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Q1 (1:1) I believe that a christian who can identify with this world, is living a life that is contrary to what they should be living. We have been born into, and grafted to the true vine, our Lord Jesus. We belong to God. Our new home is heaven! It's easy sometimes to get more involved with the world, I have and I"m sure other people have also. I feel as long as we have that sin nature in us this will always be a battle. We have to continue to be lead by the spirit to show and guide us daily walk with Jesus. The world's spiritual priorities have been eroded away which is evident right here as you see prayer removed from the schools and homosexual marriages being condoned. Chuch atendance is low too because, people have better things to do!? We need to pray for these people, that they get saved to start getting their priorities straight. It hurts me to see how the devil is deceiving the unsaved.

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A christian whio identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one is a short sighted christian. He is so involved in the day to day activites of living in this world that he gets sucked into the nitty gritties which are of no eternal value. This results in a waste of precious time which can never be got back and it also hinders him from performing his God given/ordained role for furthering His kingdom here on earth. Unable to see the larger picture, he undergoes a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache harbouring anger resentment bitterness etc which are the result of hurt pride/ego.

I have caught myself doing this very many times. Were it not for the gentle promptings of God's Holy Spirit I too would end up indulging in this waste of time here on earth.

We need to ask God constantly to help us see things from His point of view, if we are to get our spiritual priorities straight. A close walk with the Lord along with regular meditation/study of His Word will help keep us focussed. We are to constantly renew our our minds and our attitudes with the help of the Holy Spirit.This alone will help us keep our spiritual priorities straight.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

If we identify more our present land, we will be more wordly-minded than God-minded. It does not matter where were we born, what matters is that we are Born Again. When we know that our life here is temporary, we identify with our Lord Jesus who came here with a Purpose to Fulfill and He was focused. We can easily lose the Focus when we become entangled in the affairs of this World.

Our priorities have to be rearranged in order to do the will of God, being compelled by His Love and living our lives for Him and not for our selfish desires and wants. When we are Heavenly focused, putting the Kingdom of God in 1st Place, we are strengthened to persevere even if we are going through trials and tribulations. We know that these afflictions are only temporary, but we fix our eyes on the glory thaty will be revealed. We know that One day we will see Jesus face to face.

  • 3 weeks later...

<_< Someone has described the person who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one as someone who "has stayed too long at the fair." We can easily fall prey to the siren call of this world and lose our heavenly perspective, so we must constantly be on guard against the worldly enticements that want to enslave us.

I have not only been caught doing this, I used to be fully immersed in the world to the total exclusion of thoughts of a heavenly home.

Unfortunately, sometimes God allows us to suffer the consequences of our poor choices and wrong priorities. He does this because He loves us. If He is merciful, we eventually awaken to the truths in His Word for our lives and learn to listen to His written instructions and the guidance of His Spirit.


Question #1

Worldly Christian, a person serving self.

Of course I have had trouble in this, God has given me free will...I must choose Who I serve and not walk in the flesh.

I pray, fast, read the Word, meditate, repent daily and allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life to try to keep my spiritual priorities straight


First I would like to say hello to Everyone :) I look forward to studying with you all and growing in Christ with you. Thanks for being here.

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

I can only look at myself here and what I find is that when I am not focused on God, then I am walking in the flesh, with the cares of the flesh. I discust me in this point and what's scarey here is that I know the Truth. God has revealed it to me, to us, He has, and yet I don't heed the warning. Oh how I long to walk in the Spirit with Abba. I want to see Him and just talk to Him. What's He doing? It has to be good. I just want to know my Father, but I don't want Him to look at me for I am a shamed. And so that's what happens when my priorities are not straight. I die spiritually and feel lost and alone, Hungry & Thirsty for the Hope barely lingering, in Christ, of His Love. I am guilty and it makes it very very very hard to approach Abba on anything. And so I suffer and still do nothing when my mind and whole being isn't on the things of God.


