” That isn’t a command that I take lightly. Quote
pickledilly Posted December 8, 2015 Report Posted December 8, 2015 Jesus declared that eternal life begins for a person at the moment s/he “hears My word and believes Him who sent Me”. At that moment we receive the Spirit, who brings with Him spiritual life in the Kingdom of God that will never end. Without this belief in Christ and the gift of eternal life, the default position is the second death with eternal separation from God. Faith comes by hearing, and people can only hear if they have been told. We each need to be ready to live as Christ would before others and look for those moments to share the truths of the gospel. Be a friend. Show love. Tell the good news. "You're the only Jesus some will ever see." Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 3, 2018 Report Posted July 3, 2018 Eternal life begins right now when we believe that God sent Jesus to die for our sins. If it weren’t for Jesus our default position would be death. I don’t know how people have eternal life it they never “hear my word” that is the reason that we send missionaries out in the field. My friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word through me or through the bible or by going to church. My role in seeing that they hear his word is telling people about my experience. Quote
Godswriter Posted February 13, 2019 Report Posted February 13, 2019 Q2. ( John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? What is our default position without Christ – life or death? How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”? How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word? What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? It starts when we begin to believe in God sent His Son to die for us. Our default position without Christ is death and eternal separation from God. They can't come to eternal life when they don't know it. They have to have someone tell them about Jesus and the Gospel. Through me or someone else. Through my personal experience. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted September 4, 2021 Report Posted September 4, 2021 Eternal life -zoe- begins now. St Paul describes this wonderfully in Ephesians 1-4; we are in CHRIST NOW, joint heirs of Christ. We are the mystical Body of Christ in the current age. I love 1Peter2:9--we are chosen generation, a holy nation and a holy priesthood now. We have this zoe life now. But if we refused Christ, death is the default. We are being saved now and will be saved. Now as we study the Bible and are active in our ministries, the Holy Spirit is sanctifying us. Quote
Irmela Posted May 6, 2022 Report Posted May 6, 2022 2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? When we listen to Yeshua's words and believe in the Father we possesses eternal life. We have in that moment passed over from death into life. What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? Death How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"? The time will come when they will all hear (v28) How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? When opportunities arise we speak about Him. His Word is broadcast over Radio and TV. At church His Word is also read and spoken. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? Being willing and ready to live as He would want me to and also to share at any and all opportunities. Quote
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