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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?


All cults require fulfilling "rules and requirements" (works of the flesh) in order to please God...and ignore believing and receiving Jesus' Work on the Cross as the only way to please God. Non believers make up their own set of rules...such as is seen in the political arena today, charitable work or philanthropy as substitute for faith, or of trying to "be good enough" according to what they learned as children as values. There are those who lift animals to the same value as humans, or the end justifies the means type of thing. (Putting themselves in the place of God, rather than submitting themselves to God and reading His Word to make the only informed decision which will save them.)


According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?


Jesus tell us: "This is the work that God asks of you: That you believe in the One Whom He (His Father) has sent (that you cleave to, trust in, rely on, and have faith in His Messenger!' v29

  On 1/4/2015 at 12:36 AM, JanMary said:

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?


I already responded....the computer took on a life of its' own!


Keeping religious laws and faithfully observing church doctrines are common works people often pursue in an attempt to please God.  Many religions are built on a doctrine that you must do more good than bad or you must do the very best at whatever it is you believe.  Some people of the Christian faith think they just need to faithfully be at the church “whenever the doors are opened”, or give enough money or serve on enough committees.  These works are most often motivated by the legalism of “doing” what we think God wants rather than by the grace of “being” who we are in Christ.  They actually focus on the self-effort of what an individual can/must do rather than on responding in love to who Christ is and what God has already done for us through Him.


These legalistic mindsets completely miss the point of the personal redemptive relationship God desires and provides for us through Jesus.  The only “work” that pleases the Father is that we believe, not in doctrine and self-effort of keeping ordinances, but in the One He sent from heaven as our Redeemer and Savior – the Person of His Son, Jesus the Christ.  The type of belief here isn’t just intellectual agreement.  It’s a belief of the heart that shapes one’s thoughts, words, deeds, desires, motives, attitudes, outlook, perspective, etc. – the entirety of a person.


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?

Well one of the works they do is to show up at church to look good.  Not out of love for Jesus and what He did for us.  Society itself has lots of works to make you acceptable to the whoevers that dictate these man made rules.  We do busy stuff and like places of importance in the church.  We think God is pleased.  Sometimes maybe He is depending on our heart attitude.

God desires a heart that loves Him above all else.  The idea of being a servant is not pleasant to many however Christ came to serve.  Maybe the works God loves are the fruit of the Spirit ; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?


The "works" that will show everyone that they're Christians. Attending church, giving money to worthy causes, abstaining from bad behavior and questionable habits, etc. These "works" are what we should be doing, but they should be done as the results of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit in our lives, and not just done in our own capacity. James says faith should produce good works, and it does. But good works won't produce faith.




According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?


The most important "work" we can do is to believe in Jesus as the One God sent to save us. That's our starting point. To fully believe in Jesus as God the Son is the pre-requisite to being a Christian. When we have faith in Jesus as our Savior and Lord, good works will come naturally and easily to us. We'll want to turn our hands to pleasing God when we have the Holy Spirit in our hearts.


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?


The work that Jesus talked about was believing in the one God sent (himself). It amazes me that the people ask for a sign from him, so they could believe in him when at least some of them had witnessed the feeding of the 5000 and a lot of them were probably told about the occasion. I think that sometimes even believers ask God for signs (perhaps miracles) so that we can trust in him even more.

I guess most of us from time to time fall into the trap of 'good works' in order to earn favour with God.


What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?

1.  Sometimes we pursue doing works that we feel will get us favor with God.  Such as, going to church every Sunday, working on different ministries, helping someone that needs help, practice the fruit of the spirit etc.


According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?     

2.  We must believe in the one whom God sent.     


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

To please God, people have often strived to do good works, be righteous, attend church, serve in church and ministries, etc. While these 'works' are good and commendable, these are not the most important. The most important work that God requires of us is to believe in His Son Jesus Christ i.e. we must have faith in Jesus. When this faith is in place, good works will follow. This is because with faith comes obedience and obedience to Jesus' teachings will bring forth good works from us.


1.Some believers go out and work hard for Jesus,but they don't him as their Saviour. Your works will not get you to Heaven. You may go to church, help the shut-in all good things but you have to know our Lord  Jesus Christ.

2.Believing that  Jesus was sent here by His Father to do His Father;s will. To sum it up believing that Jesus is who He claims to be.


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God?

Works that stem from that of “legalism” and not that of “faith” can easily become a “yoke” and even lead the way to pride.


According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?

The most important “work” that pleases God is work that stems from “faith” in the Messiah for its works is rooted through “love”.


What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God?

People want to pursue after works that bring rewards when finished.  They wanted to know what duty they could perform to please God.


According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?

Faith - believing in who He is and what He has done.  Trusting in God the Father and Jesus the Son will bring eternal life.  No works that we can do will bring us to the position of pleasing God.

