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Many difficult situations have confronted me in my lifetime. At the age of seven, they removed me from my neglectful, alcoholic mother. My adoptive father terrorized most of my teenage years through his acts of sexual abuse. My husband abandoned me after 15 years of marriage leaving me alone to raise our three daughters. I have spent the last 13 years alone dealing with the heavy responsibilities of raising those girls and running a household. During that time, God has not only worked His healing power in my life, but He has enabled me to minister to others who have known abuse and other forms of emotional suffering. I can honestly say that if I could go back and change one day of my life I would not do so for I have seen the power of God at work in my life. I have seen Jesus glorified time and time again as my testimony leads others to give their lives to Him and find the same healing and wholeness in Him that I have found.

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Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith?

Many and continually: lose of a mother in twenties; lose of a spouse in forties; termination from jobs and without cause - wrongful dismissal from schooling program and workplace; bankrupcy; non fault car accidents - three years in a row consectively; ruined reputation in communities due to slander and falsehood; accident injuries. I learned to let things go like water off a duck and to rejoice and carry/move on.

What did God accomplish in your life?

A deeper relationship with Him. Faith increased. Learned to trust Him only. New awareness of Him each time going thru an instance or circumstance. God accomplished being Father in my life and Him being in control of my life, not I.

How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

We bring him honor with our obedience to being faithful and true, in our words and actions, no matter what life dishes out or brings to us in going through an instance or circumstance. There is less of me and more of Him when there is genuine, tested faith which brings glory to Jesus.


Yes, those times, on looking back , really shook me and brought me to see life in a bigger perspective. and my faith was tested and proven, authenticated. The end result was a humbling experience and to see God in his might and power - to acknowledge all glory to God eternal


God has often used difficult people & situations to bring about patience and love. Also even in sickness & times of physical distress God takes my eyes off this physical realm & makes me realize that the riches of this world pass away and thereby brings about a longing for heavenly things & increases my faith. Tested faith brings glory to Jesus only when we faithfully obey Him through trials & grow by them. Showing our faith is really in Him.


Q4 The Lord gave me a daughter 8 years ago, but she was born with a birth mark that eats away at the flesh like a cancer. I was scared, and mad. I blamed myself. I did not know what to do. I even started to blame God for letting this happen. I got to such a low point there was no hope for this problem. I was discouraged because I didn't have the faith and trust in God I thought I had. It's easy to love the Lord and say you have faith when everything is going right, and the smallest problem comes up and I give up. I spent time in prayer, when the Lord spoke to me. God gives everyone a measure of faith, and He showed me its not how much faith I needed, because just a little is all you need. He showed me Matt. 17:20 about having faith as mustard seed. I didn't know thats the smallest seed around! To make a long story short, I had little love in my heart, and love is what drives faith, like gas drives a car. What's the greatest commandment?

Love :D


Praise be to God that HE has used many instances to help my husband and me climb the ladder of growth in Him. One of the most vivid instances in my life was when my husband lost his job a few years ago. When we first got the news it was as if the ground beneath us had disappeared. And as I went through the emotions

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

I was going home from church, and I was a victim of a deadly car accident in July 7, 2002. I was hit by a car airborne at approximately 110 mph. The car hit my left corner and fractured my pelvis (in about 4 places), left femur, left shoulder and elbow. I thought I was dreaming, but the pain was servere, as you can imagine. I died twice in the emergency room, but our Lord Jesus Christ brought me back to fulfill His Purpose!

Well, to say a long story short, I had to really fight the good fight of the faith in order to live, and after being bedridden for 3 months, I had to learn to walk all over again. It's being over 1 year and a half and I am still recuperating, but this has being a time where my faith has being purified 7 times. The fact that I am alive speaks wonders about God's Goodness, Mercy and Grace!

This experience has brought glory to Jesus because He knows how to turn all things and work them out for the good of those who love Him. Many lives have been impacted with this testimony of putting all of our Trust in HIM, and not our own strength. When people see the picture depicting the car accident, they cannot say anything else, but give glory to God.

He is faithful, and He promised in Psalm 34:19 that "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all."

<_< He used business failures and marital and family difficulties to awaken me to my sad state and my need for Him to take control of my life. That resulted in a sincere commitment to follow and serve Him. He healed my marriage and gave me the most wonderful family! I now strive to serve Him and give Him glory through service in ministry and in everything that I do.

I can think of several times of testing that He has put me through the refiners fire.....each one bringing me closer to Him, teaching me to let go and trust Him.....

Now as I tell others of my experiences, telling others of His great love and strength giving power I am giving Him all the glory.....

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?


Recently a person I have talked of God to in the past; in which I found he was confussed about God and paranoid about the Government, and that I ended up rebuking in Jesus Name for slandering our Father, but only after having shared personal experiences of how God changed my thinking and turned the bad things that have happened in my life and for the most part - that which I brought on myself, into something useful. I was planting seeds for the Lord. Well, I ended up being the one in repentence for rebuking him, and on my knees in utter defeat and bewilderment on how to deal with such a people, in which God said "Love, I said Love?, He said Yes - Handle it with Love".

