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The Israelites did not worship God but worshipped idols of other gods. This broke the 1st Commandment to worship the one God and no others. All God wanted the Israelites to do is to worship Him and He would take care of them. Since Jesus connects us all to the Israelites this commandment is very much our commandment and we should always remember to worship God and not idols or other gods.

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Fear is the reason for Israel's oppressed state according to Jdg. 6:10. The Israelites fear the Midianites and the Amalekites and their Gods. THey are worshipping Baal (Jdg. 6:25). It seems to me that they are more than likely breaking more than one commandment. According to Judges 6:25 they have broken the first two. They had not listened because they continued to live in fear of the Amorites, after God had sent a prophet to tell them "not to fear". They chose to believe their circumstances and their enemy as opposed to what the porphet was saying and teaching of how God was faithful to their forefathers and delivered them from the enemy. This affects us today when we are weak in faith and chose to believe our "poor" circumstances as opposed to God's promises. The enemy sees our weakness of faith as an opportunity for advancement.

According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? (see exposition). How does this affect Christians today?

The reason for their oppressed state is that they did not listen to God in what He told them through the prophet that was sent by God to speak to the people,reminding them everything God has done for them.Not listening and doing as they pleased left them in a oppressed state.

The Commandment they broke was"You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.They did not listen to God and worshipped the gods of the Amorites.

There is a lot that effects Christians today,as they put their pleasures,monies,materiallistic things all before God,you would say worshipping these things.We store up all these things and do not trust God for our needs,hanging on to worldly possessions.God help us to learn to trust Him with our lives.


They worshipped the gods that the Amorites worshipped. The prophet reminded them the commandment that they are not to worship other gods. They have yet to understand that they cannot serve two masters nor can they turn their back on the God that delivered them from their enemies.

This is still a very big problem nowadays. People are very fickle when it comes to their relationship with the Lord. We tend to be easily distracted by other "important" things like work and money and big-named stars and sports prestige and so on and so forth especially when we're not yet experiencing any problem or challenge. We only remember the Lord when we're already neck-deep in problems that we have probably caused in the first place. We forget the fact that God will be a very good friend who will always be there to help us and take care of our needs only when we are the same way to Him. We need to ask, look for, and always try to catch His attention to show Him that He really is our primary priority. Only then will He really take care of us and reveal His secrets and His plans for us...much like a true, long-time and loyal friend does...because that is what He really is.


The prophet pointed out that not only had the Israelites committed idolatry by worshipping the gods of the Amorites, he also reminded them of how God had previously rescued them from slavery and given them a new land to live in. That rebuke should doubly sting, because it wasn't just breaking the commandment to not worship other gods. God had been good beyond measure and all that seemed to be forgotten. Ouch!

As a Christian this should be a reminder to be constantly grateful. I'm really glad that God doesn't give me what I deserve (condemnation, punishment, damnation), but rather what I need (forgiveness, love, salvation). It's important to be conscious of this and to show my thanks by living my faith (not just lip service).

peace be with you,



Living the Solution


I think that one of the points to be pulled out of this passage is not only the commandmant they broke but, why they broke it and how can we learn from their mistakes. Yes, they put other God's first, as do we. How do we change? I talk a good game, but do I really put him first.

I don't think it is even remotely possible to put Jesus first unless you start the day with him. I have tried. Nothing works. If I don't start the day with him, devotions, reading, prayer, then forget it.

Secondly, it is pivotal to be thankful for what we have, and that starts with recognizing what we have. Being aware of the blessings we have and remembering that none of them are a result of our doing.

Analyzing the verse in this way has helped me to realize that the Israelites were (a) didn't realize the blessings they had and (B) were not thankful. They then turned to other more tangible (my words) Gods.



#2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? How does this affect Christians today?

Israel turned their backs on the Lord. They feared the god of the Amorites and ignored their deliverer and Savior.I believe the Israelites broke the commandment "You shall have no other gods before Me" Today we replace God with a number of things television, money, celebrites etc.

In Christ Jesus,



God ask them not to worship the gods of the amorites in whose land they lived. They did not listen.

the commandment "Thou shalt have no other Gods before thee" meant nothing to them. They turned a deaf ear to Gods promises and commandments.

We as christians today if we are not careful will often times have material gods that are more important to us than the one true living God. Just as the Israelites did not keep their priorities straight if we don't keep a close realationship with our Heavenly Father we are guilty of having other gods.


They did what was evil in the eyesight of God. They did not listen to God and worship the gods of the Amorites. God is a jealous God and we should have no other gods before Him. This affect us today if we put things before God such as our family, money, and anything that we value more than God. He want up to worship Him in spirit and truth.


The Israelites had broken the 2nd Commandment and had been worshiping false gods. The Lord had removed His favor from them and had made them susceptable to persecution by others.

Rather than recognizing their sin and repenting, they continued in their sin and blamed the Lord for their woes.

I am always amazed at all of the scriptures both from the OT and the NT where the Israelites, the apostles and others who have given their lives over to the Lord subsequently fall way from His precepts, from His law and even go as far as denying that they know Jesus (as in the case of Peter)! And then I reflect on my own life and my walk and I realize that I have done, or am doing the same things in my life!

