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Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

  • 1 month later...

Romans 6:16-17…if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey…  obedient from the heart

Titus 3:3…slaves to various passions and pleasures

2Peter 2:19 Whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.


The NT concept of being a slave/servant is based on the Greek word doulos, which was often used in that day to describe someone who willingly indentured himself as a bond-servant to another in order to pay off debt, for example.  It was also used to honorably describe believers who willingly live under Jesus’ authority.  These uses suggest voluntary submission.


John used this word in 8:34 to metaphorically describe a person whose heart is given to sin, someone willing to sell himself to unrighteousness, who yields to personal passions and pleasures without conscience.  The word translated “commits” is poieō, which has the sense of being the author of something, making plans and preparation to form or construct or acquire or produce something for one’s own self.  Jesus was talking about someone who is mastered by his own sinful nature and desires because he has given himself to them and rejects the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Whatever you harbor in your heart and yield yourself to or allow to take control of your thoughts, words, and actions becomes your ruling authority.  This becomes what you are bound to, enslaved by.  In this context, Jesus was talking about self-righteous religious people who choose to yield to the sin of their own desires and understanding of truth. We cannot follow 2 masters (Matt.6:24), so being mastered by sin separates us from God.  Jesus was talking about the blindness that even “religious” people can have to this truth.


The only way to experience genuine freedom from this captivity to sin begins with knowing the truth of the Word of God given to us through Jesus the Word made flesh and also through the written record of God’s words in the Holy Bible.  They are God’s revelation of Himself and His truth that reveal who we really are. 


Jesus the Son of God sets us free from the bondage of sin when we believe on Him as Redeemer and Lord.  On the cross, He cancelled out the record of debt caused by our sin that each of us owes God and possesses no ability to ever satisfy on our own.  When we believe this and place our trust in Him, He releases us from the bondage of our natural sin nature that can only lead to death, and He gives us a new spiritual nature that is free from sin. Then, through the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, we possess the only power that can help us live victoriously over sin and help us grow in the new nature of Christ we’ve received.


Do we live this new nature out perfectly all the time?  Goodness, no!  Our old flesh nature may have been defeated, but it’s not dead.  So the rest of our life is one of conflict as the old nature resists the new spiritual nature.  That means we will still struggle with sin and will sometimes (often?!) yield to the old master.  But our new nature, through the Holy Spirit, will constantly be tugging us in the direction of holiness.  We won’t be able to freely sin against God without conscience anymore.  We won’t want to deliberately choose sin as a lifestyle any longer.


I think one of the greatest keys to recognizing and overcoming habitual sin can be found in Romans 12:1-2.  “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  It’s through the process of renewing the mind, done by the Spirit through the cleansing power of the Word, that we ultimately gain those victories and step-by-step become more Christ-like.  Abide in the Word because that’s where we find the Truth that sets us free!  In practical terms, that requires study in the Word, time spent in prayer as we seek discernment and strength, and active humility before God. It’s also helpful to make yourself accountable to a trusted, spiritually wise friend who can provide support and counsel.


Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person?


We come into the fallen world sinners bound by sin. We can strive to change behavior, but the sin remains "on us" until we are born again in Jesus before the chains and bondage can be broken. We still sin as Christians, but are forgiven, and desire not to sin. However some sins have become patterns, with deep groves such as addictions or just long standing habits and a way of life. Some are demon oppressed and deliverance breaks the bondage and propensity to keep sinning compulsively. Whatever the case may be, Jesus by His Holy Spirit is the One who sets us free, and whom He sets free, is free in deed.


What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free?

 If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?


Being born again cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. Bondage to a pattern of sin requires, first the awareness that we are bound, then the desire to be set free. Renewing our mind, and  fasting, prayer, seeking counsel, asking for prayer support and accountability, and deliverance are all means to freedom, but it is always Jesus Who is the One Who breaks the chains, by empowering us with His Holy Spirit through whichever means He leads us to pursue. It's helpful to remember that He wants us to be free perhaps more than we want to be...earnest prayers for freedom are always answered.


