emccoy Posted December 20, 2009 Report Posted December 20, 2009 I would define holy as being clean, free from fault, upright. The ways of Jesus are what define Holy. I would say that by giving my life to Christ, I have been made holy. He released me from the bondage of lots of things that I no longer even consider. I also can see and hear things that I once heard or saw and I am not mortified by it. It takes obedience to God's word to become holy. We read lots of things the word to help us in our daily living and help to sanctify us. However, the head knowledge is no good. Obedience is required and commanded. My biggest struggly with holiness is breaking old habits and especially when your growth is not the same (or on the same rate) as your spouse. Therefore, certain behaviors, reactions, and attitudes still rear their ugly head. I think not taking offense and responding with love no matter what is the most difficult thing for me. Quote
Ieshea Posted December 22, 2009 Report Posted December 22, 2009 I would describe holiness and being set apart, blameless, righteous (being in right standing with God). I would say that I have been set apart (chosen by God) and I try to keep a short sin account with God. In order to become holy, a person must submit to the Holy Spirit. Need to not sin (which is an act of disobedience). Very good to read that we can't make ourselves holy by will power alone, it's God's forgiveness that gives us hope and the Holy Spirit that works holiness within us. Praise God, doesn't mean we don't work it, just mean we need the Spirit's help to succeed in it. My biggest struggle with holiness is not always knowing if I am being holy and because of the life we live everyday makes it hard to be holy. When the world is doing just the opposite. Quote
Gann Posted December 29, 2009 Report Posted December 29, 2009 To me holiness means living for God looking for his coming at any given time. Striving to do those things that are good and right that we are taught in the Bible, which can only be done by the Holy Spirit working in us, (a life without willful sin). I can only be Holy by the Grace of God, from the time that I surrendered my life to live for Him and do His will and except His Spirit in my life to lead me and guide me through my daily walk. A full surrender to Christ. You must be completely obedient to His will in your life to become Holy, opening yourself up to His guidance in everything you do. The biggest struggle with being Holy is when I allow myself to get in the way and try to do righteous things on my own without allowing Holy Spirit to guide me. Self is always the one who gets in the way. Quote
Donna2 Posted January 19, 2010 Report Posted January 19, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? being separate from the world and live to humbly obiedent to God in all things and to do what he wants us to do and be what he wants us to be Quote
Donna2 Posted January 19, 2010 Report Posted January 19, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? to be set apart form the worldly things and do what God wants us to do for him daily Quote
rambler Posted February 11, 2010 Report Posted February 11, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Being like God. I have been made holy in his sight by the blood of Jesus. My will needs to be just like his in that I must conform (with God's help) into the image of his son. It is my mind. My attitudes and thought life. Quote
hanks Posted March 16, 2010 Report Posted March 16, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? I would define holy as being God Quote
cindyloohoo41 Posted May 4, 2010 Report Posted May 4, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Special, different then others to be holy would be to be set apart from the standard and to choose a sacred life. I guess in that simply being the Lord's living for Him set me apart and makes me holy. I must be obedient in my search for holiness, in my search to grow and learn all He wants me too. Not allowing sin to overcome me such as getting angry, or lashing out needlessly, or lying... It is a day to day battle with the flesh, but I know with everything in me that the Lord can change me not only can, but wants to change me. He chose me for Himself. His love, strength and power can conquer all sin. Quote
royk Posted October 31, 2010 Report Posted October 31, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Holiness is to be like God, to be God, to let God live through me, to be transparent so He can use me at any moment. That I would react to situations like Jesus while I'm here on earth, still alive in physical form. I've been made holy by the blood of Jesus, right now I can call on His power to do what he demands of me. The biggest struggle is me myslef and I, the ego which I was born with, the thing that tells me to follow what the world asks me to conform to, with every TV commercial, every news cast about the world, that doesn't implore us to come to Jesus, to make Him our center. Quote
