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Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (John 10:10) What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd?

You would have more than enough food, water, shelter, protection and care in all situations. You would be cared for when you are sick and you would be prevented from injuring yourself. Just as the Good Shepherd is doing for us.

In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life?

We would be blessed with Kingdom blessing, love, life, joy, happiness, salvation, sanctification, grace, mercy, guidance, teaching, health, and much much more.

How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians.

Sanctification often goes with pain. Being prune is good for us, it builds character, faith, and our understanding of Who God is and who we are in Christ.

Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun? No. It might seem like, but they are burdened as slaves of sin. They are never truly free and never not slaves of Satan.

It takes a walk with Christ to experience true freedom


(John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun? 


Abundant life as a sheep with a good sheperd - sufficient food and water, safe from wolves and cared for. Christian life does not mean a life of boredom and restrictions; although sadly this is how many believers see life as. Indeed many live life in this manner as well. For example, to many who love to drink alcohol and smoke, feel that not being able to do these things take the fun and joy out of live. On the contrary, I feel that we can live a fun and joyful life without doing things that harm ourselves (lung cancer, liver diseases, etc) and others (passive smoking). Having said this, Jesus never said that we could not have the occasional drink!


As it relates to persecutions and hardships, these are part and parcel of life. We can however stand firm in our faith and belief that Jesus has given us the victory to overcome these hardships. His grace is more than sufficient. Amen!  


Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?


Nutritious food, all the sheep could want (not too rich). The sheep would not need to walk too far to find food. Plenty of water to drink. Protection from wild animals. Night shelter. Plenty of individual attention from the shepherd. He would carry the sheep on his back when one is sick or hurt. He would go searching for a sheep when it is lost, or in trouble (Luke 15:4).


For the Christian life, abundant life is that in Jesus, in a spiritual way, we have all that we need. We have eternal life. We have all that we need to live a godly life through Jesus Christ (2 Peter1:3, Ephesians 2:18-22). Persecution and suffering if part of living the Chistian life. Yeilding to Jesus Christ, no matter the consequences (Mark 8:34).


For the unbeliever, yes life can superficially be more fun and free, but that comes with a price. Eternal damnation, not eternal life (John 3:18).


(John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? 

In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?      

  • I would be protected and cared from the things that want to destroy me.  Christian life is an abundant life because Jesus will supply our needs and we would have the riches of the superabundant life.  Persecutions and hardships are a part of suffering being a Christian.  We would have nothing to fear because we know that Jesus would be with us.  An unbeliever's "abundant" free and fun life is only temporary.  A Christian life is eternal.

Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd?


It would be a life of peace, knowing that my Shepherd is my protector, and he knows that I'm incapable of wandering through life successfully on my own, because I have no means of fighting enemies. It would mean that I have no worries, because my Shepherd is always going before me to find the best route for our journey, the best grazing and clean, still water. He knows when I need to stop and rest, and when I need his attention to tend my cuts and other ailments. When I'm wounded or too tired to go any further, my Shepherd carries me on His shoulders. Best of all, my Shepherd knows my name...I'm not just another one of the sheep in the flock...he knows my character and my flaws...if I start to wander, his staff is employed to gently bring me back. He's kind and gentle and always concerned about my welfare, and getting me to the end of the journey safely in his companionship and care.


In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life?


It's meant to be a full life, well lived, regardless of the circumstances I'm in. Since we have a loving and kind Shepherd, we are meant to live like the sheep I described in part A. Life is a treasure hunt....and He's the treasure we look for everyday hiding in plain sight...in His marvelous creation, in hearing His voice, in other believers who come alongside us, in His encouragement and nudging us forward along the path and plan He has for each of us. It's a life free of worry and fear...and if we've learned those due to trauma in our past, He is our healer and deliverer. He is our abundance!


How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians.


He is our strength and strong tower, the lover of our souls, and our provision and indwelling companion, especially when "we are hedged in on every side, troubled and oppressed in every way but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair; we are pursued, persecuted and hard driven, but not deserted to stand alone; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed; even handed over to death for Jesus sake, that the resurrection life of Jesus also may be evidenced through our flesh" ...etc. 2 Co.r 4:8-11 At the end of the day, we are His!


Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?


Absolutely! Life is a mixture of trials, fun, ups and downs, moving forward and sometimes a step or two backwards, but when Jesus is at the helm of our "boat" there are times of smooth sailing and delight, fun and excitement, as well as storms which hit but He takes us safely through them all. He will get us safely to our destination, intact, to His praise and glory.


Q2. (John 10:10) What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun?

By abundant life to a sheep with a good shepherd means that the sheep has full care, protection and provision.

The Christian can experience abundant life when he totally depeend on the Good Sheherd- the LordJesus Christ who asures us that we shall not want oor daily needs. This does exemps us from persecution or hardship because these are ingredients for maturiy in our faith.

An unbeliever may have what is judged as abundance but it not be without disharmoney of heart and spirit due to the qbsence of the divine peace form the Good Shepherd.


Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?


Contentment and being loved and cared about and for.

In this world we will have hardships and persecution however we can be content that our Lord allows this and will work all out for  our good and that He knows about it.  If we trust in Him we will not worry.

There are things that nonbelievers can do that we might not do however the Bible says no good thing will He withhold from us.  So if it is good for us He will not withhold it. 

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?

An abundant life, if I were a sheep would be to fully trust the shepherd. I would recognize his voice, he would see that I had food, water and safety from prowlers and predator animals day and night. I would be totally dependent on him for everything I needed to live and survive.

A Christian life can be an abundant life if we believe in Christ and trust Him to take care of us and provide all our needs that are necessary. It would be a life that was well satisfying knowing we are a servant to the Lord our God.

Though we have an abundant life living for Christ we are till living on earth and subject to trails and persecution that will come our way, even more so because we are followers of Christ. Everyday life even for unbelievers has it's worries, but for those of Christ sheep fold, we have Jesus to come to our aid.

The life of an unbeliever can be an abundant life, at least as they portray themselves to others. They have no one to rely on for eternal life. Though they are living a good life of the world in the end they will have no advocate before the heavenly father in the end time.         

Q2. (John 10:10) 

What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? 

In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life? 

How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. 

Can the life of an unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun? 

The really good shepherd would ideally be the owner who will have the welfare of his sheep at heart. Unlike Biblical times farmers today have to comply with certain legal requirements in attending their sheep. The shepherd would make sure that they are kept in good physical condition, have adequate food intake, even in times of drought, and sufficient protection both from the terrain, wild animals and extreme weather conditions. They would have abundant life enjoying freedom and security in the rich pastures provided. The good shepherd, like our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, will protect the sheep by his presence, but the false shepherds will take advantage of the sheep and exploit them. They want to steal the sheep from the fold, slaughter them, and destroy them. The Christian life is an abundant life full of blessings, as Jesus Himself defined in verse 10, life … to the full. We can have this close relationship with Him where we experience His presence. We know He will be with us in all situations and that we can put our trust in Him for all the wisdom, courage, and strength that might be needed. As we walk in obedience to Him we enjoy His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) – with the added promise of spending eternity with Him. On our own we can never enjoy these fruit of the Spirit, it is only produced as we live in communion with the Lord. As we obey Him in daily life, and over time, the Holy Spirit works a wonderful miracle and transforms us into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ. The more we are occupied with the glory of our Lord, the more we are being transformed into His image. So we enjoy an abundant life occupied with Christ, not with self which brings defeat, or occupation with others which brings disappointment. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). Jesus does not promise us a life free from persecutions and hardships, but He does comfort us and give us the strength to overcome these storms of adversity. It is only when we completely surrender our lives to Jesus that our lives become more abundant, free, and fun. Something an unbeliever can never experience. 



A sheep with an attentive, capable, and caring shepherd would live a life with rest in green pastures, gentle waters, tender care, and protection from dangers and predators.  As a “sheep” of the Good Shepherd, we also have access to an abundant life.  For those who choose life in Him rather than death in our sin, we are promised blessings rather than curses.  We certainly enjoy a greater protection in the natural world as God hedges us into His care, but the abundant life of our Shepherd is much more about the spiritual realm.


