Pastor Ralph Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? Quote
JanMary Posted March 8, 2015 Report Posted March 8, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? It's symbolic of being fully immersed in water after salvation.....the old sinner is dead, and a new creature rises from the "bath" fully cleansed and clothed in a robe of white linen or righteousness. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? I think it symbolizes the daily forgiveness always flowing toward us....we get "dusty and crusty" in the world everyday. Quote
SoiKosum Posted March 8, 2015 Report Posted March 8, 2015 (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “foot-washing” symbolize? The analogy of taking a bath vs. foot-washing Taking a bath : It is necessary for every believer to experience full salvation and cleansing from sin i.e. water baptism Foot-washing : After the full cleansing, all that is necessary is washing away the occasional dust of the road i.e. the sins that we commit day by day. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Quote
haar Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Q. Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? A. "Full bath" refers to spiritual cleansing that comes at salvation and is followed by baptism which is a symbolic public testimony that one is a changed person. Q. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "footwashing" symbolize? A. "Foot washing" symbolises the cleansing that comes from confessing our daily sins. Quote
blezed Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? Full bath: It is necessary for every believer to experience full salvation and cleansing from sin (depicted by taking a bath). Footwashing: After full bath, all that is necessary is washing away the occasional dust of the road, the sins that we commit day by day. Quote
Clarence Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? So a bath seems to be symbolic of the initial cleansing from sin when someone becomes a Christian. He/she becomes a new creature (Corinthians 5:17). Perhaps foot washing symbolizes daily confession of sins resulting in cleansing from the Lord (1 John 1:9) Helpful information for interpreting parables: Distinguish between the “meat” of the story and what is just ornamentation. In other words, not every detail of a parable carries a deep spiritual meaning. Some details are simply there to help the story seem more realistic. For example, in Jesus’ own interpretation of the Parable of the Sower, He does not comment on the fact that there are four (and only four) different types of soil. That detail was meaningless to the overall point Jesus was making. (A parable is a story with a point. See notes)Read more: Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? A full bath clean the whole body. Baptism represent our 1st sin being forgiven. All our dirty sins are washed away. It is the same as with Aaron.and his sons whose 1st cleaning included their whole bodies. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "footwashing" symbolize? Removal of new dust. Again the same as Aaron and his sons (Ex30). They had to wash their hands and feet after the initial cleaning. We sin with our hands and trespass with our feet. We just have to remove new dirt -sin Quote
hanks Posted March 12, 2015 Report Posted March 12, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "foot-washing" symbolize? Once we have repented of our sins, and put our full trust in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are born again and spiritually washed clean (full bath) by His blood. All our sins are washed away and we are justified – declared righteous by our Heavenly Father. A definite moral change occurs in our lives and there is a clear break from the ruling power of sin, so that we are no longer ruled or dominated by sin. However, being in the world we are constantly exposed and in contact with all the evil that surrounds us. So there is a need for cleansing. This cleansing takes place by the water of the Word. Here symbolised by foot-washing. As we read and study the Bible, as we listen to the preaching of the Word, and as we discuss it with one another, we find that it cleanses us from the evil influences around us. Quote
Delivered Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? Baptism represents that of purification, it represents an individual who has placed their “FAITH”, trusting faith in the Messiah of Israel, and in so doing, they are willing to be a witness to that which they have been baptized in, the root meaning is to “dip, soak, immerse” into a liquid, thereby, the properties one has been dipped into will take on its qualities, and they become a living “metaphor” of its purification; Repentance is the key that opens the door of faith so that we may be able to stand before God, for we have placed that “FAITH” in the fact that God’s Son has washed us from our sins in his own blood, and has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father. Q2. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "foot washing" symbolize? Foot washing symbolizes that of the continual need of purification, not of things in the past, but that of “TODAY”, just as Aaron and his sons, who being priests and kings were already cleansed from impurity, even so they had to wash their hands and feet when they came near the altar to minister; Foot washing here represents the same for us, we who have been immersed into the Messiah have been cleansed from impurity, because we are called to be priests unto God, it is important that we also wash our hands and feet, and how do we do that, it is through “repentance”, for if we say we have no sin, we would be deceiving ourselves, it is God who sets the standards we are to live by, our calling is to be a people who “WILL” to walk in the light, a servant unto God, as we conduct our life worthy of that calling, it takes effort to lift oneself out of apathy and turn from sin. Quote
