jbwalya Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 Christ's coming should get our undivided attention because His coming will bring and finalize our salvation. This should inspire our hope because we long for a life of joy, peace and righteousness and His coming will fulfill this longing. Now because no one who is unholy will see Him, we need to make our election sure by being self-controlled and sober in our character. When we don't really expect Christ to come soon, we often tend to become complacent and lazy. We get occupied with other things. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Christ's coming should get our undivided attention because it is the cumination of what we hope for. It inspires hope because it is the consummation of our salvation. We should make sure our priorities are correct and if we are not inspired to self-control, the allure of the world may confuse those priorities. If we are not in constant anticipation of Christ's coming our hope could start to fade and we could get sloppy in our behaviour. Quote
Pastor Sherry Posted February 7, 2004 Report Posted February 7, 2004 What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we really don't expect Christ to some soon? Christ is our salvation and our hope is in Him. To those who love Him he is a Rock of Salvation, a fortress from the force of the world(Satan), but to those that do not follow His council He is a Rock of Destruction that will detroy those not in Christ. Our hope is in the imperishable redemption we have by being born anew, no longer part of the world. Being born anew or born again we will continually stive for holiness, being obedient children to the will of God. To me not living as if Christ will return soon it seems that one would not be spiritually gurded so as to be strong in the trials of this world. We could have no hope of salvation and not grow in our holiness as imitators of Christ. If one does not live as though Christ were returning soon I would think that they do not really have a hope in Christ nor do they believe in His promises. Quote
Berachah Posted February 8, 2004 Report Posted February 8, 2004 The Coming of Christ is our Blessed Hope! It is the goal, the reward that lays before us. It is when we will see our blessed Lord face to face in all His Glory! We are encouraged to live a life of holiness or separation unto the Lord so that we will hear Him say "Well Done thou good and faithful servant enter into the joys of the Lord." Our lives must be lived in obedience to Him because we are living in the light of eternity. We are not to be caught up with this world's system or carried away with what this world has to offer. We are to occupy til he comes. That is we are to spread this Gospel to others but never lose sight of the fact that one day He is coming for His own. We are not to be slack in our labors for the Kingdom here in this world, but we are to remember that we are strangers here and our citizenship is in Heaven! Quote
KarenAnn456 Posted February 8, 2004 Report Posted February 8, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We are new creatures in Christ, set apart from all our old worldly ways. Be holy and obedient. Yielding to the Holy Spirit, renewing your spirit daily, seeking after the things of God and be obedient to God's calling. It inspires us and gives us hope, the hope that Jesus will be coming to take us and be with Him for all eternity, with no more sin, sickness, pain or suffering. The Lord has the best for us, and His love is beyond compare of anything we know, with no boundries or limits. We are told to be ready and watching, be like and fashion our life after the life of Jesus, being guarded by a sober and clear head and heart, not clouded by fake imatations (drugs/alcohal). If we don't live everyday as this could be the day the Lord will come for His children, then we won't be ready and watching. Our hope will also wither away and we'll be caught up in the things of the world, instead of the things of the spirit and the ways of the Lord. The Lord will have come and we will be left behind, because we were doing our own thing instead of being that child of the Lord. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted February 9, 2004 Report Posted February 9, 2004 When Jesus comes I shall see him face to face - what an awesome thought. Jesus says, "Stay awake, because you don't know the day or the hour." (Mt. 25:1-13) It inspires hope especially in our world today, because God is going to make all things new. He is going to make his home with us and there will be no more tears, no more death, no more grief, crying or pain. There will be no more terrorist attacks, no more abuse, no more killing, no more ethnic cleansing. We loose hope that there is a better life. We live only for today Quote
Debora Posted February 10, 2004 Report Posted February 10, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should it get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Most definitely for God's plan for us will be fulfilled upon Christ's second coming which would inspire hope. It is a time for venegance and justification for those whose lives were taken for the faith as martyrs. For those enduring and perserving persecution and strife and famine there is something greater in store. It is a time for which our goal will be attained like Paul who set his sights on the finish to earn the prize, that is our salvation. The enemy, satan, will be cast into hell and gone for eternity. There will be no more pain, suffering, mourning and tears and when we come into eternity with God in heaven. Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? The other eternity offered is not favorable if it is to be tormented day and night in the burning fires of hell. Therefore, this in itself creates soberness and self-control, and the greatest influence is Christ himself and God's love that compels us. We must work out daily our salvation. We must be alert and catious of the enemy who prowls to destroy us, Christians. We must discipline ourselves in our daily life, giving priority to God as first in our lives; worship and obey Him, be faithful and true to Jesus. For we do not know the hour or the day and Jesus will come like a thief in the night it says, thus we must be on our toes and ready. What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We get lazy and comfortable and slip back into the world. A spirit of apathy or compromise may set in. Quote
