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  • 2 weeks later...

Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus?


The Disciples had walked more intimately with Jesus than those who were scandalized and thought Jesus was advocating cannibalism. They were invested in Him. They had trust in Him, though they still didn't get it that He was God. They were true seekers, unlike many who were there for the free meals and the spectacle and excitement of the miracles. The disciples had seen His integrity and experienced His love...so they stayed and tried to understand.


What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?


One who abides in His word and holds fast to His teachings and lives in accordance with them, are truly His disciples. ...and you will know the Truth (Jesus) and the Truth will set you free.


The difference between the Twelve and those who left was depth of faith.  The mark of a true disciple is faith.  The Twelve had an advantage over the ‘crowds’ in having a personal relationship with Jesus as they followed him on a daily basis, leaving work and family behind them.  The ‘crowds’ maintained their regular lives.


Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

It has been said that the fans stay up in the stadium to cheer on the team, but don't get into the dirty work of salvation and risk. The real followers are those 20% who do 80% of the work in churches, etc.


The twelve followed the spirit and changed the world by their total surrender and sacrifice. It seems our contribution is tiny compared to their lives, and they are rightly Saints and we are saints, until we take up His cross and follow regardless of the price. Still God is good and give us baby steps and baby crisis to mold us to His will. Let my heart be more than a typist tonight, in Jesus' name, Amen.


Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?


So the twelve were like Jesus companions, but also Jesus shared more deeply with the twelve. He also shared special occasions with them. Like the transfiguration (Matt 17). He also taught them more deeply. They had to carry on the ministry in the world where Jesus left off, after Jesus ascension (Matt 28:16ff) - Jesus still promised to help them in a different way now.

This is the mark of a true disciple: Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. “If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”(John 8:31-32, "The Message")


(John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32? 


The difference between the Twelve disciples and the rest is that the Twelve disciples fed on Jesus' words and basked in His presence. Their belief, hope, trus t and faith was on Jesus. Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.'" (John 6:67 - 69) The rest of the disciples will just fade away.


The mark of true disciples, according to John 8:31-32 is this "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”







1. The twelve had walk with Jesus daily they believed  his teaching and preaching and knew he was the Son of God.


2.This is beautiful. Jesus said to the Jews that believed on him if ye continue in my word then ye my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free PRAISE GOD.


The Twelve were the ones that Jesus chose to follow him and who accepted and committed themselves to follow Jesus. In many respects they were like those who followed Jesus more peripherally in that they had much to learn. But Jesus made it clear in John 8: 31-32 that the real disciples were the ones who held to His teachings. And this obedience would result in their knowing the truth and that this truth would make them free.

Q6. (John 6:61-66) 

What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? 

What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

The crowd of so-called disciples were more concerned about what the Lord could give them than getting to know who He is. They had seen the miracles yet they could only think of their selfish desires. As soon as they saw there was nothing in it for them, they turned away. The difficulty may have been more of their unwillingness than their inability to understand. But Jesus knew that no one would come to Him unless it were granted to Him by His Father. The Lord Jesus therefore told them that the power to come to Him can only be received from God the Father. The mark of true believers is that they abide in His Word. They continue learning the Word. They persevere not because they abide in His Word, but they abide in His Word because they are saved. Jesus makes the promise that every true disciple shall know the truth, and that the truth shall set us free – free from the bondage of ignorance, error, sin, law, and superstition. Those who truly know the Lord Jesus are delivered from sin, they walk in the light, and are led by the Holy Spirit of God.



What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus?

1.  The difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" is that the Twelve followed Jesus.  They had been with Jesus for awhile and knew his teachings.  They believe that he was the Holy One of God.


What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

2. One that live their life as God commands then they will know the truth and the truth will set them free.



Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?


The twelve disciples heard Jesus's words and believed because the spirit help them to understand but the crowd did not understand and thus left because the teaching sounded hard. 


To abide in Jesus (to live by what he says) so as to know the truth and be set free.


  On 12/21/2014 at 5:15 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

The difference between the Twelve and the crowd of disciples that turned away from Jesus is the twelve were drawn to Christ by God the Father. To them it was given to understand Jesus teachings. The rest of the crowd were not drawn by the father and thus could not comprehend the teachings of Christ.

In John 8:31-32 the mark of a true disciple was one that would abide in Jesus word was a true disciple indeed, and he shall know the truth and the truth shall set him free. 


It reminds me of what Peter said in John 6:68  Lord, to who shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.  We believe and know you are the Holy One of God.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


The Twelve were learning to recognize the Truth and surrender to it by abiding in Him.  They didn't understand everything, but they (all but one of them) believed in Jesus as the Holy One of God.  The crowd of superficial disciples had no such faith or any degree of spiritual discernment that would lead them to hold fast to that Truth even in crisis.  To them, Jesus was just a great miracle-worker who could feed the masses.


According to John 8:31-32, true disciples are those who receive and abide in the words of Jesus that lead to eternal life.  Through Him, they will discern spiritual truth and be set free by it from sin - and darkened understanding. 


Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?


The difference between crowd of disciples  and the chosen twelve disciples was that the there were many that did not believe or  want to follow His word because they thought it was to difficult where as the Twelve disciples where hand picked by Jesus and he knew that they believed in what he was teaching them except for Judas who was filled by the enemy.   The mark of a true disciple is one that abides in the Word and it will set them free.


What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus?

The disciples were looking at His teaching in a purely physical sense, while the Twelve knew what Jesus had said before, that He spoke so that only those really wanted to know, did.  While the Twelve confessed that Jesus was the only one that had the words of Life.  Where else could they go.


What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31 - 32?

