Pastor Ralph Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted January 10, 2015 Report Posted January 10, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? All who hears the Word. What does he promise to believers? The Holy Spirit, and that all who receive the Holy Spirit will be in a position to spread the Good News. To bring true life to others by the Power of the Spirit. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted January 10, 2015 Report Posted January 10, 2015 How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? At Pentecost the disciples received the Spirit. Thereafter they spread the Gospel to all nations. To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? I would love to spread the Gospel much more, but in my small way God has spread His Word through me as well. Quote
JanMary Posted January 10, 2015 Report Posted January 10, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? He invites "whomever", just as in John 3:16: Whosoever will may come. What does he promise to believers? Whoever believes in Him, out of our innermost being will flow streams of living water, and we will never thirst spiritually again, and He promises rest. The outflow of living water will refresh the thirsty around us who don't yet know Him. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? At the time Jesus spoke, the Holy Spirit was not available to believers...that didn't happen until after His death and resurrection and Pentecost. To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? I've received the Holy Spirit in all His fullness and have received many more "fillings"....I want all that He has for me. It's true that I have never been thirsty again for anything but more of Him. Quote
pickledilly Posted January 14, 2015 Report Posted January 14, 2015 Jesus invites anyone who thirsts to come to Him and drink. Anyone who thirsts for truth, purpose, and meaning in life. Anyone who thirsts for acceptance and validation of worth. Anyone who thirsts for love and merciful compassion. Anyone who thirsts for a faithful Friend who will never abandon or turn away. Anyone who thirsts for a clean heart healed of shame, remorse, and sorrow. Anyone who thirsts for an ability to overcome our persistent human weakness and failures. Anyone who thirsts for an ultimate deliverance from the bondage and oppression of evil. Anyone who thirsts for something greater than what our temporary earthly existence can ever offer. He says, “Come and drink.” Jesus’ promise in these verses is that rivers of living water will flow from the heart of anyone who believes in Him. Our thirst won’t just be satisfied; the presence of the Spirit of God within will make every believer a fountain of life! This promise could not be fulfilled as long as Jesus remained on earth in a physical body. The giving of the Spirit would be fulfilled after Jesus died, rose from the dead, and ascended back to His place of glory with the Father. This happened on the glorious day of Pentecost and continues to this day at the moment of conversion for every new believer who repents of sin, professes Jesus Christ as Savior, and follows Him as Lord. Yes, I have been given the living water of the Spirit to flow from my heart! The problem comes from the obstacles of the flesh I allow in the way and the dams of worldly pursuits I construct that restrict the free flow of this spiritual river. Yielding to the work of the Spirit to clear the path and make me an open channel is the ongoing process of sanctification in my life. May all my lameness be made sound, my blinded eyes healed to see, and every chain of captivity be broken in my life so that His living waters might pour out of me onto every thirsty soul I meet! Quote
SoiKosum Posted January 14, 2015 Report Posted January 14, 2015 (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Jesus extended the invitation to all who were thirsty to come to Him and drink. Jesus promised believers that streams of living water will flow from within them. The streams of living water refers to the Holy Spirit who resides in us as believers. This promise could only be fulfilled after Jesus was glorified - "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counsellor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7) It was at Pentecost, after Jesus' resurrection, that the Holy Spirit was sent and filled the believers. Quote
Jen Posted January 14, 2015 Report Posted January 14, 2015 4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? 1. To all who are thirsty, who are weary and heavy burdened. 2. He promises for those who believe in Him will flow streams of living water. 3. By the filling of those who believed with the Holy Spirit which is the living water referred to. 4. When I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit came to dwell in me. Thank you Jesus! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Guitar Jim Posted January 14, 2015 Report Posted January 14, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? Anyone who is thirsty . . That is spiritually thristy What does he promise to believers? Jesus says that streams of living water will flow from within the person who drinks from Jesus' spiritual water. The believer himself will be a source of living water if he/she is in Christ. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? The spring of living water that comes from the believer is the Holy Spirit, who had not yet been given. That occured on the day of Pentecost. To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Unfortunately I've had more downs than ups in my Christian walk Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted January 15, 2015 Report Posted January 15, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? In Jesus teaching of "streams of living water" from within, Jesus is inviting all who will believe in him, those who are spiritually thirsty, he will give to them the Hoy Spirit, the Counselor, that will provide the power to witness for Christ and overcome the world. He promises the believers that they will receive the Holy Spirit whom, Christ has sent. They will no longer be in spiritual darkness. They will become disciples's for him. This promises is fulfilled after Christ ascension into heaven, and seated at the right hand of God the Father. This was fulfilled at the time of Pentecost. In my life this was fulfilled at the time my wife and were baptized, as time passed I backslide. This day, I now wish I had that fulfillment once again. There is no possible explanation of the love that the Lord had filled me with. If only all could come to know Christ and His great love and mercy He has for all that would would come to know Him. Quote
