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God is using many difficult circujmstances to refine and purify my faith, but I will share one specific instance with the group. In 1970 our oldest son died from leukemia at the age of 71/2 years. One Friday evening after the funeral I was especially overcome with grief and with guilt. it felt as if my heart was broken up into millions of tiny little pieces and scattered all over the universe.

Suddenly something literally drove me into the front room and down on my knees. (I know now that it was the Holy spirit.) My prayer was more like a cry for help and went something like this, "Dear Lord, Please help me, no one understands. Take away the grief and the guilt." Right at that moment I could actually feel the burden of all that grief and guilt being rolled away--just like the song "Roll, Roll Your Burdens Away." It was a wonderful experience.

As time went on and I began to look back, I realized that I did not even know that I could go to God for help for me. No, I did not even know that I needed God, but He knew so He, Himself led me to Him.

It did not matter that I hardly prayed or went to church or even read my Bible. What mattered to Him was the fact that I needed Him.

After that I tried to find some way to express exactly how I felt about the whole experience and could never find the words until God led me to read Jeremiah 31:13 which says, "For I will turn your mourning into joy, I will comfort you and make you rejoice from your sorrow."

This verse explained exactly how I felt because God did turn my mourning into joy, He comforted me and made me rejoice from my sorrow in that through it all He led me to Himself and I became a Christian.

Even though we must go through horrible experiences sometimes, God is always there and no matter what He promises to always work all things (not just some things, but all things) out for our good because we love Him and are the called according to His purpose.

I am reminded of the song "Through it All." "Through it all, through it all we learn to trust in Jesus, We learn to trust in God. Through it all, through it all we learn to depend upon His word."

Genuine, tested faith brings glory to Jesus because He uses it as a witness to others of what He can do. We are to let our lights so shine so that others may see our good works and be led to glorify Him.

He allows us to go through trials so we can be a help to someone else and understand, have compassion and empathy when they are experiencing the same or like circumstances. What He has done for us, He will do for them. The best witness we can be is to let others know what He has done for us...

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When I was on active duty, God tested me many times about my faith. When I did return to my roots after 24 years I was ready to follow the Lord. I had been placed where he needed me. I retired and started working for him through my church and helping others. Today my faith is stronger as I teach, work and do his work in the church.

Because of my wittiness others can see how his glory worked in my life and how he can work in thier lives.

All things we do should be for his glory. We should worship he in all our acts.


My faith was tested when my daughter was very sick in the hospital. I watched a healthy young lady

grow helpless each day like a crumbled flower (guillian barriere syndrome) and slowly for 1 year watch how the Lord shaped her back to the lovely person she once was. It showed me who was really in charge of her life. Each time she would reach a low period in her illness, no one was there with me and I had to cry out to the Lord for strength and understanding. He showed me so much through this period. Praise the Lord. I now and struggling with our finances. My husband has recently retired and my job has been downsized to my work only part time (15 hours a week. ) But the Lord knows our situation and I am learning to lean on him. We serve a awesome God.


I can remember several instances where God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify my faith. Even though they were tough times, I grew spiritually. I feel God has not finish with me yet. I learn to to lean, trust and depend on God. He will always be there because he said, "I will never leave nor forsake you." After these difficulties time we can always have a great testimony to share. Not to glorify ourselves but to honor and glorify God. We are going to have these tests but our responsibilty is to keep the faith and hold on to out intergity. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE. ALWAYS WANTING WHATS BEST FOR US. GOD I PRAISE, GLORIFY AND HONOR YOU!


Genuine, tested faith brings glory to Jesus Christ by revelation and relationship.

REVELATION: More of who Christ is and what He does is revealed through us when our faith is tested. The proclamation of this truth in our lives brings glory to Christ on its own. But others as well will praise God when they see Him at work in us.

RELATIONSHIP: Our level of trust and belief deepens as our faith is tested, "proving" Christ to be just who He says He is. This spiritual intimacy glorifies Christ, lifting Him up to His rightful position in our hearts.

