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:D Oppresed because they were worshipping false God's,

They broke the commandment, "Thou shall have no other God beside me"

They went their own way...not God's

We must be careful we dont place more importance on Earthly treasures than we do on Heavenly ones..

All things come from God

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According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state?

They were in this oppressed state because they worshipped the gods of the Amorites.

What commandment did they break?

They broke the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

In what way hadn't they "listened"?

They allowed themselves to be influenced by the people in whose land they dwelled and did not obey God's law. They turned away from God and God punished them.

How does this affect Christians today?

Today, Christian too can allow the world to influence them and instead of turning to God they turn to the flesh. Yes, they too will find themselves crying out to God to "save" them out of the troubles that they brought upon themselves.

According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? (see exposition). How does this affect Christians today?

Israel was in oppressed state because they had abandoned God who brought them out of Engypt, out of slavery. They broke the first commandment that says "You shall worhip no other god before me."


2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? Disobedience

What commandment did they break?

They were told to not fear the other gods that God would protect them. God was faithful and they were not. So He lowered His hand of protection for seven years. . In what way hadn't they "listened"? They didn

  • 1 month later...

Isreal's opressed state is because of sin. They broke the 2nd commandment. They worshipped other god's. They fell deeply into sin and against what the Lord had told them. They disregarded what the Lord wanted and said and went about their daily lives living in the flesh and doing what made them feel good. Because of your sin you will be defeated and the enemy will overtake you. God will allow you to be defeated because of your sin but, if you repent from your sinful ways He will be compassionate and merciful again. A 911 believer? Only seeking God when you are in trouble or needing his help but nothing beyond that. Some of us have to be broken before the Lord and cry out. He is your deliverer! You are to have a relationship with Him daily. Seek His face. It is not our way but YAWEH.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? In what way does this same sin affect Christians today?

A1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, the reason for Israel's oppressed state is due to their disobedience to GOD's instruction. He told them NOT to fear the gods of the Amorites, yet they did, and many curses came upon them because the were not obeying the terms of the covenant. They broke the first commandment to have no other god before HIM, the only true and living GOD JEHOVAH. They also broke the commandment to make for themselves no images to which they were forbidden to bow down and worship. They hadn't listened because Gideon's father, Joash, had built a large altar to Baal, to which they devoted themselves to worship. This same sin affects Christians today because we allow idol worship to take on the form of our material possessions and the ways of this world. Many Christians fall victim to enslavement to things such as cars, houses, money, and people. Instead of striving to meet the perfection of Christ in us, we miss the mark by striving to build earthly riches by carnal means, instead of heavenly treasures derived from a spirit-led walk with GOD--for the greater reward of eternal life. We forget they we are to be in this world but not of this world--that we as Christians are to be sanctified, set apart for HIS use, and that we have been charged to lead a life of holiness. Instead, many Christians find it more suitable for their own carnal means and desires to fit in, rather than be recognized as HIS "peculiar people."

  • 2 months later...

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?

Gideon blames God by stating that basically God let all this happen and could have done something to stop it, as evidenced by His previous acts of protection and deliverance, but chose not to.

Is Gideon's assessment accurate?

Well...in a way, yes. I think Gideon is accurate to say that God allowed the circumstances to happen, but in my opinion, where Gideon went wrong (and where I often go wrong), is his conclusion that because God allowed these things to happen: a. He abondoned his people and b. His inaction was negligent. This goes back to the question I get a lot from my husband and others "If God is a loving God and in control of everything, why does he allow so much pain, suffering, and injustice in this world (e.g., the tsunamis, sick and dying babies and children, car accidents, etc...???)" Unfortunately, theological answers about the condition of this world, wages of sin is death, we bring it on ourselves by disobedience, etc, etc, don't cut it, and often cause more anger and argument for everyone involved. The only honest way I can answer that question anyway is "You know, I struggle with that question too. Sometimes I can see the reasons for pain and suffering by looking at the greater good that comes out of it, and sometimes I have no idea why it happened or why God didn't stop it." I try to leave it at that, because first of all, I don't think God needs me to defend Him or His decisions. Secondly, I couldn't defend it anyway because I really don't know. And lastly, I think I would be doing people a better service by encouraging them to seek the answer directly with God than pretending I know the answer. What I pray now that God will help me do...and remind me to do when I either go through suffering or injustice myself, or watch others go through it...is to watch, pray, and trust, with or without a revelation.

