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Our part is just believing. God does the rest... I don't believe that it's something for us to completely grasp...that's where the "faith" comes in to play. You just have to trust that GOD takes care of all the small details and you don't have to worry about them...You just believe and obey all that HE tells you and asks of you, and your relationship will be awesome.


God's part is to protect us and keep us safe from he evil one as Jesus prayed and to finish the good work He started in us until Jesus comes back for us. Our part is to believe that He will do so by faith no matter what is happening around us.


Gods Part--The finished work of Christ on the cross!

My part: Faith (of course God has a hand in that too, he is into everything---thats why he is God) and keep the right attitude eg.

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phil: 13-14

Perserverance counts......................continuity of effort in the face of adversity is honored by God.


God will keep me and protect me as long as I walk with Him and put my faith and trust in Him. If I choose to leave Him, He will lift His Hand of protection from me.


According to 1:5, God's part is to shield us by his power. Our salvation is secured by God. No matter what happens to us on this earth, our salvation is secure. If we live for eternity . . . and that's our part - to live by faith then God, by his great power, will shield, protect our eternal life with Him. It's our eternal life with Him that He is protecting for us. We can feel confident that through our faith He has secured a place for us with Him in eternity.


Q3. What is God's part in securing your slavation? What is your part?

God's part is that I am shielded by His power. In Him I live and move and have my being. He is all-powerful and He is my shield and my strength. My part is to believe (have faith) in His power. What He says He will do, He will do. He will complete the work that He has started in me.


This verse (5) is particularly relevant for Peter's audience since many of them were experiencing intense persecution. First, it says that we are shielded by God's power against those forces that would try to destroy our lives and our Salvation. Second, it says that the essential condition that is required for us to receive God's protection is Faith. God's shielding us is not automatic. It does not work arbitrarily, but it comes only through the Faith of the believer just as Salvation comes only through Faith. Eph. 2:8 Thus a living, vital Faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior is our responsibility in receiving and maintaining God's protection. Our part is Faith; His part is to shield us by His Power.

Here the verse goes on to speak of Salvation as in the future or "in the last time." I believe that, yes we believers are presently saved, but there is a future dimension of salvation and that is the inheritance that is laid up for us in heaven (see verse 4).


Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part?

God is the One by His power who is the keeper of our salvation through faith in His Son Jesus Christ! In the last days He will reveal what this really means. I don


God's part is two-fold. 1. He put our salvation into action on the cross and will reveal the fullness of that in the future. 2. He protects us in the meanwhile.

He secures our salvation and keeps us secure while we wait for the final trumpet call.

Our part is to simply believe. Have faith in the security of our salvation and have faith in God's protection of us each and every day. Amen.


God is our father in heaven, he watches over us, guides and protects us. We are shielded by Gods power.

Our part is to trust in him and to have faith in him, that whatever we may come across God is in control.


God's power is stronger than the forces of evil that try to undermine our faith. If we continue in our faith in Jesus's redemptive work on the cross, God's hand of protection will be over us until the end.


The context of 1 Peter 1:5 is the hope of God's elect (chosen from before the foundation of the world) in the resurrection, who (God's elect) are kept, or guarded [1], by the indwelling [2] inherent power of God (it is told to the apostles by Christ in Acts 1:8 that they would "receive" [3] this power, which was demonstrated on the day of Pentacost, and is now available to all who believe to receive the gift of God) :D

It is "through" (the means by which an action passes to its accomplishment) "faith" (the living, Divinely implanted principle) [4] that we are "kept" (held in custody in a fortified position) until we are transformed into our new, spiritual, resurrected bodies at His appearing (His bodily return to earth, to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lord's).

APPLICATION: it is this hope and UNCONDITIONAL assurance of our complete and final redemption at Christ's appearing that should carry us through this life regardless of the temporary circumstances we must endure, including our own moments of weakness, doubt and unbelief.

The Word says we are "kept" as by a garrison holding us in custody in a fortified position... by God's power, the living Divine principle He has placed within us... we are sealed with the holy spirit (God's gift of indwelling inherent power waiting to be manifested) by God, The Holy Spirit, and that He has chosen us from before the foundation of the world.

That doesn't sound like something that can be turned on or off like a light switch depending on my state of mind? Whether or not we manifest (outwardly demonstrate to others) the abundant life that Christ has made available to us, and walk in power and light rather than darkness and defeat, is one thing; but our salvation (as I read it?) is the gift of God sealed until the day of our redemption.


