mollymadhat Posted September 9, 2004 Report Posted September 9, 2004 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit This Joy comes because we know we have been saved by Jesus Christ, WE HAVE HOPE. There is great freedom in KNOWING we are saved. I'm not sure how to answer the rest of these questions. It is emotional but it is deeper than that. I myself have trouble with this joy, sometimes when I am doing everything I should then I feel more joy in my salvation and when I am not; then I feel scared and fearful. I know this is not right, I wonder how many other christians have felt this way? This is why I am taking this study, I want to figure this out and to change!! Quote
Stacey Posted September 17, 2004 Report Posted September 17, 2004 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? 1) That I am so LOVED 2,3) When I am lonely I am loved. When I am angry I am loved. When I am happy I am loved. When I am loving I am loved. When I am less than loving I am loved. When I am hurt, depressed, jealous, needy, confident, proud....I am loved. That I am loved is the constant unchanging reality and it is not based on how I feel at any given point in time. 4) We don't have to pursue it. It is not elusive. It is offered freely and with no strings attached. 5) It is quiet and not noisy. It is reassuring, calming, and brings a sense of peace. It is seeing everything crumble, only to be built up and made new. It is seeing new life in death. Quote
Moira Posted March 6, 2005 Report Posted March 6, 2005 What is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? God's Word which quickens the Spirit. How does this joy interplay with human emotions? A feeling of excitement, of joy, of freedom to be oneself. A state of being outside of this world where nothing within this world can touch me. Is it essentially emotional? NO How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? The pursuit of happiness is something we strive for. This joy is freely and totally given by God. It lifts one up when things try to pull one down. How can you tell the difference? Joy in God is an inner peace, deep, sustaining. Quote
N.I.C Posted April 7, 2005 Report Posted April 7, 2005 Wow this is a tough question. The basis of Christian joy that is inexpressible and glorious is summed up in one word, GOD! It's knowing in our hearts that we, like Peter already stated, are "recieving the goal of our faith, which is the salvation of our souls." I don't believe that real, genuine joy has anything to do with emotions, because essentially we can feel 10 different ways about the same thing. Some people ride an emotional roller coaster throughout their whole lifetime. And as Christians I don't believe we are to live by feelings or emotions but rather based on every word of God. (We need to obtain balance and stability.) The pursuit of happiness ultimately leaves us feeling empty and always desiring more. It can never be fully satisfied. How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? Counterfeit joy only lasts fro a short period of time. The majority of the time we "feel" this type of Joy occur when we obtain something or accomplish something in the "flesh." It is based on feelings and excitable emotions and is also completely dependant upon good circumstances or situations surrounding us. Genuine Joy, on the other hand, is real. (I don't know how to explain this exactly, but, it comes from the inner core parts of our being and bubbles up out of us. (It's more like an inner, peaceful assurance that God is here (with you, with us, and it is not dependant upon our circumstances or necessarily our feelings. Quote
anointedprincess Posted August 21, 2005 Report Posted August 21, 2005 This joy is everlasting Joy it not only for a season. The Bible says weeping will indure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. It talking about this joy Quote
steve.c Posted May 8, 2006 Report Posted May 8, 2006 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? The basis for our joy is the knowledge that we will receive the goal of our faith, the ultimate reason for turning away from sin and towards God and his Kingdon: eternal life with Him. It is the joy that comes from knowing our faith is soundly based. It comes from knowing Jesus is present within us. Guiding us. Loving us. It is as much an intellectual and spiritual response, than an emotional one. It comes from an entirely different source from the pursuit of happiness: that is the pursuit of happiness in this world, giving priorities to material rather than spiritual matters. This is the joy that comes from being part of the Kingdom of God. It is the fruit of the Spirit and is spiritually produced. It comes from seeking to do Good's will. The source and cause of the joy differentaites it from a worldly emotion. Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? to knoow Him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowhip of His suferings brings me unspeakaable joy. I have suffered many things buat t hrough it all God has abarought me great joy that I may know Him in all of His f ullness Through lonliness trials I have eexperienced g reat joy kowing I could do all things through Christ that strenthes me.My spirit is liftaed Christ words bring me much encouragement. Joy is always there and is not up an d down. Quote
Tabatha Posted May 8, 2008 Report Posted May 8, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? This kind of Joy is not emotional, To speak of it as an "inexpressible" or unspeakable " joy is to say it is mysterious, there is something about this joy that is difficult to explain and describe, That defies outward expections. What does Peter mean? This is, I think, a most important question. And the answer to it lies, I believe, in the two adjectives that Peter employes to describe this joy that Christians have: "inexpressible and glorious. We can understand we have moments where the exhilaration of a moment of luminous insight into the glory and love of God, or the first discovery of things in creation is one thing. To be filled with JOY as a condition of life, That is another. Clearly, then Peter is not talking about natural gaity nor even about actual merriment or hilarity, such as we se when people are laughing together over a good joke or