Why do we blame God?

Probably the same reason we blamed our parents as kids for all the injustice they inflicked on us :rolleyes: If we can't see the bigger picture, then it must not exist, therefore there is no reason (or natural cause) for the negative circumstances. Since our parents, and God, have the ability to stop these circumstances and don't, we think it just not fair!! :angry:

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

The danger is in missing the lesson we are supposed to learn from our circumstances and then having to take the same test over and over again :blink: To stop short of it in the future, we have to take a stand against our own thought process and essentially say to ourselves "No matter how bad this looks, I believe that God is in control, and he will use this as He sees fit with or without revealing His reasons to me. I am going to trust Him and seek Him with all my heart until He reveals what I'm supposed to learn from this or how I'm supposed to change from this." I know, I know, easier said than done :P


The reason for Israel's oppressed state was discipline. God could not allow disobedience to Him to go without consequences. They broke the first commandment of having no other gods before Him by worshiping the gods of the land they were in. I think the natural consequence of serving and worshiping anyting whether it's money, power, hatred, unforgiveness, substances, things, etc. (the list goes on) is captivity from that very thing. This includes God, but when he captivates us, it results in freedom...He has a knack for being opposite of what is within our "normal" way of living and being. So Isreal's oppression from the people of that land is a fitting consequence for worshiping the gods of that land

  • 4 months later...

God has delivered the people of Israel from Egypt and told them to not to worship the gods of the Amorites. He reminded them that He was their God but they didn't listen to Him and worshipped other gods. God understands that we cannot completely worship him if we have other idols that we worship. Without full commitment to God, the people of Israel (and ourselves) can never have the full blessings of God.

2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? Disobedience

What commandment did they break?

They were told to not fear the other gods that God would protect them. God was faithful and they were not. So He lowered His hand of protection for seven years. . In what way hadn't they "listened"? They didn

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? In what way does this same sin affect Christians today?

According to the prophet, Israel did not listen to God's command in not worshipping the God's of the Amorites. They worshipped the God's of the Amorites anyway.

They broke the first commandant: "You shall have no other Gods before me." Exodus 20:3.

When we don't listen to God's commands and don't apply His principles and ideas, then we will suffer the consequences of our own choices. When we obey God and apply His Word, we will enjoy His blessings. Again, the result of our choices.

In post-modern America there are all of kinds of gods (i.e. materialism, pursuit of monetary gain; free access to ****; endless pursuit of entertainment and recreation, etc.), that distract us from obeying and serving God. The same principle applies to us that to did to Israel -- God is God -- and you shall have no other gods before the Living, True God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? In what way does this same sin affect Christians today?

The nation of Israel did what was evil before God by worshiping the god's of the Ammorites. They put other god's before the Lord God almighty which is the very first commandment of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3. They didn't listen to the voice of God when he told them fear not the god's of the Amorites. Many people today will let the littlest thing come between himself and the Lord God almighty,IE fishing hunting shopping T.V. music anything that they desire more than God.

  • 4 weeks later...

God helped them, he bought them out of slavery, he rescued them from the Egyptians, and all the people that were against them in that land, He told them that they must not worship the false gods of the Amorites in land they were then living in. As he was the only God.

They didn't listen to him. They broke the very first commandment

  • 1 month later...

The reason for the Israelites oppressed state was they had not followed God's commandments. They had been led astray by worshipping other Gods. They were told not to worship the God's of the Amorites but they did not listen.

This happens to people today. We get in with the wrong crowd or put things in our life before God and let their influence cause us to sin.


