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Q1. Too many times we get caught up in the worldly things- we become "worldly christians" the world first- GOD second.

Yes, because I came to follow the Lord later in my life, I've learned to rely on myself or the world beforetrusting GOD.

I need to remember whose I am, not who I am. I need to learn to trust GOD in all aspects of my life in the world

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"I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able".

I would describe Christians who identify more with our present homeland than our heavenly one as being spiritually immature. Yes, I have been there and have found that, thanks to God who gave me a burning desire to get to know him, I found him in His written word and each day that I read with the purpose of searching Him out, He reveals more of Himself.

  • 5 weeks later...

Three words come to mind in describing this type of Christian: Carnal, self-absorbed and perhaps merely just an infant in Christ. By that I mean someone who is still working out their faith. Possibly even someone who does not yet have a lot of knowledge about God, the Bible or our purpose in life.

The world has so much influence on us that I think its all to easy for me as well as for others to get caught up in doing this.

Looking from a different perspective, I think that we need the Holy Spirit to reveal these things to us. We can't see the things that we are completely blinded to. We need to study God's word more because this is the only way that we will begin to see and start to think from God's perspective and not our own.


I once preached a series of messages, each one had a different element to it, for instance, the first week we removed the American flag from the Sanctuary. That week the office got tons of phone calls wondering where the flag was? The next week it was back. towards the end of the series we went through the whole service and didn't pray once, NOT tons of phone calls the next week just two, TWO!

The series title was, "Choose this day, whom you will serve"

I got a lot of flack for that sermon series, luckly I am only a youth pastor so when I preach on Sunday morning I can get away with alot more then the Senior Pastor. Although I didn't use anyones name, I did point out during the last message, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" the sad difference in the concern for the American flag and the lack of concern for prayer in the service.


Sometimes we get so caught up in this world, and we think that this is it. We forget that our crowns wait for us in heaven. It has really given me peace to know that my home is in heaven. If I think about this earth, I will get dissapointed, I will have heartache. Jesus said that He was not from this World. Thank God, because when you look around it has become so fallen and sinful. Sometimes people get annoyed with Christians that have this perspective, and they say that you are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. Is that possible??

This is a board question to which there is undoubtedly a broad set of responses. I mostly like the world. I like my life. I like the daily challenges I face. None of these are bad things, and frankly sometimes heaven sounds a little boring- too homogenius, to unstimulating. I'm betting I'm wrong on this of course, and I am in for a big surprise! I do identify with my present homeland.

However, too often I turn a blind eye the pain and suffering of others and this kind of behavior reflects my identifying with my present homeland before my heavenly home. It takes effort on my part to respond and feed the hungry, clothe the poor, show hospitality to the stranger, visit the prisoner, or advocate for justice. I have my moments when I come through, and when I do these things I know I am a part of bringing the kingdom of God to our here and now. This is the behavior of one who identifies with our heavenly home.

I have also had a realitively easy life, so it is easy for me to think that I am in control. If I had experienced more hardships, perhaps I would have a better and truer understanding of what it means to rely on God instead of my own ability to take care of things. Regular attendance at worship and Bible study help me keep my priorities straight(er).

I have gotten caught up with the world and It was Jesus who showed me that this isn't His Kingdom. I think that if you feel that Heaven is somewhat boring, I think that Satan is lying to you. and I feel sorry for you. I don't know what it's going to take you to realize how awesome God really is. When you really dive into the scriptures, you find how BIG He is. Every good and perfect gift is from the Father, and this is only just a taste of what it will be like. We live in a FALLEN world, and Satan wants to deceive you into getting caught up with the pleasures and the rush of this world. If he can do that, then he has won. It says in 1 John 3:2 " and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." Can you imagine that!! IT says in revelation that that Jesus will make us kings and priests and that we will rule next to Him. Read Revelation 2-3. The deeper you make a commitment to following Christ and searching after His knowledge, the more He will reveal himself to you, and I promise you that God is not Boring!!!!Ive tried it all, I mean everything under the sun, and God is still the most exciting person that has come into my life, and His power in me is the most exciting way I have ever lived. Have you fallen in love with Jesus Christ? I am going to tell you going to church won't make you a Christian, it's the relationship that you have with HIM. try searching the mind of Christ and He will bless you.

