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Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

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Holiness is being separated from the world's use for God's. I've been separated from the world's use through the gift of salvation. Just reminding myself that I'm supposed to be holy as He is holy is a challenge since I know I can't do it on my own. But with the help of the Holy Spirit and since I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I can live a holy life.


Holiness to me means that I am set apart unto God to be used for his will and his purposes. The blood of Jesus has paid for and purchased my salvation thereby making me holy by definition; however, obedience to the word and renewal by the word which transforms my mind shapes me into his likeness by the power of his spirit living in me thereby making me holy in my character as I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life and I walk according to his ways. I am still learning the word of God and also learning to crucify my fleshly, carnal nature, something we all struggle with.


Being holy is being separate or set apart from the world. I am holy in the sense that being a child of God makes me separate from the world. We must be obedient in order to become holy in the sense that if we are not obedient then we are one with the world and not separate from it. My biggest struggle with holiness comes in my job. God has given me abilities to be good at what I do and has blessed me with other Christians to work with, however I am continually attacked by the challenges of worldly accomplishments, greed, power over coworkers, etc. I must always remember to thank God and glorify HIM by separating myself from these challenges and do all that I do as if for the Lord. When I'm tempted to work for myself, or even for the company then I cease to be separate from the world. I struggle with that line of when it's for me or the company and when it's for God.


In your own words how would you describe holiness?

Holiness is living free from sin. It is being spiritually healthy and happy in Jesus.

In what sense are you (by definition) holy now?

I am holy now (as God sees me) because He sees the finished product.

In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy.

I must be obedient to do the things that will help me to grow and mature spiritually and that comes by READING THE WORD. And we need to pray for God to open our eyes and mind to receive His Word in truth.

What is your biggest struggle with holiness.

I think my biggest struggle with holiness has been in seriously studying the Word and meditating on it. I tend to become easily distracted. My mind wanders onto other things that God can handle. I need to be more diligent in forgetting distractions and cares and focusing soley on Him. I am no longer raising little children who need constant attention and care. It is other pressures and things that I allow to be put on me that keep me from attaining the goal I seek.

Matthew Henry puts it this way. "the consideration of the holiness of God should oblige us to the highest degree of holiness we can attain to."

We all need to be in prayer for each other. I get so much out of what everyone on this Bible study has to say. So lets encourage each other to grow and become the men and women God wants us to be.

God Bless,



The definition of holiness that helps me most is "set apart for a special, Godly purpose." This has nothing to do with our worthiness. Our holiness comes from God's holiness - and it is God that sets us apart for His purposes. I am holy now because of Christ's work on the cross - God's forgiveness puts me back in a right relationship with Him.

But again we come to that connection between grace and obedience. We are already holy (set apart), but we must also BE holy. That is, by our obedience and the Spirit's work within us, we must have a change of heart and behavior. We must be transformed, moment by moment, inch by inch, into the likeness of Christ.

My biggest struggle with holiness has to do with smugness and judgement. Instead of focusing on Christ and comparing myself to Him, it is often too easy for me to focus on others and compare myself to them. Are they "better" than me? Am I "better" than them? Can I "feel good" because at least I'm not like so-and-so? This competitiveness has always been a part of my life... except before I became a Christian, I assumed it was a good thing!







Holiness is being consecrated and set apart for Christ.

I've been forgiven and washed in his blood.

Striving for righteousness through sanctification.

My biggest struggle with being holy is living out the fruits of the spirit on daily basis.


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

To have the quality of being separated for God. I am born again and therefore have been separted for God yet I know that sin lives in me-in my flesh. I do the things I don


I believe the holiness is something that should affect every part of our lives. It is the way we think, act and speak. Our bodies must be used as instruments of righteousness for that is how the Lord intended it when we came to know Him. Our flesh constantly wars against our flesh. We must learn to consecreate and set ourselves apart from evil of every kind that we may fulfill the destiny God has for us.

I believe that the only way I am holy now is through salvation, Jesus' atonement for me. My sins are forgiven and I need to constantly renew my mind with the Word of God that His character would be formed in me. That I would obey the word, walk in humility and know that by grace and not anything of my own ability will I continue to offer my self a living sacrifice to Him.

My job is demanding and I work long hours at times. I find that at times I set the word aside and that is when the evil thoughts begin to flood my mind. I must learn to find time and focus on prayer and thanksgiving to my Lord. The one the saved me from sin and brought me into His marvelous light that I may continue to be the salt of the earth in my workplace, with my worldly contacts and in my church.



Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Holiness is being changed by God. We cannot become "holy" in our own strength. Only by accepting what He has already done by dying on the cross as our substitute for the penalty of our sin--only this will start us on the way to "holiness!" I am considered by God a holy now, since when He looks at me, He sees Jesus standing in for me--with my sins forgiven!