Our life in Jesus holds many promises.  In Him are our green pastures, where we can find rest, comfort, and sustenance for our wearied hungry souls.  In Him is our fountain of living water, where His own Spirit floods us with His presence, His cleansing, His refreshment, His hydration of the soul.  In Him we find our Guide, Provider, Healer, Encourager, and Friend.  In Him we have a fierce and loyal Guardian and Keeper whose protective eye is always on us and on those who come against us, whose presence is always with us with strength and peace, whose weapons and defenses are always available to defend us against any enemy’s attempts to steal, kill, or destroy.  This abundance of life relates to His sheep in times of plenty or want, peace or conflict, freedom or oppression, joy or sorrow, physical life or death.  In this life we find security and contentment and purpose, and we can maintain our confident hope of the ultimate “pasture” He has prepared for His sheep.  And that gives courage for whatever we face along the way.  No unbeliever has access to this kind of life that is only provided by and found in Jesus, the Good Shepherd.


1.An abundant life with a good shepherd would be someone always being there for us to get us through trials and troubles. Someone to go to at anytime. We are richly blessed because we have a shepherd  for eternity.

2.We have an abundant life because of Jesus overflowing forgiveness love and guidance.

3.As Christians we will have troubles and trials and because we believe in Jesus Christ as our shepherd He will come to us and give us comfort.

4.Not as an unbeliever.They think they are living a good life. A good life is having Jesus as our Savior you can still have fun and enjoy life. The best part is we have fun and eternal life.


An abundant life would be a life without fear or problems and with total trust in the shepherd.  The Christian life is an abundant life if we put our complete trust in God.  Even in hard times we should remind ourselves that we are meant to be tested, to see how strong our faith is.  The life of an unbeliever is limited to this life only, with no hope of salvation.  If they have an easy life, they still fear death.  When they suffer hardships they are more likely to turn to drink or drugs which send them on a further downward spiral.


A sheep's abundant life is well described in Ps. 23:

  Green pastures, food, water, rest, security, a good relationship with the shepherd.

Our life in a spiritual sense is abundant in that we receive:

  Food for the soul, water that gives life, a loving relationship with God, protection from the evil one .....

Our abundance really has to do with our relationship with God. It's spiritual, but it can produce healthy physical and psychological health - but of course this is not guaranteed as the apostle's lives showed. But even in persecution we have the word of the apostles that the Christian has the complete gospel benefit package, that is: we are forgiven, we belong to God's family, and we are part of the upside down Kingdom where our God reigns. We truly have a peace that go beyond our understanding. 

The unbeliever may have "fun" but they do not have the everlasting peace that only a child of God can have.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 10:10) What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun? 

Abundant life, would start our with peace of mind, being able to fel the right next thing to do in the moment. To be unselfish is interactions with others, means we are secure in our moments, in our hearts, not swayed by some "troubles" that come before us. Helping others has its own set of rewards when we truly seek nothing in return.


As James told us, thank God for hardships and persecutions, for they will help us grow more like Christ, and prepare us for greater works in following/trusting Him  to go forward in peae and joy towards all situations.


Unbelievers are not automatically sinning 100% of the time. We are all called by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, all the time. Neither are believes pure and hold 100% of the time. We all fall short. If we spend time judging others joy, we shall have none for ourselves. Someone always has it better in the ways of the world, some have it worse. We count our blessings and stay lose to the Shepard. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (John 10:10)

What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd?

-Protected, lively, well pastured, well watered, and well assured sheep. Psalms 23.


In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life?

-By the ways of Jesus. I am the way, the truth, and the life.


How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?

-Christians have trials, persecutions, and hardships-meaning being close to the sheperd-the abundant life. Dealing with problems and hardships draws you closer to God. The fake abundant life, free and fun of the unbelievers are all lies of the devil. What they love and possess are all perishable.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 10:10) What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun?


