Pastor Ralph Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? Quote
SoiKosum Posted January 17, 2015 Report Posted January 17, 2015 (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? According to the Law of Moses, no sentence or condemnation is appropriate without witnesses. The prostitute was probably guilty. Nevertheless, instead of condemning her, Jesus tells her to go and sin no more. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness, no new birth and no change. Without repentance, there cannot be salvation. If we don't preach repentance, we are teaching from a false Bible. The essence of salvation is repentance from our sins. Quote
pickledilly Posted January 17, 2015 Report Posted January 17, 2015 Jesus didn’t condemn the woman, who was guilty. The demands of the Law had not been satisfied to rightly do that. But also, and maybe more importantly, “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” (John 3:17, ESV) John 12:47 records Jesus’ declaration that He “did not come to judge the world but to save the world.” Condemnation and judgment by Jesus are for a day yet to come. Debased religion had charged the sin against her, not Him. At the same time, Jesus didn’t ignore the fact of her sin. His charge was for her to recognize the wickedness of her own heart and respond to His mercy with repentance that would deliver her from sin to restore her life. There is no salvation from sin apart from repentance, which is a change of mind about the iniquity in us that estranges us from God that leads to a change of behavior and actions. It’s not really a mere attempt at “turning from sin” (a common definition), but a turning of the mind away from rejecting Jesus toward embracing Him in faith, which is salvation. When we judge people (as opposed to discerning the sin), we actually drive them in the opposite direction of repentance and acceptance of grace as they’re backed into a loveless legalistic corner. The heart of the Gospel of Christ is salvation by God’s love and grace for every repentant person, not judgment. Quote
haar Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? Jesus did not condem the woman because there was no witness left to fulfill the legal requirement to do so as judge. She certainly was guilty and jesus was not really endorsing adultery but wanted to show that Jews did not meet the legal requirements that would qulify for stoning the woman to death. He thus told her that she should stop sinning therafter. Without repentance there is no savation thus the necessity of repentance a pre requisit for salvation. They Gospel will loose its importance if repentance is not emphasised. Quote
Clarence Posted January 21, 2015 Report Posted January 21, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? Jesus seems to be conveveying the message in the gospels that he does not condemn, but people condemn themselves as a consequence of the decisions they make and the things they do (Matt 12:37, Mark 16:16, Luke 6:23). Jesus was compasionate towards the woman. As the 'advanced member' in th forum notes,Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it (John 3:17,writer's paraphrase) in addition he did not come to judge the world but to save the world (John 12:47). Repentance therefore, is an essential and integral part of the gospel of salvation (Matt 4:17, Luke 13:3,5, Luke 5:17, Acts 2:38). The apostle John therefore has some emphatic things to say about people who sin, in his letters to the church, for example 1John 3:6: "No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has either seen him or known him". Quote
blezed Posted January 21, 2015 Report Posted January 21, 2015 (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? 1. Jesus did not condemn the lady because none of her accusers were present to testify against her. Yes, she was guilty. Jesus did not condone her sin but because he is a loving and forgiving Father he told her to go and sin no more. Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? 2. Repentance is necessary for salvation because there is no forgiveness, no new birth, no change without repentance. Repentance is an act of faith that we believe that Jesus is Lord. We must emphasize repentance because without it we will have a lot of lost souls. Quote
Jen Posted January 21, 2015 Report Posted January 21, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? There were no witnesses. Yes i think she was quilty as was the man who of course was not held to the same standard as the woman. He told her to go and sin no more. If we are not genuinely sorry for our sin we will keep on sinning. There has to be heartfelt sorrow to make us want to change. If there is no sorrow for our sin I don't know that there is a gospel that can save us. If we once sorrowed and thought well of the gospel and became saved and then became cold to the need for personal repentance then we have greatly distained the price that Christ paid on the cross because of the gravity of our sin. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
