1Timothy11516 Posted August 28, 2010 Report Posted August 28, 2010 Gideon was under the false assumption that God had abandoned Iseral and him. Furthermore, his assessment of God's sovreign move against Iseral, was incorrect. God is not to be mocked! Iseral had moved away from God's command and followed after forien gods. God Almighty is the same, yesterday and forever! "'But sir,' Gideon replied, 'if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, "Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?" By his own words, gideon did blame God, in part, for the midianites' attacks. We place the blame on God, for certain events in our lives, for several reasons. We blame out of ignorance of circumstances that we are in. We do not take ownership of our actions because of fear, doubt and unbelief in God's soverigenty. We are insecure beigns at heart and when one is insecure, blaming someone is the path of easiest resistance. This places us on shakey ground, not in respect to our salvation, but in respect to our fulfilling the destiny that God has for each one of us! We MUST know who we are in Christ Jesus!! Quote
hanks Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? In what way does this same sin affect Christians today? Israel found themselves in an oppressed state because of their disobedience to God. They were told not to worship other gods, specifically the gods of the Amorites. God had commanded them Quote
Jo621 Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 The Israelites no longer worshipped only one God... they also worshipped the god of the Amorites, and quickly forgot the commandment of the Lord "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Instead of remaining faithful to the God who delivered them from bondage, they quickly fell prey to the other gods of those around them. You can't compromise and serve God. When we put anyone or anything ahead of God, we are doing the same thing. God deserves our total love and dedication. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 3, 2012 Report Posted January 3, 2012 According to the prophet, the reason for Israel’s oppressed state was that they were worshiping more than just God. They were breaking the first commandment. The way that they hadn’t “listened” is because they were told before entering the Promised Land not to worship any god except the God that brought them out of Egypt. The way that this same sin affects Christians today is that we worship every material thing that there is because we are always chasing after things that are not good for us. Quote
wifee Posted January 17, 2012 Report Posted January 17, 2012 1a)They chose to disobey God by worshipping other gods. b)Israel worshiped both Yahweh& Baal, so broke command to serve the Lord only. C)They didn’t listen when Joshua urged them not to be influenced by gods around them. D)We can allow money,possessions,career,family,our pride to draw us away from having the prime focus of God in our lives,giving them more importance than we should, if we don’t keep putting God &his commands first and all else second. Quote
Nic Posted July 17, 2012 Report Posted July 17, 2012 According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? Israel was in an oppressed state because they disobeyed God. What commandment did they break? "Thou shall worship the Lord thy God and serve Him only". In what way hadn't they "listened"? They worshipped Baal along with worshipping God. In what way does this same sin affect Christians today? Today we get caught up in pur lives and our pursuits of the things in the world. Sometimes we place them on the same level or above God. We basically say to God that He has to wait until... We may not be bowing down to any idol but it is mor than a physical act, it is a heart condition; a mindset so to speak. Quote
betchay Posted July 7, 2013 Report Posted July 7, 2013 The reason for Israel's oppressed state is that they disobeyed God by also worshipping other gods-Baal and Asherah. The commandment that they broke is this - "You shall have no other god before me." They didn't listen o the commandment of God because they still continue to worship Baal and Asherah and even make altars or them. Similar things still happens to us today..we say that we only worship our god but sometimes unconsciously we take Him for granted and worship other things-work,pleasures,money,and the like... Quote
DebLam3teach Posted August 25, 2014 Report Posted August 25, 2014 The reason for Israel's oppressed state is that they did not worship God alone, but mixed Judaism with the religion of the Amorite's fertility gods. They broke the first commandment. They did not listen to God's Law and obey it. Modern idolatries in Christians' lives today include materialism and the pursuit of success and wealth. Recently, I've seen more Christians mixing eastern mysticism, superstition and even witchcraft with their Christian beliefs. We need to be careful to not "pick and choose" what we like from other belief systems if they do not line up with the Word of God. Quote
aztlanjuan Posted August 28, 2014 Report Posted August 28, 2014 They were in direct disobedience to God- He told them not to worship any other Gods (Amorite Gods), which they did. This still happens today as we have many "idols" that we put before God- relationships, work, possessions or even ministry. Quote
Elah Posted October 19, 2016 Report Posted October 19, 2016 The Israelites disregarded Yahweh's commandment of not having any gods before Him. This is the first commandment and breaking it caused them to be oppressed, terrorized, and abused by the Midianites and the Amorites. Being handed over to the enemy is in direct correlation with disobedience. God means what He says and says what He means. Actions bring forth consequences good or bad. However; Father's forgiving nature, everlasting love, and covenant with Israel causes Him to answer them when they called. Quote
Tim_NY Posted August 28, 2017 Report Posted August 28, 2017 The Israelites were being oppressed because they were worshiping idols, the gods of the Amorites. They were breaking the first commandment 'You shall have no other gods beside me.' They had not listened to God's Law that had been taught to them for years from Moses' writings, reciting the Law in the temple and during times of feasts and sacrifices. By now they were doing none of these activities. Today we have left God as a people in much the same way. So many who knew God at one time have gotten drawn in by people, things, riches, and activities in this world that they no longer acknowledge Him as God in their lives. Even we believers do this at times, and we need to repent of it. Quote
JSF Posted November 11, 2017 Report Posted November 11, 2017 Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? In what way does this same sin affect Christians today? God said, " I am the LORD your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live.' But you have not listened to me." His people directly disobeyed. Oh there are so many "gods" surrounding us. Whatever we awe or fear or pursue, giving first place to, that becomes a god to us. Quote
