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Q2. (1:15-16)

In your own words, how would you define "holiness"?

Holiness would be living to the standards of God which he has set. The Word contains the standards for daily living. Then to be holy is to be 'washed' by the word, sanctified. The word when read is absorbed, eaten, chewed and digested will nourish a person. We then become like Him, to become like Christ Jesus.

The word sanctifies, sustains and guides you into living pure lives making a person "pure" over time, coming to perfection. We are being perfected by Christ to be holy through the Word and his Spirit.

In what sense are you (by definition) holy now?

My sins are forgiven which removes the barrier between me and God. I am becoming more holy by being discipled. Growing by the word, sanctification.

In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy?

When we are obedient God says, we will be blessed by Him. To obey Him and do as he asks keeps the relationship going thus the transformation process ongoing.

What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Having the ability to readily forgive others at the drop of a dime. Like God forgives me instantly, I should to others thus:

1. I need to have a heart just like Jesus'.

2. I need my mind to be transformed unto Jesus'.

3. I need my will to be conformed to Jesus'.

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Holiness is to be without sin and while we are all born in sin, it is impossible for us to be holy on our own, however, with His Spirit living in us we become holy. We have His Spirit because we believe Jesus IS the Son of God who died for our sins. To believe in something is also to act as if you believe it. So belief is synonamous with action. I believe is to act in accordance with His word and become holy. While I stumble and fall daily, I sincerely desire to act in total obedience and must pray daily (sometimes second by second) for forgiveness. As long as God sees my heart is sincere, I am forgiven. My biggest struggles are trying to live and think like Jesus would. After soo much bible reading I thought I would act better. I dissappoint myself daily. However, I know that the Spirit is showing me wrinkle by wrinkle so as not to overwhelm me with how much ironing needs to be done. I also have a struggle with doubts.


MrsLeeJT could have written my response - I really appreciate her frankness and openness in sharing her own struggles. And, like Kas, I struggle with doubts -- which is absurd, because upon examining my own life and the lives of others I know who have shared their testimonies, I am overwhelmed by the evidence of God's existence and love for all of His children. In fact, it (God's Love and my Salvation through Christ) is the only Sure Thing I have ever had in my life. So why does Satan constantly pester me with doubts? I know the answer - it is because I am still weak in the area of child-like faith, and my doubts are an inroad for him to get me to slide in the intertwined areas of obedience and holiness -- becoming like Christ, which is how I define it.

I noticed many of you expressed a difficulty with being in the Word. I think it is a struggle for all of us -- so much *easier* (relaxing?) to pick up a worthless magazine than the Bible isn't it? But what a difference in the way we feel afterwards once we've steeped our minds in His Word, instead of this world.

I don't know if recommendations are allowed, but it was an amazing and life-changing gift for me to pick up a copy of the One Year Bible. When I've fallen out of the chronology, and don't know where to begin, I can just turn to the reading for "today" and read it all, or choose from the Old Testament, the New Testament, or Psalms and Proverbs readings. I also find the language very accessible without being off-puttingly modern. Thanks to this wonderful version, I have read more of the Old Testament than I ever had previously (Samuel and Kings I and II are great reads), and I just love the Psalms as well as the great nuggets of wisdom found in the daily Proverbs.

I pray this will be of help to some of you who also struggle with this area.


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

To be holy, to submit your life after God and to fashion your life on a daily bases after the life of Jesus according to the Word of God, pray that the Lord guide you and inable you to walk as Jesus did.

The only way I am holy, because Jesus lives in me. Jesus is holy and his holiness makes me holy. Being submitted to Jesus, I am a child of God, saved by Jesus, makes me holy.

In the sense of being obedient to be holy, takes a inward motion of my heart, outward motion of my daily way of like and in the spirit being committed, obedient and faithful due to God's faithfulness. It is a way of like, but impossible with out Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

My biggest struggles are getting caught up in the world and the things around me, bills, finances, ect. My most hardest is staying consistant with my walk, I wavier or go up and down like a roller coaster. I pray for a consistant christian walk, so my life would be a light to those around me and bring glory to God. More of Jesus and less of me!


I am holy in the sense of wholsome

meaning that today by God's grace

I can be me, you will se the same

person at home, at work, at church

at social events.