Delivered Posted January 15, 2015 Report Posted January 15, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. Thirst represents “spiritual need” and “living” water represents “spiritual satisfaction” that will flow from within – Repentance is the key that opens the door to the fountain of life, living water will be given free of charge to all those who ‘WILL” believe as the scripture said, in God’s promise – Jesus the Messiah, God’s Passover Lamb. What does he promise to believers? The last day of the festival was a day of rejoicing and celebration, it symbolized prayer for rain (rain represents the Holy Spirit) and it pointed toward the pouring of the Holy Spirit on the people of Israel, the rabbi’s associated this festival with that of Isaiah 12:3 “With joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvation.” To those who believe is given the promise of the Holy Spirit, rivers of living water that will flow from within. How this is fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? The Spirit had not been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? I can still recall the day that I as a very young child decided that I wanted to be in covenant with the Almighty God and my heart said “YES” - I still cannot explain or find words to express the peace and joy that filled my being, and from that day forward the Spirit has been with me helping me along the way, I am thankful that He turned his sword when I needed it, and when he gave peace in times of distress: I would not want to live one moment without the water that flows from deep within, not one second, not a blink of the eye, and my prayer for the world is for the later rain to fall, for its time is very short. Quote
Clarence Posted January 15, 2015 Report Posted January 15, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Jesus invites whoever is thirsty to come and drink (v37). Jesus promises that rivers of living water (the Holy Spirit) will flow out of their hearts (v38). The Holy Spirit came upon the believers and disciples who were waiting in Jerusalem, after the ascension. And while staying with them he charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me, for John baptized with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4,5) When a person becomes a believer, the Holy Spirit enters their life (1 John 5:11, 12). There is also biblical evidence that person may experience recurring fillings of the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:6). Quote
hanks Posted January 16, 2015 Report Posted January 16, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does He invite to drink? What does He promise to believers? How, is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? He invites everyone to drink. His gospel is a universal gospel. There is not one who cannot be saved – if only they would come in faith to Christ. The promise is that the Spirit will reside in all who believe. This would be fulfilled only after Jesus was glorified. How my life has changed since becoming a believer. Sin no longer rules my life and the Holy Spirit helps me day by day to stick to the straight and narrow. The power of the new spiritual life within us keeps us from yielding to a life of sin: “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. (1 John 3:9). We obviously still sporadically sin, but we are no longer ruled or dominated by sin, and after sinning we feel intense guilt and repent. To be dead to the ruling power of sin means that we as Christians, and the power of the Holy Spirit is active in our life; giving us the power to overcome the temptations and enticements of sin. We read in Galatians 5:22-24: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” It is only the Holy Spirit who can produce the above attributes in our lives. The more we become like Jesus, the more we get to know Him the more will we love Him. Quote
blezed Posted January 16, 2015 Report Posted January 16, 2015 (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? 1. Jesus invites anyone who is spiritually thirsty and believe. What does he promise to believers? 2. Jesus promises the believers that they will receive the Holy Spirit. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? 3. The Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet returned to his glory in heaven. At the day of Pentecost, believers were empowered with the Holy Spirit and has been available to all who believe in Jesus as Savior. I believe and I rely on the Holy Spirit guidance. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted January 17, 2015 Report Posted January 17, 2015 He invites us all to drink and then to produce the living water. This is fulfilled in the gift of the Holy Spirit which was given to the disciples at Pentecost and then through the disciples to the next generation of Christians until this day. It has been fulfilled in my own life through wonderful and very inspiring catechists when I was a child, my grandmother’s religious example and finally by personal direct religious experience. Quote
quilter Posted January 17, 2015 Report Posted January 17, 2015 1.He invites all of us. He gives to all who believes. You have to be spiritually thristy for His word and you will receive. 2.When we receive the Holy Spirit we are promised to everlasting life with our Lord and Savior. 3. Jesus had not been glorified at this time and in scripitures it says I will go and send a Comforter to you. 4.In my life it has been fulfilled that I can go to the Loving Savior at anytime talk to him at anytime .The Holy Spirit has truly worked in my life and made me see God's word more clearly.The most important thing about the Holy Spirit is that we will have an everlasting life with our Savior Jesus Chrisit . Quote
royk Posted January 18, 2015 Report Posted January 18, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? We reognize in John 15 that Jesus says remain in me and I will remain in you. This is an order to maintain a spiritual condition so that we can be used in the kingdom to bear fruit. The constant pruning from our holy Father can be painful if we have strayed to far from "remaining in Him." Still God is patient and He will never leave us or forsake us.That is why this lesson study guide says: "Lord, let your Spirit pour out of us to help quench the thirst of many people around us who dwell in a dry place!" Even making them curious about our happiness is a step in the right direction; but God knows us deeply and knows what we will do or say before we do it. Let us pray more to get closer to remaining the way Jesus wants, so He can use us. That is what I ask right now in the moment. Quote