After that time I have seen and spoke to him a few times more over the past 3 1/2 years, as I was taking walks along the riverwalk. Each time sharing something personal about my self (if it applied to the conversation), in which God has caused me to see the light over. Well, this guy tries the same senerio each time in slightly different ways to move me off of my foundation. It didn't work though! I didn't let him twist my words around, so as to try and confuse what I was saying. I hung onto God and with humility spoke the truth and walked away, praising God as this blocks the slanders against God from my ears, for I cannot bear to hear someone blasphemy God. God & I rejoiced with such a gladness that I finally got it and handled the confrontations correctly. In which that was the accomplishment (Humility). And oh how personal that is with God, to be humble as we indure the trials. He/God inturn gave me Joy unspeakable. That was mine in Him alone and very deep.

Well, a week ago as I sat on the ground in front of the building in which I live, and was talking and listening to a few of the other resident's here, this guy walked right up out of the blue and started in on me. He took personal things I told him about my past, in which at one time I was defeated over, and tried to throw it in my face as if he were involved. I immediately knew what he was doing, and so I smiled and said hello, calling him on each attack. After a short while of badgering from this guy, I got up to walk away, and after bringing God into the picture, he turned to walk away when he seen me unmoved, but then he stopped and started slandering me on the top of his lungs, in which I just about jumped out of my skin :angry: and went to kick him right in the rear :ph34r: . The contact was light because it's hard to make a kick contact while the one about to be kicked is moving away. There was contact though, and so this guy round house slammed me in the head, causing whip lash and much pain :( . Now you see, this was a time for refining and proving the Love that God has planted in me, and that no matter what nasty things he say's that God is in control of me. I failed the test. I took control over the situation as I jumped. I ended up justifying (in his mind) his behavior, and so he continues to go on attacking people as they walk by in the park, with out any remorse (as far as I can tell because he does it time and time again), over the damage he is trying to cause the people he attacks. I brought no Glory to God over this and ended up defeated and hurt. But only for a short while. I learned, forgave, and am much wiser now :)

  • 1 month later...

I had a breakdown,was overworked,major financial trouble,my mother died,dog died,horse went blind,yet through all that pain,I

drew closer to Jesus,knowing his love and care will pull me through,he doesn't say life will be easy for any of us,but we can rest assured He is ALWAYS with us


Instances when God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify my faith: God used finances to purify my faith. I used to think I could do it all; I was working in my own power. When my business wasn't doing well and I was at my wits end as to how to make ends meet, I surrendered my burden to God and told Him to handle it. I had to finally admit that I couldn't do everything on my own. He took care of it, and I learned surrender and humility. :o

God accomplished some good works in my life: He taught me to trust Him, He taught me surrender and humility and obedience. I'm still learning! :D

How does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus? Because genuine faith gives the glory to Jesus, and not to ourselves. Genuine faith testifies to the fact that God is the One working in our lives and empowering us, not we, ourselves. He is the engine that powers our boat. :D


through all of life's trials we draw closer to God and it strengthens us,so we do not become bitter but build more faith.

My mum died when I was 12yrs had an alcoholic father,my horse went blind had to be destroyed,dog died at vet's from a tick,

I then 2 weeks later lost my job I had a cartilage knee injury,

but I found God uses it for His purpose and through our pain and heeling,God then can use our circumstance to call out to Him and help others in pain.I do counselling at Lifeline and have been put to use to help others,and know with Jesus I CAN cope

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, on reflection there have been many points in my life where God has refined and purified my faith through difficult situations. Each time He was able to see the character of Jesus more clearly reflected in my life.

I believe that it enables us to discern the eternally significant from the materially insignificant. Any time we make life choices based on what is eternal and give our lives to what is significant to Christ, then He receives glory. We persevere in the present as we learn to focus intently on the future when we are perfectly united with Christ. Again, I believe He receives glory when we deliberately focus on His eternal promises rather than the instant sensual gratification of the material world.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes even now i am going through such. I understand that God wants me to depend on him solely, not on anyone or anything. Sometimes we get so comfortable when everything seem to be going well in our lives that we seem to put God on the back burner. Then trials and testings come and they show just how "insecure" these thinsg can be. Our only secure hope is Christ.

However when we go through these experiences and we depend on God and let his peace shine through us at these difficult times it can encourage others around us to serve him. For they will see that there is somone who is in our lives who brings us through the storm safely.

  • 1 month later...

There are so many down times and struggles during a lifetime - that we realize the futility in thinking we are able to handle life on our own -Like Job we must contine to thank and praise God for what we do have even though we may be way down "on our luck" and it may seem we have nothing to be thankful for - there is. God is not to blame for our hard times. We need to thank Him for the strength he has given us to get through these times. We need to remember Job and how he never cursed or blamed God for all his troubles - the Devil could not get Job to blame and turn away from God

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

I grew up in a christian home but when I was 18 and left home I wandered far from anything spiritual. I later married a man that wasn't christian and 4 months into the marriage he left me. I went into a deep depression and I remember quite clearly when I fell on my knees and cried desperetly to the Lord to help me. I felt HIS presence immediately, His comfort. I returned that week to church and have never left. That happened 12 years ago. God used that tramatic time in my life to WAKE ME UP to my need. God has used this testing of my faith to be a witness to others, I have been able to tell this story many times - to friends that didn't believe in a God. I know from personal experience that GOD IS VERY REAL.