Q2. (John 6:28-29) 

What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God? 

According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?

We are always trying to earn our salvation. We like to feel that there is something we can do to justify eternal life. We also like to be in control of our lives – real control freaks. So we make all sorts of promises to our Lord which in the long run we cannot keep. If we can do it on our own it would give us a reason to boast. However in Ephesians 2:8-9 we read, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” Jesus knows our motives and sees through this hypocrisy. All that we are required to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and good works will follow – they do not precede salvation. The only good work a sinner can do is to confess his sins and receive Christ as Lord and Saviour. We see that people are acceptable to God because they have faith, and not because they obey the Law (Rom. 3:28). We are to remember that we are saved by faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus and it is a free gift. Thank You Lord! 



People try to follow the teaching of Jesus in caring for others, prayer and self-sacrifice.  The most important work is to have faith in God.  However, as written in James 2: 14 - 26, “faith without works is dead”.  The important thing is that our works are done with love and the knowledge that God’s image is in everyone we serve.


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?


working on church projects to help less fortunate, or to learn better God's word and promise are ways to please God up to a point. Doing more to listen to His will better, going slower on decisions, asking wise Christians their opinion, praying and meditating more and more. God asks us to learn to trust Him. This takes time and an open heart and mind. Only God's planting seeds in our hearts and minds can make this happen. Faith grows with help from a deeper and deeper relationship with our creator


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us? 


Works that are aimed at getting food (things) that do not have eternal vaulue, that is, food that spoils.


The "important" work requires of us according to Jesus is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as sent by the Father.


People pursue "works" of many kinds to please God. Isaiah says all our good deeds are as filthy rags, however. We all strive to be good and to impress others and God.

Jesus tell us the only "work"  that counts  is to believe--that is to have faith, -  to trust in Jesus.


Some people try to perform meritorious works to pursue God by going to church every Sunday, observing feast initiated by the church, perhaps even helping others. All these are good but do not get us in Heaven and especially eternal. Only belief in Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross to redeem us from our sins is the only we can have eternal with Him in Heaven.

According to Jesus we should not work for things that spoil, but rather just have faith and believe in the one that God the Father sent to be spokesman and preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God.  

  On 12/21/2014 at 5:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

Some people perform meritorious works to try to gain access to Heaven. Going to church every Sunday, observing feast initiated by the church, even helping others around us who are less fortunate.

According to Jesus we should not for things that spoil, but rather have faith and believe in the one God sent to be His spokesperson. The one Jesus who proclaimed the Good news of the Kingdom of God, it is by His sacrifice for the redemption of our sins that gets us in to Heaven. Because of our faith we will perform works that display our faith in Christ and His work in us. 


Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us? 


Many have gone down the path of donating money, time,  for the wrong reasons in efforts to please God  instead of having faith and believing in Jesus Christ.  

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (John 6:28-29)

What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?

People do works by their own as if they can really do something that can please God. They tend to work for the food that spoils.

Jesus has said:

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life" (6:27)


According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

This is actually as I may say, a power given unto us, a gracious gift, powerful work -"faith".


What should we be doing? they ask naively, as if they can perfectly perform what God requires if they just know what it is. Jesus answers with one work -- faith, "to believe in the one he has sent" (6:29).

  • 2 weeks later...

People wear nice clothes, work hard, try to help others, maybe even try to "pay God off" by donating money in order to win His favors/blessings (in Acts chapter 8 a man tries to pay one of the apostles money for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and in our day and time in places, people are told that donating money to certain ministries will get them God's favor). I struggle very much with works-righteousness and the need to be good or to try pleasing Him, and find that as Isaiah says, my righteousness is like "filthy rags" before Him. It leads to a hopelessness...perhaps after striving and finding that your righteousness will never be enough, then at last you can surrender and be on your knees before Him and think only of the Cross.


Many sincere seekers for God are puzzled about what he wants them to do. The religions of the world are humankind’s attempts to answer this question.

But Jesus’ reply is brief and simple: We must believe on him whom God has sent. Satisfying God does not come from the work we do, but from whom we believe. The first step is accepting that Jesus is who he claims to be.


All spiritual development is built on this affirmation. Declare to Jesus, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16), and embark on a life of belief that is satisfying to your Creator.

  • 3 months later...

People will sometimes do volunteer work. Work that helps others. Missionary work. They feel that doing this good thing they will be rewarded. But Jesus tells us that the most important thing is that we need to believe in Jesus. We need to learn his words and we need to follow his examples.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us? 

  1. Volunteer work, work with the infirmed, helping around the church. 2) The work that God requires of us is that we believe in Christ Jesus, put our trust in Him and invite Him into our heart.  "As many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God" John 1:12

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