Good morning everyone :) This is my first post to this wonderful study. I must admit that even though I am a believer and I have grown in my walk with the Lord, I still have so much room to grow in that walk. Especially in answer to this first question of the study.

Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? A Christian that hasn't fully put his trust in what our Lord can do and what He has promised us if we fully put our faith in Him.

Have you ever caught yourself doing this? Upon reflection, I must admit that I have been a citizen of this homeland more than of my heavenly home. This is the reason that I have joined this study to give up my citizenship of this world and to accept the citizenship that was so lovenly given to me upon my acceptance of my salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. I want to improve my relationship with Him in every aspect of my life.

What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Through prayer, study of the scriptures, and a genuine love of my Lord Jesus Christ. To strive to live as He has commanded me...to love no other god but Him and to love my fellow man as He loves me.



Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one?


Have you ever caught yourself doing this?


What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?



Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

This is a repost because I posted my first responce to soon. The answer's are the same though. No new insight.

A Christian identifying with the world more than heaven, I would say is walking in the flesh and only concerned for the desires of the flesh. I catch myself doing it alot, as I plot my own coarse without talking to God about it.

I think the answer to the last part of the question is to let go of my own plan and thinking and Trust God to follow through. My problem is, as I wait, and not with my mind on God 100%, nothing is happening. I continue to sit here and wait. When I step out and testify, I am beaten down, both mentally and physically. Then I get upset and it takes a while for me to get back out. And then when I do, it's the same thing, one way or the other, and I hide for a while longer and then do it all over. I want to stop this cycle and I am forever identifying my problem(s, and I give them over to God, and He reveals more to me, and I say Thank You Holy Spirt, and turn around and the same things happen to crush my spirit, and it starts all over again.

I don't know how to have any kind of Joy in life in the world. I would rather die than cause one more person to stumble at Gods word because of my disobedience. Well, I am not happy. And I don't think it really matter's if I am happy or not. It's not about me. And that right there is a key truth. But what about me? Vanity, it's all vanity.

  • 3 weeks later...

They need to concentrate more on thier heavenly one and the present one will work it's self out to meet God's plan.

I have caught myself working more on the present life being caught up with the wanting more than the needing more.

I need to focus more on god's purpose for me and live my life for that putpose not for what I think I need.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think we have to learn as christians where to have our prioitys,it says in the bible God will supply all our NEEDS,these

are different from wordly things we want.Jejsus wants us to live as people showing his love to the world,which we can't do if we're obsessed with materialistic possessions


A Christian who identifies more with his present home than his heavenly home is one who has not yet commited his entire life to Christ. Jesus wants our entire life, not just a part of it. We are to take up our cross and follow him. We can do this without fear because His promises are trustworthy and true. I know this is a big step, but we can do it. :D

Have I ever done this? Of course. For many years I felt as if I were standing close to a big circle with one foot in and one foot out. I couldn't let go of my desire to control my own life and trust God to guide me. Finally, I jumped in with both feet. I feel so much better now and less confused. :rolleyes:

What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? We have to learn to trust God and not be afraid to let go of our desire to control our lives. We have to surrender ourselves to God, and this can only come from trusting Him. Trust comes from spending time with Him in prayer, scripture meditation and studying with other Christians (like we're doing here). As we respond to God's grace, He draws us in more and more. Why resist? :)


The behavior does not reflect a practical understanding of sanctification or cooperation with God's Spirit in us (primarily to enable us to live sanctified lives) (1:2) This behavior clarifies that they really do not know who they are or how connected they are to God the Father, the Son and the Spirit (1:1-2, 8)

I believe every disciple who has obediently responded to God's call through His inspired Word will struggle with choosing whose behavior will be reflected through their lives - God's or the devil's.

To get our spiritual priorities straight we must remember our identity (1:1-2) and our inheritance (1:3-5) as we face the inconvenience of trials (1:6-7). We must let God reveal to us what is really significant (1:9; Mark 8:34-38). Only then will we refrain from giving the time and energy of our lives to what is totally insignificant.


