seeking Posted July 4, 2004 Report Posted July 4, 2004 The fact he is returning to complete his salvation in us and our faith will receive its reward and His glory will be manifested. Hope because we will receive a crown of glory and he will restore , strenghten and confirm us. Self control and soberness : our lives will be judged by him. So we are to live holy lives. We are do so constantly since we dont know the hour or day when he shall return. When we dont expect Christ to return soon we fall in to complacency and sometimes get caught up in sinful practices. Thinking that we will get it right just before he comes. Quote
mollymadhat Posted September 11, 2004 Report Posted September 11, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Christ's comming should get our attention because for each human being, God is comming soon. Even if He comes in 1000 years, our time on this earth may end tomorrow, or next year. Whatever it is - Life goes very fast. We fool ourselves by thinking that there's always time. That is exactly what the devil wants us to think. Also it should get out attention because we don't want to be ashamed at His comming. Sometimes when there is something on T.V. in our house that I think may not be good, I try to imagine Jesus sitting there with us on the couch. Would He be comfortable with what we are watching? We need to be sober and ever watchful that we don't become complacent and miss the BIG PICTURE. That Jesus may be comming very soon. This should and does inspire hope because just imagine : No more fear, dissapointment, saddness, anger, rejection ever ever ever again! Now THAT's great!!! Quote
Pappahuey Posted November 27, 2004 Report Posted November 27, 2004 What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? We will recieve salvation and grace for what we have done. Why should it inspier hope? because without hope we have nothing to look forward to. Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? Beacuse that is what Jesus was and is all about. What happens in our lives when we don't reallyexpect Christ to come soon? We lose any hope so we then live our lives as we see fit-do whatever we want. Quote
N.I.C Posted April 11, 2005 Report Posted April 11, 2005 What about Christs coming should get our undivided attention? Knowing that one day God is coming back for all of His children and that He is going to look into how we've spent our time here on earth. He is also going to take our behaviour and attitude into account. Because of God's grace, no matter where we are at in our walk with God, He is going to, in a sense, pull us ALL across the finish line. In other words, we will ALL be perfected by Him and we will ALL receive a "crown of glory." Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? Personally, I don't want to cause God anymore pain than I already have. I've gotten to a point in my life where I don't want to live for myself anymore. I don't want to live selfishly. God gave me His best and in return I want and am determined, with His help of course, to give my best to Him. And I am looking forward to that reward that God has for me. When we don't expect Christ to come soon I believe we become lazy and irresponsible "Christians." We become more laid back in accepting Christ as oure saviour and in living our our lives in a holy way, because in the back of our minds we think taht we always have plenty of time. (Time to believe, time to get our lives back in order with God, exc...) Quote
Robert Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. Quote
Robert Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. Quote
Robert Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. Quote
Robert Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 Pastor Ralph said: The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. Quote
Robert Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 The 2nd coming of Christ will bring about His glory to shine upon those who believe in Him. Our precious salvation will be realized and God's awesome presence will be felt through the heavens and earth. God's great mercy for His people will give us new birth into eternity and the sharing His inheritance withi us in heaven. It should inspire great hope for us for an eternal life with Him in heaven through God's great mercy for us that we are made righteousness through the blood of Jesus who has sacrifice for us to atone us for all our sins. We are work out our salvation here on earth to prepare us for our eternal home in heaven. God's grace can only come from our obedience. They are not mutually exclusive. If we live as though Christ will not return sooner, we may be living rather a casual Christian and our faith can be compromised. Quote
