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  • 2 months later...

Q1. (John 12:23-24)

How can God's glory be revealed even in death?

Death of a Christian is not the end but a translation to a glorious and imperishable eternal one. Jesus death, resurrection and assension was into glory as He was restored to His former glory at the right side if God. The release of the Holy Spirit unto many was another reason of the glory.

How does the seed illustrate this?

A dies to give several seeds.

How does Jesus' death illustrate this?

See my comments on the first part of the question above.

How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?

Dying to our old life leads to a new life that reflects the glory of God due to Spirit of God in us.


Jesus came to minister the Kingdom of God to His own, the Jewish world.  But the hour had come for the “whole earth” to be filled with His glory, the time when the Gentile world would be welcomed into that Kingdom and the Savior would be greatly magnified before all men.  The time had come when the veil of separation would be divinely torn down, the wall of division between Jew and Gentile would be broken, and He would unite all into one Body.  This would bring Him ultimate honor as His plan for the redemption of the world was fulfilled.  And this could only be accomplished through the dark valley of His death.  The purpose of God-come-to-earth-in-flesh was to die for all.  Through that would come the release of the full weight of the worth of God and the honor that is rightfully His.


To explain that concept, Jesus brilliantly used the example of a seed.  The only way to produce multiplied fruit and abundant harvest is to plant a dead dried seed in the ground.  New life bursts forth and produces greater fruit.  Jesus is the spiritual Seed that died and was buried, the Seed that sprouted new life in resurrection, the Seed that grew strong and produced millions of fruit.  The glory of God rested on Jesus in His earthly life, but because of His victory over death, the presence of that glory would now be distributed throughout the earth in the fruit of His death – His Body of all who are spiritually produced from that one Seed.  We who believe are that fruit.


God’s glory revealed even in death is also illustrated in the lives of those who believe on and follow Christ.  We were first born of perishable mortal seed, but through faith in the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus we are now born of imperishable immortal seed (1Peter 1:21,23).  In our natural state we were spiritually dead to God, but now we’ve been raised up and made alive with Christ (Colossians 2:12-13).  In Christ, God proclaims us dead to sin and now alive to righteousness (1Peter 2:24).  Believers have been baptized into the death of Christ and buried with Him so that we can live in the newness of His holy life in us (Romans 6:3-4).  And the new life of Christ in us will produce abundant abiding fruit (John 15:16).  The old life must die and be buried in order for the new one to grow and become spiritually productive.  Through Christ we’re filled with the fruit of righteousness, to the glory and praise of God (Philippians 1:11).


(John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


God's glory is revealed, even in death, in the form of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and more importantly the number of believers who are converted as a result of the Jesus' death. "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24) Jesus' death revealed this as the apostles were able to bring many to Christ. Furthermore, God's glory is also revealed by the sending of the Holy Spirit - "Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7) Our dying to self also illustrates this as we repent of our sins and begin our new lives in Christ Jesus, where the glory of God is revealed in us and through us. Praise God.


(John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death?

1.  God's glory is revealed even in death because it shows the power of Satan and sin are broken,  sin is atoned, and men and women are set free.


How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this?

2.  The seed must die before it grows into a plant.  Jesus death will produce many of his followers all over the world, empowered to advance his Kingdom.


How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?       

3.  Our dying to our old life gives us an opportunity of new life and a way to glorify God. 



How can God's glory be revealed even in death?

Because Jesus died and rose again, He tried His Power over all. We read heavens streets are paved with gold, it is a metaphor to show us the degree of increase we will have in heaven.

Jesus now sits at rhetorically right Hand of God and rule over that Kingdom as well, we are now part of His Kingdom.

Because Jesus died there are now believers all over the world, His seed truly produced many seeds!!!

How does the seed illustrate this?

A single seed grows into a plant- it transforms- and produces many more seeds

How does Jesus' death illustrate this?

Jesus died and changed for the better, and because He died we all received the Holy Spirit and we are all changed to product new seed.

How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? we become new beings that again produce new seeds


Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death?


The Glory followed the horror of Jesus' suffering and cruel death....when He was resurrected and ascended into Heaven. He didn't die unto Himself, but

for everyone.


How does the seed illustrate this?


A single seed buried in the ground "dies" and new life springs forth producing a harvest of many seeds.


