Commissioned Posted February 6, 2011 Report Posted February 6, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? The Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly future home is laying up earthly treasures. Have you ever caught yourself doing this? Yes, more times than I should. What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Spending mor time in communion with God and in His Word. Quote
saxblowers Posted February 21, 2011 Report Posted February 21, 2011 I lived for several years in another country. In order to be effective in "incarnational ministry" I deliberately learned and adopted many aspects of the local lifestyle. This caused me to constantly evaluate my practices and values - probably more than when I was living in my own country - because I wanted to to be in touch and effective in the world, whilst living as a citizen of heaven. The Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one allows "the world" to shape his values and actions, "being conformed to the pattern of this world" (Rom 12:2). F Quote
scottiegirl Posted April 1, 2011 Report Posted April 1, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? I would describe Christians who identify more with their homeland that God's heavenly on as people still seek after material possessions to make them feel fulfilled rather than the peace and comfort that is found in God's love. Quote
scottiegirl Posted April 1, 2011 Report Posted April 1, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? I would describe Christians who identify more with their homeland that God's heavenly on as people still seek after material possessions to make them feel fulfilled rather than the peace and comfort that is found in God's love. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 25, 2011 Report Posted April 25, 2011 I would describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heaven as one that is trapped in this world. He needs to look to his everlasting life and not his present temporary live. I have caught myself doing this and the more that I study the bible the more I can see that I need to get my spiritual priorities straight. Quote
Charms Towell Posted May 22, 2011 Report Posted May 22, 2011 Q1. Being forgeiners in this world...... Someone caught in an endless cycle of doing and being something that they are not. A person forced to comply with rules which are forgein to them and do not necessarily apply to them. A person who has lost his true identity. I have been a Christian for many years, and for as many years I have struggled with this issue. I find it comes more naturally to go with the crowd than to swim upstream! (I think another word for it may be temptation). I also find it hard to strike a balance between being witnesses for the Lord in this forgein land while remaining relevant to their needs in this world. I guess the answer to my question lies in knowing where I "come from", "who has chosen me" and "what I have been chosen to do". This changes the focus from the forgein land to who has sent me and gives me permission to move on His behalf with a different set of rules and obligations. ............ looking forward to investigating this more! Quote
pastor neal Posted May 25, 2011 Report Posted May 25, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? A Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his Heavenly one is, in my opinion, a lost and unprepared Christian. By focusing upon his earthly goods this Christian ends-up stockpiling sins instead. No, I have never found myself doing this...because of serious and chronic illnesses I am well aware that attachments to earthly goods serve no importance. In order to get our Spiritual priorities straight, barring any actual natural disaster, we need to exercise our insight and consider how our earthly endeavors can be of future value. We need to meditate upon, and prioritize what should take precedent in our present homeland; balancing our needs for our next home. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 29, 2011 Report Posted May 29, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? I'll go out on a very short limb here and say that pretty much all Christians do that. The most zealous Christians often become caught up in their mission, the great commission. It's human nature to be concerned with the here and now, the pressures and responsibilities of every day life. We had a saying years ago for people who seemed only vaguely aware that they were on earth: So heavenly minded that they were of no earthly use. But back to the question: Christians who identify more with their home here on earth than their Heavenly home would be concerned with the things of this world. The accumulation of worldly wealth, climbing the ladder at work or in social circles . . or both, the passionate pursuit of an all consuming hobby . . . in other words they wouldn't appear that much different to the average person. Have you ever caught yourself doing this? All the time, I'm afraid. As I stated above, it's human nature. What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Unfortunately it usually takes the jolt of losing something we regard as precious but which God regards as trivial. Once we see that life goes on without it we then achieve a fresh perspective on who we are and that we are God's treasured possessions. Quote
Paul H Posted June 13, 2011 Report Posted June 13, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? I would describe such a christian as incomplete, and I am sure that it applies to most if not all Christians to a greater or lesser extent. Have you ever caught yourself doing this? Frequently, the world around me assumes primary importance. What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? It takes prayer, and reading and studying my bible. Quote
Stan Posted June 26, 2011 Report Posted June 26, 2011 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? I would think that he is living in the world more than following Christ. Jesus said store up in heaven how can we do that if we only think of storing here. We do often get caught up in our family,jobs and duties to both that we lose focus on who the center of our lives should be Jesus. To keep our priorities straight we need to stay focused on Christ and the work He called us to do go and make disciples of all nations then we truly store up real treasures. Quote
Judah Posted July 10, 2011 Report Posted July 10, 2011 I do believe we as Christains have to ask the Lord each day to show our witness to the people of the world. Not only by our words, but by our actions. We can talk as a christian, but if our actions show different the people will notice so we have to be a good witness at all times. Quote
Judah Posted July 10, 2011 Report Posted July 10, 2011 Describing the behavior of a Christ follower who is identifying more with the wisdom of the world than with the wisdom of their heavenly home shows that they have forgotten who they really are and what they are really about. The elect, exiles, "resident alien" as Dr. Wilson used. A believer who has lost focus on becoming "CHRISTlike" in word and action and purpose. I remember the feeling of separateness, a disconnect. Thankfully there was enough of the word the HOLY SPIRIT used to draw me to remember I am not a citizen of this world. Sometimes I imagine stronger methods are needed to bring us to our senses. Quote Posted January 8, 2012 Report Posted January 8, 2012 we think that he is selfish,confused and misguided by worldly things. yes vicky doesnt think of the big picture and forgets the purpose,yes i do too but i am new to learning about God,and His teachings. we both have got to that ugly place and having been in the good place, the ugly takes over quick with out God,and the daily effort. Quote