Only through constant prayer, reading and studying His word am I able to stay focused. I am still a sinner, but I strive to grow closer to Him and to follow His way.


The reason for the oppression of Israel was that they worshipped the gods of the people of the land they had been given by God. They broke the commandment; "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." They had been worshipping the gods of the Amorites. We as Christians today should put the Lord first in our hearts.



They broke the very first commandment. Not to worship any other "gods" besides GOD. They worshiped the gods of the Amorites which was Baal. They did not listen to God because HE told them thou shalt NOT worship ANY other "gods' besides Him. We can do the same thing today if we are unbelievers we are worshiping other "gods" automatically. Even if we are believers we can worship other "gods" in our life by putting other people and things FIRST before GOD in our life.


The reason for the oppressed state is because they worshipped the gods of the Amorites. They broke the commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." They would be good for a while but then went back to their wicked ways. we are pretty much the same way. We are good for a while but drift back to our old habits. :unsure:


According to the prophet the reason for Israel's suffering is because of breaking God's commandment that says, ""Worship no God but me." They worship other gods. Israelites continuously ignoring God's commandment.They called out for help to God during their sufferings but several years after God had released them from the bondage of oppression and forgave them ...but they always went back to their unfaithfulness.

We are like the Israeliltes then, we are continuously ignoring God's commandment to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We easily got distracted of the things around us that do not belong to Him but to the world. But even how many times we became unfaithful to Him ..He is always there ready to help us when we repented and turned to Him again....because He is our merciful God, and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (Exodus 34:6)


The children of Israel broke the first commandment, the problem they had was the same problem we have today, we don't take the word of God serious in our life we get to involved in other things i:e football on a day we should spend in fellowship with other believers and our family and in the word, then we think that God will wink at sin and soon we will be on the same road they where, because there are to many gray areas, we do not take they word of God serious and apply the difficult parts to our life.


They broke the commandment:

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before Me."

Today we too can easlily get caught up in the gods of this world and worship money, people, possessions, etc. instead of God. This pulls us away from God, decreases our faith and His good hand upon our lives.

Personally, I find that it not only takes a commitment to daily prayer and study of God's Word but also a SACRIFICE. I had to sacrifice sleep <_< and get up earlier each morning in order to have an undisturbed time alone with God--but it was worth it!! :rolleyes:


They did not listen to the Lord God.

"you shall have no other gods befor Me"

The Israelites put the Amorite gods before the Lord God.

We put many 'things' before God, TV, family,church etc.


Disobedience. in breaking God's command. "Thou shalt have no other GOd..." They did their own thing, and worshipped the gods of the Amorites.

If we do not spend time in God's presence, communicating with Him, and allowing Him to speak with us, to lead us and guide us we will find ourselves in the wilderness, and maybe even "worshipping" other gods.


The Israelites backslide they did not remember how the Lord saved them from bondage, they also feared and awed another god, they did not learn much from history, or they did not listen to the Word, like the parable of the seed which

sprouts in rocks and does not root. Much like us today we need not fear and

not forget that the Lord is with us.


According to the prophet Israel oppression was due to their fear or

reverence for the gods of the Amorites.

They broke the 1st commandment (Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no

other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God, )

The Israelites hadn't listened to the prophet they 'feared' and

'worshiped' the gods of the Amorites.

Christians today are affected the same way as the Israelites of old, we

tend to fear what we can 'see, hear, touch' rather than trust our in God

whom we cannot. We are (I am) often blinded by the business of this world.


Everyone has already answered the questions very capably, so I won't go there. :)

I do want to say that I have been praying (and could use your prayers!) for the mindset that God wants us to have--to always place him before ALL things. My tardiness in replying to this question (most of you are on question 3 now) shows the trouble I have...I'm trying to squeeze in the Bible study in between getting the kids to school, the baby waking up and starting the very busy work day (home internet business), not to mention taking care of the house (well, it's not quite as well taken care of as I would like! <_< ) and my husband, who also works at home with me. I'm embarrassed to count the "gods" I've placed before the One and Only! :angry:

Well, today is a new day, right? PRAISE GOD He lets us start again!


According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state?

They did not listen to the Lord.

What commandment did they break?

"You shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3)

In what way hadn't they "listened"?

After the Lord delivered them out of Egypt the land of slavery, He said to them, "I am the Lord your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live." (Judges 6:10). They had been worshiping those gods.

How does this affect Christians today?

We tend to have our own gods that we worship today as well; money, power, fame, other people, etc. These are the gods of the land we live in. These gods keep us from putting the Lord first. We do and will pay consequences for our actions, as Gideon's people did.


They started going after other gods and terrible things happened to them as a result. When we start doing the same, then 'terrible' things start happening to us; often, like the Israelites, we start complaining and asking, "Where is God?" I pray to start being more open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit when this happens to me.


Israel's oppressed state was due to disobedience. They disobeyed God by worshipping the gods of the Amorites. The Israelites broke the Second Commandment that states "Thou shall have no other gods before me."

God expects us to put him first. We are not worship other gods or things, such as money, television, cars, people, etc. Anything that we but before God Almighty is going against His will.

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