when they are exuberantly pleased and show it in their rejoicing over something good that has happened to them or to someone they love, that kind of joy does not go with fear and sorrow. The joy Peter is talking about is something deeper, more fundamental, more structual. It is a joy that lies deep in the heart as something permanant, something that creates effects in the life that can be seen on the surface from time to time, but which itself lies hidden in the core of one's self-conciousness, even some of it below the level of self-consciousness, down at the place where God is at work on a new creation, down in the heart that He changes and out of which flow the issues of life. There is in Christ a joy far deeper, far more wonderful, far more pure, far more solid, than what the world can offer. this joy in a sense, is a sense of goodness, and purity. and love deep in the heart, that transforms our outlook on life and the world, a joy that is, as the scripture says, indestructable because it is founded in the deepest and surest reality and not shifting tides of worldly experience. This joy is a fixed point deep in the soul, Then, to speak of this joy as " glorious" is to say that it is a joy founded upon the realities of the Living God, The God of Glory, and His love for sinners, upon the promise of the gospel and the hope of everlasting life AMEN. Quote
Rebecca M Posted May 16, 2008 Report Posted May 16, 2008 The basis of Christian joy according to this passage is believing without! Human emotions can divert Christian joy because they are not always based on what is pure and true. Sometimes we get addicted to a "feeling" and don't realize that commitment to our belief will provide us with everlasting joy that can be "felt" or not. I feel that too much dependence on emotion confuses us. We try to make sense of something that could just be hormones...seriously! The pursuit of happiness for most people is not in line with the "goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls"; I'm sure most goals in the world are related to more material things and less to our salvation. It's so beautifully refreshing to think of the pursuit of happiness to be linked purely to our faith in the Lord and in our salvation. It's convicting that I haven't had that exact thought before. The genuine article of joy does not ebb and flow with feelings or emotions. It is nearly constant in all circumstances...good and bad. It proves itself as genuine because in some negative circumstances, you realize that it can only come from the Lord. Quote
John Weir Posted May 23, 2008 Report Posted May 23, 2008 We love Him even though we do not see Him. We believe in Him even though we do not see Him. It is our faith in Him, and what He means to us that gives us this joy. It is a deep-rooted joy not superficial and momentary. It is more than an emotional feeling, it is a conviction. It is not counterfeit as we know that through it we are in the process of receiving the 'goal of our faith' i.e. the Salvation of our Souls. It is a glimpse of what it will be like in Heaven. Quote
John Weir Posted May 23, 2008 Report Posted May 23, 2008 The basis of Christian joy according to this passage is believing without! Human emotions can divert Christian joy because they are not always based on what is pure and true. Sometimes we get addicted to a "feeling" and don't realize that commitment to our belief will provide us with everlasting joy that can be "felt" or not. I feel that too much dependence on emotion confuses us. We try to make sense of something that could just be hormones...seriously! The pursuit of happiness for most people is not in line with the "goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls"; I'm sure most goals in the world are related to more material things and less to our salvation. It's so beautifully refreshing to think of the pursuit of happiness to be linked purely to our faith in the Lord and in our salvation. It's convicting that I haven't had that exact thought before. The genuine article of joy does not ebb and flow with feelings or emotions. It is nearly constant in all circumstances...good and bad. It proves itself as genuine because in some negative circumstances, you realize that it can only come from the Lord. I like the idea that this joy is constant in all circumstances, both good and bad. It is hard to experience this but what you are saying is so true. God has a plan that is revealed to us in His time, and then we realise our joy was well founded. Quote
Rebecca M Posted May 24, 2008 Report Posted May 24, 2008 Amen! I have definitely experienced God's plan being revealed long after something I considered a heartache, and yet it turned out to be such a blessing! His timing is perfect. Quote
Lorianne Posted May 24, 2008 Report Posted May 24, 2008 Hi, My name is Lori and this is my first post. I live in Arizona and just started this study. I love reading Gods word and really want to go deeper in my understanding. The pursuit of happiness stems from outside influences where as joy comes from our internal relationship and knowledge of Jesus. The genuine article of joy will be present in all circumstances because those that know their God can trust the verse Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who have been called according to his purpose. So even during trials and heartache we can trust that God knows what he is doing and he sees the big picture of our lives. If we seek his will in all things and follow where he leads we can trust that even the painful things in our lives can become true blessings. Quote
geraldloiacono Posted May 27, 2008 Report Posted May 27, 2008 he seems to say it stems from the salvation of our souls.there is a light at the end of the affects our emotions because our faith reminds us of our salvation in our struggles. Quote
Commissioned Posted June 9, 2008 Report Posted June 9, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? The basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious is the emotions that we experience when we reflect on the work of Christ and the omnipotent power of a loving God. How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? The joy that we experience is manifested in our emotions, it is in the emotions that we display the expression of our spirit. While it is not altogether emotional, we express our joy through our emotions. How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? It differs in that this joy which brings happiness is eternal, whereas the pursuit of "happiness" if not in Gof will fade away. Genuine article of joy is eternal and honors God. Quote
