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  • 2 months later...

If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? 


The kind of worship, service, priorities and obedience to a King would be of the highest order. However, in many instances and I am the first to admit, we do not accord such a royal status to our Lord Jesus Christ. We constantly demand blessings from Him but half-heartedly worship Him. We interpret His words for our convenience. We take Jesus as a blessing machine. Please forgive us Lord!


Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


Paul says that we must present our bodies as a living sacrafice which is our spiritual worship. (Romans 12:3)  Paul goes on to tell us and the people he was writing to, to be transformed by the renewing of their mind, and not to be conformed to the world. We are in the world but not of the world, in fact we do not belong to the world. (John 15:19) We belong to God. (John 10:28)

Giving Jesus our all is the least we can do. Giving our all no matter what the consequences. (Luke 9:23, Matt 19:21)


If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?          

  • I surrender all.  When worshipping the true and living God, you should forget about all that is around you and surrender yourself in praise and worship.  We should not be quiet when worshipping but just let yourself go, call out his name, Jesus. Jesus should be your priority.  Giving him alms.  I have learned when I pray or worship the Lord to thank him for what he has done, doing and will do instead of asking for blessings.



Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate?


Jesus is my King...my Lord...my Savior...my friend. Appropriate worship is unabashed adoration and thanks for Who He is and for all that He has done, and continues to do for me every moment of every day! (Ann Voskamp's book "1,000 Gifts" changed my life in terms of gratitude and thanksgiving.)


What kind of service?


whole hearted service in whatever He asks and wherever He leads me


What kind of priorities?


He is my first priority. (He wasn't always. He's done a great work in my life over the years to become my number ONE priority)


What kind of obedience?


He deserves my prompt obedience....


Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


That is my heart's desire....there is always room to grow, which is also my desire. I'm growing in worship....for too long, sadness and heavy, painful trials resulted in what I would call "stunted" worship. I'm learning to worship despite what my feelings are or how difficult the circumstances.


Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?

Now that Jesus is my king, I should henseforth worship/ serve him in obedience and with all my heart, soul, and mind.


If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? 

What kind of service? 

What kind of priorities? 

What kind of obedience? 

Are you giving Jesus His due as King?

We are to glorify our Lord and Saviour and we do this by worshipping Him. All aspects of our lives are to glorify Him, and we do this with our voices and hearts. He is the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings, and should get our all in everything we do. We read in Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” We need to focus on Jesus Christ in our services – the preaching, prayer, special music, celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and offerings, all should all bring glory to our Saviour, and not on ourselves. The next verse Colossians 3:17 reads: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” He demands absolute obedience. We must continually ask ourselves if this would be to His glory. Would Jesus approve? And then we are to give thanks to God the Father through our Lord Jesus. I know that I need to give thanks much more often than I do. There is an added bonus in that the more we draw closer to Jesus the deeper our fellowship with Him becomes. James tells us, "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8). We are to Give Jesus His due as King. One way is to use our spiritual gifts to His glory. Peter says that our spiritual gifts are to be used in such a way that "in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 4:11). 



Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


He deserves our all, complete devotion, service, pleasing Him is our priority, our complete obedience. As I look around, read the news, I get a full realization of what that might mean.  Going where He leads us and it is not always down flowery paths.

Do I give Him His due as King?  I can only say "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".  I cannot on my own strength, only as He supplies.  I cannot even love Him as I should.  Everyday I wake up and my self is right here.  I can do nothing on my own. However He who supplies shall amply supply all we need to be faithful and true if we so desire.


God Bless!


Psalm 138:8


As Jesus is our King we need to be very humble before him.  He is the ultimate King as he is also our God.  We are all individuals, so we have our own relationship with him, but one appropriate way is the ‘extravagant’ worship mentioned earlier.  We all give different types of service.  Whole hearted vocations are our service.  Vocations should always be to serve others as Jesus serves us.  The priority of our lives should be God first, then our neighbour.  Our obedience should be to obey God’s promptings and to follow the clear instructions laid down by Jesus.  I hope I am giving Jesus his due.  I am trying!


Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?

Jesus is my King and deserves all the praise and worship I can give him, shouting, singing and psalms to His glory.

The kind of service Jesus would have would be one of praise and song along with worship, letting Jesus know he would reign King in our life.

Jesus would have first priorities upon raising up in the morning and all things would be done to glorify his name.

The obedience that Jesus would receive as my King would be total submission to his will and for his purpose.

Presently Jesus is not receiving the total praise and worship he deserves. The obedience to him has been cut short because of daily needs. While in the flesh and in the present world many will not give total submission to Jesus. There are many cares in the world that demand our attention, especially not according to Jesus purpose for me or others. To obey his voice once heard would be a total submission to him, but we cut ourselves short in this command.


21 Q4

Jesus is my king and he is my Lord. This means that I must confess it and live it. To Him be the glory. I must give Him my "Utmost for his Highest". I must daily strive for complete surrender to Him, God helping me. May it be so.


The kind of worship for me is to give our all to the one we come to worship. cleaning our own hearts by repentance of our sins and clear our minds of everything so we can truly give all our glory to Jesus Christ. 

Our priorities at all times not just when we go to church to worship should be putting Jesus Christ first in all we do. Taking the message we hear out the door and using it in our daily life.

My obedience to Jesus is giving my whole self to him like I said above to put him first and let his will be done.

I speak for myself no I am not. I didn't go to church today because I felt bad Jesus died for me what if he felt bad and did not go to that cross for me. we let life styles get in way of our worship and until this body of 

ours is glorified  we will always have an excuse for not being totally obedient. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4 . If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate?