Paul Irving Posted June 23, 2018 Report Posted June 23, 2018 The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Midian for seven years. So when Israel sown, the Midianites and the Amalekites came up against them. Then the children of Israel cried to the Lord, then the Lord said I am the Lord your God; don’t fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. The Lord sent a prophet named Gideon. An angel spoke with him and said the Lord is with you you mighty man of valor. So later after Gideon realizes that he saw an angel of the Lord and that God is with him. He builds an altar for the Lord and destroys the altar of Baal the false god of the Midianites and Amalekites. When the people of the city see that Gideon has destroyed the altar of Baal they want to kill him, but his father Joash says to them let Baal answer for himself if he’s a god. Quote
haar Posted March 7, 2019 Report Posted March 7, 2019 . (Judges 6:7-10) Q. According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? A. God delivered them from Egypt, gave them the land of the Canaanites but warned them not to worship the gods of the Canaanites. Yet, they refused to obey God and worshipped the very gods they were told not to worship. Q. In what way does this same sin affect Christians today? A. We also disobey God by flouting what His Word says. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 They have not listened to the LORD. The worshipped the Gods of the Amorites. They didn't listen because they heard God's word but wouldn't obey Him. Today we hear God's word in church & read His word but often don't obey Him. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted May 3, 2021 Report Posted May 3, 2021 It was the sin of idolatry that caused the Israelites to be subjected to oppression. They were combining two irreconcilable religions. The were speaking with "forked tongues". They claimed some adherence to the Jewish faith yet were involved in the immoral practices of idolatry. Now in a number of mainline Christain churches, we see the same thing. Toleration of what was deemed immoral behaviour. Very sad. Even amongst various church hierarchies, immoral behaviour going on and handling the Bible in a deceitful way. Deceiving many sincere church members. We must each day prayerfully study the Bible and beseech the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. GIdeon kept his eyes on God after he received his vision and built the altar dedicated to "Yahweh-Shalom". We need to spend time at our own altars each day. Also using a concordance daily to narrow in on specific words-a must! Slow reading of good in depth writings of Jonathan Edwards and the Puritan fathers---such great helps ! Quote
Krissi Posted June 2, 2022 Report Posted June 2, 2022 Two things strike me about these passages. First, the inevitability of the cycle -- faith, then apostacy, back to faith, ad. infin. This happened repeatedly to the Israelites ... they never learned from their mistakes, it seems. It's so depressing. I wonder if what happened to a nation or group mirrors what happens to individuals. Though, in my own life, these cycles seem to be getting smaller, with low points not as low, I don't see an improvement-trend among the Israelites. On a long-historical scale, sin repeats seems to itself. Sanctification seems to be for the individual only, not society. Second, clearly this passage is about worshiping two competing gods. When we take this passage and try to apply it to our lives, I get a bit confused. I don't know anyone who overtly worships both Jesus and Mohammed, as an example. We're a bit more subtle about our dual loyalties, at least. What we "worship" are money, power, prestige, authority, material goods, sex ... etc. BUT, the bible in the OT also prohibits these things. It's not like the bible only talks about worshipping incompatible deities. It also tells us to not crave money or covet. So, perhaps, we are wrong to extend the meaning of "other gods" to whatever comes between us and God. Perhaps we should take the passage at face value, that is, assume it means, literally, worshipping two religions/gods at one time ... a bit like contemporary Bahai? Quote
Irmela Posted March 29, 2023 Report Posted March 29, 2023 Q1. (Judges 6:7-10) According to the prophet, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? They did not obey God, Who told them that He was the Lord their God Who had delivered them out of the hand of their oppressors. He told them not to fear the gods of the Amorites, not to worship them. What commandment did they break? You shall have no other god before or beside Me. In what way hadn't they "listened"? They practiced syncreticism in that they feared the gods of the peoples of the land also. It was no longer pure worship of Yahweh. In what way does this same sin affect Christians today? In many ways we function in "fear' of not having or being the same as the next one. Or what will the next one say about my lifestyle etc. It is like we are making man a god instead of being in awe of God alone and worshiping Him alone. Quote
Servant of God Posted August 2, 2024 Report Posted August 2, 2024 They did not keep the 1st commandment to have no other God before me Ex 20:3. They worshipped the gods of the Amorites which God told them not to. A lot of Christians today is serving the god of self. They have not put God first in their lives. Many have made gods of their children, jobs, homes, fame, etc. Quote
JanSumi Posted February 2 Report Posted February 2 Israel's oppressed state is because they disobeyed God's command to them not to worship or hold in fear and reverence the gods of the Amorites. The Israelites were worshipping both Yahweh and Baal and Asherah, mixing those pagan religions with their faith in God. Doing so certainly would lower God and who He is in their eyes. They could not then be truly worshipping Him for who He is anymore. However, maybe they still thought they were. Maybe in that way they were rationalizing their actions. But God uses the term which means "fear" and to hold in "reverence and awe." They were really worshipping these other gods and believing in them. Often today people mix their Christian beliefs and faith with others faiths, such as new age beliefs, Buddhism, even the occult. But even when we accept certain philosophies that go against God's Word and mix them into our Christian belief system, this is also a form of synchretism, especially when we hold them (or their founders) "in awe" because we put human "wisdom" and intellect on a pedestal. We may even raise up certain things or people looked up to and deemed important in society - wealth, success, fame - and "worship" them, hold them in awe. Quote
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