I speak the same way to everyone

and I increase the intensity of honesty

and love when I am around strangers.

I must open my ears to the truth and

God's comands, sumit and be obedient

follow true with what has been written

and constantly watch for selfishness and

fear, when this crip up, I take the action

of contacting a friend to talk about to let

him know that I am an a bad place and

true prayer and meditation, repentance

and confession I am able to stay in the

path that leads to humbelness and

charity in this sense I must remain

obedient. My Lord and Saviosr was

obedient to the end of the beginning

and this gives me great strength and

hope so I can do the same or something

close to it..

My biggest struggle with holiness is my

pride, always gets in the way and constantly

have to be smashed. Simple but not easy.


Holiness is pure and obedient to the Word of God. Although we fall short, it is our constant attempts to remain pure and righteous in His eyes. I believe that my devotion to God (be definition) makes me holy now. I have to remember to constantly come to God and ask forgiveness for my shortcomings; I have to make time to be still and listen for his guidance.


Holiness - Being pure, and without sin.

Keeping the Sabbath, not doing evil things, living a pure Christian life. As far as sin goes, we all were born into sin but as children of God we ask for forgiveness and do not do or live by sin. We are not perfect but if we do anything wrong we should immediately ask God for forgiveness.

Because it is written for us to be holy for The Lord Jesus Christ is holy. For God has called us holy therefore we must be holy in all manner.

Biggest struggle with holiness is everyday life. No matter how strong the belief and faith we are still human with human reactions but we must not get engulfed.


Holiness is the ability to stand in the Holy of holies with no sin on me. To stand in the presence of God with no fear and worship him.

I believe that right now I am in a place where I can worship the father, without any walls between me and God.

When I am obedient to God, I am able to stand in the throne room of God.

Knowing that I can have confidence for who I am in Christ.


To be set apart (To God & from sin). We are set apart to God by the blood of Christ (Positionally) and become recipiants of His Righteousness. And by obedience we are set apart (Practically) by the Holy Spirit as He conforms us into Christ's Image. So often I try to be holy in myself but it cannot be accomplished without the Holy Spirit's power.


Holiness to me is a state of being right with God. At this point in my life, I'm more willing to be more like Jesus. For me, obedience is the key to attaining holiness. My biggest struggle with holiness is consistency. I find that I must discipline myself in order to live up to God's expectations of me.


I would describe Holiness as "fully acceptable to be in God's presence". For an example of what I mean, look at Isaiah (Is ch 6) where he is brought before God. In Isiah's on words, he says he could not speak because he was too impure. Isiah saw himself as not being Holy, until the Fiery Angel touched Isiah's lips with a hot coal held with tongs! After that Isaiah could stand and speak before the Creator. At Mt. Sinai, the people of Israel could not even stand and hear God speak - they listened to the first two Commandments, then moved waaaay back because of their discomfort. So... God told them what they could do in order to become Holy. Obey Him! Follow His precepts! In what sense could one be considered Holy today? Do the same thing.. Follow God's commandments, and accept the forgiveness for sins through the Messiah. When we do those things, we begin to experience the refining process that all believers go through. He does see us as "Holy and acceptable.... " because He sees us, covered by the blood of the Supreme Sacrifice, through Jesus, as Holy.


Holiness means to be separated from sin and separated unto the Lord. To live a life of holiness I must have His life in me and yield my life to Him. My obedience is of extreme importance as my life must reflect what is in me. My life, i.e. my obedience, must be a testimony of an inward work. My biggest struggle is always the fleshly desires which would pull me away from His Will to doing my own will. This is why none of us can say we have fully "arrived" in this matter of holy living. We are growing and learning and maturing each day. Holiness is a sanctifying process and is a daily work and a progressive work.


Holiness to me is obeying and doing that which pleases God. It means separating oneself from the sins of the world and focusing our attention upon the Lord.

In a sense we are holy now because we have already been made holy by Jesus' blood atonement. Our sins have been forgiven, removing the barrier between us and God.

My biggest struggle with holiness is I don't always do the things I know God wants me to do. Also there are some sins in my life that I struggle with that keep me from fully attaining holiness. :(


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Holiness is the most important character of God. Nothing can compare to His holiness. It is a state of perpetual living. God, in his all emcompasing kindness has made us holy by the wahing of our sins by His precious blood. Thereby, declaring us holy, set apart for His service and sanctified for His use. My part in being holy is accepting and believing that God made me holy by His atoning work of the cross and living to justify His love for me. My biggest struggle is keeping in constant touch with the Master and keeping my steps in His footsteps.