The hard part for us is trusting in the midst of the test - for it may look and feel that God has "forsaken" us, or that, perhaps, He cannot be trusted. However, it is in those moments that He must be trusted, and indeed He is nearer to us than ever before. If we will walk through that valley with Him, our faith will be more refined (like gold) and Christ will be glorified.

Sometimes these experiences have come to me as "big decisions" - like moving or illness - but often they come in the day-to-day small trials that have the potential to either harden my heart or draw me close to the Lord.


I'm in a situation now. I have been diaignose with a disease that has my world turn upside down. It is taking every bit of faith in God to get me through each day. My illness is still very new to me but with His love I will fellow Him through this test. I guess part of God's glory will be that I will continue to walk with Him. He will be there taking be through the valley. Another part of His glory will be that right now I have peace that He is in control.


I guess I could say that I am going through another trial in my life at the time. Being a caregiver, for my bedridden grandma, going through a divorce due to my husband's addiction of alcohol and drugs, not having a steady income, however, being blessed in the areas of our needs. It's more the anticipation and continueing in seeking the Lord's love and mercy and patience to endure all that is happening around us. As doing so, the genuine tested faith proves Jesus' steadfastness and that He is ALIVE!


I hurt my back at work amd needed a second surgery. I was really at a low point in my life. I cried and prayed desperately to God for help. I asked God for a promise from His word. He gave me Hebrews 12:13 Make straight paths for thy feet and whatever is lame and dislocated may be healed. When I read that it was such an encouragement to me. When I went to the Doctors's he was very leery of operating on me. I had back surgery three years earlier and it didn't help. This dr. thought three years was to long of a time for a second surgery to help. I told him about the promise from the Bible and he said well if you have that much faith I will do the surgery. I was in my thirties and walking with a cane. When the doctor operated he couldn't believe the mess the first dr. left. I had pieces of my disk laying on the nerves in my back. A few months after surgery I didn't have to use the cane. I say PRAISE THE LORD!

This has taught me to go to Gods' word and ask God for promises for my life and my familys' life. He will NEVER let you down.


4:1 Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith?

WOW! I am sure in my short years even I have racked up a few times that I could share. The hardest to share would be the one I am still dealing with the


Well this is my third time trying to submit this, so here goes. About a year ago

We came back from the coast earlier than expected we had things to sort out. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me we had to go to a peticular orphanage. My friend knew where it was. So we organised for her to take us. By the way we were not looking to adopt we had made peace that I could have no more children. Driving there I prayed all the way as my friends one window wiper was broken. At the orphanage we went and sat in the lounge and talked to the lady who is the house mum. She kept asking us to be holiday parents for one peticular baby. But we both had very full lives. Stephen ran a youth for under privilaged children every Friday we would either do a christian disco or a video or games night and feed the children. Then on a Sunday we would have a Sunday School. So it was quite hectic. Also we have a cell to run etc etc. To cut a long story short. We had a tour around the house and when we got to the babies room. This baby of about 3 months looked at me, I can't explain but I knew, I just knew. That was the baby that the lady was talking about. We decided to take it slow and be holiday parents (see how it goes). It took us two weeks to get all the baby stuff. The first time he came to stay with us we knew he was a gift from God and that he was suppose to be with us. We had alot of opposition, but most of our Christian friends stood behind us. I wasn't allowed to visit my Mum and Dad because we decided to adopt this baby. I had people at work laughing behind my back. But I knew it was from God. We also had difficult times with the adoption. They told us he had already been put up for adoption. I cried. But afew days later after alot of phone call and constant praying they had got him mixed up. Anyway we spoke to God and said we have a baby, but we live in a one bedroom flat. We had a house within a week even less than we paid for the flat a month and it was ours. So we spoke to God again and said ok we have a house but we need to sell the flat and we didnt' put it up for sale. Stephen bumped into this guy and told him we where selling our flat, he asked could he have a look as he was interested, and he said he wanted it. Well after a year the adoption has gone through. We are bless with a beautiful baby boy and my daughter who I hadn't seen for eight years (lived in Australia with father) came back. My Mum and Dad have let me come and visit again. So I can only give all the Glory Honour and Praise to God. He knows what he has planned for us.


Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith?

What is difficult circumstances? I'm so richly blessed by the Lord that it is difficult to state or list difficult circumstances that influenced my Spiritual growth. I might be able to mention the time when my Son stopped breathing at the age of seven days where one pray like one has never prayed before and felt His presence... now he is a lad of 15 years. Other difficulties that might cross my path is that we are in a turmoil at work and some of us might be unemployed soon and yet this is a difficulty of the world and if one trust in Him all will be well even if it is not the way we would prefer it. In this situation one can be a wonderful witness for the Lord because His Power allows one to be positive and creative amidst all the negativity that surrounds one in the workplace. This is only possible if one has faith and truly beleives that He is in control.


I was going through difficult times when I first received Jesus, and I often think I'd rather anything than not to know Him. He uses every difficult circumstance to develop our faith and understanding of our Great God. How else would we learn? Lately He has been using a time of illness to draw me closer to Him. He has shown me the orign of my problem, and I am very secure in the knowledge that He will bring me out of it.

Through my difficulties he has given me a powerful ministry to people in similar difficulties. It's so exciting to see people free of their problem! He has increased my faith in giant strides, and now is taking me on another wonderful journey in faith. I am absolutely certain that the unimaginable is totally possible with God!

Tested faith develops our maturity and ability to minister to others. Their joy brings great glory to God.


Throughout my continuing illness, he has always been there. I have been to the depths of despair, but he has always put his arms underneath and around me & my faith in him has deepened. Jesus has brought me through trials & things are still bad but I know in my heart that he will be with me all the way.

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult

circumstances to refine and purify your faith?

Yes, there are many but I have come to realize that God never closes a door without opening another.

What did God accomplish in your life?

He accomplished the fact that He is my everything, the Alpha and Omega, my first and my last. He has taught me how to surrender to Him; putting down my will and replacing it for His. You could some it up by one word, trust. Even if I don

I have always loved the picture of the silversmith, refining precious metal which 1 Peter writes.  As we are placed in the crucible and heated in the fire, the silversmith watches carefully.  He draws out the metal at just the right moment, and skims off the impurities, and only when he can see his reflection clearly does the process stop.

Thank you for recalling for us the silversmith metaphor. This is probably the loveliest and most moving description of it I have ever read.

I am amazed and awed by the trials everyone has shared and the glory given to God in every one of them. Thank you to all for your courage in sharing them.

God has allowed me to go through trials, as He does every Christian, and I have sometimes failed, sometimes passed the test of turning to Him in faith to get me through. As time goes on, I am learning to make turning to Him an immediate and instinctive response to each new challenge -- of course I want to avoid the consequences I've reaped when I've failed to do so. I believe God gives us trials -- and also sometimes allows us to fail -- in order to refine our faith, to make us more dependent upon Him.

Blessings to all,


Tested faith develops our maturity and ability to minister to others. Their joy brings great glory to God.

In response to the last part of the question, I could not say it any better than Helen. :)


I can remember when I was put out of Church leadership. It was a difficult moment because, according to me, I had not done anywrong doing which would have warrated that action. God taught me to learn to accept correction and live with those that wrongfully accuse me. I have come to understand that Genuine faith brings glory to Jesus when people see the fruits He bears in our lives despite the difficult circumstances. When it becomes evident that no human effort can be attributed to such sucess, Jesus alone is glorified.


As I look back over my life I find there were many refining periods that happened. The old saying hind sight is easier than the now is true even in relating to life situations. We can be refined and must be refined in order to know the need for a Savior. If everything is always good, how do we know it is good if we never had a bad thing happen to us. If we are always happy, do we know for sure we are happy if we never experienced saddness. We grow through the valleys in our life so when we get on the top of the mountain we can know we only reached there by the grace of God. We aren't able to handle all situations in our life without the power of the Holy Spirit. Some times the refining comes in your job, home, health and family. I am sure others could be mentioned. Some years ago I worked for a christian school and there were hurt feelings. It took quite sometime to get through this, but I do believe I have become a better person. The drawing back to the Lord is stronger now than I have ever experienced. I long to be in His presences singing praises.


