Pastor Ralph Posted March 30, 2015 Report Posted March 30, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? Quote
haar Posted April 13, 2015 Report Posted April 13, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Paraclete will teach and remind us what Jesus taught his disciples. The Paraclete if the Holy Spirit of God sent in the name of Jesus The Paraclete is performing the role of the Lord Jesus in teaching and reminding the disciples and us because the Lord goes to the Father in heaven. Quote
JanMary Posted April 14, 2015 Report Posted April 14, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? He is the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby. The Father sent Him in Jesus Name (in Jesus' place to represent Him and to act on Jesus' behalf) He is the Teacher. He will cause us to recall (remind us and to bring to our remembrance) everything Jesus has said, and all that is written in the Word of God. Who is he? He is the Holy Spirit...the second Person of the Holy Triune God. Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? Jesus was their teacher until He departed earth. The Holy Spirit was sent to clarify all that the Apostles had bring Jesus' teaching into sync with their new understanding of Who Jesus is, post Crucifixion and Resurrection, and to teach them Who Jesus is, hidden in the Old Testament, now revealed. For us, Jesus is the Word of God. The Holy Spirit brings the written Word of God, to life in us. (It is God breathed and the entire Bible is written for our teaching and training in righteousness and for our correction, by His Spirit) Quote
blezed Posted April 14, 2015 Report Posted April 14, 2015 (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit sent by the Father in Jesus' name. The Paraclete is a comforter and the source of all truth. His teaching/reminding role is important to the apostles because it will remind the disciples of what Jesus taught and make his teaching clear. Quote
Clarence Posted April 14, 2015 Report Posted April 14, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit (John 14:17, 26). The Holy Spirit (Paraclete) will teach and remind the apostles as they experience a life of service, after Jesus ascention to heaven. So the paraclete will take over from Jesus role (the disciples teacher and rabi)-see notes. Quote
Delivered Posted April 14, 2015 Report Posted April 14, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of Yeshua, Jesus; He will teach all things and will bring to “MEMORY” what Jesus taught, one important truth that Jesus taught his disciples was, “If you love me, keep my words”. (1John 23: 1-4) It is written that you sin not, and if you do sin to remember, Jesus the Messiah, is with the Father, he is our advocate, our Paraclete, propitiation for our sins, hereby is how we will be known, if we keep his commandments. Q4. Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The gift of Salvation is a calling of commitment, thereby, I am thankful for the Spirits teaching, and his bringing to memory the importance of that “commitment” as I am reminded, the Messiah is coming for a “faithful bride”. Quote
SoiKosum Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? We learnt the following about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26: 1. The Paraclete is sent by Father in name of Jesus. "In the name of" may suggest that the Spirit is Jesus' personal emissary. 2. The Paraclete refers specifically to the Holy Spirit. 3. The Paraclete will teach the disciples all things. 4. The Paraclete will remind the disciples of what Jesus taught. 5. The Paraclete is spoken of in personal terms. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes He will help the disciples remember so they can understand and interpret correctly for the church what Jesus had taught them. The Holy Spirit doesn't bring a new revelation. Instead He represents Jesus and makes Jesus' teaching clear. Quote
quilter Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 Question 3 Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember what he had been teaching them. This promise ensures the truth of the New Testament. The disciples were the witnesses of Jesus's life and teaching and the Holy Spirit helped them remember. the Holy Spirit is God send back to us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Quote
hanks Posted April 17, 2015 Report Posted April 17, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is He? Why is His teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Holy Spirit came in Christ's name, to represent Jesus here on earth. He did not come to glorify Himself but to draw people to the Saviour. Our Lord said that ‘He will teach you all things’. This I think is one of the Holy Sprit’s main tasks, to occur, after our Lord is glorified. Firstly, the apostles had to be taught to understand Jesus’ teachings and this applies ultimately to us as well. This He did initially through the spoken ministry of the apostle, and then for us through the written Word of God which we have today. He is our Helper in all things, providing us with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Strengthening us when we are weak. However, while Jesus was with His disciples He managed to teach them up to a certain point. He knew that He had to leave any further teaching to the Holy Spirit as they could not have understood any further truths. So it was left to the Holy Spirit to reveal more. This He does today as we are sanctified to become more and more like our Lord Jesus Christ. We read in Ephesians 1:13-14: “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession - to the praise of his glory.” The presence of the Holy Spirit marks us as being children of God belonging to Him forever. Quote
