sunilbernard Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 Hi, I am Sunil Bernard. I would like to add that a Christian who is more interested in this material world does not belong to the Kindom of the Lord. A Christian should be targetting his sight into the future life with Jesus in heaven. If he is not, then his focal point should be adjusted and he should think more on the heavenlies than on the earthlies. By fixing his eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, can he overcome the shortsight of looking at the material aspect of life. This life has plenty of problems to divert our attention. But if we throw those problems into the bosom of our loving Lord and tend to lead a carefree life, then we can really attend to spiritual problems of our life and grow spiritually. Sometimes, the material/physical aspect of life grows huge and monstrous. But if we refuse to be grabbed by them and instead allow Jesus to handle them, we are all the more free to grow in Him. To allow this to happen, our priorities should be correct. That is, according to Math. 6:33, seek first the kingdom of God, and all these other things will follow surely as the day follows night. In other words, allow ourselves to be led to by Holy Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. Let Him control our life. Then automatically, all things fall into place. Quote
dolores hicks Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 part 1,He has lost sight or focus on his calling-blinded by glitter part 2, yes part 3, God has to bring me back thru a given trial or illumination. Quote
cct1106 Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 I would describe the behavior as having little or no faith, unconscious thinking about The Father, letting fear rule life, and selfishness. I can truly testify that I think more about the kingdom of heaven. Why? Because I feel I can only deal and handle with what's going on here on earth because we as Christians can not change for what has been prophesised to come. We can only just continue to obey God's commandments. The coming of the last days with trials and tribulations, having more faith. Quote
Dick Ross Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 Most of us cannot help but identify and love our earthly home. It is easy to keep focused on our short term needs and fail to remember that we are only here a short time. If we are consumed by the stimuli here on earth, we cannot follow in the footsteps of our Lord and savior. We fall to sin, greed and the concerns of the world, not the salvation of our souls. We must always be on guard for the times that Satan will try to tempt us and help us fail.. We must always look to the saving grace of the father, and be as strong as we can in our faith! Quote
MoZes Marius Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 Greetings to everyone! At times, people tend to put the world before them and the cross behind them. People also tends to reminisce about the good old days than to ponder on what salvation can do for our future. At times, christians also tend to be overwhelmed by the world around them, thus the cross is placed behind. I'm no saint to this situation myself. Many a time, I am trapped by the lifestyle of my present homeland. We need to fix our eyes upon the cross of salvation. We need to change our life style, not to conform to the carnal world around us. We need to fellowship with other brothers and sisters to get our spirit focused! Quote
HsSrvt Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 There are those of us who seem to fret and worry about what is happening and what may happen. Charactistics like this in a person reveals a lack of 'total' faith and belief in who God is. There will be carnal instincts that will prevail over faith in action. These people tend to choose to follow "the flesh" in aspects of their lives that have, can or will cause pain, discomfort, trouble or/and unhappiness. They forget who's child they are. They forget the warm, loving and strong arms that wants to embrace them in these times. They run to "other remedies/fixes" that the world has to offer. Then they are learned to indentify themselves with what the world has to offer or teach them to be. I am an ex-addict of many things and I remember going to meetings and introducing myself as an alcoholic or drug addict and falling into this worldly thinking. After learning the truth from Galatians 5:17, I stopped that practice and started indentifying myself with what God calls me in His Word. There are still times that I find myself indentifying my being with things like my job, my wife, my friends. I know that they will someday disappoint me, let me down. I now realize this and have memorized what God has chosen to call me to;sonship, co-heir, friend of Christ, saint. to just name a few. Much more positive indentity. I realized that I has to orphanate myself to be adopted into His family. To find my identity in Christ and God's Family. Quote
jchillCNU Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Well the behavior is that of the Pharisee who fasted with hopes of gaining praise from men. Jesus said he would get it, but that would be the extent of his reward. (Matt 6:16-18). Placing our hope/identity in our present homeland is the same as saying, "this is as good as it gets." Oh you better believe i've done this. My "hope in glory" has been pushed aside by my desire to be comfortable in this life too many times. Well priorities have gotta be set straight. Through repentance and change encouraged by God. Quote