glory Posted November 22, 2010 Report Posted November 22, 2010 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? I think holiness is being like Jesus in our character. I have been made holy and righteous unto God by the Blood of Jesus.Even though my actions aren't always right, my heart is right toward God and I'm always striving to do better so others can see a difference in me.In order for me to have close fellowship with the Lord, I have to give up the worldly desires and draw close to Him.I cannot conform to this world standards and be obedient unto God wt the same time.I sometimes struggle with anger and contrary thoughts. Quote
amatos Posted February 1, 2011 Report Posted February 1, 2011 Holiness to me is to be Christ like, to live as he lived, to bring glory to God not ourselves. I am holy now because I have accepted Jesus into my heart, following Gods will and living obedient to him. I think in order to be holy you have to be obedient to him or else you are still living in darkness. My biggest struggle with being Holy is not to let wordly views affect me and my decisions and what the Holy Spirit guides me to do. Quote
amatos0425 Posted February 2, 2011 Report Posted February 2, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? As being set apart, and devoted to God. I'm holy in my devotion to God, but my character could use a lot of work. Right now my biggest struggle is patience and self control. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 9, 2011 Report Posted February 9, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? "Holiness" is being compliant with God's laws and living inaccordance to His will being manifested in our daily walk. In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? Living according to God's laws. In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? in order to become holy one must obey God's Word. God's Word is His will for mankind. When we obey His Word we walk in accordance with His will and we become holy. What is your biggest struggle with holiness? My biggest struggle with holiness is seeing it more in the church and having the Body of Christ accept it in others. Quote
scottiegirl Posted April 2, 2011 Report Posted April 2, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Holiness is aspiring to live each moment of each day in the likeness of Christ by obeying the word of God and applying Christ's teaching to each and every situation we encounter. Holiness is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It is responding in love even to the unlovable. It is obeying and submitting our will even though we may not want to, which is what I struggle with the most...submission. Quote
Charms Towell Posted May 31, 2011 Report Posted May 31, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? 1) Being set aside for God's use only. Living a life according to His will and purpose for my life; a life not compromised by sin and temptation. 2) Jesus has paid the price for my sin by dying on the cross & being raised again. Placing my trust in the work He has already done allows me to become a new being (saved by grace) with a new character/ nature. 3) My duty is to become holy, turning away for sin and temptation and rather to live according to the friuts of the Spirit. I have to allow the Holy Spirirt me to convict me of my sin, and then I need repent & change my course. 4) Living in a sinful world that seems to have a louder voice, I am often distracted and find myself heading towards sin without realising it. I then feel trapped, not wanting to follow though with the sin, but not being able to backtrack neither. Quote
Paul H Posted June 23, 2011 Report Posted June 23, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? It means being set apart and separate from those who are not holy. This doesn Quote
Stan Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? To me holiness is being without any sin what so ever in your life, I know for me this is impossible, I can only be holy by the grace of God and His Son Jesus. I am only holy when God the Father looks at me through the work of His Son,Jesus, and what He did for me on the cross. I must strive to obedient to the word of God living a life of love for God first and my neighbor second. Living everyday as if Jesus is coming back today longing for His return and the glory it will bring the Father. My struggle comes from living for myself, I tend to be drawn in to the world of what's in it for me and I need to have more things. Quote
wifee Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 Drawing close to God,seek to resist temptation with God’s help,hate sin, love righteousness .We have been made holy by Jesus atonement, becoming more holy in our character through the Holy Sprit working in us as believers. b)My salvation in Jesus,our sins forgiven, restoring my relationship with God, has made me holy now. c)God has given us the path of right living, by hearing his word and applying it with help of others in housegps to grow more holy in my actionsand thoughts,and fight of the distractions of time,fear,pride. d)biggest struggle is getting distracted from growing to be the person God wants me to be.to be focused on biblical principles & not my own thinking. Quote
JeanieW Posted November 19, 2012 Report Posted November 19, 2012 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness We live in a fallen world. Sometimes we can glimpse what we think holiness is like, but we by our sinful nature struggle. We are holy because Christ did the work for us on the cross to redeem us from our sins. My biggest struggle is making the time to stay in the scriptures. Quote