They served other gods and completely ignored God. This is a behavior Christians practice today. I know personally, I have ignored and served other gods i.e. money, relationships, jobs, self. Foolishly choosing to ignore God's saving grace in my life. It is easy to forget where God has brought up from and what He desires to do in our lives. When we do this, we have to face the heart wrenching consequences of bad behavior. I would rather be for God than against Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Depending upon your religion, Israel broke the first and/or second commandments. They turned to idol worship. In doing this they felt the wrath of God who allowed the Amorites to oppress them. All of this happened to God's chosen because they didn't listen to His word.

We are in the same situation today. America professes to be about 87% Christian but acts 100% secular in whom we allow to run the country and who we have chosen to idolize. Is there any doubt as to why we are suffering the hardships we are on so many different fronts? Not to me.


Q2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? How does this affect Christians today?

The Israelites when they entered the promised land, God had given them commandment to follow, they fail to follow God

  • 4 weeks later...

:unsure: I am new to the bible study program and I am looking forward to learning more about the Holy word of God for my life. I want to let the administrator know that I am having trouble logging onto the links in my email. I reach a page with an error message, "Christian Articles Archive

404 File Not Found." Please advise!


Melody R. Jones

  • 1 month later...

God had warned the Israelites before they entered the promised land, not to do what the other inhabitants of the land did, but after only one generation, the Israelites had disregarded God's warnings and began to worship both God and the god Baal, who the Midians worshipped. They thus ignored the commandment that they should have no other God but our Father. They were obviously impressed by the success of the Midianites and wrongly assumed that it was because of the power of their god Baal, not because of their disobedience to God.

Much the same thing happens now where people strive to be 'politically correct' and claim that all religions are the same, that all gods are the same. They hold their personal wealth, and 'success' as their own achievement, giving no honour or recognition to God's intervention. They build huge cathedrals etc supposedly to give glory to God, but in reality they bask in the applause given by others for their cleverness, their generosity and never credit what they have to God's Grace.


Israel was oppressed because they forsook God. They broke the commandment to "have no other Gods before me they were warned not to follow the other gods of the surrounding area but they tried to combine their worship of God with the other gods. In today's culture it seems that anything goes and it is easy to try and combine popular beliefs such as spirituality with serving God.


The Israelites were breaking the command to not worship any gods other than the true God. I found this lesson interesting because of the root meaning of the word worship having to do with fear.

The Israelites were not only holding in awe other gods and combining beliefs with other influences but they were becoming fearful because they no longer believed in the true power of the one God. The real God and only one with any power!

When we as Christians fear, we are in essence like the Israelites. We forget to have faith. We get trampled and loose sight that God is all powerful and can rescue out of any situation. We don't need to be afraid. He's there......through it all. We are like Gideon. We can be small but mighty in the Lord! We have to know Him and trust Him though and try to see Him in any situation and then wait on Him. He is mighty to save!


Q2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? How does this affect Christians today?

That they did not listen to God when he to told them not to worship, revere, or fear any other gods but Him!

"You shall have no other gods before me."

The Israelites had totally forgotton how the LORD had driven out all their enemies before them and given them land they did not buy and houses they did not build, and vineyards they did not plant; they disobeyed the most important condition under which He did this for them. They were slaves in Egypt, He saved them and tested them in the desert;He made them a promise, that had a condition attached to it. He told them what would go down if they did not remain faithful to the condition - they did not remain faithful to the condition thus reaped the penalty.

How soon we forget the conditions of the promise; we remember the promise but forget the condition that is included. We see God as a loving, understanding, and a merciful God- slow to anger; and He is all these things, but lets not forget the ONE THING - the MOST IMPORTANT THING, that Jesus said, "to love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your sould, all your mind, and all your strength." When we do this, the condition is met effortlessly.


Israel was living under the painful punishment of separation from God because they had broken the first and second commandments: "You shall have no other gods before me" and "You shall not make or bow down to any idol." God even promised a generational down-flow of punishment for this sin.

This is what the Israelites didn't listen to and what we Christians must remember. When we allow anything to become more important than or equal to our commitment to God and His Word, we and our children could suffer that same separation from the grace and mercy of God.

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