sandra Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 hello I am also so thankful to be involved in this study and am learning we are never alone even in this world when we have other christians who decide to follow Jesus as Lord and Master of our life. I avoided this question ! I had to be willing to admit what it means out loud on a personal level not just those "other" chrisitians . that is why I like these studies I can be me and truly be honest about what this is doing in my spirit and thoughts.. cool . The problem is when I think I have a good plan for myself or another. I think it is a good one seems to go along with what Gods words says so I assume it will all work out just as I think it should . then something bad happens and I learn over and over Jesus truly is my best friend and He brings comfort and Love and salvation without strive and vain glory to what I may think I have accomplished ... bam. With folks I can never determine how they will react to me as a christian or any other role I may play in my life. I have lost relationships due to my convictions of what is right and wrong for my life and my home here on earth. like drinking or lying or any number of things we do to belong that is not healthy or holy. As a believer I pray and like to think well God will fix them and all will be happy and we can all get along here on earth. no so . Being a follower of Jesus has caused me choices that have made me very very sorrowful in life , I want to think my love will convince another to do what God whould have us do and live the manner God would have us live... as the lesson states so wonderfuly I sometimes forget it is the Lord who saves and fixes our life . not my will but His be done. I want the power to decide whether the people I chose to become attached to will Love God or not , and at times have compromised my own thankfullness for what Jesus has doen for our family by people pleasing . thinking I can convince them by some worldly standard that God is good and graceful. it didnt work. When I take the focus off what and where Jesus Christ wants me to be and start directing those I think I can control I lose all hope and realize to grow with the Lord means sometimes leaving relationship behind for a while . till the return maybe and this at times has caused me sorrow. to get my prioritites straight I remember who has blessed my life and Never let me down or forsaken me in life. the answer is simple and it has only been one and that is Jesus christ . I have disappointed people and vice versa ... that is how we live today But the Lords holds us all together in His Love. I remember when he was in the garden praying for all of us and his disciples fell asleep . I know who I believe in and I know He loves us all even if we cant manage to manage one another so well .. So I love those I can today and pray alot for my relationships to be healthy and whole and giving of His spirit . I remember everything is on a temporary bases now for us. My friend husband just died an early death in his forties yet she says I know I will see him again some day so Im ok God didnt die . WOW! Quote
Pastor Sherry Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 I have given this much prayerful thought and I would describe such a person whose behavior indicates they are more concerned with this world than their life with Christ as someone , who though they say they are Christian are not really willing to allow Christ to be Lord. They are not keeping their eyes on the "prize", (Salvation in Christ) I am sure at some times of my life I have been guilty of this but I always try to keep myself aware of what worth my obedience to God will be and what a priceless gift our Lord has provided for me and the world. To get our spiritual priorities straight I would say the first step would be to pray for God's guidance and support in our life and then to seek out and search God's Word, being open the Holy Spirit working in our lives. If one keeps God ever present in their lives then they will be less likely to fail to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading and action within our selves. Pastor Sherry Quote
Kris Ann Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? This is where most people are most of the time. We experience our wordly home with a physical and emotional presence. It is very hard to imagine anything more without some help. Sadly, I would call this behavior normal. Have you ever caught yourself doing this? Yes. What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? The holy spirit must intervene. To cause my spirit to soften and be remolded. To ready my self-concept to accept truth, renewal, and change. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 You wouldn't be able to distinguish a Christian who identifies with his present homeland from a non-Christian. Their Christianity is reserved for Sunday morning (maybe) and after church put on the shelf until the next Sunday. Too many times I have caught myself doing this. I am so thankful for a merciful and patient God. Intervention of the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can get our priorities straight. Trying to do it on our own is hopeless. Quote
Desiree Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 I believe that if joy is missing in a christian's life they are focusing on things of this world and not looking to heaven. During times of trials and tribulation I have focusedon my situation.. things of this world rather than on Jesus. I need to continually be focusing on Jesus the author and finisher of my faith as the trials, tribualtions and temptations of this world war against my spirit. For by focusing on my Lord I gain the joy or strength to carry me through to victory... going from glory to glory. Quote
Ken7 Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Effective Christian living begins with a right attitude towards the Lord. Worldly behavior or identifying with the world shows us we are spiritually immature at the very least. Behavior would include actions inconsistent with Jesus Christ's actions. Emotional responses would reveal indicators also. It should break our heart when we meet a repentant person like this and be prepared with the response Gods Word/Spirit directs us to give. I still behave in worldly ways when my thinking (my heart) responds that way, daily study and prayer is hopefully cleansing my mind (a right attitude) and growing me closer to God. Gods Word Cleanses! Quote
