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Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"?

Knowledge of Jesus

How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional?

It is very emotional, it is, for me, such a deep feeling of pure contentment, happiness, fullfillment, and security all rolled into one, and is impossible to describe to someone who does not know the Lord or to someone who has not experienced His love.

How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"?

This tends to be of earthly or materialistic things, and cannot be found in "things" only by getting to know the Lord, and the more I learn, pray and study, the more I want to know Him, and love him all the more.

Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

For me, the joy of the Lord fills me with a warm glow that fills me, and it continues to grow and spreads to those around me. And you can sense it in others, it is almost like a Jesus magnet, you see it in others and are drawn to them. Not a fake magnetism like a slick sales person, but a warm joy that comes from the heart and it makes you want to be with them and you don't know why, just that you feel that you are a better person when you are near them, and being with them makes you want to encourage eachother to get to know the Lord more.

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The basis of joy that is "inexpressible and glorious is the final outcome of trusting God,"OUR SALVATION".Just to know that I am "Heaven Bound"gives me joy.We must base our assurance on Jesus death and resurrection,in what God has done for us.Peters words offer Joy and hope in the times of our trouble.No matter what we face in this life,we know that it is not our final experience.<Extra credit>What a joy we know that eventually we will live with Christ forever.This is a genuine article of joy and definitely not a counterfeit. Knowing this, it lifts my spirits,sing out joy,and praises to His Holy name Jesus Christ.Amen


:P The great "inexpressible and glorious" JOY, is from the depths of my heart and soul, is due to the enlightment that the creator and sustainer of the whole universe, God has counted me worthy and has assured me place in his kingdom because of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Human emotions are purely earthly and go up and down. They do not touch the soul. In the pursuit of happiness, we reach some goals we set for ourselves with respect to the life on the earth and the society thereof.

Genuine JOY never fluctuates. It always remains steadfast because of the realisaton and understanding of the assurance we have in our God. :D


The basis for Christian joy is the holy spirit filling a christian up to the point where they have joy and they can't express how they feel. Joy is bubble, it makes people laugh for no reason. Some people may call this person crazy, but they don't know what is going on in the insides of a person. Emotionally, a person can't go around being depressed. When joy comes inside, it takes away all of the negative emotions and brings postitive instead. Joy is needed in our lives for us to continue. No one can't live without joy which brings love and peace. When a person is happy, there is also joy. Happiness and joy go hand in hand.

Extra ?: To tell a genuine from a counterfeit joy. When one is filled with the Holy Spirit there is genuine joy. I'm not knocking anyone down who doesn't understand. I believe you can have joy without the Holy Spirit being present. We don't know when he is present or not. Ultimately tho, a person does needs the Holy Spirit's help for a total joy deep down. Counterfeit joy: is a joy that has to be made up. Genuine joy doesn't need help of any kind.

Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

Our whole reason for joy is because of what Jesus did for us because He loved us first and we received the gift of salvation through faith in all that Jesus has done for us. This is why we are able to have this unspeakable and glorious joy. It is not a worldly joy that usually passes just as quickly as it comes. This joy we are referring to is that spiritual joy the fills up within our spirit like a endless flowing river of life springing up inside us. So it is not essentially emotional, but very much alive and spiritual that only the believers of Christ can enjoy by believing in Jesus as their savior. The pursit of happiness is something you are looking for from some source of position, ownership and so on here on earth. Where as this is something you can't earn, it is a free gift: Eternal Life by receiving Christ Jesus and what He did on the cross for us and He lives within us today and that is our joy, and He is coming to take us home to be with Him for all eternity.


The basis of Christian joy is that we have eternal life in Jesus and that one day we will be in heaven with him.

Joy doesn't necessarily have to be emotional.

extra credit-Counterfeit joy happens as the result of things going our way. If everthing is alright in our world, we have a false joy.

Genuine joy happens despite what our current circumstances are. We can experience true joy in the mist of persecution and tribulation.

Someone once said "we have happiness as the result of our circumstances, we have joy in spite of our circumstances."


Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"?

The basis or foundation of Christian joy is Jesus Christ himself. It is the faith we have that encounters Christ and we respond with joy when the two meet.

How does this joy interplay with human emotions?

Joy gives us strength. With joy there is assurance, confident, boldness that Christ is here to carry on. Joy blows away or dispels any darkness, doubts or shadows within. With joy there is light and down to every cell or fibre in your body is ignited giving a gladness to the heart, you rejoice.

Is it essentially emotional?

No. There is a wellness attachment to joy. Joy is a healing attribute. It is a bringing forth of wellness and wholeness for the body for the whole being is ignited or engaged with the "Joy" of our Lord Jesus. The source of the joy is from Him. It is a fruit of the Spirit.

