George Barnett Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part? God, through His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, has assured us of eternal life. He has promised that, no matter what befalls us here on earth. All we need to do for Him to keep His promise to us is to believe in Him and have faith in Him. Quote
jbwalya Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 The security of our salvation depends on us remaining in God and God in us. Jesus told His disciples to remain in Him and Him in them implying there two aspects involved. My understanding is that God's part in securing our salvation is protecting those who have put their faith in Him. He gives us power to escape corruption in this wicked generation and to participate in His divine nature. Our part is to remain in Him; to abide in His word. If we are to continue enjoying this protection we need to remain faithful to Him. Quote
dolores hicks Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 part 1, God showed us that by Him sending Jesus to walk on this earth and dying for us and then being resurrected thus ensuring our salvation. part 2, walking in His footsteps by FAITH. Quote
Yoli Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 God's part is to shield us. My part is to have faith. Quote
Kim E. Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 God promises us that if we believe and have faith He provides us protection. "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Fathers' hand. I and the Father are one." That says alot to me!! Quote
cct1106 Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 By the power of God through faith our salvation will be revealed in the last days. My part is having strong beliefs and faith acknowledging the power of God. Quote
Dick Ross Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 According to the scripture, God will shield His faithful until the end time. Our part of the obligation is to be faithful, and ready for the same. Quote
sunilbernard Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 God's part is protecting us according to His promise. And we know that His promises are true and never failing. God will surely protect us through our faith in Him. My part is to trust His promises and depend on His word to follow through until His coming back to recieve me in all His glory Sunil Bernard Quote
sandra Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 I do not think I am involved in a Mafia when I say I believe Jesus is Lord. I do not believe God would ever allow His children to be harmed it is not his Will . God is Love. God CREATED MAN and he is not a cruel dictator who will kill or hurt us if we do not obey His will for us. His Will is Love for us. But we have enemies God has a enemy and his name is satan , so now we get to chose just like Adam and EVe did which way we want to go with our decisions. Life or death is the choice really . Adam Gods creation chose the way of Satan but God gave us Jesus Christ who made the correct choice of obedience to His Father. God fixed it through Jesus Christ He gave us a way back in to His will for His creation through our Saviour . Because Jesus did chose to obey instead of disobey , like the first Adam did . We can now do our part and make Jesus Lord of our life and listen to Him to have the will of the Father done. praise God. Quote
Pastor Sherry Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 God provided us a "Lamb without blemish" as a perfect sacrifice , and by the power of God's love for us, that gift of salvation is being kept for us, our part is to accept this sacrifice and be faithful servants of Christ Quote
HsSrvt Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Our Heavenly Father has bought,secured, and locked our salvation into place by the willing sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ and has implanted the hope that now lives within us because of the resurrection of Christ. He now has given us the Holy Spirit to guide, encourage, strengthen and protect/comfort us. God's part is only partially completed because of His promise of a revelation of still yet a the best part of our salvation that will come when we stand before Him face to face. We have that security becuase of the promise of Christ in John 14. " Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going" John 14:1-4. He says we know the way, FAITH and OBEDIENCE, that is our part. Believing and living that fatih out while we are yet still in this world. He has not given a spirit of cowardice, but one of power, love and self discipline. These are fruits of His Holy Spirit. It would do us well to remember that same Spirit now resides in us. I love you all with the Love of Christ, because my own can be tainted. James Quote
aguilar-j Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Here is my contribution and I hope is Gods given Gods part in securing our salvation has to do with the love that he has for his children and will shield us through our day and us in faith will trust that he is with in us to walk through our trials and tribulations. We in the other hand must be obedient, and worship him in truth and the spirit, keep steady vision of the purpose that he created us for. Love him above all things and then love one another. Praise our LORD JESUS AND GOD THE FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Amen. Quote