haar Posted January 19, 2015 Report Posted January 19, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Anyone who is thirsty Streams of living water- the Holy spirit The Holy Spirit came on the disciples as tongs of fire and they spoke different languages I believe I am filled with the Holy Spirit who guides me, and enpower me to walk in the power of the Lord Quote
PeteD Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 Whom does Jesus invite to drink? Anyone who is spiritually thirsty. This could be anyone who is hungering for righteousness, anyone who is tired and weary, anyone who is empty and fed up with life as usual, anyone who knows that there has to be more, anyone who is struggling with addictions short anyone who has eye to see and knows that they need healing. What does Jesus promise to the one who drinks of him? Not only rest, security, and salvation but streams of life-giving water will flow from the one who believes in Jesus. That is to say, the Holy Spirit will give him or her the power to use their spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ (the church) and give them a change of character that will bring refreshment to many weary and needy people. At Pentecost, those gathered received the Holy Spirit enabling them to minister to one another. They received the power to become witnesses. For me this filling and flowing is occurring in my life to a greater degree. I have noticed a new hunger and thirst for God's word and have had opportunity to share the overflowing joy with others -- specifically in a weekly Bible study with new believers and people who have yet to commit to Christ. Thanks be to God! Quote
grace2free Posted February 13, 2015 Report Posted February 13, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? The believers - v38 Whoever believes in me What does he promise to believers? Holy Spirit within the belivers - v39 streams of living water will flow from within him How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? It was fulfilled at Pentecost after Jesus was nailed at the cross and he was glorified. While its not after Jesus spoke it because the Spirit had not been given yet. "Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified." (7: 39b) To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? When Jesus was glorified, when he was hanged on the cross because of my sin. I don't deserved it but now I have the streams of living water flowing within me. Glory to God in Jesus Christ name. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted March 11, 2015 Report Posted March 11, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Jesus’ words, “come and drink,” alluded to the theme of many Bible passages that talk about the Messiah’s life-giving blessings (Isaiah 12:2, 3; 44:3, 4; 58:11). In promising to give the Holy Spirit to all who believed, Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah, for that was something only the Messiah could do. Jesus used the term living water in 4:10 to indicate eternal life. Here he uses the term to refer to the Holy Spirit. The two go together: Wherever the Holy Spirit is accepted, he brings eternal life. Jesus teaches more about the Holy Spirit in chapters 14–16. The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus’ followers at Pentecost (Acts 2) and has since been available to all who believe in Jesus as Savior. I have let Gods Spirit flow in me and poured it out to others and help to quench the thirst of many people. Quote
JoanG Posted June 2, 2015 Report Posted June 2, 2015 Jesus invites everyone to drink from the living water from within. Those that believe in Jesus and have received the Holy Spirit in their soul have the living water of life within them. Jesus promises that those that believe will be given the Holy Spirit of God to aid them to live the life that Jesus requires for eternal salvation. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come once he had returned back to the Father. During Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to the people in the form of tongues of fire and rested above their heads. They were given the gifts of the Spirit all at once. I believe that I walk in the Spirit of the Lord. I have been saved and I am on fire in my soul. I have given up many of my old habits and everyday I feel that I am making progress. I have taken the challenge to really learn about the word of God. I feel that I am being called to continue this work and to go further and to learn how to preach the word of God to those that really need to hear it. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted July 31, 2015 Report Posted July 31, 2015 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? Everyone who believes in Him. The Holy Spirit The Spirit could not be given before Christ was crucified (glorified). “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalms 23) Quote
RuthRW Posted July 28, 2017 Report Posted July 28, 2017 It is wonderful that God wants everybody who comes to Him to be filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing.In my experience this fulness didn't last and my Christian life became stale. I wondered why this happened and what this depended on. Often people go from meeting to meeting to find experiences and think they can maintain the fulness of the Holy Spirit. It was only when Jesus is the centre of my life, I sit at His feet and love absorbing and obeying His word that the streams of living water start bubbling up and flowing again. Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 26, 2018 Report Posted July 26, 2018 Jesus is inviting everybody to drink the streams of living water. He promises them that they will thirst no more and will have eternal life. This is fulfilled at Pentecost when the people are filled with the Holy Spirit. I have received the Holy Spirit and I have the living water within me. Quote
Godswriter Posted March 12, 2019 Report Posted March 12, 2019 Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? In the teaching, He invites anyone to come and drink of the water. He promises that once they drink the water that they will no longer thirst and have eternal life. It is fulfilled at Pentecost because Jesus returns to His Father. Through that, He is able to let the Holy Spirit come down and indwell the believers at Pentecost. It was fulfilled in my life by my baptism and rededication of my life to Jesus and the Holy Spirit working in and through me to this day. Quote
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