Pastor Ralph Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? Quote
JanMary Posted February 14, 2015 Report Posted February 14, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? I love Thomas! He was an eager, faithful, sincere disciple, unafraid to speak up. He was authentic, rather than always trying to be politically correct! He said what was in his heart. One always knows where one stands with someone who is direct and honest! Whereas with people pleasers we have to guess what they're really thinking and who they really are. More unlikely to want to offend by speaking about their faith....Not so with Thomas. I'm sure everyone knew that he loved and followed Jesus! In this verse he shows loyalty to Jesus and fearlessness. "Let us also go that we may die with Him". He was willing to be martyred if that's where the path was leading, rather than suggesting staying behind or running away. He was bold, brave and courageous. He seems to be remembered mainly as "doubting Thomas". But even his questioning demonstrates his no nonsense approach to his faith. Once he was clear, he was "all in" to the end. And the fact that he was later martyred demonstrates that he never faltered in his commitment to Christ. About his faith? His faith was cemented firmly in turning back, no matter what. He was going to go all the way in faith to the end. He alone seems to have understood that Jesus was going to die at some point, and was willing to die with Him. His loyalty is beautiful, and I'm sure was a huge blessing to Jesus. Thomas is the kind of friend one desires to have in life. No secret doubts smoldering inside...he spoke up and got his doubt answered, and went on with his life's mission to India. A Christian mentor shared that with me when I began to walk with Jesus...."when you have doubts, rather than hide them, tell Jesus about them...and He will answer them for you." I did share, and have through the years if there is confusion or questions....and He is always faithful to answer. As I think back, those are my strongest areas of faith, because the Master taught me! Quote
haar Posted February 14, 2015 Report Posted February 14, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? Thomas known as the doubting Thomas demonstrated couraged and loyalty when he asked his coleagues to go along with their master and be ready todie with him. Quote
Clarence Posted February 15, 2015 Report Posted February 15, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? "Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with him.'" (11:16) Thomas seemed to be a 'straight to the point' person. He expressed what he was thinking at the time without worring about what other people would think. It seemed that he was willing to yeild his life to Jesus regardless of the consequences. Quote
Jen Posted February 15, 2015 Report Posted February 15, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? Thomas wasn't in it just for the good. He was willing to suffer and die for his Lord. As should we be. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
blezed Posted February 15, 2015 Report Posted February 15, 2015 (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? Verse 16 teaches us that his statement shows both loyalty and courage. He was very sincere in what he said. Willing to die with Jesus. His faith was strong at this time. It was later that Thomas became "doubting Thomas". Quote
SoiKosum Posted February 16, 2015 Report Posted February 16, 2015 (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? "Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with him.'" (John 11:16) - this verse shows Thomas' loyalty and courage. Thomas said this after Jesus explained that Lazarus was dead and He was going to wake him. It also showed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Quote
Delivered Posted February 16, 2015 Report Posted February 16, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? What verse 16 teaches me about Thomas’s character is, he is a man who speaks frankly and openly, he is who he is, and I like that, I prefer to be around those who you know are genuine, and not like others who speak empty words in order to just please and fit in; I see a man who is willing to follow, even if it might bring death, a man whose character shows “LOYALTY”. Q2. What does it teach us about his faith? Thomas appears to believe in the resurrection as the Pharisees did, the Pharisees believed in an after-life, in the resurrection, they believed God will punish the wicked and will reward the righteous in the world to come, they also believe in a messiah, who would herald in an era of world peace, as opposed to the “LIBERAL FAITH” of the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection; However, the difference of Thomas’s faith from these Pharisees was - Thomas placed his faith in the “PERSON” of Yeshua, (Jesus) as he spoke clearly a voice of “FAITH” and he said unto his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him”. Quote
pickledilly Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 It appears that Thomas expected the likelihood of death because of the intensifying danger from the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem, but he was prepared with the courage and allegiance to face it if Jesus said “go”. Where He leads me, I will follow. And Thomas was a leader to the other disciples who questioned the wisdom of that plan. He certainly believed this was the Son of God, their Messiah, and was he was steadfast in his faith that Jesus is the Answer and the Hope for his eternity. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted February 18, 2015 Report Posted February 18, 2015 On 12/21/2014 at 5:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? John 11:16 tells us that doubting Thomas is not too serious about the miracles and signs ha has seen Jesus perform. Only after Jesus resurrection does he truly believe in who Christ is by seeing the nail prints in Jesus hands and putting his finger in the wound on Jesus right abdomen. Thomas faith is definitely weak, he will need a miraculous sign to believe after Jesus resurrection as stated above. Quote