Jesus said that His true disciples would abide in Him and that would set them "truly" free.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q6. (John 6:61-66)

What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus?

The twelve already believed and have eternal life. They already found there home, where else would they go. The others are not the chosen ones and no belief in Jesus.


What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

Continuing in Jesus words and knowing the truth and setting free.

  • 3 weeks later...

The Holy Spirit gives spiritual life; without the work of the Holy Spirit, we cannot even see our need for new life (14:17).

All spiritual renewal begins and ends with God. He reveals truth to us, lives within us, and then enables us to respond to that truth.


Why did Jesus’ words cause many of his followers to desert him?

(1) They may have realized that he wasn’t going to be the conquering Messiah-King they expected.

(2) He refused to give in to their self-centred requests.

(3) He emphasized faith, not deeds.

(4) His teachings were difficult to understand, and some of his words were offensive. As we grow in our faith, we may be tempted to turn away because Jesus’ lessons are difficult. Will your response be to give up, ignore certain teachings, or reject Christ? Instead, ask God to show you what the teachings mean and how they apply to your life. Then have the courage to act on God’s truth.



 This use of the term "disciple" has a wide connotation. In John this term and "believe" are used of both (1) true followers and (2) temporary followers

Jesus himself is the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right. He frees us from the consequences of sin, from self-deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us clearly the way to eternal life with God. Thus, Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want, but freedom to follow God. As we seek to serve God, Jesus’ perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be.

  • 2 months later...

Jesus knew the hearts of the 12. He hand picked them because he knew that they were going to understand and believe. However, the disciples were people that followed Jesus on their own. They were not hand picked. They were brought to Jesus for many reasons but they were fully committed to follow his teachings. They were possibly looking for the miracle magic show.

But when the show turned to lessons where faith was needed, they walked away. They were turned off at that point.


A true disciple is a person that holds the teachings of Jesus as the truth and they live by the truth of those words.

  • 1 month later...

1) Jesus hand-picked the Twelve; they knew and believed that He was the Son of the Living God.  Even as He spoke, Jesus knew that many of his (so-called) disciples would find it difficult to understand because they really didn’t understand that he was talking about spiritual, not physical things.  Their faith was weak and because the things that he was telling them was hard to listen to, it’s obvious that they didn’t truly believe what He was saying.  2)  Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” (John 8:31)  A true disciple of Christ Jesus is one who diligently strives to be like his/her teacher.  In that light, a true disciple of Christ Jesus hears, understands and believes His words. To understand and believe involves being a committed student of His teachings, doing the things that he teaches and living our lives for Him. A true disciple must also know how to love; “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34–35

  • 2 months later...

What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus?


The main difference is that The Twelve were directly chosen by Jesus, on the basis of Gods Prevenient Grace. The crowd of Jews were not chosen by Jesus - they simply were following HIm around because He was different from the religious authorities, He spoke differently, and He was exciting because He did miracles and provided for them in the physical sense (the feeding of the 5000). The Twelve were not chosen on any merit of their own - it was just God's soveriegn choice. The Twelve proved this because they were just as dull as the rest of the crowd. They were fickle, shallow, bickering, jealous, flaky, and confused. However, because they had the Prevenient Grace of God upon them (pre-destination, election) - they believed in Him, they knew essentially who He was, and they were wiling to stick with Him while the others peeled away. It was God's favor upon them that made them believe, despite their flakiness.


What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32? 


The mark of a true disciple is persevering with Jesus and not deserting Him in difficulty. For example, The Twelve stayed with Him even though they were dull and confused most of the time. Even deeper than this, is that true disciples have the Prevenient Grace of God on their lives. Without God's previous work in their hearts - The Twelve would never have believed onto Jesus on their own. They probably would have deserted Him just like the crowd did. It's God's election and special Grace that enables us to believe. Otherwise, none of us would come to Jesus. Jesus taught very clearly that it's always the Father who 'draws' a person to Jesus supernaturally (John 6:44) before he chooses to believe. The great part of this is that once a person responds to the Prevenient Grace of God - nothing on earth will snatch them away.

A Lesson For Today: When trouble hits us today, I wonder if we'll start questioning God, blaming Him, and end-up walking away? Lots of so-called Christians do this when life deals out a heavy hand. As an extreme example, just 2 days ago there was the mass murder at Umpqua College in Oregon. I understand 10 kids will killed and several wounded. The maniac apparently targeted Christians. I can't imagine what the parents who lost their children are going through. Still, I wonder if any of the parents who identified themselves as Christians will blame God and eventually walk away from Jesus forever. This is a tough question because it hits so close to home - it's not just crowds of Jews 2000 years ago. True disciples (according to John 8:31-32) stay with Jesus no matter what. They may go through a time of anger, doubt, and questioning, but they never leave Jesus totally, and always return to pursuing Him again.

  • 1 year later...

The disciples understood that Jesus came from God and looked up to Him, wanting to learn and seeking for Jesus to change and mould their lives, He was their authority no matter what.  Whereas the crowds were happy to hear Jesus as long as His teaching fitted into their thinking and lives, as soon as they didn't agree or understand they rejected Him.

A true disciple of the Lord hears and obeys Jesus words out of love for Him and totally submits to authority of the Son of God.




  • 11 months later...

The difference between the Twelve and the crowd is the twelve believed in Jesus and knew that he was the savior. The crowd was just in for the ride and to get what they could from him. If we hold to Jesus teaching then we are his disciples.

  • 7 months later...


Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

The crowd did not follow Him out of genuine love for Him or appreciation for who He was. While the disciples knew who He was and truly loved Him. A disciple is committed to the Lord and the Word of the Lord and they abide in it. They know the truth and it sets them free. 

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