How does Jesus’ death illustrate this?


Jesus, the Seed of God, died, was buried, rose on the third day, and ascended into Heaven....producing a harvest too numerous to number....the fruit of His life and death.


How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


When we surrender to His Lordship and allow Him to reign in and through us, our flesh "dies" (is subdued) and His Spirit grows in supremacy in us. We then produce "seed" to scatter or water or harvest, and another cycle of death and life begins.


Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


The path to the cross culminating in Jesus death, resurrection and ascension seems to be explained in the bible as "...Jesus' glory". (7:39b) This is also alluded to in Isaiah 44:18 and Isaiah 53:2 ..."the glory of the Lord...". (See also John 1: 14) The purpose for Jesus coming to the world was that he would be the ultimate sacrafice for the world so that the world might be saved through him. (John 3: 16,17)

In the context of Jesus going to his glory, Jesus explains by using the illustration of a wheat plant, an annual, (completes its life cycle in one season). A wheat plant has to die in order to multiply (12:24), a grain of wheat has to fall to the ground and appear to die in order to produce many seeds when it sprouts and grows the next season. Jesus was glorified because he had been obedient and submitted to God's purpose for him. (John 17:1) and (Luke 22:42)

So we have to die to our old life in order to glorify Jesus no matter what the consequences are for us. (Matthew 16:24) ) Paul encourages the Corinthian people, ..." what ever we do, do it to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians10:13). John 4:36-38- the fields are white for harvest, therefore Jesus commands his disciples to reap the harvest.


Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


Jesus dies on the cross, a cruel barbaric death,  so that we might have life.  It is illustrated by a seed.  It is buried in the ground and it raises as a new plant with much fruit.  Jesus was buried and rose again as the bringer forth of much fruit.  We die to our old way of life so that we might live the new life which we have in Christ as Christians or little Christs, and He is our Redeemer, Lord, Savior, Author and Finisher of our faith  "In Him we live and move and have our being" and only in Him and Him in us forever totally united as one inseparable from Him.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13





God’s glory is especially revealed in death because that is the transition point to everlasting life.  Before death, we only have mortal life.  The seed illustrates this because it must be buried before it can grow and produce multiple seeds.  Therefore we must die (be buried) before we can achieve the whole purpose of our being.  Jesus’ death illustrates this in a special way.  He died, was buried and burst from the tomb.  His glorification began while still with us.  Dying to our old life can use the same metaphor.  If we are ‘born again’ and renounce our sins we begin a whole new life which will be much more spiritually productive.


A lovely metaphor is the caterpillar which transforms into a butterfly - no longer earthbound.  


Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death?

“DEATH” could not keep Him in the grave, the glory of God was revealed in that the Messiah arose, He was “VICTORIOUS” over sin.


Q2. How does the seed illustrate this, how does Jesus death illustrate this, and how does dying to our old life illustrate this?

In order for a seed to bring forth fruit, it must first die, in order for the believer to bring forth fruit, we too must die, we must die to “SELF”, a servant to “SIN”, and in its stead, rise up in victory, for the sting of death as been conquered, our lives are now called to reveal the glory of God, as we purpose in our hearts to follow after our Lord.

Q1. (John 12:23-24) 

How can God's glory be revealed even in death? 

How does the seed illustrate this? 

How does Jesus' death illustrate this? 

How does ‘us dying to our old life’ illustrate this?

Our Heavenly Father, in giving up His Son to die on the Cross, exhibits the divine attributes of love, justice, omnipotence, and faithfulness, thereby displaying His glory for all to see. The seed illustrates this when it is planted, it ‘dies’ and then only becomes fruitful. This is the image Jesus used to demonstrate that there can be no glory without death. He was, of course, referring to the conquest of death on the Cross. His victory over death! Jesus’ death was His means of entry into glory. It is only by dying to our old life that we can live unto God. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20). We are like the seeds Jesus was speaking about. Our life can never be fulfilled unless we yield ourselves to God and permit Him to ‘plant us’. Jesus willingly died for our sins in obedience to the Father, and this means the end of me as a sinner in God's sight. At the same time I no longer need to earn my salvation by my own efforts. In other words, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The Saviour did not die for me in order that I might go on living my life as I choose. I now live in continual obedience and dependence on Christ, by yielding to Him, by allowing Christ to live His life in me. 



