Pastor Ralph Posted March 30, 2015 Report Posted March 30, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? Quote
JanMary Posted April 18, 2015 Report Posted April 18, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? The gardener cuts off dead or diseased branches which sap energy with no yield. He shapes the plant and directs growth for a more bountiful harvest. Pruning protects the vine and prevents disease and mildew and stimulates healthy growth. (a friend commented last night that they didn't know for 9 years that they needed to prune their grape vine, which they planted for mostly decorative purposes over an arbor entrance to their garden. Last year they pruned and for the first time got a huge harvest of large edible grapes, instead of the puny "decorative" ones in the past) What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? Left alone, the vine is prone to disease and becomes less and less productive. It produces "wild" shoots or suckers, which rob the plant of useable fruit. What does God use to prune our lives? In my life, it's trials and testing. Long periods of waiting, painful losses, denials, slights, unfair treatment, and in several cases, illness. (He didn't send the illness, but used the down time to help me reprioritize activities and to focus again on Him in dependence.) What does God use to prune our congregations? Changes in leadership, groups of people leaving over various issues and disagreements, bringing awareness of correction needed. He leads and guides to weed out obsolete programs which take time and resources (wild sucker growth) but which produce no new growth or depth of growth. Why do we resist pruning? It hurts! His cuts usually come as a surprise with no warning...they shock and stop us in our forward (fleshly) momentum. We are not wired to embrace pain and discomfort! Those take large measures of His grace and mercy. What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? If there are warnings, heed them promptly. Stay connected intimately to the Vine. Seek His guidance daily. Listen and obey. Yield to Him when our will wants its' own way. Yield to the pruning, seeing it as a gift of love, rather than punishment. Even Jesus learned obedience through the things which He suffered. (Heb 5:8) Thank Him that we (wild olive shoots) have been grafted in to share the richness of the root and sap of the olive tree. (whereas some of the Jewish branches were broken off. Rom 11: 17)Repent quickly when aware of rebellion or sinfulness. Enjoy felllowship with Him throughout the day so we are in tune with Him. Quote
Clarence Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? Pruning of a grapevine helps keep the vine under control, otherwise the vine would grow wildly all over the place if it was not prunned. The aim of growing a grapevine is to encourage the plant to produce as much fruit as possible, as opposed to vegetative growth. Pruning also helps to keep the fruiting canes as open to the air as possible to decrease the chance of mildew, and other diseases and insect pests paracitising the plant. As well as winter pruning, judicious summer pruning may also be required to achieve this goal. God may use other people to prune our lives. It may be people we do not get on with, or friends who are honest, who may tell us we are on the wrong track, or suggest a way that we can improve (Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 1:5). God also uses trials or crisis in our lives like, the loss of a job or a period of bad health to help us take notice of the direction in which our lives are going. It is easy to resist pruning because pruning involves loss and loss is often emotional pain. Pruning a church may be similar, people may leave or somebody may tell us honestly what we may not want to hear. They may suggest ways that we could improve so we can be more relevant to the community in which we live and function as a church. Realising that we need God every moment of the day and obeying him ensures that hard pruning is not required (James 3:17, Hebrews 3:12-13, John 14:15). Quote
blezed Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? Judicious pruning benefits a grapevine by cutting off the damaged and or diseased branches so that the energy of the plant is not wasted on unfruitful or diseased branches. When a vine is left unpruned the fruit for the next seasoned will be less and the vine will begin to grow wild producing some grapes, but making it hard for the plant to get enough light and making it difficult to harvest what few grapes are produced. God sometimes allow people to be removed from leadership roles and others moved in. He, also, allows a number of members to leave the church over one thing or another. This is pruning, getting rid of the dead growth and a way in for the new growth. We resist pruning because we don't want to give up old traditional ways we have done things or we don't want to cross those that are big givers. Quote
