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Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

  • 3 months later...
Q3. (John 5:30) 

Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? 

How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? 

To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? 

Jesus cannot act independently of the Father, for they are One. God the Son’s, will and work, are in perfect unison with that of God the Father, and of course with God the Holy Spirit. Speaking about Jesus, we read in Colossians 2:3: “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” As mentioned here, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ, so there is no need for us to go beyond what is written in the Word. In other words, no need to rely upon my culture to approve my way of life and validate my wisdom. Jesus said about Himself: “I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6a)”, so everything He ever said or did is true. And knowledge is the understanding of this truth, and wisdom is the ability to apply this truth that Jesus has taught us. We therefore, are totally depended upon God for wisdom, and it is only after we have been born-again that we can begin to understand this divine knowledge and start applying it in our lives. We are taught how to discern truth from error, and at the same time to develop divine insight; also how to think straight and how to evaluate all we have learned. We only have to look to God for wisdom, who gives it freely to all who ask (James 1:5).



(John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?


The notes state that "The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that the Father and Son and Holy Spirit are eternally equal in Person, but acknowledges that the Son and Holy Spirit are subordinate in role" In addition, In lesson 8, Pastor Ralph explains that even though ..."Jesus was God, he emptied himself, he divested himself of some of the attributes of his divinity" (Phillipians

2:7). As a result, Jesus was dependent upon God for wisdom.


We must also be dependent on God for wisdom (James 1:5). Even though I would like to say that I am largely dependent on God for my wisdom, I depend on my culture for approval. I do not find it easy to go out on a limb, as it were, for my God.


Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?

All Wisdom is.from.God. His.Father is the Head of Trinity. Thus His.Father is the source of His Wisdom.

How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?

Maybe too much. Living.in an area of many cultures it is easy to see how people's traditions keep them from God. We have recognized many of our own bad cultures, but there might ne much more. We keep spraying that.God will show us more and more so that we can correct.

To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? We javelin to strive for 100%but i am still.far.short.

Much more prayer needed. At least i recognize growth


Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? 


Because He is subordinated to and thus dependent on God in role.


No, I do depend on my culture to approve my way of life to a great extend.


I seek God's face in almost every aspect of my life.






Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?


Jesus is fully God and fully man, yet limited Himself while on earth to living as we are to do....fully dependent on His Father. He relied on the Father to guide Him in all things, just as we are able to access if we rely on Him. Words of knowledge and God's wisdom carried Him through each circumstance every day and night of His life. 


How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?


I'm not! I learned years ago that my culture does not value my Christian walk, nor wisdom, as they are in conflict...polar opposites in many cases.


To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?


I also learned years ago that my wisdom will not suffice....His wisdom is what I rely on...when I fail to do so, I fail.


Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?


While on Earth, Jesus depended on His Father for everything. They were in constant communication. Jesus prayed for hours every day, even if that meant getting up before dawn to do so. The Holy Spirit so filled Jesus that He had the Father's wisdom in full measure. Jesus had a mission to complete while He was on Earth and only by completely surrendering to and relying on the Father's wisdom and guidance could he accompish it.




How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?


I like to think that I am not so dependent on the approval of others in my culture to validate any wisdom I may have. I know that anything I know that is true and correct and right in God's eyes is working in my life for my benefit and all the nay sayers around me who think differently to me don't matter to my own way of looking at life. I don't have the boundless faith that some seem to have, but I know whom I have believed.




To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?


That depends on whatever topic is before me. Real wisdom and discernment is from God and the wisest person . . in the world's eyes . . WILL be made to look inadequate when he/she speaks against the truths of God. I hold up everything to the light of the truths found in the Bible. Science, philosophy, everything. If it doesn't agree with what God has said, then it isn't true.


Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?

1.  He and the Father are one and Jesus cannot act apart from the Father.  He sought the will of the Father and not his own will.


How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?

2.  I am not dependent upon my culture to approve my way of life and validate my wisdom.  Although, I would like to think that my walk with Christ would be approved. 


To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? 

3.  I try to seek God wisdom in everything I do.  There are times that I do not and find that I have done nothing but created a big mess for myself.

  On 8/7/2014 at 7:41 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

Jesus was solely dependent on the Father for wisdom because He came to do the of the will of the Father and the two where one in spirit.

In our cuter today we depend on our government for it's laws as how we are live in our society, how we are to treat one another and the penalty for breaking this law.

To a greater decree we depend on Gods laws for wisdom of how we are to live our lives for Him and others. Gods laws are superior to human law because it teaches us how we are to worship, praise and glorify Him. To show His love that He has for us to others.     


Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?  How dependent are you upon the culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?  To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom.


The Bible says we are to ask God for wisdom who giveth to all and upbraideth not.


Not much!  In heaven we will have unity.  It is not to be found here yet.  Our approval comes from God.