Jen Posted April 17, 2015 Report Posted April 17, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The Paraclete is the Helper, Comforter, Counselor, Jesus personal emissary (love this). The paraclete is the Holy Spirit. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in us that keeps us in line so to speak, reminds us, corrects us, teaches us. He is the power house behind everything accomplished for our Lord, He is the one who pricked our consciences and still does to bring us to Jesus. He is God the Spirit who lives in us so that we are not alone, left alone on this earth. He is holy and makes us holy to God. He always points us to Jesus who is God our redeemer, our Savior, our Lord. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted April 18, 2015 Report Posted April 18, 2015 The Paraclete is shown to be sent by the Father to remind us of Jesus’s teachings. His teaching/reminding role is important as the apostles have often failed to understand Jesus’s teachings previously. It is also hugely important for us as we never had the benefit of direct face-to-face teaching from Jesus. Quote
PeteD Posted April 23, 2015 Report Posted April 23, 2015 Lesson 25 Question 3 As stated in the lesson, these verses plainly relate that the Paraclete reminds and teaches the apostles "all things "that Jesus taught them. No doubt, the Paraclete helped the apostles to integrate Jesus's teachings with Jesus's final activities - - the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helped the apostles recall stories and integrate them in such a way as to formulate an accurate and consistent doctrine/teachings in the New Testament. Quote
pickledilly Posted May 1, 2015 Report Posted May 1, 2015 In these verses, Jesus was clear and specific about the Paraclete. He identified this divine Helper as the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God would be sent in the name of Jesus to believers by the Father. The word name in Greek is onoma, which has to do with “the manifestation or revelation of someone’s character and reputation, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others” [HELPS Word Studies]. The Spirit was coming in the authority and character of Jesus, the Person of God who would indwell the Body of Christ on earth with the same message and truth from the Father that Jesus presented. Jesus said the overall role of the Spirit would be to teach us all things from God and remind us of all that Jesus taught us. The Spirit will never dispute or lead us astray from anything Jesus said. This was important to the apostles (and to us) because there is one uniform Word from God presented by both Jesus and the Spirit. It is to be learned, understood, interpreted, and taught just as Jesus revealed it – unaltered and undistorted by human analysis or bias or misinterpretation. The apostles had been directly given the word of God by the Word made flesh but they needed discernment, and they were the first generation of messengers of that message to the world so it had to be accurate (or else the gospel would have been tainted from the very beginning). The Spirit was coming to remind the apostles of all that Jesus had taught them and give them spiritual understanding in things they just couldn't grasp on their own apart from the Spirit's ministry as their Teacher and Encourager. The pure message of Christ was to be spread throughout the world through believers (beginning with the apostles), and this could only be rightly done by God’s guidance through His Spirit in us. Quote
grace2free Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). Q. What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? A. The consolation and guidance. He is Jesus Christ. The Paraclete is sent by the Father in the name of Jesus. "In the name of" may suggest that the Spirit is Jesus' personal emissary. The Paraclete refers specifically to the Holy Spirit. This verse makes it explicit. The Paraclete will teach (didaskō) the disciples all things. The Paraclete will remind the disciples of what Jesus taught. We probably shouldn't separate reminding and teaching as two separate functions. Reminding is part of the teaching function. The Paraclete is spoken of in personal terms (14:26). Verse 26. Will send in my name. On my account. To perfect my work. To execute it as I would in applying it to the hearts of men. See John 14:13. Q. Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? A. Bring all things to your remembrance. This probably refers to two things: 1st. He would seasonably remind them of the sayings of Jesus, which they might otherwise have forgotten. In the organization of the church, and in composing the sacred history, he would preside over their memories, and recall such truths and doctrines as were necessary either for their comfort or the edification of his people. Amid the multitude of things which Jesus spake during a ministry of more than three years, it was to be expected that many things which he had uttered, that would be important for the edification of the church, would be forgotten. We see, hence, the nature of their inspiration. The Holy Spirit made use of their memories, and doubtless of all their natural faculties. He so presided over their memories as to recall what they had forgotten, and then it was recorded as a thing which they distinctly remembered, in the same way as we remember a thing which would have been forgotten had not some friend recalled it to our recollection. 