  • 2 weeks later...

It would seem to me that the person focused on this world either does not understand or has been blinded by the God of this world. Truly, this world is not our home we are strangers and aliens to the world. In order to keep our perspective right it is vital that we keep in the Word and prayer. We will focus on that which we consider of most importance

  • 11 months later...

When I think of this mudball as my home is usally when I examine all the things that I have, home, cars, toys, etc. I know that at these times I get in the flesh and become a wordly christian, thinking more of myself and less of the One who gave me all the trappings of this world. At these times the trappings become just that and keep me from my relationship with the Father. I try and justify my actions by saying; "Everyone else does the same." but it is still sin.

How I overcome these times is to remember that the Lord has blessed me greatly and I begin to thank Him for those blessing, realizing that He can take them from me to humble me back into a right relationship with Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

A carnal ChristianOne who is easily lured to the world's ways.


Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

As born again Christians we are to live in the Kingdom of God. This is where all our priorities must centre. This determines how we behave and what is important to us. To stay in the Kingdom we must put Jesus at the top of everything we do. We cannot serve two masters: God and money. If a Christian finds that the material world is more appealing than God's Kingdom he is not a true disciple; he is finding the kingdom of Satan more alluring than the Kingdom of God and is not living by the rules of the Kingdom of God. "Sell everything you have and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

To get our priorities straight we must redirect our lives towards Jesus and obey him implicitly. We do this by prayer, study and worship.

  • 3 weeks later...

I feel that if people would just commit to reading the bible and live by the law of God they will feel that the world is not there home but heaven is. Listen for God's voice and you cannot go wrong. Remember we are sinners and need to repent daily of the wrongs we do and stay away for worldly things that cause us to sin and do wrong.

  • 1 year later...
Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

Without a clear focus on Jesus-who He is, what He has accomplished, and what He is continuing to do in our lives-we are going to become overwhelmed, wiped out emotionally and physically by the fearful concern, the subjectivity ,that accompanies suffering. Focusing on Jesus will keep us from anxiety

What are the things going on in the world right now that scare you to death? What causes you to lie awake at night, to live with a sense of apprehension? Perhaps your fear is more centered in your own personal experience. in relationships or difficult circumstances that you are going through right now.

Our security in the Lord is not tied to any immediate circumstances, to material resources that could protect us or sustain hope. It is not even dependent on our own emotional resources to" hang in there" to tough it out. Prayer , and the word of God is our greatest resources. to get our spiritual priorities straight. JESUS is always #1 to focus on Him The dark clouds disappear and you get back on the right path. I am no saint and I thank God for the Holy Spirit conviction when I get off track, He brings me back by reminding me who my life is supposed to be committed to and where I will live eternally. Heaven is my home not this world. Praise God.



Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

They had lost sight of who they really are and where they are going. Quite often this is my perspective.

As Citizens of Heaven we are Pilgrims on a journey home.

It is good to to look again at God's Word and adjust our thinking to line up with this truth.

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?
Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

That's one of the reasons I wanted to join this study - to find out what this concept looks like in reality in my life. How I can best be in this world, but not of it, and still not come off as being judgemental of others. I think I have more questions than answers at this point, but I do know that more time in the word and in prayer will set our spiritual priorities straight.


Typically, this person would be what I would call a 'cultural Christian'. One who attends service on a Sunday, but ignores his Lord for the rest of the week. He does not show the fruits of his Christian service, but lives as one of the world during the week.

I often do this and often when I am an impatient and intolerant driver on the roads.

Most important I feel, is a quiet time of devotions each and every morning. This sets the tone for the day and gets us soaking in His Spirit


I think a Christian who is more concern with his present homeland then his Heavenly one is probably more into his own selfish desires. They think about what is in it for them. They are more inward focused and think about material things and how people think about them. A person that has their focus on their Heavenly home is more focused on the things God wants from them. I have done this in my career. I see someone that I feel is less qualified get a promotion and I get jealous. I had to pray hard to get through this one and finally came to the point of realizing that if I was suppose to get that promtion I would have got it. That Gods timing is perfect and he knows my needs, wants and desires. When I started praying for my co-workers and asking God to use me I started feeling much better about work again. To get our spirituasl priorities straight we need to turn our focus on God, his will, his word and his desires. WHen we focus on serving God everything else will fall into place.


Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? I would describe them as someone who is all about themselves and not the things or God and his plans for there lives. I have caught myself in this frame of mind many times and i feel that situations and circumstances will cause you do go in that area at times. But when we come into the full knowledge of who God really is and what he can do then i feel we wont resort to other measures. We will trust in him totally and get the mind that if he never does another material thing for us and when i say material i mean houses,cars,etc.. we will still love,praise and live for him.


Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one?

Such a Christian will grow lukewarm and backslide,lose his

first love for Jesus CHrist. 'Friendship with the world means hostility with God', a very sobering thought in James 4:4

Have you ever caught yourself doing this?

It is a daily struggle to get too absorbed in the things of this world and not to spend enough time actively in the presence of God through meditiating/reading His Word, fellowshipping with Him and praying.

What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

I ask the Holy Spirit daily to help me do the above mentioned - to lead me closer to Jesus. When I ask Him, He helps me to get more hungry for my heavenly home and at the same time live a life that pleases Him : through what I think, do and say.


Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one?

A Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one is not fully walking in the light of God's Word. He is still clinging to the world not realizing that as a Christian he is just a pilgrim passing through.

Have you ever caught yourself doing this?

We find ourselves in this predicament when we allow the world to dictate to us how we should relate to social and economic conditions. Yes, I sometimes lapse into this state. I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit within us would keep our heart fully captured by what lies ahead in that heavenly home.

What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

We must keep our mind stayed on Jesus and His righteousness. Having the mind of Christ, who even though He was in the world did not allow the world to be in Him.

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

It's easy to find yourself ensnared in the problems of the day. Most of us are taught to work hard and we will succeed. Most people are task or goal oriented. We set a priority on accomplishment. We are rewarded from a very early age for accomplishing various tasks. There is no disgrace in working hard and trying to achieve but we must always be mindful of who it is that is enabling those accomplishments. Our Lord has prepared a place for us in his Kingdom that is infinately greater than anything we could ever hope for on earth. We are here as servants, laborers who have the honor to praise and glorify our Father. Our place in eternity with the Father, is the reward for our faith in the Lord, living as servants, glorifying His Holy name.

Unfortunately, I find myself getting caught up in the trappings of this world. My desire to provide for myself and my family can and will interfere with my focus on the Love of Jesus Christ and what it means to walk with Him.

We have to get to the point where we realize we must be totally submissive to the Lord. No matter what is happening, the Lord is in control of it. When God is ready, our situation will be resolved to His glory.

Guest Faithe

How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more

with his present homeland than his heavenly one?

Not Christlike. A true Christian will have the fruit of being from another world (i.e. having the Spirit from another world inside). If we are just like the world, there is no change in us. However, there are many circles where this is taken to an extreme. They become so separate that they are not in this world at all. Instead of being a testimony for the Lord, they are looked upon as strange and avoided. Now, we should be seen as different. There seems to be such a fine line here. How to be different and yet still in this world as salt and light - and avoid legalism in the process. Frankly, this is one of my biggest struggles right now. We want to raise our daughter differently than the mainstream culture, but we also don't want to be legalistic.



They are caught up in everything around them and forget about their heavenly Father and His plan for them.

Yes, it is easy to get caught up in things of this world.

We need to stay in constant prayer with God and also read God's word daily along with corporate worship so we can get our spiritual priorities straight.


Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

His behavior would be similar to someone who doesn't yet know Christ. He would react to the stresses and challenges of life in ways that reflect fear, self preservation, and his own well-being above that of others.

I'd love to think that I don't do this, but it's not true. Every time I over indulge or don't act on God's promptings in my heart... every time I misuse the resources that God's put in my hands... my body, mind, money, energy, time, etc.... any time I turn a calloused eye away from the needy... I'm reflecting the fact that I'm no longer keeping an eternal focus.

The best way for me to get my spiritual priorities straight is to return to Jesus. Sometimes when I get caught up in the rat race, in fear, in confusion, in myself ... I hear Him say to me, "eyes on Me, child... eyes on Me." So I try to keep "fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith." I need to keep returning to the words of my Bible often, letting them sink in and change my bent nature. It helps me to go out in nature, alone with God too. My head and heart and spirit seem to clear when I walk in the hills.

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