missionslady Posted February 1, 2004 Report Posted February 1, 2004 How would I describe a christianwho identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? I believe we are all at different levels in our walk with God. For many baby christians this is what they identify mostly with. Through daily reading and bible study in God's word the Holy Spirit will help them grow and mature. However if a seasonsed christian is still identifying to much with this world, I believe they are not receiving the Holy Spirit and thier relationship with God is very weak. They are still to full of "self." Have I caught myself doing this, well, honestly less and less. Through my growth process's and trials I give up more and more of myself. When I catch myself stumble, I pray right away for the Lord to reveal to me his spiritual thruth. I know my home is not here. To get our prioroities straight is total dependance on the word of God. Stay in the word daily and often. Quote
Peggie Posted February 1, 2004 Report Posted February 1, 2004 A person who is focusing more on this life than the one we will have in Heaven is like alot of us, this life is all we have ever known and when our faith falls short at times, we have difficulty thinking about what is to come. I have done this many, many times. Keeping our focus on Jesus, staying in His Word and in prayer with Him is what keeps me focused on eternity in Heaven. Quote
SAgirl Posted February 2, 2004 Report Posted February 2, 2004 It is very difficult to identify with the heavenly homeland. We do still live here on earth and are surrounded by worldy people. The more time we spend with God, the more we get to know him and the more we get to taste our future homeland. We need to realise that we're not of this world, we're different and our standards can't be the same as the ones of the worldy people. Quote
KarenAnn456 Posted February 2, 2004 Report Posted February 2, 2004 QUOTE=Pastor Ralph,Jan 22 2004, 02:45 PM]Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Following things of the flesh instead of things of the spirit. They lost the zeal and love toward heavenly things and the fire has been put out. Now the carnal man is back running his own life outside of the path that the Lord leads us down. Their eyes on the things of the world and not on the Lord. Yes, I have been there many times. I had to repent asking the Lord to forgive me of my selfwill and rebellion against Him. Return to my first love, the Lord and seek Him first. Reclaiming my citizenship with Him in heavenly places, by seeking Him on a daily bases and walking in the Spirit in lieu of the flesh. Lay my burdens down and let the Lord do His healing touch on me and stay focused on the Lord and things of the Lord, Not on the empty, sinful world of flesh and pride, death and deception. We must feed from the Word of God daily the grow spirtiually and to stay spirtiually strong to stand against the tests and lies of the enemy, Satan/Devil. So be renewed in the spirt of the Lord, submitting all to the Lord God Almighty. Praise Jesus for His faithfulness and tender mercies. Post by: KarenAnn456 Quote
Arley Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 If a Christian identifies more with the world than heaven then he is like a man straddling a fence Quote
kitty Posted February 4, 2004 Report Posted February 4, 2004 I can identify a whole lot when I identify my present birth home than my heavenly home. My husband keeps reminding me that I should think of my home being heaven and not my birth home. (I sometimes miss my birth home state) I feel that when my husband reminds me that heaven should be my home to look forward to, my mind starts thinking about what heaven is like. What family members will I see, friends and past church members? I start to meditate on God and being able to worship forever, and forever. Quote
linda bass Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 A believer who identifys more with the world than his heavenly home is a carnal or worldly Christian. This is someone who gives in to the desires of the flesh rather than focusing on the deeds of the spirit. Such a person is wrapped up in material possessions. I admit that I am often guilty of being earthly rather than heavenly minded. I long for possessions and things I don't have. I sometimes worry about losing the material possessions I do have. I have to learn to place everything I own into God's hands. To get our spiritual prioritys straight we need to regconize that everything we own belongs to God. Also we need to realize that earth is just a temporary home to the Christian, while heaven is our true home. Quote
Debora Posted February 8, 2004 Report Posted February 8, 2004 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? 1. Maybe individuals who are "lukewarm Christians" identify with their present homeland more than the heavenly one. There first love is not God or Jesus. One behavior could be attend Sunday and leave the Church and God in the building until the next Sunday comes. God is not daily in their lives. 2. Some may be Christians who get caught up in the "busyiness of life" schedules. They do not give God first priority in their lives. Their mind is given to their day's activities all day long with no thought to God at all. God is in their lives but usually at the end of the day, before bed when they are completely tired out, giving God leftovers of themselves and giving to God very little appreciation for their life and relationship with Him. 3. Or, others may not have full commitment but give themselves partially to God. The world draws their attention and the Christian is divided, giving some things of the world priority, where God does not have complete control of their lives. Self is in control or God is control meaning the person serve two masters; satan - the world, and God. Have you ever caught yourself doing this? Yes, as hard as I may try to be 24 hours a day focused on the heavenly homeland the reality is we are planted first in this world. The world does rob you of time, minutes and hours in a day and of your identification for