2nd. The Holy Spirit would teach them the meaning of those things which the Saviour had spoken. Thus they did not understand that he ought to be put to death till after his resurrection, though he had repeatedly told them of it, Luke 24:21, 25, 26. So they did not till then understand that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles, though this was also declared before. Comp. Matthew 4:15,16; 12:21, with Acts 10:44-48. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted May 19, 2015 Report Posted May 19, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember what he had been teaching them. This promise ensures the validity of the New Testament. The disciples were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life and teachings, and the Holy Spirit helped them remember without taking away their individual perspectives. We can be confident that the Gospels are accurate records of what Jesus taught and did (see 1 Corinthians 2:10-14). The Holy Spirit can help us in the same way. As we study the Bible, we can trust him to plant truth in our mind, convince us of God’s will, and remind us when we stray from it. But when the Father sends the Advocate as his representative—that is, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete—he will teach us everything and will remind you of everything Jesus told us. Quote
royk Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? " 25 All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (14:25-26) Anyone sent by God to teach us is very important, to listen to. So good ideas come from Him. Bad ideas don't. We need to validate ideas that come to us, unless they are so obviously good... but then are they? Like what should we say to a person whose father just died? An idea may pop in our mind, but do we know if the person was Christian, is the survivor Christian? We do have the letters of Paul that explain to us how to live like Christians. Who do we listen to and do we know it is the Spirit that is leading us? If we are to become or are disciples, then hearing the Holy Spirit seems to be very very important. So reading what the disciples did after they received the Holy Spirit is also important, to get examples. Applying all this to now, is only about NOW, and being led by God's spirit, NOW Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 2, 2018 Report Posted October 2, 2018 That Jesus is going to send somebody to us that will remind us what we are supposed to be doing. I think that it is Holy Spirit. The teaching/reminding role is very important to apostles because unless we are minded all the time we will be forget or just ignore what is what Jesus had done for us. Quote
Godswriter Posted June 1, 2019 Report Posted June 1, 2019 Q3. (John 14:25-26). What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? Jesus is going to send the Holy Spirit to remind us of the things we should be doing and to guide us into all truth. It is the Holy Spirit. The role is important so they can remember what Jesus taught and did for us. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted August 29, 2020 Report Posted August 29, 2020 Q3. (John 14:25-26). 1. What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? We learn that the Paraclete will be sent by the Father to the apostles, in Jesus’ name, to teach the apostles and also to remind them of everything Jesus had said to them 2. Who is he? The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. 3. Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? The teaching/reminding role’s importance is to ensure that they represent Christ truthfully, by correctly preaching His teachings, and correctly interpreting the Good News of Christ. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted December 15, 2021 Report Posted December 15, 2021 Christ is teaching about the disciples power of attorney. We have free, unlimited and unqualified use of His name. Christ was soon to complete his mission on earth; the Holy Spirit would be bestowed on the elect, and can ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for answers to prayer for whatsoever, anything and for all things. This is a settled fact because the Father sent Christ to tell us (John 14:27). The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. The Apostles didn't understand fully Christ's teachings and were not highly theological adepts. The Holy Spirit would be their strengthened and teacher. Acts of the Apostles underscores this greatly. The early Church did face tough times; the Holy Spirit would have such prime authority as to preaching, miracles, conversions and church government. The Pentecostal aspect of the early Church was so prominent as described by St Luke. No chicanery, no hype and the Gospel marched on gallantly throughout the Roman Empire and to India. Quote
Irmela Posted September 6, 2022 Report Posted September 6, 2022 Q3. (John 14:25-26) What do we learn about the Paraclete in verses 25 and 26? Who is he? Why is his teaching/reminding role important to the apostles? "25 All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (14:25-26) The Paraclete is sent by Father in name of Jesus. The Paraclete refers specifically to the Holy Spirit. The Paraclete will teach the disciples all things. The Paraclete will remind the disciples of what Jesus taught. The Paraclete is spoken of in personal terms. Jesus had been their Rabbi / Teacher up to this point. Now they were to teach what they had learnt to the new followers. The Holy Spirit would teach them how and would also remind them of what Jesus had taught them. Quote
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