Perhaps the greatest test of my faith came when I lost my job of 16 years and was unable to find work in a career that had spanned 25 years. God had closed the door shut and locked it. I was desperate, I have a wife and child to support, a mortgage to pay etc. To make a long story short I found the open door that God wanted me to go through. The pay was 40% of what I had made before and it surely tested our faith to believe that God would provide for us, but He did. Three years later I'm still working with the homeless in the inner-city and loving it. The faith of my wife and myself has been tested and made stronger for the testing. We have seen His hand all over our lives and we praise Him for that. We now give thanks in the midst of trials, such as last week when my wife lost control of our car and it became a write-off. We praise Him that my wife was not hurt, that we had car insurance and that our friends and family rallied around us and supported us. WOW, so much to praise God for! What was the original questions again? :D


Yes there have been many instances, but one in particular changed my life forever. You see I was diagnosed with HIV positive. I made a commitment to spend time with God daily through bible reading (studying) and prayer. It has brought me to a close walk with my savior. I have had this disease now for almost 15 years and praise God I'm still going strong.

Through the changes it brings in our lives, we become more like him (thought, speech and action).


Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith?

Yes, many!

What did God accomplish in your life?

I'm still learning to fully rely on God to bring me through and to trust His Wisdom.

Growth is what was accomplished but apparently there is a lot more needed.

How exactly does genuine tested faith bring glory to Jesus.

When we trust in Him in trials others can see a testimony for Him and His power. An unshakable faith in Him glorifies Him.

I like Psalm 71

You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increse my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Our love for one another glorifies Him. Being there for each other. They will know we are Christians by our love. I love all of you andI prayed for everyone in this Bible study last night.

May God Bless everyone of you!!



Boy, did God get my attention. More than once but this time He made sure I got it. He allowed me to be taken from my husband, my son and my 14month old daughter. Shipped me out to Korea, surrounded by the most cantankerous people in the world, put a study Bible in my hand and said "it's time to get serious, girl". What a wonderful relationship God and I have been building ever since. It was a horrible time I would never want to experience again but looking back, it wasn't the first time He tried to get my attention. Sure wish I had listened the first time!!!! susan


There have been many circumstances, both as an indivdual and a married man, That God has allowed us to experience. Many trying and difficult situations. Some short lived and some on going. It is clear that the Lord puts us on the potters wheel and His work is good and eternal. There is so much to learn about His ways. How can we understand His love so deep for us, this man of sorrows. Every touch, every glimpse, every taste of Him causes us to grow. Romans 8:28 All things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.... Not some things or the things we would choose. After all, would we ever choose suffering, struggles of any kind?

Most of the depth I have...No ALL of the depth I have... as a man, as a father, as a husband and a grand Father, as a worker as a follower of Jesus is a result of being guided and lead and taught by the Holy Spirit, who is the revealer of all truth, who is our comforter, who is our teacher, our healer and I could go on. I was nothing before knowing Jesus and knowing Him makes me wonderfully made and completely saved and I don't know how a person can live with out knowing Jesus. What ever He allows me to go through is for my good and for the good of those I love. No, I don't understand the whys and how comes...And I don't like the hardships and sufferings but He is faithful and true, his Grace is sufficient, His mercy if tender and sweet, His patience and forgiveness wrap me warmly in His love. I never want to go back to who I was....there is nothing at all to go back to.

Whether it was losing a loved one, or matters of health, or financial pressures or condemnation from those who should love me or the accident that caused me to lose some fingers on my right hand, or other problems too many to mention.... JESUS has and WILL be all that I've ever needed and MORE. He has always been my deliverer, my healer, my Lord the Lifter of my head, the lover of my soul!

Has my life been used in any way to bring glory to Him, I hope so. I have shared time and time again these things Jesus has done for me and what it means to follow Him, and I know others around me have seen the changes in my life and are drawn to Him and know that Jesus has changed me. Not all understand or want these things immediately, but they know it's real in my life.

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