SoiKosum Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? The purposes of pruning are to: - Stimulate growth, - Allow the vinedresser to shape the vine, - Produce maximum yield without breaking the branches with too many clusters for them to bear, - Protect against mildew, - Produce better quality wine, with more highly concentrated and flavorful grapes. Without pruning, the fruit for the new season will be dramatically diminished, and the vine will begin to grow wild, producing some grapes, but making it hard for the plant to get enough light and making it difficult to harvest what few grapes are produced. You may be spending lots of time in activities that are fruitless. Sometimes we suffer losses and grieve about them, but find that God is redirecting and healing us. We can trust the Vinedresser and must be obedient, if we want his skill to make us whole and fruitful. Churches, too, need pruning. How many activities are continued because "we've always done that," long past the time when they are effective in advancing the Kingdom? Sometimes people need to be removed from leadership and others moved into leadership. Some churches experience a painful time when a number of members leave over some issue. But when this loss is surrendered to God and forgiveness is sought, this "pruning" can become the impetus for new growth. We resist pruning because it can be painful. To make the eventual pruning less severe, we must surrender to God's will and ask for His forgiveness and be obedient to His word. Quote
Delivered Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? Israel represents a vineyard that God planted and cultivated, and out of Israel comes not a representation, but the “true” vine, God’s Son; God the Father is the husbandman, he cultivates and takes care of the vineyard, God prunes it in order for it to produce good fruit, fruit that would give honor to the vinedresser, and to the “true” vine. Q2. What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? Productivity will be hindered, and the health of the vine will be weak because of the lack of nourishment, leaving the vine unable to fight off the thorns, as they overcome and snuff out the fruit of the vine. Q3.What does God use to prune our lives? God disciplines, he prunes those he loves, so they will wear garments of praise, bringing forth fruit that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD Q4.Why do we resist pruning? A true follower is taught not to resist being pruned; it is part of the growing process needed, in order for the vine to bear “good” fruit. Q5.What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? Severe pruning would not be necessary if the vine would respond to its first pruning by displaying growth, pleasing the husbandman. Quote
haar Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? It promotes growth, quality of fruit, and reduces diseases. When a vine is left unpruned, the vine grows wild, bears less fruits and lower quality fruit and hence lower quality of juice. God allows to loose certain things/ worldly opportunities etc in our lives so that we will more productive in our service/ ministry. We resist pruning because it is painful. Quote
Jen Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? 1. Stimulates growth 2. Allows the vine dresser to shape the fruit 3.Produce maximum yield with out overcrowding 4. protects against mildew 5. better quality fruit When the vine is left unpruned it will become diseased and weakened with loss of nourishments going to healthy fruit. God uses circumstances and his Word to prune out lives. God prunes our congregations in leadership, correcting course, saying no to people not suited for certain positions. We can let God have his way so that the pruning is able to accomplish its goal. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
hanks Posted April 22, 2015 Report Posted April 22, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? The judicious pruning of the branches that are truly rooted in Christ, stimulates growth and keeps the vine in top form, resulting in maximum fruitfulness. It remains healthy and produces sufficient fruit year after year - the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If left unpruned we have a decrease in productivity, with wild growth and the resulting difficulty in harvesting. God reminds us to discard all that does not bring honour to Him, or anything that distracts us to such an extent that it becomes the main centre of interest in our lives, such as money or work, amongst others. Just as the vine must be cleansed from mildew and fungus, so must we as believers be cleansed from worldly things that cling to us over time. Sometimes congregations mainly concern themselves with church finances and/or the number of members they have, instead of staying focused on teaching the Word, and saving souls. Some sort of shock treatment is needed to get them back on track. Often we are in our comfort zones and pruning is needed to make us more faithful servants. As believers we were cleansed by the Word at the time of conversion but we need to continue being cleansed; and to avoid severe pruning we need to carry on living a life honouring our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Those who bear good fruit are continually growing and being cleansed until they ultimately become more and more like our Lord Jesus. Quote