Craig Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?  Holiness is separating by behavior and how I conduct my life from the ways of this world and ordering my life in alignment to the Word of God. In other words I take on Godly behavior and standards for my life and walk away form the ways of this world.  As a believer and follower of Jesus, I am holy now in Jesus Christ. Because God is Holy in order to be like our Father we be obedient and follow His way. There is no other way to be Holy, as God is, unless we follow His instruction as set forth in His Word.  Unholy self-gratification has been a struggle for me through the years. However, thank God, that as I answer this question today this issue has diminished greatly in my life. A desire to be holy and obedient is bearing fruit in my life. Quote
dmmelo9 Posted January 13, 2014 Report Posted January 13, 2014 Hello, Â To be holy means to be separate from the world (sins). Just live for God. Quote
dm1965 Posted January 23, 2015 Report Posted January 23, 2015 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Â Holiness is God. His character, His personality and who He IS. In this world we are called to be holy because God is holy. Therefore we are to be in the world, but not of the world. It's not easy to be separate ourselves from today's modern society, with so many social norms that defy the Word of God and even, in some cases, deny His existance, but praise God, His Holy Spirit gives us the strength to be overcomers, and if we miss it, we are in the Age of Grace where we can run to the Father, with contrite spirits, and He will forgive us. He knows our hearts and He knows we can't do it on our own. Were that the case, Jesus would have never came and sacrificed His life for our salvation. What a merciful God, that in spite of our weaknesses and sinful ways, He loves us unconditionally. What a mighty God we serve! Â We are obedient by learning and obeying the Word, having a daily relationship with God, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. walking in the fruits of the Spirit and having a humble heart that is willing to repent when we mess up, so that we are in rightstanding with the Lord. We are saved by grace, and our righteousness is as filthy rags. We strive to live for God, but we also are redeemed through Jesus Christ. I say this because if we aren't careful, its so easy to start looking at our works to be righteous. We strive to do our best. And its not just what we do, but the condition of our heart that defines whether our works are for rewards in heaven or here on earth. I want rewards in heaven. Â My biggest struggle with holiness is remembering who I am in Christ when I mess up. I struggle with guilt to the point where I will pull away when God wants me to run to Him. I am taking this course because I need my mind renewed by the Word, so that I may have victory in that area. I used to have a close walk with God and I allowed everyday cares of the world to take precedence over my relationship with God. I loved Him but He wasn't first in my life. And what I made first failed me, of course. I want my Jesus back in first place! This class is helping me to study His Word and grow in Him. Â Praise God for this online class. God bless you all for this online class. Quote
van Posted April 26, 2015 Report Posted April 26, 2015 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? I feel holiness is searching God with your mind, spirit and body. Constantly reading the Bible and listening to the Word being preached and to be obedient to God's words. They are not in the Bible for you to look at and if your obedient that means praying and studying God's Word. I am trying hard to keep my relationship with God on a good note. Many things He has removed from me and I don't dwell on my past, but my future. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted October 16, 2015 Report Posted October 16, 2015 Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Holiness is being self disciplined, no moral impurities and being set apart for the service of the Lord. But, without his help from the Holy Spirit I could not do this on my own. My flesh is too weak to succumb to the will of God. By his help I'm sanctified daily until the day of death. God has no impurities in him, nor can he tolerate it, his love and righteousness is his character and being. In a sense I'm no way living a holy life now, but through Christ enduring love and discipline I learn to become holy by his sanctification. In order to become holy I must be obedient to the commands of Christ, but the flesh is weak and the spirit is willing, hopefully through Christ I can learn obedience. The biggest struggle to holiness perhaps loving other people and I realize I am no way perfect, through Christ I learn to love other people as he did. Just daily circumstances of pressure from living can be a struggle, finances, family needs, mechanical devices breaking, culture and weather can all contribute to the struggle of being holy. I must admit that the Lord must have more patience than can be imagined to put up with me. Â Quote
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