(John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free? 


Sinning enslaves us as we will not be able to get out of the sin i.e. we will not be able to stop sinning. Jesus' truths sets us free by showing us the truth of our sins including habits, core beliefs, thought patterns, desires, passions and lifestyles. To set yourself free from habitual sin, you will need to confess your sins to God and ask Jesus to give you the truths to set you free. We need the Holy Spirit to deliver us and renew us in the spirit of our minds. Humanly this is not possible but with God all things are possible.




Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?


Sinning enslaves a person in a spiritual sense (8:34) Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. So I believe because Jesus said it was so. In addition being a slave to sin in a spiritual sense, the consequences are often demonstrated and manifest in a persons life.


"Everyone who sins is a slave to sin" (8:34)

Paul speaks clearly of this slavery to sin (Romans 6:17-18, 22; 8:2).

because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.


Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? How does the "Son" set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

Have you ever noticed one little lie leads to a bigger and than a bigger one until it is found out.  That is slavery to sin. We have to continue in it or admit that we have sinned.  We need to have sinful thought processes brought into the light so we see how dreadful it is and are repulsed by those things and because we have the conviction of the Holy Spirit in us we want to change those things.  Our pride is a barrier to change so it must be made very clear how wrong our sin is.

Jesus is so good to us.  We can come to the Father through His atoning death on the cross for us and confess those sins and future ones and receive forgiveness and cleansing until we are whiter that the new snow which now lies outside.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? How does the "Son" set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

Sinning enslaves people as their minds are controlled by sin and the sin master- Satan to do things Satan’s influence.

Trusting in Jesus and submitting to Him and the power of His Spirit- the Holy Spirit will free the person from the power of Satan.

Jesus is the Truth, his word is the truth. Believing in him and continuing to trust in him and his power will deliver one from the power of sin.


Satan control the mind of the person and make him to actthe manner he wants.

Fsith in the Lord Jesus is required.

"Truth" is knowing that fact that only Jesus can set one free.

People are set free by the Son when they put their faith Christ for salvation and the piwer of the holy spirit to help them overcome temptation.

One should run to Jesus and surrender to him.


(John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?   

  • When we follow the ways of the world, our habits, core beliefs, thought patterns, desires, passions, and lifestyles we are enslaved to sin.  To be set free from bondage to sin we need Jesus.  Jesus truth will set us free from all the things that have us bond.  Jesus is the only one that can break the power that habitual sin has over our life.

Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

Sinning enslaves a person because he does not realize that he is following the ways of the world. To this person sin seems to be the natural thing to do.

The person that can set us free from the sinful world is the Holy Spirit. He can give us the power to over come the ways of the world and help us live for Christ.

The part of John 8:32 that Jesus truth is that if we believe in Him and follow His teachings, this truth will set us free from the sinful ways.

To be trapped in habitual sin, first a person must realize that the habit is a way of the world and we have allowed ourselves to be deceived. Only Christ can empower us to get free of these habitual sins or patterns.    

Q4. (John 8:34-36) 

How does sinning enslave a person? 

What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? 

What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? 

How does the "Son" set people free? 

If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

Sin enslaves by controlling every aspect of our lives, subjecting us to all kinds of evil lusts and pleasures. The only way to be set free from this bondage of sin is to put our faith in Jesus. It is by His death and Resurrection that we are freed from the hold that sin has on our lives. It is only once we believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and obey His Word, that our sins are paid for, and that we start to realise and begin to understand the truth which brings spiritual freedom. This is the ‘truth’ that gives us freedom from, amongst others, the bondage of sin. We read in Romans 6:18, “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness”.  And again in Romans 6:22, “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life”. We have been washed from our sin and impurity through the precious blood of Christ, and are being continually washed from uncleanness through the Word of God. Once we have died to sin we become a new creation, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). By putting our trust in our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ we receive eternal life and are adopted into the family of God with all the privileges and responsibilities that go with it. If we continually persist in sin then we have not been freed from sin. We might begin to question our salvation. In a true believer no form of sin can have a habitual hold over a person. Yes, we will trip up now and then as we continue growing in faith. If we find ourselves trapped by habitual sin, we must come again in full repentance and trust in Jesus. If sincere this bondage will be broken. 