kas Posted February 11, 2004 Report Posted February 11, 2004 We must perform the great commission - to preach the gospel. How many people can we affect now? Tomorrow may not come for some of us or others we know, so it is urgent that we tell people and be models of Christ. It inspires self control and soberness because to act out of control, etc.. will cause others to stumble - we have much accountability and it is to our shame if we aren't helping our family and friends and others into an eternity with Christ. Even imagining anyone living an eternity without Christ is unthinkable. Some people think they're going to heaven and aren't - they are dissillusioned. Salvation is a constant effort. We are not so secure. As long as we remain in Him He will remain in us so we have to be constantly in Him. Some think to just believe in Jesus is enough. There's sooo much work needed to be done on our selves and telling others. If we can think that today may be our last day on earth - perhaps we would act much differently. I know I would. Quote
cct1106 Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 Get ready and be sober and you have obeyed all commandments for when the end of days come you will not be punished. If you have not done so or partially so then get right with your heart, mind, and soul and most of all God. What happens in our life thinking that Christ is not coming soon is we continue to live and believe that we have time to get things right. That's a big mistake because you never wait for the last minute regarding Christ. You should have already been getting things right and continue to be and live as a Christian. If you wait for the last minute its too late to make ammends. There is no telling when the end of days is coming. It could be in the next hour, day, week, month, or year but what we do know from reading the Bible that the end of days is coming. Quote
kitty Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 The great anticipation of Jesus' coming is glory, final judgment and vindication of the believers. The inspired hope is so we won't be sloppy with the life that we have, but to live in holiness. When we don't expect Jesus to come back, we aren't watching and letting the enemy have an open door to walk in. Quote
cooperfred Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 The focus of our hearts should be for Christ's return. Our hope should be set fully on it because it is the consumation of all a Christian truely longs for. Knowing this, That He Is Coming, we should desire to live Holy lives for His glory. Wanting to be pleasing to the One before Whom we will soon stand, or should I say, kneel before. When we loose sight of it we become sloppy & start getting entangled in the passing pleasures of this world. Quote
Barry ben Levi Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 Well, I say it needs our undivided attention because we don't know the future - Not even the next minute! The inspiration of hope is this; God controls the future and if we are living in His salvation, then it's gonna work out. If not.... there is a very deep grave waiting. That's sobering to me - no salvation... NO hope. I heard from a Rabbi that we should ALL strive for forgiveness and Salvation on the day BEFORE we die! Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 21, 2004 Report Posted February 21, 2004 Undivided attention should be on meeting Christ face to face with holiness. After sacrficing himself on the cross to wash us clean with His blood, He excpects us to meet Him in all holiness. Otherwise we cannot face Him or come anywhere near Him. This holiness will inspire in us a hope that the future with Christ will be a blessed one as He has promised special blessings upon His revelation. Salvation's work, started here on earth, will be finished when a Christian enters His presence. Crown of glory is promised to those who faithfully finish the race. Christ will be seen in all His glorious majesty. To be able to meet him (Christ) when He comes back requires a standard that is to be aquired. To reach those standards, our lives should be in total control of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit directs our lives, there is no confusion in our way of lilfe. Every sphere of our life will be balanced and in tune with His teaching When we don't expect Christ to come soon, lethargy sets in. We become sloppy and fruitless in our Christian lives. Quote
linda bass Posted February 21, 2004 Report Posted February 21, 2004 What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? The fact that He will return to reward believers and punish those who have rejected Him. Why should it inspire hope? We can be confident that if Christ came the first time to save us from our sins, that He will also return the second time just as He promised. Why should it inquire self-control and soberness? The great hope of Christ's return should inspire us to live a life of holoness. The hope of Christ's second coming should motivate us to get our lives in order. What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We may become lazy and become prone to apathy in our Christian walk. If we don't expect Christ to return any time soon then we may become lax in telling others about Christ. Quote
george Posted February 23, 2004 Report Posted February 23, 2004 Q1. 1Pet.1:13 Our minds should be in a constant state of readyness, to carry out duties or to endure the trials of life. If we did not continue in self-control and soberness we would miss everything. If we think we have lots of time, we would become complaisant, and we would be caught unready. Quote