Mrstoler Posted June 29, 2008 Report Posted June 29, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? The basis is love. Pure love. The love that only Jesus can give us. No human can ever love us the way Jesus Christ does. This love is not emotional it is filling like food to the body. You don't hunger for it. You live it. It is always there. I don't have to question Jesus whether or not He loves me. I do have to ask humans. Because of the way they treat me. Genuine joy is when all hell has broken out in your life and you are in peace knowing that Jesus still loves you and He is there. Even when doubt rises up in your mind, you can still hear His voice saying to you. "I will never leave you or forsake you." Quote
smurf1948 Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 This is the joy of knowing the Lord as your savior. Knowing he loves you. Th joy that you have because you are going to Heaven that you inherited the Kingdom of God. It is expressed through our emotions they way we carry our selfs and others perceive us. They see Jesus in us. You can tell by the way we act and if were after treasures in Heaven or on earth. The earthly things will vanish. Quote
Rosie1Rose Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? Christian joy for me is a gift from God. It is when everything on the outside falls apart and on the inside I am standing on my head waving my legs in the air cos I am so busting with the love of God and the sense of His Presence. Joy for me goes hand in hand with His peace. It gives me strength when I need it most. Human happiness is jumping in puddles, laughing at a funny film or feeding the ducks. It is reliant on external factors. God's joy is there, regardless of circumstances. Truly I say with Paul in Phil 4:4 I can rejoice in all things because of who God is Extra Credit Genuine joy is distinguishable from the counterfeit because it strengthens, heals, is independent of circumstances and brings with it a sense of God's peace and Presence Quote
Bennet Posted September 5, 2008 Report Posted September 5, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? The basis of Christian joy is our SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST. Once we are saved we feel a sense of belonginess and relief, we see the world in a different light, the light of JESUS!!! It differs with the general coception of happiness, because even though it makes us happier and at peace in the inside, does not necesserally makes things easier in our interelations. Extra credit: Genuine joy comes from the heart and is between onself and GOD, it shows and is lasting. Quote
heavenlygirl6450 Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 what is inexpressible and glorious joy? to me it is knowing that Christ came to earth to save the world not to condemn it and that He chose me to be adopted into His family. my salvation is very important and the love i have for my Savior has grown to heights i have never known before. Jesus is pure joy in my life. i think that Satan leads us to believe that the things of this world will bring use joy and happiness, but it is the joy of God the Father who helps us through our difficult times that surpasses and knowing that God is with us and helps us through those hard times brings us true joy and happiness. Quote
God's child Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 That even though we do not see Him, we love Him and believe in Him and this fills our hearts with joy. When a person is truly connected to Jesus in a loving and personal relationship, there is joy and it does not matter what the circumstance may be, whether in good times or bad. That's not to say that we are always smiling and happy. That would be fake and even though we are God's kids we have very human emotions. Joy comes from just knowing the Lord and understanding that He is in complete control of my life. When me or someone I know is going through an especially difficult time and optimism is high and complete faith in the Lord is lived and expressed, you know joy is present. The joy comes from knowing where our help comes from. Quote
heavenlygirl6450 Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 i thank you for your response. God bless sister Quote
paulcrf Posted October 6, 2008 Report Posted October 6, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? Inexpressible and glorious joy is based on the expectation that we will receive the goal of our faith which is the salvation of our souls. This inexpressible joy is based on faith and hope not ordinary human emotions which requires evidence to be joyful. Earthly acquired happiness are based on material , emotional or psychological possessions which we visually experience. Happiness from the love of God is based on faith. This faith is based on things not seen but things hoped for.Genuine joy is internal. It is expressed with love. Counterfeit joy is external. It is more of personal interest Quote
Markle Posted October 21, 2008 Report Posted October 21, 2008 The basis of Christian joy is knowing JESUS. By faith we see him, walk with him, and commune with him. This joy is inexpressible and glorious because there is nothing which can harm you. You know everything will be alright no matter what happens. Anger, frustration, jealous, envy non of these can affect you emotionally because of the love of CHRIST which fills your inner being. A person which do not know JESUS can not fake this joy. This joy is a gift from GOD man can not fake this. Quote
csreeves Posted December 24, 2008 Report Posted December 24, 2008 Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit? Even though I can't see him I receive an unspeakable joy-a faith vision. It isn't emotionalism or artifical. The pursit of happiness is just that the pursuit and this unspeakable, glorious joy given to each of us who choose to worship the one true loving God. Quote
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