Sinning enslaves people by becoming a habit or temptation that is hard to break or resist.  Lifestyles are supported by other people in the same situation, making it even harder to break free.  Trust in God is necessary for a person to break free.  Jesus sets people free by many different methods.  In some cases, such as St Paul’s, a direct revelation.  In other cases, example from Christians.  There is no single way.


Sorry, I missed the next part of this question.


If I find myself in a state of sin, I tend to agonise.  When I get over that stage I meditate on it and then go to Confession.  I use Confession as a means of drawing a line under that particular sin and remind myself every time I am tempted (or fail again) that that is a past sin, not to be repeated. 


At an earlier stage of my life, I was very scared of Confession, and as a result had no regular means of helping myself out of the mire of some very sinful ways.


1.If a person does not have Jesus in their live they don't know their in sin. Most people have to hit rock bottom before they know something has to be done and that is when they look up to our Savior from the bottom of that muddy pit.

2.Getting to know Jesus Christ who will set you free it is a gift and all we have to do is ask for it. Jesus can break sins power over your life all we have to do is look to Him and ask him to come into our life.

3. Reading his work pray for knowledge of his word His words is the truth and the truth will set you free. Find a good bible teaching and listen to His word.

4.Jesus himself is the truth that makes us free. He is the source of truth the perfect standard of what is right.

5. Give your life to Jesus confess your sins and if are earnestly seeking Jesus He will come to you and open your eyes and say go and sin no more. What a wonderful feeling to know Jesus our Savior will set you free.



Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? It is the “WILL” of the people that enslaves them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? How does the "Son" set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?


Why did I stop studying this for almost two weeks? What arrogance could I have imagined was more important? What about sharing the Gospel? What about procrastination? What about not communicating to people the way God is calling me to do? What about shallow pray, about less prayer and less meditation on His Glory? It is too easy to fall back, to spend less time with Him. 


It is never too late if we are still alive, for this I am grateful, for God's love and mercy. For this I am grateful to be back in this study this evening, to reverse the rudder that wold lead me astray. Thank you God for creating this time of freedom to renew this study. Praise the King Jesus. Heaven help our wavering thoughts on all sorts of wasteful things to do with out time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (John 8:34-36)

How does sinning enslave a person?

A person under the slavery of sin doesn't understand that what he is doing is a sin. The sin of not knowing that they are sinners, the sin of not knowing Jesus as a Saviour. The sin of unbelief.

John 8:34 (KJV)
34  Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

Jesus says, "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin" (8:34). That is, he does what his master ("sin") causes him to do. We cannot free and reform ourselves.



What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin?

A person need the mercy of God through Jesus. By the Spirit you will know Jesus and his word. You will know Jesus died for our sins.

We cannot free and reform ourselves. We need a Savior, a Rescuer to break the power of sin in us. We need the Spirit to deliver us and renew us in the spirit of our minds.  We need the Son to set us free and give us a status before God as sons, not slaves (8:35).


What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this?

Spiritual truth, true Righteous God who is merciful and a lover of a sinners soul.

"Then[95] you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." The results of being a true disciple are expressed in the future tense in verse 32. Especially in John's Gospel, alētheia, "truth," carries the idea of "authenticity, divine reality, revelation."[96] Jesus is the Word, the Logos, the Expression of God himself, the one who speaks the Words of God (1:1).

So the truth of verse 32 is spiritual, God's reality truth, not just human truth. And as we will see in verses 34-36, you will be set free not from ignorance but from sin. Only when we conform our lives with reality, with truth, can we be truly free.