MoZes Marius Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Greetings! As long as children live in the house of their parents, they are governed and protected by their parents. In the same manner if we dwell in the house of the Lord, we are covered by His almighty power. Our duty as His children is to be obedient! Quote
Tom Nabors Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part? God's power protects the believer's inheritance and provides security. No one can steal the believer's inheritance or disqualify him. That is God's part. Our part is faith in God, putting our trust in him. A discussion over the doctrinal differences over how much of this is truly in our power and how much is empowered by God are apparently reserved for a different discussion forum. Quote
Desiree Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 I can not imagine being kept by anyone better than God.... who is the all powerful one. No one is greater than He. His power of the Holy Spirit wrought the resurrection of His Son Jesus. That type of power would not and could not allow anything to happen to me. All I have to do is believe. For He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Praise the Lord... this is something to truly rejoice in and as I study this scripture it is becoming more and more real to me. As I am obedient to Hiim and His word believing trusting and relying on Him all things are possible. AMEN. Praise the Lord. Always looking up! Quote
linda biloni Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 God's part is to guard us and provide us with salvation....our part is to be faithful. To think God is guarding me due to my faithfullness is an awesome thought, it does bring me great joy and peace. Quote
Ken7 Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Gods Love has made our inheritance both here and hereafter eternally secure, He said so - not me. The familiar hymn Trust and Obey states our part. Trusting does mean we are Persuaded by His Truth, through our faith. Quote
Barry ben Levi Posted January 31, 2004 Report Posted January 31, 2004 Q3. We can look in Exodus (12:21-30) for an answer for both God's part and our part. God was going to bring the Plague of death of the first-born in Egypt. God told- first, what was going to happen & second what the people were to do for redemption. God's part: A. Helping all to understand who He is. B. Being a God who does what He says He will do. God told the people that if they followed His instructions (carefully), He would keep the 'Destroyer' from their households. The Hebrews believed. They acted on that belief. They obeyed. Then they trusted. They had faith in this: That God is not only a God of Judgement... He is also the God of Salvation!God said what He was going to do. He did what He said He would do. He 'honored' not just their 'faith' - He honored their active demonstration of their Faith in Him! We can say "I believe", but how is one to know we believe if our actions don't also "speak" for us? so... God's part: Saying what He is going to do. Our part: Doing what God says to do. God's part: Doing what He says He will do. Our part: Trusting that God's word is true, and acting on that faith! Faith is not passive. Faith is not just active. Faith is inter-active. It involves action on our part that allows God to do His part for us! (whew! sorry about the wordiness) Quote
missionslady Posted February 1, 2004 Report Posted February 1, 2004 In our Lords mighty power we are kept in the palm of his hand. Trusting in him is is our way of securing our safety in receving this protection. Our lives here are but a vapor, and the day we are called home we will understand all these things. If my Lord says he will protect me..I trust he will. For through my trials I have experinced that love of his safety around me. Always faithful. Quote
juwulz Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 God has promised to protect me and sheild me through His power and my faith, using the continuing process of sanctification until the time in the future when Christ will return and when our salvation is completed through His glorification. Quote
jchillCNU Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 vs.3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (ESV) God's power. Not mine. "guarded through faith" does this mean that we will be guarded while we hold onto faith or that faith is the means of our protection? If God has "caused us to be born again" (verse 3) then i would suggests that faith is the means God has chosen to use. So God's part in my salvation is to will it (God the father), earn it (Jesus), and carry it out (Holy Spirit). My part is to believe and act like it. Quote
kitty Posted February 5, 2004 Report Posted February 5, 2004 God's part is shielding his children with power. Our part is to be a child of God. Obeying everything he tells us and commands us to do. Quote
KarenAnn456 Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 To watch over us, protect us, keep us until Jesus comes to conimate our salvation when He comes for us. We are to believe in what the Lord says is true and He will do what His Word says, so have faith in the Lord and walk in that faith, which He will instill in us us we only step out in faith! Quote
AnnJ Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 Gods part: He knows chose me and knows I am His. He has given me eternal life through the shed blood of His Son and therefore I will never perish. Jesus said that no one can snatch me from Him for God is greater than all. He protects me by the power of His name. He is able to Quote
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