  • 2 months later...

It is going on right now with not working because of a injury @ work. He is showing me to have faith in HIM and help me through this difficult time. It shows GOD that with faith in HIM you can get past the difficulties in your life, this in turn makes you a better person in everyone else's life.

  • 3 months later...

Yes, I remember difficult circumstances I have suffered.

My daughter ran away from home at age 18 at a time when we were so droughted out that we were feeding 1,000 head of cattle every second day and mowing, baling raking hay on alternate days. I was laid low with vomiting and dysentry (how do you spell it?) on the day that she just disappeared. I chased her all over Queensland trying to find her and after six months she finally came home and we now are closer than we ever were.

During that time, I was feeling so bad about myself - it was all my fault - until one day I sat on the back steps, cried my eyes out, poured my heart out to God and gave my children to Him on that day realizing that He was the best parent for my children to have.

I began attending worship with others who helped me through this difficult time. I began attending retreat weekends with other Christian friends and this was where I really met God face to face. I discovered what a wonderful God He really is. Since then I have had my head, heart and mind in His written word and am still discovering more about Him.

I love Him and I praise Him for pulling me through this circumstance. It really changed my life and me. To God be the glory! :wub:

  • 5 weeks later...

This has occured many times in my life although I few stand out more than any others.

God has brought me to where I am with Him today. And although it has been tough getting here, I wouldn't trade this place for anything. There were times in my life when God seemed very far away from me, but He has taught me that everywhere I go I can know for certain that He's not that far away that He is right here beside me, always and forever. God has taught me that I can trust Him with my life. I can trust Him to make the best decisions for me and my family, because I now know how much He loves me and that He wants whats best for me and my family. (His word says, "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11) This is what makes it easier for me to do whatever He asks no matter how difficult the situation is or becomes. God filled my heart with His love. And He has taught me that I can rely on His love for me and thats why I take comfort in knowing that I can go through anything that comes my way. God has also taught me that I can put my trust and believe in what He reveals to me in His word (the bible.) God has also taught me that no matter what has happened to me in the past, no matter what sins I've committed, that God is still able to use all these things for good. For His word says, "The Lord works everything out for His own ends, even the wicked for a day of disaster." (Off the top of my head I forget where this passage is found, but if any one really needs to know I'll look it up.)

God is so good and faithful to us. I thank God that He came and rescued me from out of the pit that I dug myself into. God truly does Bless His people in so many magnificent ways, even though we did nothing to deserve any of them.

So how does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

My answer. Because when God reveals His love and His grace and His mercy and His frogiveness to us and our lives become completely changed by Him...

God now has children who have learned to trust him no matter what.

Children who love Him and want to serve and worship Him whole-


Children who become so hungry and thristy to know more about Him.

Children who are on fire for God.

Children who know without a doubt who they truly are in Christ.

Children who are determined to obey Him.

Children who now want to give back to God, who want to minister to

others and help them through simular struggles that they themselves

may have already gone through.

Children who can now become a light for the world.

Without the trials that I have gone through in my life, as ugly as some of them were, I would have never known what I know today. And that to me is worth more than Gold or Silver. :D

  • 6 months later...
Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?








  • 6 months later...

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

I have not suffered in the way Paul or Peter did during their lives; no whippings, imprisonment and eventual martyrdom. So any difficulties and suffering is very minor in comparison. Also I did not become a Christian in response to a shattering event but rather by starting to read the Bible and coming to the definite conclusion that it is the Word of God and should be the basis of our belief. Becoming a born again Christian is a much more thorough transformation than I had initially expected. Nearly everyone in my life, family, school and university friends, people at work were unbelievers and adherents of secular materialism, as was I. Turning away from sin results, even if you initially fight against it, turning away from family and friends. Their way of life is simply incompatible with yours. As Jesus says it is a requirement of being a disciple. This I found hard, even though I had made new friends at our Christian Fellowship. Also I determined to live a chaste celebate life. This has not been without temptations. Standing up for my faith and witnessing has also put my faith under fire and exposed me to taunts and insults. There are times I would rather stay in bed than pray or watch television rather than study the Bible but I try to persist.

All these events, small as they are, refine and strengthen my faith. I feel I grow closer to Jesus. My faith becomes stronger. He becomes a greater part of my life. My love of Jesus grows deeper. By being tested, we become more resolute. I hope by following Him in all things to the best of my ability I bring glory to Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

AAfaterbeing married 27 years I was faced with a divorce. It was a 3 year battle. with shame and rejected. At the time I was President of a large Conference church organization and called by God to abegin a praayer minisstry.a Depression sset in an d felt no reason for livinig. But I kept in the word and had the spport of many of my Prayer partners. I sought professional help. with no help. But God led me step by step into aa siniging ministry and made a record and today I am stronger in my faith and happier than ever before. Praise God for deliverance and He has sustained me thrrough it all. I give all the glory to JESUS.

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