Of course, there is a general sense in which any kind of truth sets a person free from ignorance, from superstitions, from false charges in a court of law. And education's truths can set people free from poverty, perhaps. These are the senses in which the world quotes the phrase. But the sense in which Jesus spoke it -- as can be easily demonstrated from the context -- is that Jesus' spiritual truth can set people free from sin that otherwise can enslave them, so long as they continue to affirm and live in this truth.


How does the “Son” set people free?

by believing in the Son, by following his teachings. We are now called son of God.

35  Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.

Galatians 4:7 (KJV)
7  Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.


If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?

Slavery to sin is a difficult concept for us -- mainly because we usually don't understand how trapped we are by our habits, core beliefs, thought patterns, desires, passions, and lifestyles.


"If you find yourself". This is after you are saved. Never you will know you are sinner unless God chose you, have mercy on you and made you know Jesus as your personal Saviour. Then knowing you're trapped in your habitual sin, you'll confessed your sin and by the blood of Jesus your are now washed white as snow. Then you are not set free from being slave of sin.

  • 3 months later...

Sinning takes over a person's whole life. It actually corrupts their heart and soul. It causes them to lose their way in life. They lose who they really are. They lose their true identity. They actually become a shadow of a real person.


A person needs to acknowledge what they have done. They need to take responsibility for their actions. They need to confess what they have done to Jesus and God. They need to realize that there is a new life waiting for them. they need to follow the example of Christ. They need to learn to pray for help. They need to break the habits and to take on a new life. Jesus is there to help us and to guide us. All we need to do is ask and learn.


A person, trapped by habitual sin, can take it one step at a time. They need to be conscious of when they are about to sin. They need to be aware of all of their thoughts. They need to ask God to take away the temptations. They need to pray for help and guidance. They need to learn verses of the bible that can help to break the chain. It takes a lot of work and willpower.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (John 8:34-36)  How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? How does the "Son" set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?


How does sinning enslave a person?  Well, one need only look to the Book of Proverbs for the answer.  “The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.” (Proverbs 5:22).  Sin, like ****, greed and dishonesty are easily recognizable.  Other sin, such as a desire for success, fame, glory, prosperity and power, can be subtle and not easily recognized without Christ in our lives.  There is a distinct difference between personal motivation that is guided by the Holy Spirit and being driven by our own materialistic, worldly desires.


What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin?  It’s only through Christ Jesus that we can be truly freed from bondage to our sin.  Our sins are not always obvious but He will make them known to us and make us free.  In order for Him to do His part WE must, first and foremost, recognize that we are sinners and pray sincerely that He will make our transgressions known and forgive all of our deceitful ways and misplaced priorities.  Once we are able to recognize the sin that we have in our lives we then must repent and be baptized.  “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)


What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this?  Jesus’ truth is vital!  It’s far and away more than just a guideline for human morality, He said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me.”  Jesus IS unconditional truth!  He is the true source and total embodiment of truth who was sent by God for the redemption of the sins of all mankind which is exactly why, in v36 He said, “…if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”    


How does the "Son" set people free?  My KJV says "Ye shall be "made" free."  That said, I believe it would depend upon the actual translation of this scripture.  If the true translation is the truth (Jesus) will set you freethat would then mean that if He sets us free, we can return to our sinful ways.  i.e., you can “set” a prisoner free from jail but he can quickly return and by the same token, you set an animal free but it can also can return.  If the translation is “the truth will make you free” the connotation changes significantly.  To be “made free”, implies a more powerful interpretation in that if we are “made” free, God remakes us.  There are many verses of scripture that tell us that God not only wants to free us of our sin but that His plan is to “make” us perfect just as Jesus was perfect.  If He “makes” us free, He is proving us with everything we need to cultivate the talents that He’s already provided, thus we will surely be made free in the image of Christ Jesus.  In either case, Christ freed us from our sins through His death, resurrection and ascension to sit at the right hand of His Father on the throne of the kingdom of God.