How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

Pursuit of happiness is "satisfaction guaranteed" which only comes from God not worldy material riches stored up. And when you find God, who brings happiness into your lives you are filled with "joy"! For God gives you the Spirit and the spirit within you upon recieving produces joy; abundant and from a never ending spring as the source who is Christ Jesus. We receive the joy of our Lord.

This joy does not end when it is from Christ, whereby worldly joy does end and comes in spurts. Worldly joy can be for example a celebration where there is a temporary spurt of joy caused by the energy of the excitement or akin to of the people being celebrated, an emotion.

Counterfeit joy is wordly joy and like a balloon. When it pops the joy is gone. Here for a while and gone tomorrow and does not return until another balloon is blown up where the balloon represents i.e. listening to a motivational speaker - you are pepped up for a while then come down/fizzle out; birthday party celebrations - while the party is on there is excitement and laughter, gaiety and merriment but the joy lasts as long as the celebration is in motion.

True joy is like living waters and the source that flows is contineous and is tapped into. It is the Spirit of Christ that is the source of joy not from us nor our emotions or events - celebrations. True joy is like a fountain and recognizable by the countenance it brings and seen in a person when it arise, it is bubbly and it is unfading and true joy is consistent and does not run out.


Will receive salvation because we believe in what we can not see and love what we can not see and rejoice with unspeakable joy and full of glory.

Gives us great joy in our heart and soul that we can believe and love even though we can not see and receive salvation of our soul. Our hearts and minds are at ease because we know that we can not feel any content of having these types of feelings and believes but with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Why? Because He is our Father, our Protector and Jesus is our attorney and will fight for us when judgment day comes. Emotionally uplifting. We feel good about ourselves because regardless of the temptations we face we stand fast and hold on to God's unchanging hand.

Pursuit of happiness - typically means striving to have things here on earth (material things). With this if these things are not achived we tend to get either jealous, angry, depressed, and/or resentful. With God there's no ifs, ands, or buts. God is holy, God is almighty, God is never changing, God loves unconditionally.

Extra Credit:

Geniune Article of Joy - Many blessings are received, prayers are answered, glorious feeling of contentment. Having unspeakable joy and your soul full of glory. Feeling of self-worth and value and most of all you can geel God's love.

Counterfeit Article of Joy - Blessings and prayers are heard but not received. Temptations are not guarded, receiving riches but you are still not content. One mistake is when believing the riches are from God when in fat they are not. Life is still in turmoil and unhappiness is ten-fold. False feeling or self-worth and value, and can not feel the joy and glory of God's love.


The basis of Christian Joy is true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ through Whom we recieve the goal of that Faith, Salvation (Past, present and Future). Our joy is based on confidence in Christ & what HE HAS DONE. It is not an emotional experience but the basis of an emotional desire to praise Him. We can be filled with the Joy of the Lord even in the midst of trying situations, if are hearts are focused on Christ, the source of our Joy and the Author and Finisher of our faith.


Q5: It is that the Lord has forgiven us our sins, and we are his children. Faith in my Lord is the source of and fountain of my joy! Feelings can be controlled by outside forces, both good and bad. I walk by faith, not by sight. This makes invisible thing real, and enables us to feel and act in view of them, with the same degree of certainty as if we saw them. If faith could deceive us, then could not our physical senses deceive us? Does the eye never deceive? Are there no optical illusions? Does the ear never deceive? Are there no sounds which are mistaken? But for all practical purposes of life, the senses are correct guides, and do not generally lead us astray. So there are objects of faith about which we are never deceived. We act with the same confidence as if we had personally seen them. New christains or muture ones will say their happiness came when they first had evidence that their sins were forgiven and the burden of guilt was rolled away and that they were the children of God. This is joy unspeakable. Eph1:14 To have this joy you must have love. If you love the Lord, then you must love others also. If you don't love others you don't love the Lord.


Our sure salvation that will be manifested when Jesus is revealed again is the basis of our inexpressible and glorious Christian joy. This salvation cannot be snatched away from us, it is imperishable and eternal and of the greatest value. This joy is not based on human emotions but it is in the spirit. It is not dependant upon our circumstances or things around us but it is an attitude that results from our firm faith and hope in Jesus. However this joy can affect our human emotions positively and help us to look beyond our current circumstances especially if they are difficult, towards our glorious future.

It is not essentially emotional as our emotions are more responses to external stimulation/situations and change as our circumstances change.

The difference between the

  • 2 weeks later...

Just knowing that I'm saved, to know how much he loves me, the way he always forgives me. He died on the cross for me and took all of my pain with him.

The joy and love of the Loed is permanent, everlasting, once you let Him into you life. My Lord is TRUE! :)

  • 1 month later...

Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

Our Basis for our Christian joy is the Vision of Faith in Jesus Christ. Eventhough we have not seen Him physically, we Love Him by Faith and have a revelation of the Truth in our Hearts that brings about an expectation of the the salvation of our souls. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus (through Prayer and the Word) will keep us firm in our Faith in obtaining Eternal Life. It does not matter what trials we experience, I am always comforted by the Fact that I await the end of my faith in Jesus Christ!!

The pursuit of Happiness is always involved with selfishness in one way or the other. However, we get true Joy "unspeakable" by obeying the Will of God in our lives. Genuine Joy is present when our faith is strong and firm in the revelation of the Salvation of our souls, and we are spending intimate time in the Presence of our Heveanly Father.

True Joy is not moved by what we feel or don't feel...It's not Circumstancial. However, Happines depends on the Circumstances. Genuine Joy depends on the Fact that we have based our Faith in the Redemption by the blood of Jesus and we know that we now have eternal life.


<_< The basis of Christian joy is our Salvation; it is the hope that lies deep within us that is grounded in the truth of God's Word and His holiness, His character and His trustworthiness. It is differentiated from the human emotion popularly thought of as "joy" because it is not dependent upon external circumstances. So, in that sense, it is not what I think of as "essentially emotional." When we talk about "the pursuit of happiness" it calls to mind a superficial emotion which is a reflection of a temporary, existential experience, whereas Peter's kind of joy is grounded on two substantive, historical facts: Christ's atoning work on the cross and his resurrection.

One realizes he has this kind of joy when he finds trials and suffering do not rob him of it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"?

Faith unto salvation/ a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words, The Light of Gods countenance indwelling in my heart is inexpressible and glorious.

How does this joy interplay with human emotions?

Joy being intense happiness interacts with our human senses and brings satisfaction/contentment in our Lord in our present state of being; allowing for honour, health, ambition, and ease.

Is it essentially emotional?

Yes, as God is also emotional. It is constant and abiding and enough.

How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"?

To pursue something is to chase it down and overtake it; it is outward and there for temporary, something obtained by self. Whereas joy inexpressible lives inside the inner man (a lively hope) for as long as we remain in Christ, even in the darkest hours because we can rest assured in our Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

The only way I could tell that is if the Holy Spirit revealed it to me. :)


Joy to me is being able to give thanks to God for my blessings, to be able to hold my head up high when it seems like everyone around me is against me, to have enough confidence to know that no matter how difficult my situation may seem, I still have a lot to smile about because God is walking beside me. Just thinking about what he has done for me so far brings me inexpressible joy.


Everyone of us eventhough we have not seen him we still believe and are receiving his glory everyday.

It makes you feel good and just want to praise God and to share it with others.

Some of it is spiritual too.

It differs by being a pursuit of eternal life in heaven with God.

You can tell it is genuine whe you can feel his preesence and be happy to know him as the father.

  • 3 weeks later...

Joy is knowing without doubt that through all of life's troubles and strife,we will have Jesus by our side.Worldly things can give us happiness like a new car,which may be a necessity for work eg,but won't give us "the peace of God which passes all understanding"


The basis of Christian joy is love and belief in Christ and the receiving of the goal of our faith, which is our salvation. :D

This joy is an emotion, but it is not a manipulated emotion. It comes from love and belief in Jesus. It is different from the pursuit of happiness because it stays with us in the midst of troubles and trials. We may not always be happy, but we can always rejoice in knowing that Christ is our Savior and His promises are trustworthy and true. :rolleyes:

How can we tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? True joy doesn't fade just because problems crop up. True joy comes from faith in God and trust in Him and His promises. We can have this joy and assurance even when we are miserable. :)


God is using my debt to refine and purify my faith. God is accomplishing my dependence on Him. Genuine, tested faith brings glory to Jesus because when He brings us through we praise Him and bring Him all His glory.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Our inexpressible and glorious joy is based on the fact that we will see him one day. That our salvation will be completed.

this inner joy gives us a sense of peace to weather storms that may arise in our lives.

This is not purely emotional because even when we are not happy we can have a joy within. This is based on something much more than feelings.

Real joy is when you can feel a peace eventhough all seems to be in turmoil in one's life.

  • 1 month later...

We have great peace and indescrible joy in our hearts because of our love for the Lord. We love Him thought we have not physically seen him and because of this the HolySpirit fills our hearts with joy. True Joy is reflected in our lives - its not a fanatical frenzy - but a peaceful, contentment knowing that through God's grace we will be with Him one day - our earthly trials will end and we will be physically and spiritually complete with God. Our day by day lives reflect the true joy - it is not a moment of an "emotional high"

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