22 question 1

God's glory up to this time had been shown in great miracles, particularly in the raising of Lazarus. This showed Jesus's power over death. NowJesus is referring to his own suffering and death on the cross. He is obedient to the Father. The result is our salvation from sin - the atonement, that is, the victory over death.  A seed cannot produce unless it is buried in dirt and lies dormant for a time. It soon grows and produces a crop. In the same way, Jesus death produces salvation for us and the possibility of a new life. We then, in Christ, are dead to sin - and we have a new life - we are new creatures - a new creation with new life.


.Jesus sacrifice his life so we may have eternal life. Unless a grain of wheat is buried it will not become a blade of wheat .Jesus had to died to pay for our sins and to show he had power over death. 

Jesus died so we could have life. by having eternal life we have to give Jesus Christ our all we live for him daily read his word daily and believing he is our Master.


Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?

Gods glory is some times illustrated in death. As Christ suffered and died his death was a victory over Satan and the sting of eternal death. Because of Christ death his glory has brought forth many saints.

When a seed is planted it has to die to ensure that life may come forth from it. One seed often producing a plant that has many seeds, hundreds and thousands fold.

By Jesus death he conquered sin, death and Santan. From his death those that believe become like seeds, they declare Godds glory by spreading the gospel, from them others produce seeds of belief and faith.

As we through faith become believers in Jesus, we die to our selves and become new creations to spread the glory of God and in the end inherit eternal life.  

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (John 12:23-24)

How can God’s glory be revealed even in death?

Jesus introduces the subject of his death.
Only by death and burial God will be glorify. Be honoured in an appropriate way-that is, by the testimony which God would give to him at his death, by his resurrection, and by his ascension to glory.(John 7:39)

How does the seed illustrate this?

A corn. A grain.


Of wheat. Any kind of grain—wheat, barley,


Into the ground. Be buried in the earth, so as to be accessible by the proper moisture.


And die The whole body or substance of the grain, except the germ, dies in the earth or is decomposed, and this decomposed substance constitutes the first nourishment of the tender germ—a nutriment wonderfully adapted to it, and fitted to nourish it until it becomes vigorous enough to derive its support entirely from the ground. In this God has shown his wisdom and goodness. No one thing could be more evidently fitted for another than this provision made in the grain itself for the future wants of the tender germ. (John 12:24)


How does Jesus’ death illustrate this?

All the beauty and richness of the harvest results from the fact that the grain had died. If it had not died it would never have germinated or produced the glory of the yellow harvest. So with him. By this he still keeps before them the truth that he was to be glorified, but he delicately and beautifully introduces the idea still that he must die. (John 12:24)



How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?

Our old life will die once Jesus save us - death of our sin. We are new life in Christ we will be born again.


Romans 6:4-5 (KJV)
4  Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5  For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:


  • 1 month later...

Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus' death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?

This is a beautiful picture of the necessary sacrifice of Jesus. Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil, it will not become a blade of wheat producing many more seeds. Jesus had to die to pay the penalty for our sin, but also to show his power over death. His resurrection proves he has eternal life. Because Jesus is God, Jesus can give this same eternal life to all who believe in him. Dying to the old life is leaving the old habits, character and surrender your life to Jesus because He paid the price.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus' death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


This is the best way for God's glory to be revealed, because it includes the resurrection of Jesus. The seed has to die, Jesus died to seed us all via the Holy Spirit. Now it is our turn to consciously grow and let go of our "old life" to become more focused with fulfilling our role in God's kingdom. This dying is a gradual process which no one can speed up. It happens art God's speed, not mine. 



Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus' death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?


For those that truly believe deep in their hearts and minds, it is God's invitation into eternity. It is the separation from the difficulties that go with the physical world we are bound to in human life. Still, we who are here by God's grace know how precious life is, or are at least learning this as we study Jesus' life and spoke words. Still to "cross over" and fully trust God beyond ALL the things that rust and decay in this world, it is a process and a life journey, seeking God's will in our moments of life and breath.


Jesus uses the seed to show how using us, as we die to Him, this is how God's kingdom multiplies, and in His time, not ours. So being faithful and outwardly happy despite hard times, this is our ticket to peace, beyond what anyone could understand, peace in Christ Jesus. HE said, "remain in me..."