The worship is celebrating him as my King and my Saviour.


What kind of service?

I will serve him with all my heart by telling his story to all who still doesn't know him.


What kind of priorities?

My only priorities day by day.


What kind of obedience?

Trusting and obeying him with what he have done to my life.


Are you giving Jesus his due as King?

Yes, I gave him my life and its not about me anymore, its about Jesus.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


Jesus is our King all fears,worries, and anxieties depart when you come into Jesus' loving presents and exalt him.Psalms 95 1 - 7 Come, let us sing to the Lord!

1 Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.2 Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
Let us sing psalms of praise to him.3 For the Lord is a great God,
a great King above all gods.4 He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
and the mightiest mountains.5 The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
His hands formed the dry land, too.6 Come, let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,7 for he is our God.
As we worship Him and become utterly lost in His magnificent love for us something happens to us. We are forever changed and transformed in His presents. He is turning every negative situation around for our good.
  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


Thank you for this call to evangelism, and discipleship by asking these questions. This is the 21 week of this study, over several months. If we have digested anything, it is that we could never praise Him enough, for the gift He offers us. We see that it is a choice of free will. So I pray here and now Lord, make me more willing to follow your will even in this moment, and to obey your commandments, and to surrender all so you can use me more deeply in your kingdom.


Let my eyes and ears open to the call of these questions in this moment. Let my mind join with my heart in something emotional that turns control over to HIM. Making noises and thoughts of praise and glory to HIS name. And being mature about this and remaining in HIM to see and feel HIS will greater than before. I pray this in Jesus name, amen

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?


There is a war going on at all moments we live, the more we come close to Christ the more we are vulnerable when we are not prayerful, when we are not in the zone, when we do not "remain in me" as Jesus told us to do, in John 15.


It is so important for me to affirm this to myself and to anyone reading this. Surrender must be come total. Total surrender must be with a calm prayerful mind and heart. We each know what this means as we each are walking a unique walk like no one else can.


Giving the King his due is about NOW. God has blessed this lesson moment and I pray to digest it deeper, like Mary did on the night Jesus was born.  And I pray this humble heart of mine continues to recognize how loving and merciful our God is. We need to tell someone about it now.


Oh God, please make me nothing, as I surrender to your will. May I bring this to my day later after this lesson is completed. In Jesus name I pray, amen. 


  • 2 months later...

we should worship Jesus with our whole heart and soul. All of our worship should be a glorious and prayerful honor. We should put Jesus first in our lives. We should obey each and every one of his commandments with complete faithfulness. I feel that I do not honor Jesus as I should. I feel that there is a lot more than I can do.

  • 1 month later...

Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission (Webster's Dictionary).  


True worship is defined by the priority that we place on God and the role He plays in our daily lives. True worship originates in the heart culminating in the loving act of true reverence.  John 4:23 teaches that, true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”  True worship must, first and foremost, be from the heart, established in truth and honesty and it must be sincere.


Yesterday, today and tomorrow, the Lord must be the number one priority in our lives.  All through the gospel of John obedience to is emphasized again and again.  In fact, total obedience is required just as Jesus Himself teaches in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will obey what I command."  So you see, if you aspire to be a true disciple of Christ Jesus, obedience is not an option!  Why?  Well that's because it’s impossible to have an intimate relationship with Him if you're only paying lip-service to Him by continuing to pay no heed his words.  Being obedient means actually living His Word and being filled with the love of Jesus every single day of your life.

  • 3 months later...

Jesus our King is worthy of our best and utmost everything. Honest, authentic, humble worship. Generous, obedient, faithful service. Heavenly-minded, eternal priorities founded on love. Willing, uninhibited, joyful obedience. I wish I could say I live up to that.

  • 1 year later...

I want to worship Jesus with all of my heart, my soul, my spirit and my body. This study has certainly enlarged my vision of our wonderful King. When I worship and adore Him I feel that living water welling up inside. I really want to praise and obey Him so much more and admit that distractions and busyness are so often getting in the way. I think we have to be very aware that the enemy loves to do this but I pray that we all will grow in sitting at His feet and adoring Him. 

  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? The only worship that is appropriate for a king is true worship. Service - Any type that makes Him proud. True and loyal Obedience. For His word says Obedience is better than sacrifice. Yes because I have chosen to give it to Him.

  • 2 years later...

We must imitate Mary, the sister of Lazarus.   Abandonment of ourselves to divine providence is so crucial.   Mary was deeply moved as she abided at the feet of Christ.  She was so grateful that her brother was resurrected from the dead.  My daily love for Christ needs to be renewed with more spontaneous words of praise and singing the hymns of the church at home.  I used to do this more often.   I would go out in the woods and offer spontaneous praises to God.

As an outdoor preacher, I acknowledge Christ as King as I preach and give out Gospel tracts, including visiting the sick. As I do my daily chores at home, I offer my chores up to God.  Even as I maintain my house, I know that God is the shade on my right hand.  

I need to pray that the Holy Spirit can show me how I can improve my walk with God that would be a better testimony that Christ is King of my life.   My daily prayer is that any sins committed willingly, unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly would be forgiven.  

  • 8 months later...

Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King?

Worship is showing honour, respect and adoration to God.   Giving my all, complete obedience with no compromising; whatever I do, doing it as doing it for Him.  Be it giving someone a bottle of water or cooking a meal, my serving should be as unto my KING.

My Lord I can only humbly bow before You and ask for help in this. You deserve my all and much more.

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