PeteD Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 Chapter 23 q1 "A full bath", as does baptism, symbolizes our complete and secure salvation when we believe and receive Christ. We receive salvation for our sins and the penalty of those sins. We have eternal security. However, we often sin and need to frequently approach God and confess our sins. We are then assured that God will forgive us and cleanse us. This is symbolized by foot washing in this context. 1 John 1: 9 Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted March 18, 2015 Report Posted March 18, 2015 The full bath represents the beginning of our clean, new life after baptism. Baptism purges us of original sin but not of human weakness to resist temptation. Baptism cannot be repeated. When we sin after baptism, which we all do as human beings, we need to be cleansed, but from individual sins resulting from temptation, not our old life. This cleansing is done through repentance and confession. That is the analogy with foot washing. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted March 19, 2015 Report Posted March 19, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? As Jesus tells Peter (John 13:6-10) people who have been bathed need only to wash their feet, because they are clean already, but after bathing only their feet are soiled from walking, needing only of course to wash their feet after bathing. In baptism we are spiritually cleaned and no longer need to be bathed or cleansed again. A person who has been spiritually cleansed needs only to have their daily sins forgiven. Though we are cleansed by the blood of Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit we still are not sinless. Of course because we have been redeemed by Christ and the grace of God, it gives us no right to continue in the sinful nature. As long as we remain in our physical world we will sin, thus we need only to ask the Lord to forgive us of our daily sins, as perhaps the analogy of foot washing, already cleansed - only wash the feet - already saved by Christ - only ask the Lord for forgiveness if we are fully repentant. Quote
Jen Posted March 21, 2015 Report Posted March 21, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? When we accept Jesus and His righteousness instead of our own, when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior and are indwell by the Holy Spirit we are cleansed of all unrighteousness. That is 'louo', regeneration. After that we need to come daily to be cleansed of the daily dirt of the world. (nipto) I don't think we realize in todays culture how dirty we get daily. However God sees all and if we go to Him and confess daily our sins He is faithful and Just to cleanse us from our sins, to forgive us our sins i.e. foot washing. Thank you Jesus for what you do for us that we don't process or understand yet, how very dirty we get in this world. We think we are so clean, we wash our clothes and our bodies and whitewash our bodies that hide all the dirty little sins, the little hates, irritations, self-righteousness, pride, the list goes on and You who see all go on loving us and desiring that we be more like You. You ever amaze me and I am ever amazed how little I know about you. Don't stop the good work you began in me, us. Help me to see the things that have come unto me are from you, have gone through You first before they ever touched me to help me see how dirty my feet really are. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-6 Quote
quilter Posted March 22, 2015 Report Posted March 22, 2015 1.Jesus was trying to tell Peter that he had been cleanse by giving his life to him. Which to me he had been fully immersed (Baptize) the washing of the feet represented to repent daily. Daily we are to cleanse ourselves by humbly asking for forgiveness. Also this task was to extend Jesus mission on earth after he was gone. They were to move into the world serving God and others to show the message of salvation to others. Quote
pickledilly Posted April 2, 2015 Report Posted April 2, 2015 The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet. Jesus was showing Peter the core spiritual lesson of this foot washing experience. With the full baptism of the Spirit at the moment of conversion, every believer is considered/reckoned as cleansed of sin before God in terms of the law and justice. This “full bath” of being immersed in Christ is a one-time event in the life of anyone who accepts the Savior that covers our sin in God’s sight, and it never occurs again (in fact, it cannot occur again). But as we begin to live this new Spirit-led life in Christ, the old nature of sin launches an ongoing battle for control with the new creation of spiritual life within us. And that war is a life-long process, where we do not view sin with the same old desire and pleasure but we still fall into its traps. When we respond to the Holy Spirit’s conviction of our sin in those times where we fail and then confess it to the Father, we get our “feet washed” of the dirt we picked up as we walked through that dusty, dirty sin. The full bath represents the overall redemption from our condition of sin. The foot washing represents cleansing of the daily sins we incur during our walk through this life. Quote