In contrast to the thief who takes life, Jesus gives life. The life he gives right now is abundantly rich and full. It is eternal, yet it begins immediately. Life in Christ is lived on a higher plane because of his overflowing forgiveness, love, and guidance. Have you taken Christ’s offer of life?
Those who are really "His own" listen to His voice. They recognize that He has been sent from God, and are ready to follow Him as the good Shepherd, who by His sacrificial love rescues His flock from evil and death, and leads them into the best of all pasturage where they can enjoy a richer and a fuller life 
  • 2 months later...

The abundant life of a sheep is when all of their needs are fulfilled by the shepherd. The shepherd makes sure that there is a lot of food, water and shelter. He will protect them at all cost.


As Christians, we are to trust that God will provide for all our needs. Maybe not our wants, but definitely our needs. He knows what we need as humans. As long as we believe in Christ, he will answer our prayers. People who do not have the same beliefs as us, try to condemn us for what we have. God can not protect us from all evil that is in the world. But, he will give us grace if we are persecuted for our faith. We will be given a special place in heaven.


Unbelievers can at times appear to have more abundance than others. They seem to be free to have more fun than those who follow the Christian faith. However, this usually comes at cost eventually. But, because of not believing in God, they have no safety net to catch them when they fall.

  • 1 month later...

A good shepherd cares for and makes the sheep his own.  He leads them to good pastureland and will never sacrifice them to his own selfish ends.  A good shepherd always looks after his flock kindly, zealously protecting both their life and their pasture.  When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior we receive a new life and a fullness of being in Him through Christian baptism.  One of the elements of this "new life" is of course, "abundance."  An abundance of life far exceeding anything we could even dream of!  Just as our physical lives have a quantifiable beginning, when we are born again (baptized) in Christ Jesus, our lives take on a brand new meaning and the promise of a much brighter future (i.e. an “abundant” life).  Scientifically, we know that life spawns new life.  Spiritually, our new lives in Christ bring with it His promise of an abundant life.  A life that includes an appreciation for the beauty of His creation and a spiritual strength that is a direct response to the continuing growth in our faith.  The abundance that Jesus is talking about is a resistance to eternal death through His promise of eternal life.


In his second letter to Timothy (3:12), Paul wrote; “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” Paul didn’t say that we "might be persecuted", he very clearly says that we “will be persecuted”, and it will be because of our Christian ideals and our Christian values.  In reality, Paul wasn’t wrong back then and he isn’t wrong today!  Today, there are more Christians who spend every single day in fear for their lives than at any time in modern history.  Religious persecution is so prolific these days that there’s a very real possibility that Christianity could be facing total annihilation in the Middle East, our core Christian values are under attack here at home and the persecution of Christians is on a very fast track in Asia and Africa.  But... as modern-day disciples of Christ Jesus, we all need to recognize and understand that there is intrinsic value in persecution.  I’m not saying that we should particularly enjoy persecution, nor do we need to revel in it but, it does provide an opportunity for all of us to share in a collective fellowship with our Lord and Savior.  James tells us quite clearly (James 1:2-4) that trials will test our faith and produce steadfastness (determination) in our lives.  He concludes this passage in verse 4 with… “And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”   The phrase, "Perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" clearly indicates an “abundant” life. 


Without Christ in their lives, unbelievers are totally alone and have to deal with all of the trials and tribulations that this world has to offer without an advocate to help them through it.  The world today, just as it was in the time of Jesus, it’s filled with misplaced pride, personal materialism, sexual depravity and totally given over to pursuits of all sorts of earthly pleasures, the pursuit of wealth and blind ambition.  We Christians have the power of the Lord, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to guide and encourage us while non-believers have to face all of the turmoil that this world brings to the table on their own.  Personally, that’s not something that I’d like to be facing alone.

  • 1 year later...

Sheep are very fearful creatures and are easily spooked. Apart from having good, nutritious pasture and clean, still water a good shepherd will watch over them very carefully and keep them totally safe.

We have an abundant life because we are now living in the Kingdom of God and can receive all the benefits that that entails. To know that Jesus will never leave nor forsake us, to always have our wonderful Shepherd to guide us, turn to, to be allowed to dwell in His presence, now and forever, gives us an inner peace which is impossible to find anywhere else. In hardships and trials, if we stay close to Jesus, He will lead us safely through and give us the victory over our enemies.