Q2 I would define holiness as imitating God. Be as He is but, never as an equal. Being born-again and sanctified, and washed in the Blood we are holy and perfect in His eyes. :lol: Without obedience, we would just drift away from the Lord, by that I mean we must continually want to please Him and stay focused on whats more important our Lord or this world. My biggest struggle would be those influences that the world throws out there is money. I worry sometimes if I make enough for my family. I know worry is just on of those tricks the devil uses, and He has always provided for me and my family in the past and He is not going to do diferent.

  • 1 month later...

<_< Holliness describes God's "otherness", or his separate-ness from sinful humanity. It also applies to things and people set apart exclusively for His purposes.

I am holy now, only in that He has called me out of darkness and declared me righteous on the basis of my faith in Jesus' sacrificial death and his resurrection.

By virtue of His mercy and grace extended on my behalf, I am complelled to be obedient to the commands He gave, as God works through me to mold me into Christ's image (sanctification) so that I am becoming more holy (sanctified) daily.

My biggest struggle is maintaining unbroken fellowship with Him.


Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

Holiness is not what I can do to keep away and separate myself from SIN, but what I will to keep close to the Presence of our Heveanly Father, walking in that highway of consecration (Paved by the Blood of Jesus Christ) to HIM with my whole Heart. It is being separated for God's use and purpose, not flirting with sin.

I am holy now by the blood of Jesus Christ which delivered me from the Law of Sin and Death. By His grace, I have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ. However, I must live in daily separation for Christ, and deal with my Character in order to be conformed to the Image of Jesus Christ. I must not conform to the patterns of this world, but renew my mind with the Word of God.

My biggest struggle with holiness is dealing with the miserable failures of weakness and sin; thus dealing with the condemnation, knowing I've let Jesus down once again. On the other hand, I need to keep in mind that this is a process of growth and change, and it will take time. Moreover, I thank God for His mercy and grace to lift us up so that we can continue this journey and finish with a note of Victory.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? Uprightness in Jesus Christ as a result from Loving Abba and being obedient to His Will, which is His Word.

In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? Unto salvation, by which I am adopted into the bossom of Abraham.

In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? Through the sanctifying blood of Jesus. Putting off the cares of the world and putting on the Will of God.

What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Focusing on sin in my life, either past or present.

  • 1 month later...

Holiness to me is living a life of purity with the Lord Jesus,the more you stay close to Jesus and be fulfilled by His love for you,living a holy life will come easier for a cgristian,and make us

handle temptations as a mature christian,yet when we fall we

know that through repentance we can have the forgiveness of Jesus


I would you define "holiness" as living in accordance to the will of God. I am holy now through my faith in Christ. I must be obedient to the Word of God in order to become holy. My biggest struggle with holiness is not fully relying on the Lord to meet my needs.

  • 2 weeks later...

Holiness means living a life that is pleasing to God. A life of purity body and this does not only mean physical purity but purity of the mind, heart and thoughts also.

I am being holy now by forsaking sin and seeking to resist all temptation to fall in to sin.

Holiness requires obedience because it is when we disobey God that we sin. When we sin and remain in sin we are acting unholy.

The biggest struggle is overcoming times of disobedience to God.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

I define holiness as a purity of mind and spirit and body. A complete surrender to Christ. I have been made holy by God's forgiveness of my sin. So God's part has been done. What I struggle with now is my part. My part to surrender and forsake ALL of my sin. I'm not a fanatic, I know that I won't be 100 percent perfect. But there is one particular sin in my life that I struggle with deeply. I pray for God to give me power to overcome this. I realize that the barrier between this sin and freedom is my surrender. God give me the power to surrender!!!

  • 2 months later...

In your own words, how would you define "holiness"?

To be like GOD, be with GOD- make GOD 1st in my life.

In what sense are you (by definition) holy now?

To take time to learn and do God's word.

In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy?

To read HIS words and follow them no matter what we think of them.

What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

To follow-up on what I read in the bible and not let the world enter into it.

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