I must be obedient in obeying God as He directs my life. If, when I feel God's leading me to do something, I refuse to obey, I am again sinning and must go to Him for forgiveness again. In other words, I must keep short accounts with Him, going to Him for forgiveness again and again--and asking Him to enable me to live closer to Him and in the way He requires, day by day.

:( As with everyone, My biggest struggle is to admit my sin and turn back to Him. How often we parcel out our lives, letting Him rule in some areas while shutting off some areas where we want to do our will rather than His! I deeply want Him to rule all my life, but, as Paul says, "That which I do not want to do, that I do!" Only He can make me pure and holy! For this I pray daily.


Just a quick preface to this question. I too am praying for all of you. What a blessing this study is and how wonderful it is to read all your responses. It is hard to add much, if anything, to all your responses! But the Lord works with each one of us in His unique and mysterious way. Thanks to all and may the Lord continue to richly bless each one of you!!!

Holiness in my life relates to all of your responses. It comes into my life where pride leaves off. As a child of the Most High God (that's very sobbering), my holiness comes from Him. He bought it for me at the Cross. I received it from Him as a gift; didn't have to work for it; didn't earn it; didn't even deserve it; but I truly want to bring glory to Him for this free gift that cost Him so very much. I wish not to tarnish that old wooden cross with sins, although I've already done that. I wish to bring glory to Him by allowing the Holy Spirit to take up full time residence in my life. Obedience to Him comes easier when I submerge myself in His ways by reading and studying His word, intimacy in prayer, consciousness of His presence, and responding to the promptings and opportunities that come before me. The joy of the Lord comes with obedience and obedience comes with the joy of His presence. The struggles come often but seem to be more "manageable" when by faith I take a hold of Him and consciously strive to be in His presence. What a privilege and honor to know Jesus and be counted holy because of His sacrifice!!


I am holy by the gift of holy spirit that lives within me.

I need to live in a spiritual manner to hear the directions and vioce of this spirit to guide me to do the right thing make the right choices.

I struggle as I think I can fix things that I know how it should be done better thatn trusting god to give the answers or salvation..

I am very resourceful and sometimes it isnt a good thing , the world has alot of quick fixes and answers for people searching for truth and I struggle with trusting that instead of Gods will or His word for my life.

Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"?

Being made separate for God


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Holiness is first and foremost an attribute of God, and one which we are expected to imitate. It is being completely separated from sin. (Easier said than done, practically speaking!) We live in a pagan culture, and so keeping ourselves "unspotted from the world" is daily, sometimes moment-by-moment, challenge.

Holiness is "being set apart for proper use" We CANNOT be holy, apart from the sanctifying (setting apart) work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I am so thankful for the Lord's prayer in John 17 -- I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. ... Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth.

This is encouraging, since (a.) I know it is possible to remain in the world and still be holy, (b.) I know Christ Himself prays for my sanctification and (c.) I know I am not alone, and that the Holy Spirit works within me and works through His word to make me holy.

I have the assurance of God in His world, that I am holy now in His eyes, since I have been redeemed by Christ's shed blood.

I can do nothing to alter that state, and that is a wonderful, freeing realization.

MY reponsibility is to be in His word and in prayer, and that is sometimes a struggle for me -- I need to challenge myself in managing my time. ... It seems like a small thing, but I have removed some games from my computer, since I can spend a lot of time (read that WASTE a lot of time) playing them. There is nothing wrong with the games themselves, but I realized I was not spending the time in prayer and personal relationship with God that I could be. ... That's my area of struggle. A second area of struggle probably centres around dealing with people. As a pastor's wife, I see a lot of the warts and bumps in people's lifes. I can get quite defensive very quickly, if I hear criticism of my husband's ministry. We have been through a lot in this area (although for 4 years now, we have been in a wonderful church), but it has been a challenge to learn to forgive one or two individuals who tried to make our life miserable.

... As an ending I should say, we have had apologies from 2 such individuals, and God's grace is magnificient -- there is nothing like healing for the body of Christ!!

Sorry for the meandering thoughts, ... you never know that God lays on your heart to share.