Unbelievers have a deep inner void without knowing it. They try to fill it with being very busy or all sorts of pleasures which often lead to addictions. But even if they seemingly have a "happy" life, when they face loss, illness or death, they have no answers. 

  • 1 year later...

I think that “abundant life” would be like living without fear of people robbing and murdering us and we are all getting along together. The way that Christian life can be an “abundant” life is that we know who we belong to and we know where we are going when it is all over. Therefore we can live life to its fullness and not fear those who want to hurt us. I don’t think that life for an unbeliever can be more “abundant,” free, and fun because they are always thinking that they are not good enough.I think that “abundant life” would be like living without fear of people robbing and murdering us and we are all getting along together. The way that Christian life can be an “abundant” life is that we know who we belong to and we know where we are going when it is all over. Therefore we can live life to its fullness and not fear those who want to hurt us. I don’t think that life for an unbeliever can be more “abundant,” free, and fun because they are always thinking that they are not good enough.

  • 7 months later...

Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us? Can the life of an unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun?  

It would be free of fear and all other things from the enemy. We would be getting along with each other. We wouldn't be having trouble trusting people or God. We wouldn't be worried about pleasing people all the time; we would be concerned about pleasing God. We wouldn't be having trouble with addictions either. We would be living an abundant life. The true abundant life is when we know who we are in Christ, where we belong, and where we are going as well. It relates to it in the form of people of hating us as Jesus as spoke of in the Bible where people will hate us as they hated Him. No, because they are not believers and do not truly believe in Christ.

  • 2 years later...

As a sheep I would be dearly be loved by the Shepherd!   I am so blessed that Yahweh is my shade at my right hand (Psalm 121).   I know that I know after studying Judges 9, Zechariah 11, Psalm 61--I am the apple of God's love..I know it in my mind and heart---the awesome love of God.   Christ the Good Shepherd has the water of life, the bread of life and is the gate of life.

My God will be with me during such dark nites of the soul.   Psalm 23 made such a deep impression on me when I was in 4th grade.   My dearest grandmother had a stroke and ended up having to go to North Carolina.   My grandmother's situation deeply affected me at the age of 8.   God was truly my Shepherd back than.  Now Psalm 121 resonates within my soul.    

Zechariah 11 prophecy about false shepherds.   The staffs of Beauty and Bands are broken; the shepherds that are unfaithfull will have to face God's judgment.   Christ restores beauty for ashes and heals our brokenness.   By the power of the Holy Spirit we are renewed when we partake of  Holy Communion with fervor !  The world the flesh and the devil have empty promises;  they are empty cisterns without water.   We hide in the wounds of Christ each day;  the love that we have for Christ is a shadow of the love that He has for us.



  • 9 months later...

Q2. (John 10:10)

What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd?  

Abundant life would be not to have a care, knowing full well that my needs will be met. My need for exercise, for fresh air, for safety from predators, for pasture, for still waters to drink and quench thirst. Those would be all the time needs, then there are also the sometimes needs  for when wounds have to be bound up, thorns have to be removed, being rescued when stuck, yes, and even gently being disciplined, all by the shepherds  loving caring hands. He would ensure that oil would be used, when necessary, to drive away plaguing flies.  He would be there, not missing.

In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life?

Yes, ours too can be an abundant life because He promises never to leave us or forsake us. So in the midst of trouble He is right there with us. In the midst of our want and pain He is there to help us carry that burden too. So that we still can have abundant life in the spiritual sense in spite of the outward looking bleak and not having what in the human sense we feel we should have.  Abundant life is not dependent on material things and what this life has to offer. Abundant life depends on our relationship with Christ.

How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians?

In persecution and hardship He does not leave us alone. He promises to be with us and many are the accounts that we read that in spite of the hardships, Christ's presence was sensed and that enabled them, the persecuted, to 'stand' in spite of everything. They knew that in Him they were safe. 

Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun?

Not really because always there is the under-currency of what next. When the money is gone, will these, so called friends still be there? The life here might seem free and full of fun but the unbeliever is bound by sin, bound by the pleasures and frivolities this world offers, bound by money.  

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