JanMary Posted January 22, 2015 Report Posted January 22, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Jesus is the person of Grace...He didn't condemn her because her accusers had left having unsuccessfully trapped Jesus into having her stoned. He came to seek and to save that which is lost...not to condemn. Was she guilty, do you think? Probably, since she didn't contest the accusation. Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? He told her to go and sin no more. (Repentance...."to change her mind and go in a different direction") Why is repentance necessary for salvation? Until we recognize and admit that we are sinners, we cannot see that we need a Savior. Repentance is the acknowledgement that "God is right and I am wrong....He is offering to cleanse me from all sin and guilt and I can now go in a different direction...a new beginning in Him." What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? It isn't the true gospel....It's a "come on in y'all just as you can stay in the sin you're in...just join the ranks" diminishes the Cross. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted January 22, 2015 Report Posted January 22, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? Jesus did not condemn the woman because the elders may have set her up in this adultery scenario, it was a sham. No male counterpart, no reliable witness and the whole thing was unlawfully pursued from the beginning. She was probably guilty Jesus He did not condemn her but told her to go and sin no more. With out repentance there can be no salvation or forgiveness of sin. A person must have a change of heart and mind before he can be sorry for his sins. The gospel has no effect on us if we don't realize that we have offended God and we wish not to offend Him again. Rejecting the gospel would be rejecting God Himself. Quote
hanks Posted January 23, 2015 Report Posted January 23, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? Jesus did not condemn the woman because this whole episode was only contrived to trap Jesus. I don’t think she was guilty of the sin of adultery – where was the man? According to the Law of Moses they had to be caught in the act with witnesses. Not so easy. It sounds as if she was being used by the Pharisees. Instead of condemnation Jesus tells her to go and be obedient to the law. Without repentance there can be no salvation. It must also be a genuine repentance which results in a changed life and a deep remorse over past sins. There will be a sincere decision to forsake sin and a realization that all sin is committed against God. Perhaps today there is not enough emphasis on sin and its consequences and that God abhors all sin. In Psalm 51 David writes about his sin as dirtying the soul, dominating the mind, and disgracing the Lord. Quote
quilter Posted January 23, 2015 Report Posted January 23, 2015 1.Jesus didn't condemn the woman but neither did he ignore or condone her sin. He told her to go and sin no more.Jesus is ready at all times to forgive sin in our life but confession and repentance means a change of heart. With God's help we can accept Christ forgiveness and stop our wrongdoing Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted January 24, 2015 Report Posted January 24, 2015 Jesus did acknowledge her sin, but his condemnation was of a different sort to the Pharisees’ version. He condemned the sin not the sinner. I think the Gospel would have been clear if she had been innocent but I suspect that it was a ‘stitch up’ for her too. The absence of the guilty man speaks loudly to me that he was part of a plot and was one of the witnesses, making use of a woman known for her loose ways. In other words a sting operation. Jesus forgave her sin and asked her to repent. Repentance and the determination to try hard to amend one’s life is essential to a ‘new birth’ and salvation. When we don’t emphasize repentance, Christianity loses its passion and becomes a faithless, lukewarm sludge of feel good philosophies with watered down moral teaching. Quote
PeteD Posted January 26, 2015 Report Posted January 26, 2015 'Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Jesus was clear that he was very concerned about her sin and warned her accordingly. Yet he did not condemn her. This is mercy. He warned her not to sin anymore which is a request for her to consider her actions and repent. Was she guilty? Because of Jesus' warning we can infer that Jesus thought she was guilty even though the accusers were very hypocritical. Why is repentance necessary for salvation? Repentance is being sorry for our sins. Only then can we ask for forgiveness. If we don't emphasize repentance, grace become cheap. Repentance is knowing that we are not right. If we don't know we are messed up we won't cry out for forgiveness and change. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. He came to heal the sick. Quote