steve.c Posted May 15, 2006 Report Posted May 15, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Jesus' second coming is the culmination of His ministry; it is when the promise will be fulfilled; it is when we will receive our salvation. It is the central purpose of our lives here on earth, which is why it should receive our undivided attention. It is to be a glorious time, better than any of us can imagine. The knowledge of this happening in the future is uplifting and motivating. It is clear how the righteous of the kingdom of God are to live. The Bible is our guide on how we should behave. We are not to give in to worldly or bodily passions and lusts but to control ourselves as we have been taught. We must always be ready for His return because Jesus told us to be so. " You must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." [Luke 12:40] If we do not expect his return soon, we may back-slide and are lives become distracted with worldly affairs and our focus becomes blunted. Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 17, 2006 Report Posted May 17, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? As true believeres we should live expectantly with a dddaily rrenewal in our lives . The Holy Spirit has sset us aside to constantly lool for that hope. WWe are born again not only to a hope but to an inheritance that is the substaance of hope.Faith itself is precious but is valuable. We do not see Him now and much in the scriptures tell us to watch and Pray. I feel today is so wicked thaat Christ would weep a s He did on Jerusalem as elievers Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Quote
joanharmelink Posted June 12, 2006 Report Posted June 12, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? as a christain we have a living hope that Christ will return and that hope is ever before us as wwe anticipate Chrrist's coming.It will be an exciting experience to see Christ in all of His glory and welcominng us home to all His fulness and receeive our inheritance of all He has promised us. Knoowing it can will come at any time, cay or night gives me to look eexpectanly and be aware of my obedience to Him and not blindly attached to this world. If we are not aware that Christ could come at any time an d lead lives of no regard to His coming, we fall into apaathy and lose purpse and meaning to the life we have begun to live and we become morre attached to this world than before. Quote
milliehollis218 Posted June 25, 2006 Report Posted June 25, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Knowing that Christ will come again should make us want to live better lives. Knowing that when Christ comes we will be judged for the good/bad things we did with our lives, it should make us want to do better. If you don't think Christ will come soon, for some of us is bad because we'll allow satan to make us keep doing bad things and committing sin, therefore knowing that because of Christ 2nd coming we want to try and follow in his footsteps and try and listen for God's voice to help us during tough times as well as good times so that when he does come we will be ready. Quote
L. Turner Posted October 24, 2006 Report Posted October 24, 2006 We should excited and give our undivided attention to the second coming of Christ; because of the grace that we will be given when He returns. It should inspire hope in us because we know that salvation will finally be received and consumated. We will receive a crown of glory. All of this should inspire self-control and soberness in us. I believe when we don't expect Christ to come soon, we become unmotivated and careless. We should be excited and give our undivided attention to the second coming of Christ; because of the grace that we will be given when He returns. It should inspire hope in us because we know that salvation will finally be received and consumated. We will receive a crown of glory. All of this should inspire self-control and soberness in us. I believe when we don't expect Christ to come soon, we become unmotivated and careless. Quote
Jewell Posted May 6, 2007 Report Posted May 6, 2007 Grace. It should inspire hope, self-control, and soberness as we show our commitment to Christ and our willingness to walk his path. When we don't expect Christ to return soon, we become lax. Quote
Craig Posted May 22, 2007 Report Posted May 22, 2007 Jesus' return should have our undivided attention because He warned us before He left that believers should be watching and prepared for His return lest we be caught by surprise. Without watchfulness, we get sloppy with our spiritual life and physical conduct. Watching for Jesus' return helps us to stay focused on the big picture. The world tends to distract us from spiritual and eternal things to temporal things. Jesus' second coming should inspire hope because it is the goal. It is awesome and amazing. It makes everything that we do for Jesus on this planet have profound eternal meaning and purpose. Quote
Christian Girl Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? This is just a test. I am at the library but cannot get to this screen from home. Quote
Robin D Posted March 5, 2008 Report Posted March 5, 2008 We need to be diligent about saving souls. Christ's coming should inspire hope, because we do not have much time here to spend suffering or with earthly trials. It should inspire self-control and soberness so we can be an example to others. We get slack in our job when we don't really expect Christ to come soon. We also don't live with our minds on Christ like we should. Quote