grace2free Posted April 8, 2015 Report Posted April 8, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? A full bath washing represent baptism means cleansing the whole body before you approach God or before you have fellowship with the Lord Jesus, you must be wholly clean. Obedience and respect. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? Before you come to the meeting you already had a bath. Going to the meeting place you walked and your feet were filled with dust. That is why only the foot needs washing. The disciples were baptized already, they had a full bath and all they need is a footwash to have complete cleansing. Foothwashing symbolize that everyday in our journey in this world our feet are dusty, we commit sins everyday. When we were saved and after baptizism (full bath) everyday we still commit sins (dusty footh), everyday we asked for forgiveness of our sins (footh wash) (spiritual cleansing from sin). Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted May 5, 2015 Report Posted May 5, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? Jesus was the model servant, and he showed his servant attitude to his disciples. Washing guests’ feet was a job for a household servant to carry out when guests arrived. But Jesus wrapped a towel around his waist, as the lowliest slave would do, and washed and dried his disciples’ feet. If even he, God in the flesh, is willing to serve, we his followers must also be servants, willing to serve in any way that glorifies God. Are you willing to follow Christ’s example of serving? Whom can you serve today? There is a special blessing for those who not only agree that humble service is Christ’s way, but who also follow through and do it (13:17). Quote
royk Posted May 25, 2015 Report Posted May 25, 2015 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "foot washing" symbolize? I for one would be very uncomfortable to let Jesus, my savior and creator, wash my feet. The full baptism of my spat life of sin; this seems like a unbelievable gift, and something God would do in a church or lake, via the Holy Spirit. But for God to physically wash my feet, if he was really doing it. I would probably resist like Peter, since I am impatient and egoist-self-reliant , though I try to hide it. I/we can't hide anything from God. So if baptism is for the entire life up til that moment, then it seems the foot washing is for what happens after that. Any we need to admit we are sinners, and always will be, and that we need to repent and surrender every day to Him. Sill, to see His as our servant, the one who came to serve/heal all and to save us all. that seems to fit his role. But washing my feet, saving me daily, for now and forever, I realize I need Him. I should not fight He who would save me from temptations to sin. Should means, I should, not that I can do it easily. But He says to Peter, there is no other way. Let Him save us/me, so we can be served and saved by Him to save others. This can only happen by humbly letting God do the saving. By ourselves we can do nothing. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted September 10, 2015 Report Posted September 10, 2015 Baptism is, of course, the “full bath”. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior, the new Christian is baptized. (So there’s no misunderstanding about what baptism entails; the Greek word, baptizo, "baptism" means to dip or immerse a person into water for religious reasons, it doesn’t mean “to sprinkle”.) After we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and make a full confession (to Him), Baptism (immersion) is required to wash away our sin. We are still human and will continue to sin so we still need to repent and seek God’s forgiveness every single day in order to keep us in good standing with Him. This is what Christ communicated by the foot-washing service in 13:10) Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 17, 2018 Report Posted September 17, 2018 The way that a “full bath” represent baptism is that we wash the whole body and get the dirt off of our whole body and in baptism we get dunked all the way under water. So the only thing that “foot washing” symbolizes is that we are getting repenting of the sins since our baptism. Quote
Joseph kuzara Posted May 11, 2019 Report Posted May 11, 2019 As I'm studying this passage, I think the Greek verb leloumenos #3068 for batheing (V-RPM/P-NMS) within this context is in the passive voice. Because what makes us wholly clean is God through His Word that Jesus spoke to His disciples. John 15:3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Of which is an instrument used by God to save(Rom 1:16) but also is used to initiate spiritual rebirth with the agency of the Spirit. "Born of water/the word and the Spirit, the washing/batehing(#3067N-GNS) of rebirth/the word and the renewing of the Spirit." 