Grace and peace all,

I agree with alll of you in that we are all setting our affection on things of the earth. and not on thiings above. Jesue is suppose to be the head of our life, our role model but yet we can not follow him and do his will. He told us to make disciplles of them. We are doing the things non-christians do and yet we want to win souls for Christ This is why it is so hard for sinners to convert to christ.

The bible saids if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Its time we focus on glory and get out of our selfish bag and work for the Lord.

Geri : :


Unfortunatly I have found myself focusing more on the present homeland because I that time it was I, me, my and its easy to get consume on the things of this world. I got back on track through trials. When I was really going astray God chastise me.

How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight

Concerned with him/herself and not the needs of others, puts their needs above others, puts themselves before others...........worldly values, not godly ones; deceived by the 'success' of this world than the riches of the life lived with eternity in mind.

I found that I was more on fire for God when I was first radically saved and have found that mediocre Christian friends have an impact on what you do, where you set your priorities, etc. Thank God He has been patient, and find that as I spend time in the Word, say no to things that are not holy, that I can hear from Him and respond.

I really have learned though, its not about doing all the right Christian things, but about truly being them


The behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one compromises his morals to fit in with the societal norm to appeal to the general consensus of thier society. I have caught myself doing this. One has to repent adn try again to get our spiritual priorities straight.


I have been a Christian for 10 years now. I have caught myself becoming worldly minded at times. I believe that it is a constant struggle for believers to be heavenly minded AND earthly good. I have 3 young children, ages 4, 2 and 6 months and it seems that the struggle has intensified since having my first. I often will catch myself becoming worried about finances or fashion or food....all of the things that the pagans run after as Jesus said. Other things that happen is that I will be tired ;) (go figure...) and it seems much easier to rest in front of the tv instead of resting in my Father's presence. So, I believe that in general we start being concerned with the same things that the world is concerned about......having a nice home and all that that entails, having nice clothes, going out to eat,....in general not being content and being full of worry. Having a lack of trust in God's promises. Stashing up our money, instead of giving it away to the needy; being spiritually lazy or unconcerned about the future of the people we come in contact with.

I believe that God will do things in the believer's life to spur them on in spiritual things. Testimonies from other believers are a great way to be encouraged to grow closer to God. I also think that He will put us through hard times so that we can see our real dependence on Him.

I thank God that He is faithful to us and that He never gives up.

  • 2 weeks later...

The believer has the wrong priorties and his heart is in the wrong place. Probably due to allowing the old nature to be in control. And yes, I have been there at various times.

Probably the thing that has helped me in the past and now is meditating on different scriptures that the Holy Spirit has brought to mind.


I think that such a person has become so entwined with worldy possessions, cares and affairs that he/she believes that this world is all to their existence. He/ she has become all consumed with the now and forgets to focus on the hereafter.

Yes I have fallen in such thinking and sometimes I didnt even realise that this was what I was doing. It would seem to easy to recognise it in someone else while all along I may have been in the same boat.

Unfortunately the thing that causes us to get our spiritual priorities right is usually some heartache or disaster. When such happens then we seek to turn full focus on God and look forward to our heavenly home however while all would appear to be wonderful for us here we dont feel as if we are just sojourners here. In fact we want it to last forever. I can only pray that we dont need such drastic measures or painful episodes in our lives to make us keep out priorities right.

God Bless us all.

  • 1 month later...

I do find myself associating more with this life than with my heavenly life. It is way too easy to get caught up in the demands of living t his life. We are such a busy people anymore - with work - taking care of a home - children - friends - childrens activities - it seems like before you know it the day is gone and you drop into bed and are asleep before your head hits the pillow - and then it starts all over again. Rather futile isn't it? I need to make more time for study, prayer, congregating with others who are followers of the Lord - Like a saying I read somewhere 'We make the time to spend with what we love, and we then grow to love what we spend time being with" I think this applies to people as well as activities.