wifee Posted February 3, 2012 Report Posted February 3, 2012 1a)The person who lives as more of this world with it’s greed for posessions, disregard of morals and lack of Godly values, is not living true to any commitment to obey God,and has slipped back to worldy/sinful ways,needs to be a change of heart &mind,to think of others above self B)I know that my thoughts and actions are not always as loving as they should be,we are sinners that have been saved by Jesus,&need to check our focus &actions regularily. c)I know I need to re submit to Jesus often,confessing where I have gone wrong and asking for his help to be a better disciple of Jesus helping others with the Spirit guiding me. Quote
Marloes Posted June 17, 2012 Report Posted June 17, 2012 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Our focus should be Jesus. If something earthly is most important to us, He isn't our focus. Aye. We should pray and read the Bible, and don't think watching the telly is more important. Or if the Bible says not to do something, but it is general accepted were we live, we shoudn't do it. Quote
lynnlewis Posted June 21, 2012 Report Posted June 21, 2012 I would say that a christian who identifies with their current homeland rather than their heavenly one is the average christian. I find that to be true with myself and my desire as a christian is to spend time each day either talking with God and /or in His word to be reminded of how He wants me to live. I believe that believing in Jesus Christ and salvation through Him is an exchange for allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us in all that we do and in order for that to be ongoing, I must remind myself of that each day and allow God to live in me and direct my path throughout the day. We make choices all day long and I hope by allowing Him to live within me and direct my path that I would make the choices He would want me to make and surrender myself to His will. This is not so easy when we have the comforts of our current homeland. Lynn Quote
clawjax2000 Posted September 3, 2012 Report Posted September 3, 2012 The type of Christian that identifies with this present world more than their eternal one to me is someone who has tried to make Heaven on earth. Its when we place job, family, kids, house, career, reputation at the front of the line. Those are all dying hopes for they will not last forever. There are times when we all get caught in this trap, and for me what usually has to happen is God will allow some pain and suffering to come into my world to get my attention. Then like gold being tested by fire, He can begin to pull out the dross of impurities in my life that rise to the top. God Bless Quote
JeanieW Posted November 3, 2012 Report Posted November 3, 2012 Too much of the time, this Christian is me. When things go well, I think it is because I am so talented and good. When things fall apart, I go running back to God. God uses the events in my life to cause me to repent and turn back to Him. Quote
JeanieW Posted November 11, 2012 Report Posted November 11, 2012 I have to constantly remind myself about the true homeland. God has stripped away many of my ideas about 'home' so I can remember where I truly live and don't live. Quote
rcraw17008 Posted March 14, 2013 Report Posted March 14, 2013 This person would be considered worldly or carnal or not spiritual. Yes, I can identify with this person for I have acted in this way on many occasions. Your personal devotional life, accountabiliy with other spiritual Christians and fellowship in the body of Christ will help much in walking as a spiritual Christian. Quote
elizabeth kerr Posted April 22, 2013 Report Posted April 22, 2013 My first thought was that a Christian who identifies more with his present earthly homeland than with his heavenly homeland was a Christian who was not walking close to God and he really needed to spend more time and give more attention to what God teaches us in the Bible, to prayer, and to praising God for Who He is and what He has done. But recently, I have learned more about the emergent/emerging church and other groups who claim that God commands them/all of us Christians to transform this world by our actions and make it God's kingdom on earth before Christ will come again. These people believe that we must identify more with our earthly homeland and put all our effort into improving it, and that those who identify more with their heavenly homeland and put their effort into evangelization and discipling new believers in what the Bible teaches are disobeying God. I have from time to time given my heart to my earthly homeland instead of to God. It is idol worship and damages or destroys my relationship with the true God. Just as God in the Old Testament disciplined and severely punished the Israelites for worshipping idols, He disciplined me. But in the same way also, when I repented and turned back to Him and Him alone, He forgave me and reconciled with me. Quote
mycin Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? When we identify too strongly with our present homeland, we believe Satan's lie that we have no purpose beyond this earth. As the great song goes, "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passing through." I have too often found myself becoming too attached to the world. When I concentrate too much on earthly things, I lose hope and life becomes an endless cycle of duty and addiction. To get this straight, I must focus on my relationship with God and my relationships with others, especially other Christians at work and at home but also other coworkers and students.We must remember that God has placed us here to impact others through service, to draw others to Christ, and to allow others to serve us. We do this to become more like Christ so that when our lives end he will welcome us as "good and faithful servants" ready to enter into eternal worship and celebration in the City of Light. Quote
Craig Posted June 23, 2013 Report Posted June 23, 2013 Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?  I would describe the spiritual development of the above Christian as immature and limited with no awareness beyond this world. I would also say that this person endears this world and the things of this world more than Heavenly things. This Christian has a very limited relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The short of it is this world means more than Heaven to this Christian.  To be human and brought up on this planet I would have to say yes to the second part of this question. However, as I have matured spiritually, grown closer to the Lord, and aged my connection to this world is limited to passing through it. My sights are on eternity and Heaven and the things of Heaven. This world has been measured and has been found wanting.  Daily prayer, Bible study, praise, worship and service to the Lord set our priorities straight.  Quote
dmmelo9 Posted December 3, 2013 Report Posted December 3, 2013 Hello!!!   We have to respect our homeland. But we know the heavenly one is the final goal of our life. Quote
dmmelo9 Posted December 3, 2013 Report Posted December 3, 2013 Hello!!!   We have to respect our homeland. But we know the heavenly one is the final goal of our life. Quote
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