quilter Posted April 22, 2015 Report Posted April 22, 2015 1. To prune you take of dead part of the vine so it will grow and make more fruit. 2.To let a grape vine go without pruning it will get diseased and will not bear fruit along with spreading to all the vine. 3.God sometimes must discipline us to strengthen our character and faith. 4.Those who won't bear fruit are cut off at the trunk which means if we are not following Jesus and his word we are not bearing fruit.our lives are worthless .If we try to block efforts of God's followers we will be cut off from the divine flow of life. Help me always Jesus to live for you and bear fruit for you Amen 5.Many don't want to live anyway but there way which is not following God's word. Jesus says the only way to live a fruitful and good life is to stay close to him like a branch attached to the vine 6. Live our life daily for him tell others about him find a bible teaching church and worship him. To tell others about our christian life is to tell others what he has done for you. Ask Jesus to come into our lives and help us live for him and if we truly believe help is on the way. Praise His Holy Name Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted April 23, 2015 Report Posted April 23, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? Judicious pruning of a grape vine can benefit it because the dead parts are removed. Shoots are removed that did not produce enough or good fruit the past year. By pruning the vine it is able to supply nutrients to the healthy branches, this way causing a plentiful crop. Pruning allows more sunshine to come in and also protect the plant from unwanted mildew. If left unpruned a grape vine will not provide a good crop and the vine will begin putting out sucker shoots that will draw nutrients away from the branches. Crops will also become smaller and less flavorful, thus it will be no good to keep alive. God uses pruning in our congregation by removing the branches that are not producing good fruit (benefits and learning) for the congregation. Other newer and more efficient branches will be grafted in to produce a stronger and healthier vine. we resist pruning because we get complacent in our place and ways of teaching the membership. Sometimes we resist new ways because we think our old ways are best at teaching. To keep from pruning too severe we should at regular intervals install new teachers or train for better ways of teaching and understanding the word of God. Keeping our old ways maybe good at times but as the congregation gets older the newer younger members are filled with fresh enthusiasm and understanding of gods word. Quote
PeteD Posted April 24, 2015 Report Posted April 24, 2015 Lesson 26 Question 1 Judicious pruning benefits a grape vine by removing unproductive branches that are sucking nourishment from the vine while not producing fruit. God prunes our lives by removing those things that sap energy. God can give us the will to remove these things or He can intervene by any means. God does the same to congregations. We resist often because it can be painful. If we pray and listen to God we may see eventually that the pruning does ultimately help us produce fruit - fruits of the spirit. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted April 25, 2015 Report Posted April 25, 2015 Pruning benefits a grapevine by cutting away dead wood and leaving the healthiest parts of the vine. If the vine is left unpruned it will grow wild and be far less productive. God uses suffering and experience to prune our lives. In my experience when the priest gives a sermon containing uncomfortable truths that make people examine themselves and find themselves wanting, this causes some to leave and look for an easy path (the broad way instead of the narrow one). This prunes our congregations. In the same way, when we look for an easy way out, we are resisting pruning. We must constantly examine ourselves and amend our lives to conform to God’s will. I am currently reading the writings of John Cassian. These are full of very helpful insights into self-perception and correction of our faults. Quote
pickledilly Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Grapevines must be pruned of dead and diseased wood in order to grow healthy and be most productive, otherwise plant energy will be drained off by growth that isn’t useful and the entire vine will be negatively affected. Also, undesired shoots and buds are removed to stimulate growth that can be concentrated into the desired remaining shoots to properly nourish healthy abundant fruit and protect the vine from damaging overload. A vinedresser is very deliberate about selecting which buds to keep and what their placement will be, always mindful of the need for each individual shoot to have proper sunlight and air circulation. And since vines randomly twine and attach themselves with unruly ever-reaching tendrils, pruning also maintains the proper growth habit and shaping. All of this effort is for the purpose of growing a healthier vine and increasing production of high quality fruit. God the Father is our vinedresser. He prunes us by the application of His Word in our