Tabatha Posted May 10, 2008 Report Posted May 10, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Where do we start? What changes do we need to make? PETER suggests 5 things that we need for our lives to be filled with God. Remember what the man said. " We've conquered outer space but not inner space." If we're going to be filled with God, " Inner Space is where we must begin. 1. WE NEED a NEW MINDSET ( v. !3 a ) NIV-- " Prepare your mind for action." "Gird up up the loins od your mind"- means " Don't let your mind get fat and lazy." The mind wanders unless we strictly control it. SPIRITUAL TROUBLE ALWAYS BEGINS WITH A LAZY< UNDISCIPLINED MIND> All our problems start between our ears. First we think it, then we dwell on it, and then we do it. So it is with anger, bitterness, impatience, ****, greed, and every other sin. If you want to be Holy, you've got to control your mind. 2. WE NEED A NEW FOCUS> ( v. 13b ) " Be self-controlled " or " Be sober. " Speaks of the need to be free from a clouding influence. In a broader sense, the Greek word means to be free from anything that clouds your moral or spiritual judgement. The point is you know the truth about things that does this, because the Holy Spirit lives in you. If you will listen to the Holy Spirit, He will give you clear guidence. But even the Spirit can't help you if you reject His leading. Keep your eyes open , Don't let anything cloud your vision. 3. WE NEED a NEW GOAL ( v. 13c ) PETER says, " You will see Jesus when He returns to the earth. Keep your eyes on the prize". The Christian life is not a 100m sprint it's more like a marathon. KEEP RUNNING< AND DON"T STOP UNTIL YOU SEE JESUS STANDING AT THE FINISH LINE. The race is hard and long, difficult, at times discouraging, you'll never finish if you don't keep your eyes on the goal. ( The coming of Jesus Christ ) It will change the way we live, the choices we make, the words we speak, and the path we follow. 4. WE NEED A NEW LIFE STYLE> ( v. 14 ) Don't slip back into the your old ways of life. Let your life by its outward character demonstrate the inner change that Jesus Christ has made. We must make a decisive choice, a character-shaping decision to break with the old life once and for all. We will be what we choose to be. 5. WE NEED A NEW STANDARD oF CONDUCT> ( v. 15-16 ) We know God and God is Holy. Holiness is the essence of what it means to be God. If you are a Christian, there ought to be a family resemblance , God's children ought to reflect their Father's basic character to the world. As a Christion, I bear the name of my Heavenly Father, And so do you, If you know Jesus Christ as a Saviour, To be Holy means to live so that others will think well of you. To be Holy means bringing credit to our Heavenly Father . This is true Holiness when "We've conquered the inner space so the outer space will reflect Jesus Christ. A message like this calls for searching self-examination. Jesus Christ came to bring God to us and us to God. Quote
Rebecca M Posted May 21, 2008 Report Posted May 21, 2008 We should take the second coming of Christ seriously because he paid so dearly for our salvation. It should inspire hope because many of the justices we hope to see on earth will happen at that time. We let God know we are being vigilant in waiting for him by exercising sobriety and self control. We can actually forget that Christ will be returning and just start to focus on our earthly needs....some people not worrying about their faith until late in life when they think they might be close to death. All the time not realizing that Christ could come long before we're close to death. Our life loses it's purpose when we do that and becomes too self-centered. Quote
John Weir Posted May 25, 2008 Report Posted May 25, 2008 Our very Salvation depends on our being prepared for Christ's 2nd coming. Preparation is the state of mind, soul and spirit we have at this time. We must prepare now for this time. The preparation that we are experiencing inspires hope as it convicts us of the fact that even if we die physically in Christ, we will be raised up. We will go into His Kingdom with Him. Self-control and sobriety are commands that are part of this preparation. Our way of life here on earth is closely linked to our beliefs. It has been said, ' Sow thoughts and you reap actions, Sow actions and you reap habits, Sow habits and you reap character'. Christ can come at any time. What will our character be like when he comes. Quote
Mrstoler Posted July 12, 2008 Report Posted July 12, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? I believe it is the fact that He is coming and that He expect use to be living a holy life. He expect to find us faithful. It should inspire hope because Jesus can't lie. We should have self controll and be sober because we want to be with Him when He returns. When a person don't expect for Christ to come that person becomes relaxed and feels that he or she can do what they want for a little while longer. Quote
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