hanks Posted February 21, 2015 Report Posted February 21, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? Some may think Thomas was a real pessimist and lacked any faith or courage. He must have reasoned that if our Lord Jesus went back to Jerusalem, the Jews there, would kill Him, Thomas, and the disciples as well. Later we do read that Thomas and the rest of the disciples all left Jesus and fled when He was apprehended. Jesus had foretold that this would happen (16:32). However, I think Thomas was dedicated to his beloved Master, and was very concerned that our Lord would come to some harm, or even be killed. He expected the worst, but was prepared to accompany Him, if need be, to Jerusalem. To me, this shows his strong faith and courage. He doubted Jesus’ resurrection (20:25) and because of this is known as “doubting Thomas”, but later when convinced he did confess his faith (20:28). I do feel after I had read about all the work he did in Iraq and India, that he must have been genuine in both his faith and love for the Lord. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted February 21, 2015 Report Posted February 21, 2015 Verse 16 teaches us that like Peter and like the rest of the human race, he is a mixture. He could clearly be extremely brave and loyal as he was on this occasion. Later, when he doubted Jesus’ resurrection demanding tangible proof, his ultimate reaction was to say, “My Lord and My God”, which also demonstrates his faith and acknowledgement of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. It was the women followers who were quickest to believe. Quote
quilter Posted February 23, 2015 Report Posted February 23, 2015 Thomas took a stand and was prepare to die with Jesus.This sowed me he had courage and was loyal to Jesus. His faith was in his Master this time he knew if they died they would be with Jesus. Quote
royk Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? "Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with him.'" (11:16) Yes, we say we want to die to Christ, to make us nothing........ but yet we hold on to many things we "know" from life, and some are sinful, selfish, fear centered, even though very subtle, because we have lived so long with them. Only be study of the bible for its own sake can the Holy Spirit then slowly or quickly lead us to this truth, that it is better to "die with him" to be reborn to a greater purpose for God's Kingdom One who would wish to die with him, not knowing of Jesus death and resurrection is indeed a bold statement of wishing follow God's will, to better glorify HIM Quote
grace2free Posted March 24, 2015 Report Posted March 24, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? Loyal and courageous. About his faith? He is doubtful. Die with him. It has been much doubted by critics whether the word him refers to Lazarus or to Jesus. They who refer it to Lazarus suppose this to be the meaning: "Let us go and die, for what have we to hope for if Jesus returns into Judea? Lately they attempted to stone him, and now they will put him to death, and we also, like Lazarus, shall be dead." This expression is supposed to be added by John to show the slowness with which Thomas believed, and his readiness to doubt without the fullest evidence. See John 20:25. Others suppose, probably more correctly, that it refers to Jesus: "He is about to throw himself into danger. The Jews lately sought his life, and will again. They will put him to death. But let us not forsake him. Let us attend him and die with him." It may be remarked that this, not less than the other mode of interpretation, expresses the doubts of Thomas about the miracle which Jesus was about to work. Quote
royk Posted March 29, 2015 Report Posted March 29, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? The fact that Thomas said, "let us go die with him." showed his commitment to following Jesus and his faith in HIM.we would see him put to the test later, his doubting and his belief from being told to touch the scars on Jesus' body. He was luky, just as we are to be tested in a way that grows faith, using all we have learned and onsulting with those around us that we trust. rather than to fall away Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted April 7, 2015 Report Posted April 7, 2015 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? We often remember Thomas as “the doubter,” because he doubted Jesus’ resurrection. But here he demonstrated love and courage. The disciples knew the dangers of going with Jesus to Jerusalem, and they tried to talk him out of it. Thomas merely expressed what all of them felt. When their objections failed, they were willing to go and even die with Jesus. They may not have understood why Jesus would be killed, but they were loyal. There are unknown dangers in doing God’s work. It is wise to consider the high cost of being Jesus’ disciple. Thomas was stirs up his fellow disciples to go along with him, and die altogether; signifying, that they should have but little comfort when he was taken from them: but both Thomas, and the rest, were differently minded, when Christ was apprehended, for they all forsook him and fled, and provided for their own safety, and left him to die alone. Quote
JoanG Posted July 22, 2015 Report Posted July 22, 2015 Thomas is a very strong believer and friend. He is willing to lay down his life for Jesus. He knows that going back to Jerusalem would be suicide. However, he believes in Jesus and he knows that the Father wants them to travel back there. He knows that no matter what happens it is the will of the Father that it should take place. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted August 24, 2015 Report Posted August 24, 2015 I don’t believe the character of Thomas, or any of the apostles (other than Judas Iscariot) for that matter, could possibly be called into question. These men all had their own strengths and weaknesses and those strengths and weaknesses were why they were hand-picked by Christ Jesus to spread His gospel after His crucifixion. Except for John, all of Jesus’ disciples had their doubts or they wouldn’t have deserted Him at the cross but I believe Thomas was unfairly singled out because he voiced his doubt. Verse 16 shows his true character as both a man of great faith and courage. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 27, 2018 Report Posted August 27, 2018 Verse 16 teaches us that Thomas was a brave person and wanted to be with Jesus no matter what happens. Quote
Godswriter Posted April 13, 2019 Report Posted April 13, 2019 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? It teaches us that he was a very brave follower of Christ and not afraid to voice his opinion at all. His faith was very strong in Christ. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted November 2, 2021 Report Posted November 2, 2021 Thomas had an impulsive character. But he had a spirit of self surrender to Chtist coupled with a sorrowful and melancholy temperament. A mixture of love for Christ but he had a language of despair and vanished hope. He looks at the journey to Bethany with the gloomiest apprehension. Thomas had deep faith in Christ. He wanted to die with Christ upon venturing to Bethany. Thomas was no fair weather Gospel associate.He knew that Christ had implacable enemies awaiting. He knew that they would be exposing themselves to death. Quote
Irmela Posted August 6, 2022 Report Posted August 6, 2022 Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? Thomas was outspoken. He certainly seems brave and ready to go with His Lord and Master, no matter what. Even staring death in the face. So I do believe he was faithful and courageous. Quote
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