If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free?  1) believing that Jesus is exactly who He says He is, 2) by studying His word diligently, 3) prayer, 4) repentance and 5) baptism into Christ.

  • 1 year later...

I realised that it is very easy to overlook or get used to our way of life. Deep down we know that certain things aren't pleasing to the Lord, like worrying too much, lack of patience or some long ingrained habits. Its good to come before the Lord and ask where we grieve Him and which is the next step He wants to show us. Then bringing it to the foot of the cross, trusting God will give us the strength and grace to change. When it doesn't happen quickly or our lives get too busy, it is easy to overlook these things again. But I find if I expectantly and seriously keep asking the Lord, He will give us the victory and be very patient and merciful in the process.

  • 1 year later...

The way that sin enslaves a person is that we do things that we don’t want to because of sin. The only way to get out of the bondage is to have Jesus help us. Knowing the truth of the bible will direct us on how to use Jesus to help get rid of the sin. The son sets us free by helping us get rid of our sins. The only way that you can get out of a habitual sin is to turn to Jesus.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus’ “truth” (8:32) have in this? How does the “Son” set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free? It enslaves us because we are not serving the Lord but the devil by sinning and doing what he wants.  The Matthew Henry Commentary states that Jesus states even though the Pharisees had civil liberties and their church membership; it was still possible to be in bondage. Especially when he states that whosoever commits sin is in bondage to sin. That should have told them that they were in bondage to sin. However, they were blinded by Satan himself to think that they were justified by the commandments.  The only way to truly set free from the bondage of sin is through admitting you can do nothing and that you are a sinner and you need Jesus to redeem from your sins. It is through knowing the Bible that you learn what you must do. The Son meaning Jesus sets people free through his death on the cross. The only way to get out of habitual sin is turning to Jesus. 

  • 2 years later...

Being a slave to sin means  loss of spiritual autonomy, no residence to sin. Apostle Paul exclaimed what a wretched man he was.  He explained beautifully how our spiritual condition is without Christ (Romans1-7).  Sin is a manifestation of spiritual slavery.  The Jews are not the freed sons of Abraham due their rejection of Christ.

Those enslaved by sin need to receive Christ as personal Saviour.   They need to put off the old man and put on Christ (Romans6).    

Through his crucifixion and exaltation, Christ our Joshua has entered the holy of holies to be our High Priest.   We have access to the Holy of holies; we are no longer outer Court believers but now beckoned to the Holy of holies.  Per Romans1:4, Christ now can set the Jew and Gentile free of sin (John 8:36).

By the power of the Holy Spirit, a man or woman can be set free from sin.  By God's grace, a person receives Christ as personal Saviour and is baptized in water and sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Honest and sincere confession is necessary.   Coming to the altar in a spiritual sense is crucial.    Burnt offering altar as described in the Book of Leviticus is very detailed about the need to lay all on the altar; "permitting" God to do his work of sanctification.  In some liturgical churches, there is Rite of Reconciliation.   You  confess your  sins publicly in presence of ALMIGHTY God.   

  • 9 months later...

Q4. (John 8:34-36)

How does sinning enslave a person?  Sinful habits , thoughts, lifestyles, desires etc are things that enslave us without us realizing it.  It's the same all the time. There is no change, so whether good or bad we are enslaved by the same pattern.  That pattern that we are is what enslaves us. We no longer can do things differently.  In the same way sin entraps us. We do it all the time and are not free from it.  We are not forced to do it but live like that by choice, by our own free will.

What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin?  We need a Saviour to break the power of sin in us.  We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.  We need to be set free from the spirit of sin and death.

What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this?    The truth sets us free.  By acknowledging that we are enslaved to sin and asking for help to overcome.

How does the "Son" set people free?  The 'Son" took our sin upon Him on the cross, when He became the sacrifice, so we could be set free.

If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free? That sin we bring to Jesus. Lay it at His feet.  He can and will set us free.

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