lives through the ministry of the Spirit. Many times my conscience has been pierced or direction has become clear as I’ve read something specific in Scripture and the Spirit has used it to lead me to let go of something or change a course of action or thought. Many times God prunes through the circumstances He allows into our lives, using what others do around us as well as things that happen to us and things we bring on ourselves when we stray. And many times He prunes as He distinguishes the good from the best in our lives. If I was only allowed one word for God’s most-used instrument for pruning people and congregations, it would simply be change. He uses change to challenge us when we're disobedient, to trim us back when the flesh grows wild, to re-direct our undisciplined lack of spiritual growth, to remove unhealthy or unprofitable habits and desires that sap focus and energy for His will. And we don’t always like change because it’s uncomfortable and painful as we have to release things to God's pruning shears when we’d rather stay attached. Far too often, we’re pridefully absorbed with self-desires instead of being focused on the Father’s loving best for our lives. We resist by trying to ignore/deny what God is doing, not seeking His wisdom, and even attempting to run from Him. Being pruned is a given for every believer because this life is about being shaped into the character of Jesus, the Head of our Body. But desiring His glory, submitting to His leading as a response of love, and drawing near to His heart in obedience will prevent a need for severe pruning. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted May 26, 2015 Report Posted May 26, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? Judicious pruning benefit good growing of the grape vine. Christ is the vine, and God is the gardener who cares for the branches to make them fruitful. The branches are all those who claim to be followers of Christ. The fruitful branches are true believers who by their living union with Christ produce much fruit. But those who become unproductive—those who turn back from following Christ after making a superficial commitment—will be separated from the vine. Unproductive followers are as good as dead and will be cut off and tossed aside. Jesus makes a distinction between two kinds of pruning: (1) cutting off and (2) cutting back branches. Fruitful branches are cut back to promote growth. In other words, God must sometimes discipline us to strengthen our character and faith. But branches that don’t bear fruit are cut off at the trunk not only because they are worthless but also because they often infect the rest of the tree. People who don’t bear fruit for God or who try to block the efforts of God’s followers will be cut off from his life-giving power. Quote
royk Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe?God's pruning of us believers is found upon His unfailing love and wisdom. We can't understand trials, though we can try to intellectualize them. By seeking to know and obey God better, in theory, this will increase trust, but perhaps not decrease pain. Take the case of Job. In reality we can't resist pruning very much, it can be painful. Better to let go, but easier said than done. the serenity prayer is one way to learn to accept what God has allowed to happen, such that we can remain in His peace despite some pain, or even great pain. It is a good excuse to pray as if that needed an excuse Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted October 6, 2015 Report Posted October 6, 2015 How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? Judicious pruning improves the quality of the fruit and stabilizes production. Failure to prune the vines negatively affect the growth of the vine and the crop in the following season. What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? God uses the Word to cleanse and refresh us so that we can bear good spiritual fruit for His harvest. In John 15:3 Jesus said, “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” and Paul reiterated that very same thing in his letter to the Ephesians when he wrote, “…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word…” (Ephesians 5:26-27) He eliminates unproductive activities in the church in the same way and although He may cut away some things that hurt at the time, like a favorite activity or a change of leadership, through it all, He never, ever sacrifices quality for quantity. Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? God prunes away the old to invigorate, freshen, revive and renew our lives and sometimes that pruning can be painful so we resist. To reduce the pain of pruning, we should be studying scripture, praying fervently and living our lives the way Christ Jesus expects us to live it. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 8, 2018 Report Posted October 8, 2018 Judicious pruning benefits a grapevine because it gets rid of the dead or dying branches. The productivity and health of the vine goes downhill when it isn’t pruned. God uses burdens and difficult time to prune us and make us more productive. I think God also uses burdens and difficult times to prune the church congregations. We resist pruning because it hurts for a while. We should away go to God so that the eventual pruning isn’t too severe. Quote