Dying to our old life is the sweet surrender to God's will, to abandon our own, all the time. Our own no longer exists when we have truly died to Christ and can maintain our spiritual connection to God's will.


Oh that I long to die and remain dead to my old ways, what price must I pay? The deeper we/I get, the more Holy Spirit can show us our/my sin, selfishness, embedded self-centered fears, impatience in more moments than we/I recognize.


"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." Romans 8:13  "Now, LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live." Jonah 4:3



  • 3 months later...

How can God's glory be revealed even in death?  For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6) 


How does the seed illustrate this?  Jesus said that the seed has to be planted and die before it can germinate and grow and, like the seed there would be no harvest without His death.  Jesus submitted everything to His Father’s at the expense of his own (earthly) life but, in the end his death secured the harvest.


How does us dying to our old life illustrate this?  We too have to submit our all to The Father, even our very lives if it were required.  Just like in the seed illustration, water baptism (immersion) symbolizes our death to a sinful past and a new birth to a completely different future as a part of Christ’s own harvest.            

  • 3 years later...

God’s glory can be revealed even in Jesus’ death because the people will pick up on his ministry. Then there will be more than one person spreading the word. When we dye to our old life which means that we were watching out for ourselves this will expand into watching out for those around us.

  • 7 months later...

Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? God's glory would be revealed through Christ's death by bringing many sons to glory through redemption and uniting Jew and Gentile in one church. The seed illustrates it through the fact when it dies it brings forth much fruit just like when Jesus dies He brought forth much fruit. When we die to self, we bring forth much fruit by showing the world that we are no longer part of the world. 


  • 1 year later...

1.   Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? God’s glory is revealed even in death in that through the sacrificial death of the One who knew no sin the lives of many were saved from eternal darkness hell to the eternal Light.

2.    How does the seed illustrate this? Paul’s explanation on how the seed illustrates this is just perfect and easy to understand when he says: “What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.”

3.    How does Jesus' death illustrate this? It was only after His death, resurrection, and ascension that He sent down the Holy Spirit. As a result, there was no longer just one Son of God, but many of His followers all over the world, empowered to advance his Kingdom.

4.   How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? Dying to our old carnal lives illustrates this in that by being born again our lives are expected to blossom in a godly manner inside and outside so that people are awed by our positive change and are attracted to following Christ as we become His disciples.

  • 1 year later...

How can God's glory be revealed even in death? the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is His Glory. 

How does the seed illustrate this? Just like what Paul said, "What you sow does not come to life unless it dies." (1 Corinthians 15:36)

How does Jesus' death illustrate this? Jesus death is the beginning of His Glory. The powerful Holy Spirit will anoint the many followers of Jesus all over the world and will be empowered to advance to His Kingdom. Of course by anointing our sins we must also do our part to repent.

How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? This is where Jesus said," Unless someone is Born Again He cannot see the Kingdom of God." We must repent to our sins and give our life to God. One must lose His life if he truly loves God.

  • 1 month later...

Jesus' reaction to the Greeks was immediate.   By Christ's death, the seed of eternal life will be placed in the hearts of the Gentiles and will ripen.   The prophecy of Ezekiel will be fulfilled amongst the Gentiles---a new heart renewed by divine grace.  The time-the hour-Christ's glorification-has arrived.  Christ is to return to his Father by death and Resurrection.

We are centering on the word 'continuity.  Only when a seed dies does the continuation of life continue. Christ must experience death; Christ must cease to be the one true embodiment of the people of God.  Christ's death was only in order to His glorification in the conversion of the Gentiles, and in the conversion of the nation's.   The tragedy of the moneychangers doing business in the Court of the Gentiles.   Isaiah prophesied that God's house would be house for all nations.  Christ as the Son of Man--as our Mediator--he has accomplished the work given him to do (John 17:1-5). Christ's death was needed so that his glorious kingdom would be set up (Hebrews 2:9; Ephesians 1:20-23; Philippians 2:8-9).

We are dead to the world--water baptism--is such a beautiful symbol of this status (Romans 6).  Early ChurchFathers wrote and preached eloquently on this.  They stressed the daily need  to guard our baptismal purity by daily mortification of the body 'sarx'--(Roman's 12:1-3). John Calvin stated we must be patiently mortified by God to bring forth fruit.



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