grace2free Posted February 18, 2015 Report Posted February 18, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? "Then neither do I condemn you," But this doesn't mean that no sin has occurred. The woman knows it and so does Jesus. Jesus is not acting as if her sin is of no consequence, just that it cannot be legally judged without competent witnesses. Was she guilty, do you think? Being caught in the act she surely is guilty. Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? John 8:11b (KJV) go, and sin no more. The Lord gave the woman a second chance to change. Why is repentance necessary for salvation? Repentance is an act of faith the result of salvation. Admit we sin against God, Believe in Jesus died in the cross for our sin. Confess our sin. What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? No admittance of sin, no care for the blood that was spilled, no new birth, no change. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted March 11, 2015 Report Posted March 11, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? When Jesus said that only someone who had not sinned should throw the first stone, the leaders slipped quietly away, from oldest to youngest. Evidently the older men were more aware of their sins than the younger. Age and experience often temper youthful self-righteousness. But whatever your age, take an honest look at your life. Recognize your sinful nature, and look for ways to help others rather than hurt them. Jesus didn’t condemn the woman accused of adultery, but neither did he ignore or condone her sin. He told her to leave her life of sin. Jesus stands ready to forgive any sin in your life, but confession and repentance mean a change of heart. With God’s help we can accept Christ’s forgiveness and stop our wrongdoing. Quote
JoanG Posted June 8, 2015 Report Posted June 8, 2015 Jesus did not condemn this lady even though she was guilty. Nobody could be a fair witness to what she had done. And the law stated that she could not be charges without witnesses. But Jesus told her that she needed to change her ways. She needed to repent for her past actions. She needed to turn her life around and to try to sin no more. When we do not emphasize the need for repentance, we are actually taking away the true meaning of the gospel. We are allowing sin to become a common occurrence. We are allowing people to have no remorse for their actions. We are in ways saying it is okay for you to act that way in a society that has lost its morals. A person has to be sorry for what they did, and they have to ask for forgiveness and there has to be a willingness to change their lives in order to have salvation. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted August 4, 2015 Report Posted August 4, 2015 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? Even though this woman may have been guilty of the charges against her she was being judged unfairly! Jesus teaches us that we should not judge anyone by appearances but with right judgment [John 7:24]. He didn’t condemn her to teach us that like Him, we too need to less judgmental and be more understanding and sympathetic for sinners. No person is worthy to condemn another sinner for the very things that he/she is guilty of! We all know that Jesus hates all sin but He loves the sinner and it appears that this woman had in-fact been sinful but Jesus loved and forgave her in spite of her sin. In John 12:47, Jesus tells us very clearly that He “did not come to judge the world but to save the world.” Was she guilty? Yes, I believe she was guilty. Why? The answer’s pretty clear in my mind; Jesus knows our hearts and everything we’ve done in our lives so had she been innocent of the charges against her He wouldn’t have had to tell her to “sin no more.” We on the other hand are not Jesus, we are human beings and as such, we can never truly know or understand another person’s weaknesses or the circumstances that ultimately contributes to their sin. One of the many weaknesses of our human nature is to judge others for their transgressions; often for the very same sins of which we ourselves are guilty! Repentance of our sins is necessary! We need to always keep first and foremost in minds that God is righteous and holy and we are, by our very nature, inherently sinful. The bottom line is that it’s our sin that builds barriers between us and God and without repentance it’s impossible for us to have fellowship with Him. Without repentance, we are “dead in our trespasses and sins” [Eph 2:1] and until we renounce our sin through repentance we can never be made alive in Christ. The gospel is a call to repentance and faith! That being said, how can one truly and completely embrace it without first facing (confessing) and turning away (repenting) from sin? After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus began His ministry in Galilee saying, “The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” I don’t really see how the gospel can be believed until there is true and genuine repentance for the sin in one’s life. Quote
RuthRW Posted July 30, 2017 Report Posted July 30, 2017 I never realised that one of the main issues was the lack of witnesses and therefore the case "collapsed". Now Jesus was able to deal with the woman in love and mercy without violating the law. I am gaining so much from this study and find the posts of my brothers and sisters in Christ very enriching and helpful. A situation which the enemy tried to use to cause much harm to Jesus and the woman turned out to be a blessing, as happens so often in our Christian walk. Hopefully the woman did listen to Jesus and left her sin. When Jesus tells us to believe in Him, He means to stop following the world and our own self, instead making Him Lord of our lives. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 1, 2018 Report Posted August 1, 2018 Jesus didn’t condemn the lady because the law says that there has to be witnesses to the crime. I think that she probably was guilty. But instead of condemning her Jesus told her to go and sin no more. If we want to accept Jesus Christ as our savior then we have to turn around our lives and not live like the world. That is why we should repent. We wouldn’t need the gospel because everybody would be doing their own thing so we need to repent and follow Jesus. Quote