Godswriter Posted June 4, 2019 Report Posted June 4, 2019 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? What does God use to prune our lives? What does God use to prune our congregations? Why do we resist pruning? What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn’t as severe? It enables the vines to prouduce more fruit and get rid of the excess dirt. It stops growth and fruit happening. He can use anything to prune our lives from hardship to discipline. Usually a split. Because it is painful and hurts. We can yield more to His will. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted September 2, 2020 Report Posted September 2, 2020 Q1. (John 15:2) 1. How does judicious pruning benefit a grapevine? Judicious pruning benefits a grapevine in the following manner: · It stimulates growth; · It allows the vinedresser to shape the vine; · It enables production of maximum yield without breaking the branches with too many clusters for them to bear; · It protects against mildew; and, · It leads to the production of better quality wine, with more highly concentrated and flavorful grapes. 2. What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? When a vine is left unpruned, the fruit for the new season will be less, and the vine will be unhealthy from insufficient light and then, grow wild. 3. What does God use to prune our lives? We may be driven to forsake something that is dear to us only to find that God is redirecting us to a godly task. 4. What does God use to prune our congregations? Our congregations need to have deadwood Church leaders removed from their positions and others appointed. Sometimes there are such challenges in the Church that many members leave the Church and the rest are devastated. If the remaining congregation humbles itself before God and asks for forgiveness, God might turn this loss into a new growth. 5. Why do we resist pruning? Pruning is an unpleasant and shocking experience. 6. What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? We should put it deep in our hearts to trust, love and obey God. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 The grapevine will produce better fruit and the Vine will thrive much better. An unpruned Vine will have substandard grapes. The decayed branches will not foster robust growth of the Vine. Christ was emphasizing the current state of 'katharos'. True heart purity is now. That is why we must abide in the holies of Holies each day; we need a new baptism of the Holy Spirit to renew us. By refusing to abide in Christ, he will be cast off as a branch that is withered. Very important to study the fruits of the Holy Spirit as stated by St Paul's letter to the Galatians and the Sermon on the Mount. Daily examination of one's conscience and confession of sin are paramount. John 14:10 underscores that one must render obedience to God by keeping his commandments. We are called to be righteous as Christ was righteous (John 17:14-16; 1 John 2:29). No half-way Covenant with God. Our journey to heaven is not a walk in park We need to continue in obedient grace; God will prune us as he sees fit so we grow in sanctification. We are not fully aware how our characters are not completely subjected to Christ. During periods of sorrow and times of bewilderment, God is sanctifying us. Thus perfect obedience is incumbent to get answers to prayer (John 15:9-14). Truly this Christmas season a time of soul searching and repentance. Quote
Irmela Posted September 8, 2022 Report Posted September 8, 2022 Q1. (John 15:2) How does judicious (prudent, wise, sensible) pruning benefit a grapevine? It ensures better growth, and the fruit is also better. Concentration of nourishment is then on the healthy part not on a part that is "sickly". Also there is then a healthier crop that can get enough air and sunlight What happens to productivity and health when a vine is left unpruned? The vine grows wild. Overproduces but not with good quality fruit. What does God use to prune our lives? He requests of us to lay aside some things that are maybe in themselves not bad, but they hamper our growth and drawing closer to Him. It could be habits or extra activities that do not help us in our spiritual growth, instead, they might even hamper our growth. What does God use to prune our congregations? Sometimes He removes those that are spiritually "dead" and not really interested in serving Him. Sometimes people need shaping for the place God wants to use them in in the next season and He "prunes" them by allowing certain things to crop up that they cannot function in the previous activity anymore and are then able to function in the position He has planned for them. Why do we resist pruning? It hurts and is often uncomfortable at first. We tend to be creatures of habit and sometimes find change to be hard. What can we do so that the eventual pruning isn't as severe? Stop resisting. Give in to the Holy Spirits leading and allow Him to prune as He sees fit. Quote
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