I think of holiness as "being without spot, blemish, or wrinkle"...then I think of me- and realize that doesn't describe me, at least not in the natural. As others have posted, the holiness that can be ascribed to me is only by impartation- by the propitiation of Jesus Christ being the sacrificial lamb. For, By His stripes we are healed, and For our transgressions He was slain...he is our Redeemer Kinsman- but we must always be sensitive to that fact- that our redemption cost Him His life. However, He was victorious over sin and the grave and Lives Forevermore! The biggest struggle for me is to yeild to the Spirit! I am always wondering , is that my imagination or God telling me something? Or when I hear that little warning , and igonore it, it becomes so easy to ignore again- as in , my conscience becoming "seared", or desensitized to the Holy Spirit's leading. That's dangerous. I often struggle with the same sins over and over, each time saying, I'll never do that again, but often not learning to live that out in the power of God's Spirit, not my own strength. It is very hard for me to BE spiritual, on a day-to-day routine basis. It's difficult to live in that "holy" place while I live in the very real and ugly world. It's something I need help with, if anyone wishes to pray for me. Thank you! Finally, while I definitely see my growth in so many areas since becoming saved in 1988, when I was 19, I still see so many areas where I need to move up. Consistently staying in the Word is the toughest for me now. Then living out what I learn- Oh, how I need to learn to let the SPirit live in me ALL the time!! I keep so busy running to and fro with various plans, dreams and schemes, just hoping that God approves because I haven't set my will aside enough to truly hear what He wants. Probably I am afraid I won't want to do what He might want. I need to trust that whatever He might want is always the BEST! So, how do you learn to really HEAR the voice of the Lord in each situation?


Holiness for the Christian has to do with our relationship to God and Christ. It is not something we assume for ourselves or decide we will be. The only reason I am holy is because I have accepted Christ as my Savior and the Holy Spirit dwells within me. My obedience keeps me in that relationship and allows me to walk in truth. My biggest struggle is the "tyranny of time" - there is too much to do and too little time to do it. We get distracted and frustrated, making it harder for God to work in us.


To me this was a scary topic because god says, "Be ye holy even as I am holy." I thought easy for you God. <_<

Then I learned that holiness correlates to wholeness.God wants us to be whole person s and wholly following Him. To be all we can be in Christ. To eliminate as much as we can of the fleshliness that brings us down so often and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us into godliness


When I consider the Word that says ,

Be ye holy even as I am holy. It is scary :(:blink:

I think what the Word is really saying is be whole, wholly devoted to God and be all you can be in Him. The flesh can easily and often bring us away from this goal, but the Holy Spirit is fathful to lead us in the right direction.


Holiness is having a heart towards God. Wanting to do His will and live obediently. We are made holy by the blood of Jesus who died in our behalf. It is not something that comes about by anything we strive for. Self "holiness" is described in the Scriptures as filthy rags. My biggest struggle with holiness is my self!


Holiness!!! That what we each , who are in him, try and live . Like him. Bring others to him for him and God the Father.

Holiness what we should try to reach for, walking in the light not the world. Being whole through him in all things we do. Loving, faithful the "friut of the spirit", be as the Father, Love the world so much that we too would give our all for another.

Holiness something I'll never be, for by nature I'm a sinner who will always fall short of the glory of the Lord, but one who has been save through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord, whodied on that cross for me! Holiness our Father and the Son


How would you define holiness? In what sense are you holy now? In what sense must you be obedient to become holy?

Websters' say it is "having divine qualities; set apart; sanctified; cleansed; blessed. I like sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 tells us that we are being "made holy, through His death and resurrection." I know I have received forgivenss and that Jesus' death has atoned for my sins. I am holy in Him and yet I am being 'made holy' as I seek His ways and am obedient to His Word. That process of sanctification..becoming more like Him.

What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Resisting temptation or using the 'old ways' to solve my problems. So staying focused in the Word and daily prayer. Staying in fellowship. There are times I look at the situations I am in through the worlds system and not a Godly perspective. This always causes me anxiety, I struggle then to be at peace with myself and others. Where is my strength---The joy of the Lord is my strength!!


HOLY---Conformed to the holy nature of God

We have to renew our mind and not conform to the things of the past when we did not know any better. Now that we know better we should do better and be obedient to God. We are holy by God forgiving us and that give us hope and the gracious spirit of God worketh holiness within us. We are made holy by the atonement of Jesus. It is written,"Be holy for I am holy."

This is the word of God and we should be obey it.

I have to be careful not to be conform to thinking any other way than the way God want me to think and behave. I am a new creature in Christ. Peter tells us to be prepared and have self control.


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

"Holiness" is closely related to "wholeness" as being made whole in Christ Jesus when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour; and we are to be set apart for His purpose, to glorify His name and lead others to do the same.

I think we are holy because we have the Holy Spirit living in us, directing our paths when we allow Him to do so.

We must be obedient to the Lord in living the way we know pleases Him, seeking to do His will, and always giving God the glory and praise for what He has done for us.

My biggest struggle with holiness is not taking the time that I should to stay in the Word and having daily devotionals. When I read in the Bible about all the old saints who were so devoted to the Lord and walked in holiness, it inspires me to walk closer with my Father; but, sometimes, I allow myself to get off track and get back in focus.

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