jeffmcl Posted April 12, 2004 Report Posted April 12, 2004 If we worked for a large, international corporation and we learned the CEO/President was coming to our local office for a visit, how excited would we be??? How much work would we do to make sure everything was in order and ready for his inspection? I actually experienced this early in my secular career. If that is true about this (temporal) aspect of our life, how much more should our Lord's return get our undivided attention? The absolute certainty of his return, as provided for in Scripture and attested to by God's faithfulness throughout human history, evokes a hope in us that stands in stark contrast to the bleak world around us. This world offers no real hope because, as His Word tells us, it will be destroyed in the Consumation. If the above is true, therefore, our response should be to live lives that are self-controlled and consistent with the Bible's commands for living righteously. We should exhibit outward behavior that is consistent with what we believe is true in our minds and hearts. Since he is coming again, I should WANT to keep my house in order and ready for his inspection. When I lose sight of this reality, or lose my sense of anticipation about his coming, I allow myself to become enthralled with the things of this world and I find myself moving away from God. The consequences of loss of fellowship with Him are never good. Quote
POJC (Prisoner of Jesus Christ) Posted April 15, 2004 Report Posted April 15, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We are to live a life that regards and appreciates such an awesome and precious salvation. If we understand the price that Jesus Christ paid for our Redemption, we will be compelled, by love, to live our lives for HIM. We want to be that Bride, without spot nor wrinkle; living a life of Faith, pleasing the Father and living in purity of heart for He is Pure. We have a purpose to fulfill while on earth, and we need to live for that purpose so that we can hear the words: "Good and faithful servant..." The Fact that we know Christ is Coming back for His Church inspires hope and focus to resist the world and its temptations for we have a better life in Heaven to look foward to. Also, we know that we will be rewarded for our good deeds, and we will receive a crown of glory. However, just by the fact of knowing that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and to Know that we will see Jesus Face to Face is enough to keep us separated for HIM. If we loose sight of His 2nd Coming, and see it as taking too long...we will start living for ourselves, losing sight of the Hope of the Full Manifestation of Salvation. We will start opening doors to sin, and not regard our precious salvation. We will also backslide of our steadfast faithwalk. Instead, we need to have that Living Hope burning with passion in our hearts so that we will live "Ready" for his 2nd Coming. Quote
PressThrough Posted May 2, 2004 Report Posted May 2, 2004 Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Oh! That He's coming! Why should it inspire hope? We'll be going home and will finally be able to see Him face to face, and He'll hug us and say "Well Done". Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? So we don't get caught up in the world system and miss the call. What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We get complacent with His Word, unwatchful for Him, and hardened hearts through the trials that are meant to build His character up in us. Quote
spclk22 Posted May 14, 2004 Report Posted May 14, 2004 Knowing that he is coming and that we need to be ready at any moment that he may want us with him. We should take everyday to preapre ourselves for an eternal life with him and to help others to find there way to him. Knowing that by beleiving and doing his works we will be with him in eternity should be enough to inspire self-control and stuborness. Because we have something to look forward to, knowing that there is more for us than waht we have here on earth in the present. When we don't expect his coming we tend to slack off and forget what is right in keeping our faith strong and start going back to our old self before we were born again. Quote
peggysue Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 I find the more time I spend in prayer,being surrounded by christian friends,reading the Bible etc,helps one to stay focused and close to Jesus,we will tend to want to do His will more as we love Him more and want to serve Him more and trust Him with all situations in our lives,then we tend to be able to stay stronger as a christian and not "fall" Quote
mlewis Posted June 15, 2004 Report Posted June 15, 2004 Christ coming should get out undivided attention because he's coming like a thief in the nite, no man knows the day nor the hour. Is should inspire hope because Christ is coming back for the church who are the believers. That alone should inspire us to live of life according to the Word of God. I think we lose hope and be conformed to the world. Quote
heatherdills Posted June 17, 2004 Report Posted June 17, 2004 Christ's coming should get our undivided attention because when He comes it will be in the blink of an eye. It should inspire hope because Christ is coming back for those who believe in Him and have lived according to their faith. This should inspire us into soberness because we have to be always ready for His arrival. When He comes it will be too late for the coulda, shoulda, woulda's. When we really don't expect Him to come soon we get complacent and indulge ourselves in sin thinking that we always have tomorrow. Well there may not be a tomorrow. Quote
dig4truth Posted June 18, 2004 Report Posted June 18, 2004 Peter wrote this letter to Christians enduring difficulty. They were living in the dangerous times of the reign of an insane emperor Quote
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