1 Peter 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable,through the living and enduring word of God. mccabe_born_of_water.pdf To which are we then gifted and granted repentance and faith not of our own will(2 Tim 2:25;acts 11:8;Ephesians 2:8;heb 12:2;Philipp 1:29) in order to be administered the One Baptism being baptized into Christ at conversion by the Spirit of God(1 Corinthians 12:13NIV; Ephesians 1:4; Colossians 2:12;Rom 6:3;Gal 3:27) then baptized into the Spirit by Christ to be indwelled before or after water baptism for the repentance of sin. so we can can be filled by the Spirit unto power to fulfill our great commission within the ministry of reconciliation. So to me to be made wholly clean, is our spiritual rebirth and cleanse by faith in God's word, so being wholly clean in this manner cannot be accomplished by water baptism as others have thought. as the verb bathe#3068 is not grammatically represented as an active voice as something that we do of our own will nor does water baptism cleanse spiritually but is only a representation of our repentance of sin ( not the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the one baptism represents us baptized in Christ's Body). that which cleanses our conscious of dead works by Christ's resurrection but not cleansing the filth off the body.(1 Peter 3:21) thus not makeing one wholly clean. So even though we are wholly clean spiritually being reborn and in Christ, we still stumble into sin so I feel the physical act of washing each other's feet is in representation and a reminder of our confession of sins to each other and ultimately toward Christ if we sin. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man being made effective prevails much 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Quote
Godswriter Posted May 12, 2019 Report Posted May 12, 2019 Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? It means you are going under the water and you are being recognized with Christ. While foot washing is your daily walk and you must do it because of your sins. Quote
Paula Price Posted October 27, 2019 Report Posted October 27, 2019 In this chapter Jesus is preparing the disciples for His leaving them and returning to the Father. While he was with them, He was their master, teacher and Lord. When he returns to the father, he will be leaving them in charge, to take His place, to be the teachers and the master of the flock, to be the example of all Jesus was and all he taught them to be and to do. By washing the disciple's feet. he was teaching them and being an example to them, to show them that though they would be the teachers, they must also be servants . That although they would be spiritual leaders, not to put themselves above each other and their student. They are to love and care for each other just as He was doing and had done. They needed to understand that they were also there to serve. Baptism represents a complete cleaning, washing of the body and you come up a new creature in Christ. Foot washing, I think during this era was considered to be a servants duty. Travelling on dirt roads left the feet dirty and dusty. Once the body was washed, the feet were the last to be washed. Our whole body needs to be clean when we are baptized, but the feet are constantly dirty from the walk. Jesus wanted them to see Him as a servant as well as their Lord. He came to serve as well as teach. He wanted to show them how to be compassionate, loving and kind and caring . Jesus was their Master, but he was humble enough and loved them enough to be a servant and to meet every need, no matter what it was. He was also preparing them for His betrayal by one of His own, that is what he meant by saying not all of them were clean. Even though they were his disciples, Jesus was preparing them that they would sin, they were not perfect, even though they loved him, they were still weak and learning what it would mean to be fully committed to their calling. Even after we have been baptized we are subject to fall, our feet will need washing and forgiveness will be need to make us clean again. Jesus is teaching them to be ready to forgive because everyone is deserving . They are to care for each other even when sin is present. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 1. Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? The starting point for anyone to have fellowship with Jesus is that they be born again, repentant of their confessed sin and forgiven. John the Baptist achieved this symbolic cleansing through baptism in the river Jordan which is similar to “a full bath”, which Jesus elevated to Baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, even after been born again, we are not without sin; we continue to tread in the dust of sin characteristic of the roads of this world 2. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "footwashing" symbolize? As a result, we need to maintain our sanctification process by prayer that our daily sins are forgiven, as in the “footwashing” custom which is undertaken to refresh the feet after each journey. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted November 25, 2021 Report Posted November 25, 2021 This full bath baptism is indicative of the absolute necessity of getting pride or self exultation. Christ wouldn't have that in the hearts of his disciples. The life of continual sanctification is absolutely necessary. We need to have the mind of Christ; being formed in Christ involves mortification of the flesh and trials in this life. It is God's will that we are cleansed from anything that soils or corrupt. Peter changed his tune quick. He didn't want to be a castaway; he realized that Christ is the Vine. Christ's words must abide in us; Christ has the wonderfull words of life. The point is-is that we need daily manna from heaven; yesterday's manna is gone. The Apostle Paul exhorts the churches about being "in Christ", and the death of self (Romans 6). Quote
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