I would like to say 100%. Sometimes I just handle things on my own and feel the consequences.  However I do turn to God after the initial response so it really is 100%.  


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


The doctrine of the Trinity is a very hard one to understand and there are so many ways of looking at it.  It is a mystery and we cannot expect as mere mortals to have a full appreciation.  My own understanding is that the Father is the head (as in a human family), but unlike in a human family, the Son is actually a part of the same being, a subordinate but very important and much loved part.  The Holy Spirit is a part of both Father and Son.  All three parts are essential to the whole.  This is why Jesus is so dependent upon the Father for wisdom.


I was a total misfit in my own culture and gave up looking for approval a very long time ago.  Since coming to South Sudan things have been very different.  My mission in South Sudan requires a lot of prayer and placing myself and my actions in God’s hands.  I depend on God absolutely.  I don’t ask for wisdom.  I rely on God putting the right things into my mouth.  Those things which are beyond me I ask God to help with, so that I am not depending on my own very limited wisdom.  

  On 8/7/2014 at 7:41 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

Jesus is so dependent upon the Father for wisdom because His assignment her on earth was strictly to fulfill the Father's will; and as such He needed wisdom from the Father to complete thet assignment.  In our culture we, somtimes, look for approval from those we look to for guidance when we should look to God the Father for it all.  In so doing we will be pleasing to God and the assignment He has purposed for us will bring eternal blessings on those whose lives we touch.  I now pray that I look to God for more wisdom.  After all, He tells us that if we lack wisdom we could come and receive in abundance.


(John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? 


Jesus is so dependent on the Father for wisdom because He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that the Father and Son and Holy Spirit are eternally equal in

Person, but acknowledges that the Son and Holy Spirit are subordinate in role -- "ontological equality, but economic subordination," that is, "equal in being, but subordinate in role."
Man is very dependent on our peers to acknowledge our wisdom and approve our way of life. Hence, premiums and prestige are placed on academic qualifications rather than practical experience. We choose homes in areas which are seen to "approved" by our peers. We adopt lifestyles which commensurate with our jobs, titles, salaries and homes. We drive cars to tell others that we have made in the world - we have arrived!
Sad to say, I have to admit that I do not fully depend on God for wisdom. Many times, I act out of my own fleshly volition and then ask God to either validate my actions or forgiveness. Daily, I try to choose to ask God for wisdom before acting, but it is a struggle. Dear God, please grant me your grace and the strength to stop and ask you for wisdom before acting on my own wisdom. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus is dependent on the Father for everything. He was put here to do the will of the Father and he is following the Fathers wisdom. But as for me I have a tough time going to the Father for that same wisdom that Jesus always did. I seem to make the decision and then ask the Father to confirm what I had done. But I do go to Him for wisdom.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (John 5:30)

Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?

Jesus is only doing the will of the Father. He is only dependent of his Father. Jesus and the Father are One.


How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?

I am not dependent of my culture to approved my way of life and validate my wisdom. I am dependent on the Fathers plan, purpose, promises, permissions, and providences in my life.


To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

As a worm, as only a brethe, as only a mist, as only a grass, without God I don't have life. ______IAN without CHRIST "I Am Nothing"

  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus is so dependent on the Father for wisdom because, He and the Father are inseparable. They are working together to perform God's will.

I am not really dependent upon my culture to approve my way of life or validate my wisdom. I try to live my life in a way that will please the Lord rather than trying to seek the approval of others. I try to ask the Lord for wisdom concerning any decisions I need to make.

I depend on God's wisdom to guide and direct me in my Christian walk.

  • 2 weeks later...
I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

Jesus, the incarnated Logos of God was subject to and submissive to the Father. This strong emphasis on submission also appears in v. 19 ("the Son can do nothing"). This does not imply the Son is inferior, but that the Trinity has delegated the redemptive tasks among the three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Spirit.


I do not depend on my culture but God who gives me wisdom.


In everything I do I depend on the all mighty who gives me power and wisdom


  • 3 months later...

Jesus has make it known that he does not do anything without the Father. All of his power and wisdom comes from God. His actions are ruled by the job that the Father has for him to do.


In reality, I do not feel that I am concerned about the American culture for approval of my life style. I do not believe in the materialistic ways that most people live.. I look at the fact that as long as I have a roof over my head, food on the table and clothes on my back, I am doing good. I feel that God has graced me with internal peace now that I am grateful for what I have and I no longer look to have the best of everything. I feel that God is at the center of my life. I feel that I am doing what he wants me to do. I feel that I am finally able to hear his voice in my heart and soul.

  • 1 month later...

Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?  In this lesson you said: “The Son is not independent of the Father, but rather dependent and working in concert.  Jesus listens to the Father and speaks the Father's words, declares the Father's judgment.  He and the Father are inseparable.”  I’m in total agreement with that assessment, He is dependent upon the father because He and the Father are one.


How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?  I do not depend upon my “culture” to approve/disapprove of my way of life.  The only approval I need is the approval of my Lord Jesus Christ.  Same answer for the second part of the question, the only validation I need is the validation of Jesus.


To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?  I’m human so I obviously fall short but I try to never, ever make a decision (large or small) without first talking it over with God.  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:5-7]

  • 5 months later...

Jesus didn't come into the world on His own, and did nothing of His own accord or will or desire. He is and has always been God, but His role is unique in the Trinity. Though equal in being, He voluntarily has a subordinate role to the Father and His will. He was not here to act of Himself, only of the Father. So Jesus was completely dependent on the Father for wisdom to do the Father's will as He lived on earth as the Son of Man.


There is no authentic and pure wisdom in the world. That is only found in the perfection of God. Jesus was dependent upon the Father for wisdom because the Father is its only source. Growing up as a boy who studied the Scriptures just like all other Jewish boys, Jesus knew very well the teachings on wisdom from the Psalms and Proverbs. Words like “for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her” (Proverbs 8:11) and “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10) were foundations for His life of seeking the Father's wisdom.


As imperfect as I am at always seeking the Father's wisdom, I certainly value it more and more. It's the source of discernment of truth, the shield of integrity, the way of joy, the light for my path, the security for my soul, the peace for my heart. I am skeptical of most everything I see of the world today, and His wisdom is the only thing that is 100% sure, accurate, reliable - and righteous. Thankfully, I don't depend on the culture around me or the opinions of others to define who I am, what I believe, or how I am to live. I try to judge all things according to the standards of His Word rather than the dictates of the world.

  • 1 year later...

Jesus is a wonderful example of having total equality with the Father and yet there is no conflict ref submission and headship. It is a beautiful way to honour, love and trust. The world would never understand this, as equality means having the same power, same money, same rights etc.

It is incredible how far culture and the scriptures are apart from each other now but I guess it is not surprising and I find we are in a constant battle in so many areas. One example in my life is 1Cor 11 and head covering for women. It was done until the mid 60s when our culture allowed it. But now it is very unfashionable and unpopular, I try to wear something that is culturally as appropriate as possible. It's not so easy but seeing how fiercely the truth about divine order, headship and submission is attacked by the enemy, I am grateful to be a quiet reminder to the truth of God's word.




  • 11 months later...

I think that Jesus is so dependent upon the Father for wisdom because he is his son. He can only do what the Father has allowed him to do. I don’t think that I am dependent on my culture to approve my way of life or validate my wisdom. I hope I am following Jesus’ example.

  • 7 months later...

(John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? 

I believe Jesus is totally dependent on the Father because without Him He can do nothing that will produce a miracle or cause a heart to stir and cause a person to come to know Him. I have learned from experience that trying to fit in doesn't work for me. Mainly because I was bullied as a child and not just by kids but by teachers as well. So my   dependence is totally on the Lord now. I rely on Him totally for wisdom since I am in ministry. 

  • 2 years later...

Here we read that Christ as Son of God has not lost the infinite fulness of life giving power.  His voice is the voice of the eternal Son of God

Christ still preserves the consciousness of His own ego.  He claims to be the Represenrative and Co-agent of the Father. The Incarnation is perfect ; Christ's manhood has not obliterated the Divinity, nor the God head absorbed the manhood, of the Christ.

For years, the Prophet Ezekiel has been my favorite prophet.   What an example of walking with God.    He was so open to the direction of God, his visions and prophecies are resplendent!   God chose this special man to be a comforter to the Israelites in Babylon.   This all pales when we study John 5:30.   My mind cannot comprehend this love that Jesus Christ had for His Father.

I am astute Bible student.   Each day, I have prayer time and meditate on His Word.   Also living a sanctified life characterized by mortification.   Humbly I need the Lord evermore.   Abandonment to Divine Providence is crucial.   I love Prophet Ezekiel's vision of the altar in the Millenial Temple.  Our hearts must be like altars nice and clean ready for the Master's use.


  • 8 months later...

(John 5:30)

Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?

When Yeshua came He laid aside, He emptied Himself of all and took on in that emptiness, human form. He, the Son of God became the Son of Man. So just as He was fully God He now became fully man. So He was fully dependent on God for wisdom. 

(They are equal in existance but subordinate in role). 

How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?

I like to think and believe that  I am dependent on God for approval of my way of life. He is the One who puts warnings in place (a check in my Spirit) as far as doing or not doing things. 

I ask for forgiveness where I await or am dependent on man's approval. I ought not to depend on man but on God. 

To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

My aim is to be completely dependent on Him for wisdom. 

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