  • 4 weeks later...

The devil and his kingdom - this earth- offer many alurring and enticing events. Sometimes Christians are pulled into this demonic force field by loosing their Christian influence. I experienced this overwhelming desire to become like the world when my children participated in organized sports at the high school level. I was so focused on allowing my children the opportunity to excel in sports, that I myself became entangled in the worldly web of "Being the Best and having PRIDE in what they-MY children did". My focus was "what is fair and best for my children's interest-not what is God's plan/purpose for their lives. Both my son and daughter experienced a year of hardships on and off the basketball court due to my over-involvement in their athletic futures.

I physically/emotionally became so engulfed in these carnal extra-curricular activities, that I became disengaged to my first priority as a Christian. Screaming, yelling at the referees at ballgame, instead of actively spreading the Good News of Chirst to my lost friends, teammates, and coaches; having verbal, emotial outbursts with coaches, instead of peacefully sharing my concerns for my children to God.

These overwhelming desires of pride/greed crept into my life slowing, yet so cunningly, that before I realized it, I was totally consumed with worldly ambitions. I didn't even realize that the mastermind of the Devil had lurred me into his worldly web of deceit, ****, and sin.

After several months, my emotional health declined, and I became severely depressed. My worldly longings lead to failure and defeat.

Finally, I realized God had allowed me to suffer because I chose worldly ambition over Godly ambition. Realizing I had sinned, I begged for God's forgiveness. He immediately took my hand pulled me from the sinking sands of my wordly choices. I bathed my life daily with prayer and Bible Study and God renewed Himself to me. I fell in love with Jesus all over again.

Today, I am proud of my children-not because they are stars on a high school basketball team, but because they are stars on God's Team and are living a victorious life of a Champion. Praise God for yesterday's burden-today it is a blessing.


I think many christians find themselves caught up in the worries of this life. I have trouble with that as well. Our only defense against this "blindness" is Jesus Christ and His word. That is why it is so important for us to DAILY read our bibles and pray. If we take this time each day to stop and ground ourselves with the REAL TRUTH of our situation, our situation of Christ as our leader and REDEEMER then we can find REAL AND LASTING PEACE.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is a board question to which there is undoubtedly a broad set of responses. I mostly like the world. I like my life. I like the daily challenges I face. None of these are bad things, and frankly sometimes heaven sounds a little boring- too homogenius, to unstimulating. I'm betting I'm wrong on this of course, and I am in for a big surprise! I do identify with my present homeland.

However, too often I turn a blind eye the pain and suffering of others and this kind of behavior reflects my identifying with my present homeland before my heavenly home. It takes effort on my part to respond and feed the hungry, clothe the poor, show hospitality to the stranger, visit the prisoner, or advocate for justice. I have my moments when I come through, and when I do these things I know I am a part of bringing the kingdom of God to our here and now. This is the behavior of one who identifies with our heavenly home.

I have also had a realitively easy life, so it is easy for me to think that I am in control. If I had experienced more hardships, perhaps I would have a better and truer understanding of what it means to rely on God instead of my own ability to take care of things. Regular attendance at worship and Bible study help me keep my priorities straight(er).

  • 1 month later...
Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

A person who blends in with the world have not totally committed him or herself to the lord or maybe, they are under a pastor who is totally committed and they feel as though if the pastor is passive or lukewarm and he's a man of god, then it's okay. Ministers today preach that, "god know we are weak or that we are not perfect and he undertands." I feel like that person needs to build a personal relationship with god and not try to build a relationship with the world. Sure we stumble, but we has an advocate with the father incase we stumble. I said, "in case" we stumble, not plan to stumble. So to get our spiritual priorities straight, we need to study the word of god and ask him to give us the boldness to live an effective life for Jesus. We are not perfect people, but our aim should be to grow more and more like him (Jesus).

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