moments as well because we are in the world but, we are not of it. We work, shop, bank ... have activities and within these daily activities troubles and worries pop up to deal with. Which we learn to let go, give to God and carry on and not get hung up on life in this world. We need to move with God. God never sleeps and is always on the move day and night. We need to be with him thus not let our selves get caught up in worldly things but keeping moving on like God, Jesus does. As time goes on in my walk, I catch myself less and less being caught up in my present homeland. I am learning to let go, give and carry on without missing a step or beat in time. I heard someone say we have to become like a duck where water runs off the feathers. I find putting my sights forward on him daily and making a conscience effort to see him in all people, things and situations helps. Giving him as they come worries, and problems makes life living in the homeland vs the world. Making God and Jesus the primary focus throughout the day and in all situations and circumstances as they occur, helps to identify more with the heavenly homeland than to be in the present homeland or stuck in it. What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? 1. We must first have the Spirit of God in our life to guide us. 2. We must put God as first priority in our lives and let him be in control of our whole life, all areas. 3. A person has to make the decision to discipline themselves in their daily life after priorities are set - to give God first priority in all areas of daily life, 24 hours: - be willing to work at it, act upon it and practise it until it becomes a habit in life - to be faithful to disciplining self in being faithful to God A person has to put into practise, discipline measures to always give God first priority. God first in everything that is done in our lives. First thing when you wake up for example, talk to God and give him the first hour of the day and throughout the day. All day till night when you meet Him in prayer again. May he be in your thoughts continuously. Like in the days of Adam and Eve before the fall, God conversed with them in the garden throughout the day. In relationship wise, God has to have to be given as first priority then spouse, then children, then church, then work and throughout the day in all things is He first. We have to develop a habit and it takes discipline to accomplish goals. One goal is to read daily the word and prayer, to sanctify yourself. Another goal to have is to have the mind focused on heavenly homeland throughout the day, for a 24 (hours) seven (days a week) as a living plan. We must make a decision to set priorities straight. Draw up and make a plan to reach the goal. Then follow it, practise it and carry it out being faithful all the while to reaching the goal, total union with God for eternity. Quote
onfireforGod Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 The behavior of a Christian who identifies more with the world than looking and longing for their heavenly home could be described as being young in Christ and not founded in the Word. Through Prayer and reading of God's word the Holy Spirit helps us to grow daily and through that growth we eagerly leave the present world and our wants behind, looking forward to the works Jesus wants to accomplish in our life daily. Looking for the time when Jesus says well done my child, come Home. The Holy Spirit guides us away from what we use to be, and helps us to become what God intended us to be from the time we were in our mothers womb. Not our will, but His will be done. For me personally, if I begin to even drift the direction of the world, I know I am out of my Fathers will, and I immediately call upon the name of Jesus. He is always there to rescue me and set my foot back on the solid rock. Priase the Lord for his mercy and unbounding grace. Quote
Sharon Darrow Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 A Christian in name only has no ministry, and is not a servant of the Lord. They display no boldness and does not stand up for God and does not walk in the Spirit. Sadly to say, we all fall short from day to day. We must meditate and pray unceasinglly and ponder on God's word. When we are complete in HIM then they will know us by our fruit. Quote
Lynne Sillence Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 Hi. My name is Lynne and I am from England. I am really looking forward to sharing with you and learning together. My prayer is that we would grow together as we share in the Word together. I guess a Christian who lives like this is not really seeking the Lord daily and abiding in Him. The cares of this world overtake and the Christian does not naturally turn to God first and in all things. They possibly live life on the periphery of Godly things and maybe have never fully taken the plunge, going deeper and consciously putting off self to live in the newness of life that a Christian is promised. I sometimes find that the busy-ness of life, ironically, especially church life, keeps me from living as a citizen of Heaven. In my heart I really want to focus on Jesus and His desire for my life but in practice I fall short often. I agree with Arley about it being like straddling a fence, neither in one camp nor the other. With God's help I know I will overcome the flesh. To get our Spiritual priorities straight we need to desire to put God first in all things, to keep short accounts before God so that our hearts are right before Him and to constantly make faith choices rather than give in to self choices. Quote
gmjackson Posted February 12, 2004 Report Posted February 12, 2004 The Christian who identifies more w/his present homeland instead of his heavenly one is shutting out the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He is complicating his life and not opening himself up to the will of God. It is very easy to get caught up in the day to day decisions that we must make and THINK that we are doing God Quote
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