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Q1. Avoiding Jerusalem

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Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem?


It was simply not yet His time to be of maximum effect in Jerusalem. Jesus walked in the Fathers perfect time through the Holy Spirit. He never lagged behind or rushed ahead. He also never let people push Him around. A SIDE NOTE: It's been said by some people that Jesus actually lied to his brothers, telling them He wasn't going to the festival and then later going anyway. But if you look carefully, Jesus used the word 'yet' in John 7:6 (in response to His brothers urging Him to go now). This indicated that Jesus intended to go to the festival but just not at the time his brothers were urging Him to go. One lesson we can learn from this is that no man can every 'force' the hand of God. He will do things at the right time according to His plan. We must be patient and trust His perfect timing. 


What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God’s care? 


One of the challenges for believers is to live in Gods time. It requires maturity (in the Spirit) so we don't get ahead of God or lag behind Him. When we live in our own strength and 'force' our agenda, we get ahead of God or miss His will completely. On the other hand, if we operate from fear or laziness and hesitate, we fall behind God. Fortunately, Jesus never had any of these problems - he always walked in the Fathers perfect time.


I wonder if it's possible for us to live in Gods time? I think we can get better at it. Having a posture of total surrender, constant prayer, and seeking His Will puts us on the right path. We must stay very alert in the Spirit. 

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  • 2 years later...

Jesus knew that the leaders of the Jews in Jerusalem wanted to kill him so he avoided Jerusalem. We have always got to know what is going on around us so that we can avoid danger because that is our part. God will take care us when we do our part like protect us from things that we don’t see.

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  • 7 months later...

Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem? What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God's care?
 The Jews were plotting to kill Him and wanted him dead. He knew that His time on earth was not up yet. We need to put up guard rails or areas of protections in certain areas to keep from sinning that way we know when we are in trouble and are going to fall. God said that in this world we will have trouble and trials. He will give us the wisdom to help us through those trials and temptations as well. However, we need to be willing to trust Him and love Him unconditionally.

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  • 5 months later...

Jesus knew that the Jews were plotting to kill him and had he gone there, they would have arrested Him then.  But God instructed Him to go else where because His time had not yet come and he still had work to do.  God is always directing Jesus's path, and Jesus always said that he is doing the will of the Father.  What ever God tells Him to do , is what he does we need to do the same.  It is God's will , no our own will that must be obeyed, in all things.  Now He has given us wisdom and knowledge of the word, through the gospel, and we must seek Him in all things and be thoughtful of how to avoid sin when it provokes us.

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  • 2 years later...

Jesus knew that their hearts were not open.  Cynical minds cannot comprehend the truth.   The heat was turned on in Jerusalem.   The Rabbinic authorities were dismayed after hearing the statements and miracles of Christ.  Those who left Christ after the Bread of Life sermon most likely conveyed their misgivings to the authorities.

A weighty question !   So many godly pastors during the Cold War had to be prudent.   Also during the Nazi era as well.  There is nothing wrong on being prudent.  Christ prayerfully had to make some serious decisions.   So we too prayerfully and with consulting wise people- make sound decisions.xd




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  • 9 months later...

Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem?

What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God's care?

Jesus stayed in Galilee as His time to reveal Himself in Jerusalem had not yet come. He knew that they wanted to kill Him there. 

When taking precautions to protect oneself one has to be careful not be paranoid about it. Trusting oneself in God's care also does not mean that one enters into a situation like a bull in a china-shop. You need to know that what you are doing is in God's will and in His timing.

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/21/2014 at 12:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem? What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God’s care?

Jesus stayed in Galilee as an act of obedience to the father. Jesus reminds us of his dependency on the father and we see how he does what he is told by the father. 

I believe the balance would be to model our elder brother Christ and listen/be obedient to the father. Apart from Christ when we take pre caution there is no motion and we tend to miss our calling. However when you entrust thyself in God's care the father leads us in troubled water and restores our soul for his name sake. God wants the best for us and when we humble ourselves to trust him he works in us for his glory

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