Godswriter Posted March 19, 2019 Report Posted March 19, 2019 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn’t Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don’t emphasize repentance? He didn't condemn her because there was a lack of witnesses and so even though she was guilty the case collapsed with that lack of witnesses. I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on sin no more. Repentance is necessary for salvation because without it no one can be saved and be brought to a saving knowledge of who Jesus is. It becomes watered down. Quote
Paula Price Posted September 7, 2019 Report Posted September 7, 2019 John 3:17--" for God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved". Jesus is offering salvation to all who sin. It is required to repent from sin and live a life free of sin. Forgiveness of sin is why Jesus is sent to earth. He is our way to salvation. Jesus is being introduced here as the savior... a new way of forgiveness of sin, doing away with the old way, the law and making it possible for all men, not just the Jews to obtain eternal life. Nothing happens to the gospel for it is the word of God. It will remain even if one choses not to obey and follow it. What does happen is one can not be saved with out repentance. the person who does not repent is lost and separated from God. Repentance is necessary because God said so!!!! Acts 2:38.... " repent ...and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins"...... God has designed the way for mans salvation and it is the only way we have to achieve it. there is no other way......believe and receive.... Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted October 9, 2021 Report Posted October 9, 2021 Christ did not condemn this woman in public. She had enough humiliation. Christ respected her remaining sensibilities. Christ gave her the acquittal of a higher court. He would become her defender and friend. Christ would not be harsh and censoring. Though the tide of hatred was seemingly overwhelming; this woman was cast into the warmth embrace of Christ's forgiveness and infinite love. Yes, this lady was guilty. She became a suppliant at the feet of Christ. The rancor of the accusers was gone; the sick and the Physician alone. Christ's character shown brightly in this cunning plot. He is the very Son of God and very Son of Man. Christ vindicated the Law; the claims of the Law were upheld. Christ's presence and words became unbearable to them. Christ exercised superior knowledge, wisdom, authority, holiness and mercy. Christ was conforming to the rule made and provided for the trial of an adulterous by the bitter water (Numbers 5). Like the priest, Christ stoops down; and making the floor itself his book. He wrote things analogous to those curses and adjurations written in a book by the priest, against the woman that was about to be tried. Christ told her to go and sin no more. This statement involved condemnation of the past but was full of hope. The very presence of Christ who is all pure and perfect was itself a rebuke and reproach to her. Her self respect and hopes were restored. Repentence is very important. All throughout the Book of Ezekiel, repentence is paramount. God's glory left the Temple due to unrepentant hearts. Secret sin was being tolerated. Just like Achan in Joshua, the "accursed thing" was being tolerated. The sin of Achan was giving the Israelites trouble (Joshua 7). Deliberate refusal to repent will cause the wrath of God to be poured out; God will give them delusions that will further strengthen rebellion. Big problems in many churches. People are not aware of the need to repent of secret sins. Sanctification is very important. Many have a very superficial understanding of the need to have the mind of Christ. This frivolity that is so current leads to serious sins. It is evident in a cross section of churches. Quote
Irmela Posted July 22, 2022 Report Posted July 22, 2022 Q4. (John 8:10-11) Why didn't Jesus condemn the lady? Was she guilty, do you think? Instead of condemnation, what did Jesus tell her to do? Why is repentance necessary for salvation? What happens to the gospel when we don't emphasize repentance? There were no witnesses to the crime that was said to have been committed, so by right she could not be condemned. The second person, for this crime to have been possible to have been done, was absent. Jesus, showed mercy, and waited for all the accusers to be gone, and then told her to go and sin no more. That answer shows that Jesus knew who and what she was. He did not condone the sin but showed mercy and told her to repent, to sin no more. Repentance is very necessary for salvation, because without it the sin still has a foothold in our lives. When we truly repent, we turn away from the old life of sin and death. When we do not emphasize repentance it then is as if one can continue living as we always did. There is no need for change. The Gospel becomes cheap and makes no sense really. Quote
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