1. "Kept" (guarded, in custody, as by troops defending a fortified position: the same word occurs in 2Co.11:32, Gal.3:23, Phil.4:7)

2. "power" (dunamis: inherent power capable of reproducing itself - internal, spiritualy present, yet to be manifested in the senses realm)

3. (Acts 1:8) "receive" (lambano: bring forth, objectively into the senses realm)

4. "faith" in this context is the living, Divinely implanted principle, more than just the belief of the rational mind, or mere feelings of confidence and trust. It is the principle itself (that God has measured out to every man) which pursuades and convicts us from within (unlike senses knowledge, which comes from outside of us) of the truth of God's Word.

5. "to be revealed" is apokalupto in the Greek: meaning to unveil so as to be visible to the eye


Many times I have said, "I,m saved by grace", but I am learning that my salvation was made possable by the life that Jesus lived. My life should patten His life. Jesus go so excited anytime He found someone using faith, the same kind of faith He had in the Father.

Our part, to walk it out daily as close as possable to the patten presented by Christ.

I would love to find an "out", if someone can show me in His Word where this is not possable, please let me know.


Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part?

God shields us by His Power. He has already done His part in procuring our salvation by Jesus suffering and dying on the cross. Now, His power keeps us safe in our salvation when we do our part.

Our part is to believe Jesus is the Christ, that He allowed them to sacrifice Him on the cross to be the propitiation for our sin. We must admit our specific sins (not just 'forgive me my sins' formula prayer) and turn away from them to follow the Lord and obey Him. That last, obedience, shows our sincerity in asking for forgiveness. Without that, we will soon turn away from Him again. God will not force us to obey, but we lose the joy of our salvation if we do not obey Him, day by day.


We have a huge part and it's hard sometimes but we must keep our faith!

And God's part is to protect me as long as i put all my faith in him.

So far we're doing okay together :)


Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part?

According to 1 Peter 1:5, God's part is to supply the power (Rom. 1:16,17; 1 Pet. 1:9; 1 Cor 10:13) to enable me to experience salvation, which is freedom from the bondage of sin. My part is to accept the provision He has made. I will not only yield my will and affections to Him but also depend on Him to work out what He has worked/is working in as I take time to study His word daily and behold Him. By beholding Him, I will become changed into His image, slowly but surely as I surrender myself to Him totally.

I will not only have faith that He will do His part, but my works will attest to my faith. (James 2)


God's part in my salvation is a thought well worth meditating on. He has secured my salvation throught the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ -- as verse 3 clearly states --> "who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a livng hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." :D

My salvation then is a work wrought in heaven before the foundation of the world, in that, "while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly," and in that, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6,8)

So I rejoice daily and actually at times am overwhelmed by the extent of the sacrifice and love that God poured out in Christ in order to secure my salvation.

My part, of course, is to respond in faith (by the grace of God) to His offer, to believe with all my being and to move forward in obedience, as a living sacrifice. The longer I walk in faith, the more aware I become that even my faith is a gift from God, and that without the "sanctifying work of the Spirit"(v. 2), without the fact of my being "chosen" (v. 1), I would remain dead in sin. And so my response of faith and obedience becomes my praise and worship of a wonderful Saviour. As I keep my focus on the inheritance which lies ahead, it helps me maintain my walk in the Spirit. (Even though there are, of course, times of failure). I try, like those listed in Hebrews 11 to keep my eyes fixed on the future ... and on the Author and Finisher of my faith.


Though the fire(faith) may seem like it has burnt out, but if the embers are still hot if we ask the holy spirit to breath on it we may set a flame again. I believe the Lord keeps our fire from going completley out, but we must ask him to enhance it, to bring it a flame.

So I believe that the Lord hold's our embers in his hands protecting them from failing completley and our job is to ask (pray) and the Lord will blow on it and bring glorious flames back to our faith.If we do not seek him our flames will wither again, but God loves us and encourages us to run the race and will give us all that we need to succeed, including his breath of faith and salvation.


God's part is active in that He surrounds us and shields us. Our part is that we obey and stay "behind the shield", so to speak. We can step away from His protection or choose to obey His will and keep that protection.

Don Calbreath

Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part?

Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation?

To give us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ; to an everlasting inheritance. He will protect us until the end when we will see Christ.

What is your part?

To keep the faith by listening and obeying Jesus; in as well serving the Lord no matter what; always giving our Lord praise, honor, and glory.

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